Biology Practice Test 5

Entry test contains most of the Biology MCQs. FSC Pre-Medical Part 2 Biology book MCQs. HSSC bio questions MCQs. Solved Chapterwise Biology MCQs for first-year 12 class MCQs and 11 class MCQs. Second-year and first-year Biology textbooks chapter-wise MCQs with the answer are provided here. The Biology portion is helpful in MDCAT , NTS NAT , and NUST . PakLearningSpot PLS MCQs Bank website for FREE Entry test preparations

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Biology Practice Test 5

1 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

_______ is involved in lipid synthesis/metabolism.

NUMS 2020
Cell Structure and Function
Elimination Tool:

2 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.44  When calcium gates of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum are open, then calcium is released into:

3 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

Group of living organisms of the same species living in the same place at the same time is called

4 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Direction of reflex action is from:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Coordination and Control
Elimination Tool:

5 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

Who opposed the idea the cell is an empty space bounded by thick wall?

6 / 100

Category: Biology

The Porifera are pore – bearing animals, commonly called:

NUMS Mock 3
Kingdom Animalia

7 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Which one is an organic compound?

8 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

Diameter of DNA double helix is:

NUMS 2015
Chromosomes and DNA
Elimination Tool:

9 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

Of the following which one is not the characteristic of triploblasts.

10 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 11

Which of the following statement is incorrect about algae?

11 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Carbon atom is

12 / 100

Category: Biology

Germ layers are formed in which stage of development?

NUMS Mock 2
Growth and Development

13 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

Secondary growth is actually

14 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

In a marine environment, the ion secreted by the kidney is:

NUMS 2020
Elimination Tool:

15 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

In humans, ovaries after birth contain:

NUMS 2018
Elimination Tool:

16 / 100

Category: Biology

Tails can be regenerated in:

NUMS Mock 3
Growth and Development

17 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.15 Urethra and vagina have openings to the exterior:

18 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

In a hot summer after noon, if your body’s Homeostatic machinery keep your internal temperature quite lower than that of external than this is an example of

19 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

As pH of blood decreases, H+ ions increases, which combine the proteins part of hemoglobin, to decrease its ability to bind with:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Gaseous Exchange
Elimination Tool:

20 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Stunted growth of roots is due to the deficiency of _____ in plants

21 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Mark the one Kingdom having the most conspicuous living organisms?

NTS 2018
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

22 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Thick, waxy & leathery cuticle around leaves is present in

23 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

The sense organs of taste in tongue are known as:

NUMS 2014
Coordination and Control
Elimination Tool:

24 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 11

Which of the following endoparasites of humans does show viviparity?

NTS 2018
Kingdom Fungi
Elimination Tool:

25 / 100

Category: Biology

Which of the following, which is the incorrectly paired one?

NUMS Mock 2
Biology and its Major Fields of Specialization

26 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

During feedback inhibition, which of the following structural part of enzyme is involved?

NUMS 2020
Elimination Tool:

27 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

“Vascular System absent; gametophyte dominant, sporophyte attached to gametophyte; homosporous” are distinguishing characters of

UHS 2010
Kingdom Plantae
Elimination Tool:

28 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

The most important cause of many of the respiratory disorders is:

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Gaseous Exchange
Elimination Tool:

29 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

Adaptations that an organism acquires by its own actions are

30 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

Pick the correct option about Drosophila.

NUMS 2015
Variation and Genetics
Elimination Tool:

31 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

If a person has 44 autosomes + XXY, he will suffer from

UHS 2012
Cell Cycle
Elimination Tool:

32 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

Non-protein but inorganic, detachable co-factors are called ______:

NUMS 2020
Elimination Tool:

33 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 12

Human genome is ______ times larger than any other genome sequenced so far

34 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

Which animals support Darwin’s view of inheritance of desirable variations?

NTS 2019
Elimination Tool:

35 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

Fetus is human embryo from the beginning of which of the following?

PMC Sample 2
Growth and Development
Elimination Tool:

36 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

Pinacocytes forms ______.

NUMS 2018
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

37 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

A monohybrid cross yielded 3:1 in F2. What could be mode of inheritance?

38 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

Tails can be regenerated in:

NUMS 2015
Growth and Development
Elimination Tool:

39 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

Choose the correct combination:

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Elimination Tool:

40 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Purple non-sulphur bacteria is an example of which of the following?

PMC Practice 2
Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

41 / 100

Category: Biology

There existed two varieties of female freshwater Mollusks in which some were streamlined and some had a high bulge. Over the generations, male freshwater Mollusks learned that high bulge favors more production of offspring. So they started preferring to mate with females having high bulge as compared to streamlined. Will this affect Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium in the population?

NUMS Mock 2

42 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Closely related species are grouped together into ______ .

NTS 2012
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

43 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

The muscles attached to the bones are:

NTS 2010
Support and Movement
Elimination Tool:

44 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

An individual has an additional sex chromosome. Which syndrome does he have?

NUMS 2014
Chromosomes and DNA
Elimination Tool:

45 / 100

Category: Biology

The structure of an enzyme is altered by which of the following inhibitors?

NUMS Mock 3

46 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Ribosomes are composed of almost an equal amount of:

NUMS 2018
Biological Molecules
Elimination Tool:

47 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

In asexual reproduction offspring are produced by

48 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Viral disease that is widely spread and caused by enveloped RNA virus is:

NUMS 2015
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

49 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Which of the following diseases is sexually transmitted?

PMC 2020
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

50 / 100

Category: Biology

Lock and Key Model for enzyme action propose by Emil Fischer suggests that:

NUMS Mock 4

51 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

Which among the following sentence is not correct about the organelles?

