Kingdom Animalia Biology MCQs

FSC Biology MCQs

Of the following which one is not included in Proterostomes?
A. Arthropods B. Hemichordates
C. Annelids D. Molluses
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All of the following are coelomates except
A. Deuterosomes B. Proterosomes
C. Hemichordates D. Aschelminthes
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Of the following which one is not the characteristic of Kingdom Animalia.
A. All animals are ingestive heterotrophs B. All animals are eukaryotes
C. All animals develop from the dissimilar gametes i.e. large sperm and small egg. D. It is largest kingdom.
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All the animals of the grade radiata are
A. Diploblastic B. Triploblastic
C. Both D. Unicellular
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The animals in which coelom is formed due to splitting of mesocerm are known as
A. Pseudocoelous B. Schizocoelous
C. Enterocoelous D. Emphicoelous
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In some cases the blastomere can produce complete embryo the cleavage will be
A. Spiral and determinate B. Radial and indeterminate
C. Spiral and indeterminate D. Radial and determinate
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In most triploblasts after embryonic development the three layers are represented as
A. Separate layers of cells B. Structures formed from them
C. Structures associated with them D. Their functions in body
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The function of coelom is
A. To increase the size of the animals B. To help in the functioning of reproductive system
C. To provide space for the development of organs and systems D. None of these
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In sponges fertilization takes place in
A. Ectoderm B. Mesenchyme
C. Endoderm D. Uterus
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All of the following are tue for platyhelminthes except
A. Flatwarms B. Triploblastic
C. Coelomate D. Bilateral symmetry
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