Biology Practice Test 4

Entry test contains most of the Biology MCQs. FSC Pre-Medical Part 2 Biology book MCQs. HSSC bio questions MCQs. Solved Chapterwise Biology MCQs for first-year 12 class MCQs and 11 class MCQs. Second-year and first-year Biology textbooks chapter-wise MCQs with the answer are provided here. The Biology portion is helpful in MDCAT , NTS NAT , and NUST . PakLearningSpot PLS MCQs Bank website for FREE Entry test preparations

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Biology Practice Test 4

1 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

In Pakistan, the furniture wood is mainly obtained from the members of family:

UHS 2010
Kingdom Plantae
Elimination Tool:

2 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 12

The genetically Engineered vaccine is not available for which of the following?

PMC Practice 8
Elimination Tool:

3 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

Fetus is human embryo from the beginning of which of the following?

PMC Sample 2
Growth and Development
Elimination Tool:

4 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Lymph nodes are not present:

NUMS 2020
Coordination and Control
Elimination Tool:

5 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

In plants mitotic apparatus consists of

6 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

The structure which prevents the entry of food particles into the respiratory passage is:

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Elimination Tool:

7 / 100

Category: Biology

_________ is sometimes given by injection as an emergency treatment in cardiac arrest:

NUMS Mock 3
Coordination and Control

8 / 100

Category: Biology

The photosynthetic pigments of plants are arranged as clusters in thylakoid membranes. The reaction centers of these clusters consist of _____ molecules.

NUMS Mock 3

9 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

Whose theory of natural selection is essentially identical to Darwin’s theory?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Elimination Tool:

10 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Viruses without nuclear envelope is called as?

PMC Sample 1
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

11 / 100

Category: Biology

When the concentration of the external medium is equal to the concentration of the internal medium of a cell, the situation is called:

NUMS Mock 1
Biological Molecules

12 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 11

Chlorophyll molecule resemble the haem group of hemoglobin, the main difference between these two molecule is that chlorophyll has ____ ion.

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Elimination Tool:

13 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Five steps of the lytic cycle of a T4 stage are given below:

The T4 phage uses its tails to stick to specific receptor
The cell’s metabolic machinery, directed by phage DNA, produces phage proteins and nucleotides from the cells degraded DNA are used to make copies of the phage genome.
The phage then directs production of an enzyme that digests the cell.
The empty capsid of the phage is left as a ghost outside the cell
The sheath of the tail contracts, thrusting a hollow core through the wall and membrane of the cell.
Which of the following is the correct sequence of the cycle?

Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

14 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Mono-saccharides have a general formula represented by:

PMC 2020
Biological Molecules
Elimination Tool:

15 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 12

Lichen and algae form

16 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

Chest cavity is bounded by ribs and muscles on the sides, while the floor of chest cavity is called:

NUMS 2015
Gaseous Exchange
Elimination Tool:

17 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 12

In prokaryotes only one type of RNA polymerase is present, while ______ types of RNA polymerase are present in eukaryotes.

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Elimination Tool:

18 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Which of the following statement about neuron is incorrect?

19 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

The fate of each blastomere is foretold. What will that cleavage be?

PMC Sample 2
Growth and Development
Elimination Tool:

20 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Reabsorption of calcium is triggered by:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Elimination Tool:

21 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

Read the passage below to answer the question:

Haemophilia is a disorder in which blood fails to clot. Saad, a male haemophiliac, marries Sara, a normal woman and together they have four children, two boys (Ahmed and Ali) and two girls (Alia and Ayesha). None of the children display the symptoms of Haemophilia.

Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha, and Ali all marry normal individuals and have children. None of Ahmed’s or Ali’s children, male or female, display symptoms of haemophilia, but the sons of Alia and Ayesha display symptoms of haemophilia while the daughters of Alia and Ayesha do not.

Which of the following best explains the reason that Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha and Alia do not display symptoms of haemophilia, even though their father, Saad, is a haemophiliac.

NTS 2010
Variation and Genetics
Elimination Tool:

22 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

In which type of cells, cell wall is not present?

PMC 2020
Cell Structure and Function
Elimination Tool:

23 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Carbon atom is

24 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

Tay Sach’s disease is caused by absence of enzyme required to breakdown ____________.

NUMS 2014
Cell Structure and Function
Elimination Tool:

25 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

When were bacteriophages discovered by Twort?

PMC Practice 5
Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

26 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 12

Which of the following is the manipulation of genetic material for practical purposes?

NTS 2018
Elimination Tool:

27 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

In ‘Complete Dominance’:

PMC 2020
Variation and Genetics
Elimination Tool:

28 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

In which of the following cases, genotypic and phenotypic ratio will remain same in F2 generation

29 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 11

Which of the following group represent pathological fungi?

30 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

Gametes in animals are produced by

31 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.7     Ribosomes are assembled in the nucleolus and then exported to cytoplasm via:

32 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Excretory system, consisting of protonephridia tubes, are present in phylum:

NUMS 2020
Elimination Tool:

33 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

Which is incorrect?

34 / 100

Category: Biology

Which of the following single membranous organelle is absent in plant cells?


35 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

Antheridia and archegonia are born on _____ in bryophytes

36 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 11

During cellular respiration NADH2 produces:

NUMS 2014
Elimination Tool:

37 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Peptide bonds are formed between:

NUMS 2014
Biological Molecules
Elimination Tool:

38 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 12

Disease in living organisms caused by parasites is called

39 / 100

Category: Biology

The function of respiratory passage, Cilia is to keep the airways clear of:

NUMS Mock 4
Gaseous Exchange

40 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Puccinia commonly destroys

41 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

Fallopian tube in humans is important for:

NUMS 2018
Elimination Tool:

42 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.16 Which of the following changes length during sarcomere contraction?

