NUMS Mock Test New 4

The NUMS (National University of Medical Sciences) entry test is a standardized exam conducted in Pakistan for admission to medical and dental colleges affiliated with NUMS. This test is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of students seeking admission to undergraduate programs in medical and dental fields. PakLearningSpot PLS MCQs Bank website for FREE AKU Entry test preparations and AKU past papers

NUMS Entry Test

The NUMS entry test covers various subjects, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and English. It assesses a candidate’s understanding of scientific concepts, problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, and language proficiency.

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Created by Ali Durrani

NUMS Mock Test New 4

1 / 150

Choose the correct answer:

NUMS Mock 4
Grammar and Punctuation
A) A friend of him told us the sad news of his father’s demise.
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B) Friend of him told us the sad news of his father’s demise.
Show Explanation
C) A friend of his told us the sad news of his father’s demise.
Show Explanation
D) A friend of him told the sad news of his father’s demise.
Show Explanation

2 / 150

Select the nearest correct meaning of the given word: GAUDY

NUMS Mock 4
Key Vocabulary
A) Bawdy
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B) Haughty
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C) Sober
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D) Garish
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3 / 150

The word opposite in the meaning to presume is:

NUMS Mock 4
Key Vocabulary
A) Disbelieve
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B) Pretend
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C) Figure
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D) Conjecture
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4 / 150

Synonym of Rookie will be:

NUMS Mock 4
Key Vocabulary
A) An old man
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B) A new recruit
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C) A fighter
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D) A wrestler
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5 / 150

The word opposite in the meaning to path is:

NUMS Mock 4
Key Vocabulary
A) Blockage
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B) Aisle
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C) Lane
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D) Accidental
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6 / 150

Demonstrate the correct use of articles and prepositions:

Gold is _______ precious metal.

NUMS Mock 4
Grammar and Punctuation
A) A
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B) An
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C) The
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D) No article is needed
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7 / 150

Which of the following sentences contains a grammatical error?

NUMS Mock 4
A) I am going to the store to buy bread, milk, and eggs.
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B) Sarah’s favorite book is “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen.
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C) The dog chased it’s tail in circles.
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D) We went to the beach yesterday and had a picnic.
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8 / 150

In the following question, four alternative sentences are given. Choose the CORRECT option.

NUMS Mock 4
Grammar and Punctuation
A) After breaking the glass, Ruby said “Please don’t tell on me”.
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B) After breaking the glass Ruby said: “Please don’t tell on me.”
Show Explanation
C) After breaking the glass, Ruby said: “Please don’t tell on me.”
Show Explanation
D) After breaking the glass Ruby said: please don’t tell on me.
Show Explanation

9 / 150

Select the nearest correct meaning of the given word:


NUMS Mock 4
Key Vocabulary
A) Freeze
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B) Gum
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C) Overcast
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D) Froth
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10 / 150

In the following sentence choose the word/phrase from the underlined options which is grammatically incorrect.

NUMS Mock 4
Grammar and Punctuation
A) Option A
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B) Option B
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C) Option C
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D) Option D
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11 / 150

Which of the following is grammatically correct?

NUMS Mock 4
Grammar and Punctuation
A) In the end, they found there money over they’re by the ATM.
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B) In the end, they found they’re money over their by the ATM.
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C) In the end, they found their money over there by the ATM.
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D) In the end, they found there money over their by the ATM.
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12 / 150

Select the best word to complete the sentence.

The ant marched quickly back to ____ home.

NUMS Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Its
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B) It’s
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C) Their
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D) its’
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13 / 150

By the next month, we shall ____ (have) the project.

NUMS Mock 4
A) Have
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B) Have had
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C) Has
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D) Having
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14 / 150

Father must _____________ left his briefcase at the office.

NUMS Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Of
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B) Had
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C) Have
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D) Opt
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15 / 150

The parents were stunned when they saw that children had created complete _____ in the bedroom.

