Gaseous Exchange Biology Class 1st year MCQs

FSC Biology MCQs

Oxygen contents per liter of air is
A. 10 ml B. 100 ml
C. 200 ml D. 100ml
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There are ______ stomata per square cm of leaf surface in Tobacco plants.
A. 1200 B. 12000
C. 100,000 D. 1000
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The glycolate produced diffuses into the membrane bounded organelles called
A. Glyoxisomes B. Peroxisomes
C. Lysosomes D. Mitochondria
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The blood enters the _____ side of heart
A. Posterior B. Anterior
C. Lateral D. All possible
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In most birds air sacs are _____ in number
A. 10 B. 3
C. 4 D. 9
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Functional units of lungs are called
A. Alveoli B. Air sacs
C. Parabronchi D. None of these
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The maximum amount of oxygen which normal human blood absorbs and carries at sea level is _____ per 100 ml of blood.
A. 10 ml B. 20 ml
C. 30 ml D. 40 ml
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Important factors which affect the capacity of haemoglobin to combine with oxygen is
A. Temperature B. Carbon dioxide
C. pH D. All of these
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A disease of longs in which inside of the lungs is damaged resulting in cough and fever
A. Lung cancer B. Asthma
C. Emphysema D. Pulmonary tuberculosis
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Which of the following animals has a respiratory system with one way flow of the air through the lungs, and the air is renewed after inspiration?
A. Cockroach B. Earthworm
C. Aves D. Frogs
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