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Cell Structure and Function
Elimination Tool:

52 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

What is the risk of color blind baby boy in a family when mother is color blind but father is normal?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Variation and Genetics
Elimination Tool:

53 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

When abdomen expands, the number of spiracles open is

54 / 100

Category: Biology

Which of the following compounds possesses a single covalent bond between carbon and hydrogen?

NUMS Mock 4

55 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 11

Identify the correctly matched pair relating to a term and its meaning/function/example:

NTS 2017
Kingdom Protista
Elimination Tool:

56 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.52 The plasma pool of antibodies is synthesized from:

57 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.21 The spent energy in the form pf ADP is regeneratèd by mitochondria into which of the following forni?

58 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

If lipopolysaccharides did not appear in the wall of bacteria on staining then it will be known as ________.

UHS 2018
Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

59 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

In which of the following are book lungs found?

NUMS 2014
Gaseous Exchange
Elimination Tool:

60 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

The pH at which the activity of pancreatic lipase enzyme is maximum is:

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Elimination Tool:

61 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

In the male reproductive tract, sperm cells follow a specific path. Which of the following do sperm cells enter after traveling through the epididymis?

PMC Sample 2
Elimination Tool:

62 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

Antheridia and archegonia are _____ organs in bryophytes.

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Kingdom Plantae
Elimination Tool:

63 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

An X to A ratio of ⅖ in drosophila produces:

NUMS 2020
Variation and Genetics
Elimination Tool:

64 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.15 The inhibitory effect of which inhibitor can be more dangerous in Krebs cycle?

65 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 14 Class 11

The cells which play a very important role in developing immunity are:

PMC 2020
Elimination Tool:

66 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

Which of the following is an ovoviviparous organism?

PMC Sample 3
Kingdom Plantae
Elimination Tool:

67 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

The name animal is derived from the word.

68 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

The second stage of the Prophase of Meiosis, following Leptotene, during which homologous chromosomes begin to pair is called:

NTS 2019
Cell Cycle
Elimination Tool:

69 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 12

Mountains of Koh Hindukush come under

70 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

Below the point at which the cotyledons are attached, the embryo axis is called _______.

Kingdom Plantae
Elimination Tool:

71 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 11

Those fungi which can grow only on their living host and cannot be grown on available defined growth culture medium e.g. various mildews and most rust species are called

72 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.65 Which of the following statements about the systemic affect of bacterial cells are true?

73 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Which of the following structure provides greater pathogenicity to the bacteria?

74 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.16  Retroviruses have a special enzyme ‘reverse transcriptase’ which can convert ____________into ___________.

75 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

A Dutch scientist firstly observed very small creatures in

PMC Practice 6
Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

76 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

Vertebrae of the neck are called:

NUMS 2020
Support and Movement
Elimination Tool:

77 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 11

Its membranes are the sites where sunlight energy is trapped and where glucose is formed.

Which organelle is this?

NUMS 2014
Elimination Tool:

78 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

The fate of each blastomere is foretold. What will that cleavage be?

PMC Practice 9
Growth and Development
Elimination Tool:

79 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

Crossing over occur between ____________ of homologous chromosomes:

PMC Sample 1
Cell Cycle
Elimination Tool:

80 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Which of the following category is most general with its members lest resembling with each other than the other categries:

81 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 11

Which component enters into mitochondria after glycolysis?

NUMS 2015
Elimination Tool:

82 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

In asexual reproduction offspring are produced by which of the following?

PMC Sample 2
Elimination Tool:

83 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

Lungs are covered with double layered thin membranous sac called

84 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

When both the alleles of a gene pair are same, the organism is said to be:

PMC 2020
Variation and Genetics
Elimination Tool:

85 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

Which of the following is NOT the part of RNA?

NTS 2018
Chromosomes and DNA
Elimination Tool:

86 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

In which of the following location enzymes controlling cellular respiration are present?

87 / 100

Category: Biology

Some enzymes require the presence of a non protein molecule to behave catalytically. An enzyme devoid of this molecule is called a(n):

NUMS Mock 1

88 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Numerous opportunistic diseases might attack a person suffering from which of the following diseases?

NUMS 2020
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

89 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 11

How are flat worms not similar to round worms?

PMC Practice 4
Kingdom Protista
Elimination Tool:

90 / 100

Category: Biology

What is the size of Parvovirus?

NUMS Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life

91 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

Turner’s syndrome is characterized by having:

UHS 2015
Growth and Development
Elimination Tool:

92 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.56 Which of the following is nota viral disease?

93 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

The 1st human hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology was:

NUMS 2016
Coordination and Control
Elimination Tool:

94 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.65 Which one of the following is the attribute of Lamarckism?

95 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

Hybrid black Guinea pigs are crossed with each other. The resulting offsprings will be:

NUMS 2016
Variation and Genetics
Elimination Tool:

96 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 11

Many substances which are urgently required by the cell while cell absorbs them against the concentration gradient by utilizing energy in the form of:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Elimination Tool:

97 / 100

Category: Biology

Male and female sea urchins release their sperm and eggs into the water where fertilization takes place. How can their reproduction be described?

NUMS Mock 3

98 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 12

Which statement is true?

99 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 14 Class 11

Which of the following has oxygenated blood?

NUMS 2014
Elimination Tool:

100 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 14 Class 11

Consider the following statements regarding blood pressure:

1. It is the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of any vessel.

2. It decreases in the arteries as the distance from the heart increases.

3. It is lower in the capillaries than in the arteries.

4. It is usually lower in women than in men.

Choose the correct statements.

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Elimination Tool:

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