NUMS Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Knack
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B) Groggy
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C) Dank
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D) Mayhem
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16 / 150

The carbonates of alkali metals are soluble in water except:

NUMS Mock 4
s and p Block Elements
A) K2CO3
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B) Li2CO3
Show Explanation
C) Na2CO3
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D) Rb2CO3
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17 / 150

The value of surface tension of isopropyl alcohol is?

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
A) Less than water
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B) Less than ethylene glycol
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C) less than methyl alcohol
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D) same as ethyl alcohol
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18 / 150

Which of the following is least polarizable?

NUMS Mock 4
s and p Block Elements
A) Ne
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B) He
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C) X
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D) Kr
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19 / 150

H2 and O2 are diffusing under the same condition how much H2 gas will diffuse?

NUMS Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) 4
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B) 16
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C) 32
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D) 0.5
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20 / 150

The average atomic mass of Boron is 10.8. It has two isotopes of masses 10 and 11 respectively. What is the percentage of isotope with the average mass of 10?

NUMS Mock 4
A) 20%
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B) 60%
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C) 80%
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D) 50%
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21 / 150

Which is the correct electronic configuration of Chromium (24Cr)?

NUMS Mock 4
d and f Block Elements
A) 1s2, 2s2, 3s2, 2p6, 3p6, 4s2, 3d6
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B) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d4
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C) 1s1, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d6
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D) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s1, 3d5
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22 / 150

The following sketch shows the variation in a physical property of third period elements against their atomic numbers:

What physical property is plotted in this sketch?

NUMS Mock 4
Periodicity in Elements
A) Ionization energy
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B) Melting point
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C) Ionic radius
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D) Atomic radius
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23 / 150

Which of the following indicate the correct variation of electronegativity?

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
A) F > N > O > C
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B) F > N C
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C) F < N < O O > N > C
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24 / 150

Catalytic hydrogenation of alkenes exhibits:

NUMS Mock 4
A) Substitution reaction
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B) Elimination reaction
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C) Addition reaction
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D) Condensation reaction
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25 / 150

Which one of the following molecules has sp3 hybridization?

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
A) CH4
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B) C2H4
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C) CO2
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D) C2H2
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26 / 150

The formula which shows the simplest whole number ratio for the atoms of different elements in a compound is:

NUMS Mock 4
A) Ionic formula
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B) Structural formula
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C) Empirical formula
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D) Molecular formula
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27 / 150

From the following, only one amino acid has two identical groups attached to its central atom. Which amino acid out of the following matches the description given above.

NUMS Mock 4
Chemistry of Life
A) Valine
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B) Alanine
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C) Glycine
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D) Cysteine
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28 / 150

Choose the correct statement:

NUMS Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) Diamond is the hardest and graphite is softest
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B) Graphite is the hardest while lamp black is softest
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C) Coal is the hardest and coke is softest
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D) Diamond is the hardest and coke is softest
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29 / 150

The spectrum of He is expected to be similar to that of:

NUMS Mock 4
Atomic Structure
A) Hydrogen
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B) Sodium
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C) Oxygen
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D) Li+
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30 / 150

All of the following substances can act as Lewis acids except:

NUMS Mock 4
Acids, Bases and Salts
A) BF3
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B) H+
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C) AlCl3
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D) H2O
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31 / 150

The mass of proton is ______ times heavier than ______.

NUMS Mock 4
Atomic Structure
A) 1889, electrons
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B) 1886, electrons
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C) 1836, protons
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D) 1836, electrons
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32 / 150

What is the measure of activation energy in an endothermic reaction?

NUMS Mock 4
A) The energy of activation of backward reaction is less than that of forward reaction
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B) The energy of activation of backward reaction is more that that of forward reaction.
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C) The energy of activation of forward reaction is less than that of backward reaction.
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D) The energy of activation of forward – backward reaction is same.
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33 / 150

The shielding effect of inner electrons is responsible for:

NUMS Mock 4
Atomic Structure
A) Decreasing ionization energy
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B) Having no effect on ionization energy
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C) Increasing ionization energy
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D) Increasing electronegativity
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34 / 150

Which derivative of benzene shows maximum reactivity in electrophilic substitution reactions?

