Kingdom Protista Chapter Biology book Questions

FSC Biology MCQs

Which of the following statement about Kingdom Protista is incorrect?
A. Their members have characteristics which separate them from other kingdoms B. They only include unicellular aquatic eukaryotic organisms.
C. They do not develop from Blastula or embryo. D. They contain ancestors for fungi plants & animals
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Which of the protozoa has a striking resemblance to collar cells in sponges?
A. Zooflagellates B. Choanflagellates
C. Trypanosomoa D. Trichonymphas
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Which of the following statement about eiliates in incorrect?
A. Contain mainly unicellular organisms. B. Their contractile vacoule is respobsible for water regulation.
C. They are even capable of sexual reproduction. D. Diploid nucleus being smaller is responsible for cells metabolism and growth while polyploidy nucleus functions in sexual process.
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Stentor is a/an
A. Ciliate B. Foraniniferan
C. Actinopods D. Apicomplexan
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Complex specialized flagellates living symbiotically in the gut of termites are
A. Trichonymphas B. Trypanosoma
C. Euglena D. Radiolarians
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Of the following which one has glassy shells?
A. Radiolarians B. Forams
C. Both of these D. None of these
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Which of the following statement is incorrect about algae?
A. Their zygote unlike plants is protected by parental tissue. B. Their classification is based on pigment composition.
C. Most of them have different morphological forms in-different stages of their life cycle. D. Almost all of them are aquatic.
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The only group of algae having no flagellated motile cells at any stage is :
A. Chrysophyta B. Phaeophyta
C. Pyrrophyta D. Rhodophyta
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Based on molecular data euglenoids are thought to be closely related to
A. Dinoflagellates B. Zooflagellates
C. Protozoans D. Algae
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Of the following which one is not the characteristic of dinoflagellates
A. Most of them are unicellular B. They have blooms
C. Their cells are often covered with shells of interlocking cellulose plates impregnated with calcium D. None of these
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