Environmental Chemistry 12 Class MCQs

FSC Physics MCQs Part 2 Physics Part 1 HSSC Pre Medical Pre Engineering text Book Questions first year and second-year Physics mcqs

Which of the following is a macronutrient?
A. boron B. iron
C. copper D. carbon
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Which of the following is not a secondary pollutant
A. ozone B. carbonic acid
C. sulphuric acid D. carbon dioxide
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Major cause of SO2 on global scale is
A. volcanoes B. electric sparks
C. combustion D. all
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The yellow colour in photochemical smog is due to presence of
A. dinitrogen oxide B. nitrogen dioxide
C. chlorine gas D. chlorine dioxide
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The main pollutant of leather tanneries in the waste water is
A. chromium III B. chromium IV
C. chromium V D. chromium VI
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Which substance can be used for disinfecting water?
A. KMnO4 B. Alums
C. Ozone D. All
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Which one of the following makes the bulk of hydrospheres content?
A. oceans B. glaciers & icecaps
C. fresh water lakes and ponds D. All have equal distribution
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Pollutants have adverse effect over
A. Biosphere B. Ecosystem
C. Both a & b D. Hydrosphere
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Which of the following is not a condition for the formation of smog?
A. sufficient NO B. sunlight
C. less movement of air D. winds
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In which of the following layer of atmosphere there is more thickness of ozone layer?
A. troposphere B. stratosphere
C. mesosphere D. photosphere
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