NUMS Mock 4
A) Benzoic acid
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B) Methyl benzene
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C) Benzaldehyde
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D) Nitrobenzene
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35 / 150

The correct increasing order of electron affinity value of atoms is:

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
A) I

36 / 150

Linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) results in the formation of:

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
A) Sigma bond
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B) Pi bond
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C) Bonding molecular orbitals only
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D) Bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals
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37 / 150

An ionic compound is most likely to be formed when:

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
A) Ionization energy of A is high but electron affinity of B is low
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B) The ionization energy of A is low but electron affinity of B is high
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C) Both ionization energy of A and electron affinity of B are high
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D) Both ionization energy of A and electron affinity of B are low
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38 / 150

What is formed by a series of complex reactions of ozone with water in the troposphere that are driven by sunlight?

NUMS Mock 4
Environmental Chemistry
A) O radical
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B) H radical
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C) OH radical
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D) H3O radical
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39 / 150

Which of the following has the highest electrical conductivity?

NUMS Mock 4
Solution and Colloids
A) Aqueous sugar solution
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B) Solid graphite
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C) Solid sodium chloride
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D) Gaseous carbon dioxide
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40 / 150

Thermochemistry is very important to learn about _______.

NUMS Mock 4
A) Chemical Equilibrium
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B) Chemical Bonding
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C) Heat contents of a compound
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D) AlI of these options are correct
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41 / 150

If concentration time graph of a reactant indicates a constant half life, then the order reaction with respect to that reactant is:

NUMS Mock 4
Reaction Kinetics
A) Zero order
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B) Half order
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C) Second order
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D) First order
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42 / 150

The osmotic pressure of equimolar solutions of BaCl2, NaCl and sucrose will be in the order:

NUMS Mock 4
Solution and Colloids
A) Sucrose > NaCl > BaCl2
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B) Sucrose > BaCl2 > NaCl
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C) NaCl > BaCl2 > Sucrose
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D) BaCl2 > NaCl > Sucrose
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43 / 150

The reduction of nitrile produced a compound of formula C3H7NH2. Which one of the following compounds would be produced if the same nitrile was hydrolyzed by heating with dilute hydrochloric acid?

NUMS Mock 4
Alkyl Halides and Amines
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Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

44 / 150

The dilute solution of ______ is called vinegar.

NUMS Mock 4
Acids, Bases and Salts
A) Formic acid
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B) Oxalic acid
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C) Benzoic acid
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D) Acetic acid
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45 / 150

Transition Elements usually show:

NUMS Mock 4
d and f Block Elements
A) Para magnetism
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B) Diamagnetism
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C) Ferromagnetism
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D) Both Ferromagnetism and Paramagnetism
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46 / 150

Which one of the following alkaline earth metal carbonates is thermally the most stable?

NUMS Mock 4
s and p Block Elements
A) BaCO3
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B) MgCO3
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C) CaCO3
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D) SrCO3
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47 / 150

Which of the following compounds undergoes racemization when treated with a chiral base?

NUMS Mock 4
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) 1-Butanol
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B) 2-Propanol
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C) 1-Phenylethanol
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D) 2-Methyl-2butanol
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48 / 150

Which of the following are the fundamental ways of transferring energy?

NUMS Mock 4
A) Pressure and work
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B) Volume and pressure
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C) Heat and work
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D) Pressure and heat
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49 / 150

Which of the following compounds is solid at room temperature?

NUMS Mock 4
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) Ethanol
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B) Butane
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C) Methanol
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D) Phenol
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50 / 150

Which one of the following enthalpy changes is always exothermic?