43 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

Ferns are included in

44 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Which of the following structure primarily helps in attachment of bacteria on various surfaces?

45 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

The concept that various organisms dominated this planet during various geological time period and thus placing organisms in a time squence came from the studies by

46 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

The sequence of nucleotides that determines the amino acid sequence of a protein is

47 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

Which statement is not true about phragmoplast?

48 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

During the G2 phase:

UHS 2019
Cell Cycle
Elimination Tool:

49 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

The condition due to loss of appetite for food is termed as:

Growth and Development
Elimination Tool:

50 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 11

Ecological role of fungi as decomposers is only paralleled by

51 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

Highly condensed portions of the chromatin are called:

NTS 2011
Chromosomes and DNA
Elimination Tool:

52 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

The number of calories required to raise the temperature of 1g of water from 15 to 16?C is called?

53 / 100

Category: Biology

Which of the following is NOT a difference that would allow one to distinguish between a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic cell?

Presence of absence of the nucleus
Presence or absence of the cell wall
Membrane bound versus no membrane bound organelles
NUMS Mock 3
Cell Structure and Function

54 / 100

Category: Biology

The table shows the characteristics of the blood in one blood vessel in the body.

Which blood vessel contains blood with these characteristics?

NUMS Mock 1

55 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 11

Chlorophyll is insoluble in:

56 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

Antheridiophore and archegoniophore are found in

57 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

Baldness is most frequent in

58 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 12

Deficiency of enzyme ______ causes combined immunodeficiency syndrome.

UHS 2018
Elimination Tool:

59 / 100

Category: Biology

DNA made by joining pieces from two or more different sources:

NUMS Mock 3

60 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

Platyhelminthes means:

NUMS 2017
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

61 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

According to the Hardy-Weinberg theorem, what will be the frequency of heterozygote when ‘p’ is 0.2?

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Elimination Tool:

62 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 11

Which of the protozoa has a striking resemblance to collar cells in sponges?

63 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

Exchange of segments between homologous chromosomes is called:

UHS 2012
Cell Cycle
Elimination Tool:

64 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

Transcription is the process in which an RNA copy of the DNA sequence and coding the gene is produced with the help of an enzyme called:

PMC 2020
Chromosomes and DNA
Elimination Tool:

65 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Strong chlorosis is due to the deficiency of _____ in plants.

66 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

Male and female sea urchins release their sperm and eggs Into the water where fertilization takes place. How can their reproduction be described?

NTS 2013
Elimination Tool:

67 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.18 The internal buds are known as which of the following?

68 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.61 Herbivores always occupy :

69 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

If the concentration of enzyme is kept constant and amount of substrate is increased a point is reached where increase in substrates concentration does not affect the reaction rate because of

70 / 100

Category: Biology

Which of the following animals can survive without drinking water?

NUMS Mock 4

71 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

The number of substrate molecules converted into the product by one molecule of enzyme active site per unit time is called?

PMC Practice 2
Elimination Tool:

72 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Useful bacteria at the large intestine of humans produce:

NUMS 2015
Elimination Tool:

73 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

Natural selection can amplify or diminish variations that are

74 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

Which of the following statement about plants is incorrect?

PMC Sample 2
Kingdom Plantae
Elimination Tool:

75 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

Germ layers are formed in which stage of development?

NUMS 2020
Growth and Development
Elimination Tool:

76 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Who discovered the bacteria causing tuberculosis and also developed various techniques of media preparation and maintenance of pure culture?

77 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Scurvy is caused by deficiency of vitamin ______.

Elimination Tool:

78 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Secretion of pancreatic juice is stimulated by:

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Elimination Tool:

79 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

The human body maintains all of its cells’ internal concentration _____ to internal body fluid.

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Elimination Tool:

80 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

Excessive increase in temperature of medium causes the enzyme molecule to


81 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Which hormone prepares the body for situations of stress and emergency?

NUMS 2014
Elimination Tool:

82 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

Which one is not a day neutral plant?

83 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Marine fish can keep their internal environment hypertonic with respect to the surrounding salty water by retaining.

84 / 100

Category: Biology

Pathway of energy used by muscles converted from food is:

NUMS Mock 3
Support and Movement

85 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 12

Study of a single population’s relationship to its environment is called

86 / 100

Category: Biology

The smaller (40S) of ribosome combines with larger subunit (60S) in the presence of Mg2+ ion to form _____ particle.

NUMS Mock 3
Cell Structure and Function

87 / 100

Category: Biology

Lamarck is best known for his theory of:

NUMS Mock 3

88 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Deficiency of K+ causes:

89 / 100

Category: Biology

How many ml of blood is pumped by each contraction of the heart?

NUMS Mock 1

90 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

An increrase in plant girth due to activity of _____ is called secondary growth.

91 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.38  Testosterone is produce by which of the following?

92 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 14 Class 11

The only vein in human carrying oxygenated blood is:

PMC 2020
Elimination Tool:

93 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

Which of the following is found beneath the prostate gland?

PMC Sample 1
Elimination Tool:

94 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

The reaction involved in chemotrophic nutrition is:

NTS 2010
Elimination Tool:

95 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

High level of _____ and _____ in the blood and the contributing factors in the formation of kidney stones.

NUMS 2018
Elimination Tool:

96 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

An unbroken series of species arranged in ancestors to descendent sequence with each later species having evolved from one that immediately preceded it is called:

97 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 11

Which of the following fungi is utilized in the baking industry?

NTS 2011
Kingdom Fungi
Elimination Tool:

98 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

Which statement is correct?

99 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

Movement of the material across the cell membrane which does not requiring expenditure of metabolic energy is called

100 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

Which one is a micromolecule?

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The average score is 61%



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