NUMS Mock 4
A) Enthalpy of combustion
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B) Enthalpy of formation
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C) Enthalpy of atomization
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D) Enthalpy of solution
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51 / 150

All the collisions between the particles of gases are elastic in nature. What is meant by “Elastic Collisions”?

NUMS Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) No change in the total kinetic energy
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B) The velocity of the molecules changes
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C) No change in potential energy during the collisions
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D) No change in mass during the collisions
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52 / 150

Which one of the following is not an isotope of hydrogen:

NUMS Mock 4
Atomic Structure
A) Deuterium
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B) Tritium
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C) Ortho hydrogen
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D) None of these
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53 / 150

Activation of the benzene ring in aniline can be decreased by treating with:

NUMS Mock 4
A) Dil HCL
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B) Ethyl alcohol
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C) Acetic acid
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D) Acetyl chloride
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54 / 150

Which of the following statements is true?

NUMS Mock 4
s and p Block Elements
A) Alkali metal hydroxides are stable to heat except LiOH
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B) CaOH is a stronger base than NaOH
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C) When NaOH is made the gas released at the cathode is C12
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D) NaOH is named as caustic soda because it reacts with fats to form soap.
Show Explanation

55 / 150

E/m of an electron is given by the relationship.

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) e/m2(VB2r2)
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B) e/m=(V/Br)2
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C) e/m=V.r/B
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D) e/m=V/Br
Show Explanation

56 / 150

A man throws a ball vertically upward in the compartment of an accelerated train. The ball will fall:

NUMS Mock 4
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) ln front of him
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B) In his hand
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C) Behind him
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D) Beside him
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57 / 150

If the unit vectors i, j, k are perpendicular to each other therefore

i.i = j.j = k.k = ______.

I.j = j.k = k.i = ______.

NUMS Mock 4
Scalars and Vectors
A) 0 … 1
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B) 1 … 0
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58 / 150

A mass of 20 kg is lifted from the floor to a height of 2m in 4.9 sec. Calculate the power in Watts.

NUMS Mock 4
Work, Power and Energy
A) 60 W
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B) 80 W
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C) 100 W
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D) 120 W
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59 / 150

When interference between thin films occurs, the path difference between two interfering rays is 2t. If ‘n’ is the refractive index of the medium, the bright circles are obtained when ________ with m = 0, 1, 2, 3, …

NUMS Mock 4
Electromagnetic Waves
A) (2m + 1) λ = 4nt
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B) (2m + 1) λ = 2nt
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C) 2m = nt
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D) mλ = 2nt
Show Explanation

60 / 150

If frequency of incident light is increased beyond threshold frequency, keeping light intensity constant, then:

NUMS Mock 4
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) Stopping potential increases
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B) Stopping potential decreases
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C) Stopping potential remains constant
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D) Stopping potential becomes infinite
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61 / 150

The phenomenon by which light travels in an optical fibres is:

NUMS Mock 4
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
A) Reflection
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B) Refraction
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C) Total internal reflection
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D) Transmission
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62 / 150

A current of 2A is passing through an inductor of 2mH. Energy stored by it is:

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) 8 mJ
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B) 10 mJ
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C) 6 mJ
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D) 4 mJ
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63 / 150

Is it possible to separate north pole only from bar magnet?

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Yes
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B) No
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C) In some cases it is possible
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D) None of these
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64 / 150

A body moving with velocity V can be stopped by a force F in direction of it. The same body moving with velocity 5 V can be stopped by a force 5F in distance equal to:

NUMS Mock 4
Forces and Motion
A) X
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B) 5X
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C) 10X
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D) X/2
Show Explanation

65 / 150

If both inputs “A” and “B” are ON and the output is also ON. This type of gate is known as:

NUMS Mock 4
A) OR Gate
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B) AND Gate
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C) NAND Gate
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D) NOR Gate
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66 / 150

Work done, due to centripetal force, for circular motion will be:

NUMS Mock 4
Circular Motion and Momentum
A) Reduced
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B) Zero
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C) Maximum
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D) Half
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67 / 150

A stone of mass 2.0 kg is dropped from a rest position 5.0 m above the ground. What is its velocity at a height of 3.0 m above the ground?

NUMS Mock 4
Forces and Motion
A) 12.5 m/s
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B) 6.3m/s
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C) 9.3 m/s
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D) 16.0 m/s
Show Explanation

68 / 150

A pipe open at both ends has a length of 5m. The second harmonic frequency is _____. Velocity of sound in air = 340 m/s.

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 17 Hz
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B) 34 Hz
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C) 68 Hz
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D) 306 Hz
Show Explanation

69 / 150

Heavy nucleus of atoms go through fission so that they can:

NUMS Mock 4
Nuclear Physics
A) absorb low amount of energy
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B) absorb high amount of energy
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C) reduce their binding energy nucleon
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D) increase their binding energy per nucleon
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70 / 150

For a simple harmonic motion the acceleration of the body is _______ to displacement and always directed towards ________.

NUMS Mock 4
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Directly proportional ; maximum position
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B) Inversely proportional ; maximum position
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C) Directly proportional ; mean position
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D) Directly proportional ; minimum position
Show Explanation

71 / 150

Two point charges of +5 C and -12 C attract each other with a force of 1.48 N. charge of -5 C is added to each of these charges. Now the force will be:

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) 1.48 N (attractive)
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B) 1.48 N (repulsive)
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C) 2.96 (repulsive)
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D) Zero
Show Explanation

72 / 150

Electric conduction is high in:

NUMS Mock 4
Physics of Solids
A) Solid nuclei
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B) Sugar solution
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C) Solid graphite
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D) None
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73 / 150

The phase angle between two points in a medium is 3π/4. If the distance between these points is 20 cm, then the wavelength of the wave is?

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 8/15 m
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B) 15/8 m
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C) 8/15 cm
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D) 15/8 cm
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74 / 150

In Doppler effect, if listener moves towards a stationary source then:

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Observed frequency is greater than original frequency
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B) Observed frequency is less than original frequency
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C) Observed frequency is equal to original frequency
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D) Observed frequency is independent of original frequency
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75 / 150

Mutual inductance has a practical role in performance of:

NUMS Mock 4
Alternating Current
A) AC generator
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B) Radio choke
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C) DC generator
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D) Transformer
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76 / 150

In SHM the kinetic energy of the body is maximum when:

NUMS Mock 4
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) The body is at mean position
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B) The body is at extreme position from the mean
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C) The body is exactly half way down between mean and extreme position
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D) The body is somewhere between mean and extreme position
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77 / 150

The area under the extension-load graph Of an elastic material whose elastic limit has not been exceeded gives its:

NUMS Mock 4
Work, Power & Energy
A) Stress
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B) Strain energy
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C) Strain
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D) Young modulus
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78 / 150

1 kilowatt hour =

NUMS Mock 4
Work, Power and Energy
A) 1.6 x 10-19 J
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B) 3.6×106 J
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C) 9.1 x 1031J
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D) 1.67x 10-27 J
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79 / 150

When the output power equals to one-half of the input power, efficiency of the transformer becomes:

NUMS Mock 4
Work, Power and Energy
A) 0%
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B) 100%
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C) 50%
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D) 200%
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80 / 150

Which of the following particles has greater wavelengths having the same velocity?

NUMS Mock 4
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
A) Proton
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B) Neutron
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C) Electron
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D) Alpha particle
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81 / 150

A proton is about 1840 times heavier than an electron. When it is accelerated by a potential difference of 1kV, its kinetic energy will be:

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) 1840 keV
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B) 1/1840 keV
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C) 1keV
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D) 920 keV
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82 / 150

A body moving on a fluid will experience:

NUMS Mock 4
Fluid Dynamics
A) Drag force
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B) Centripetal force
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C) Centrifugal force
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D) Tabular force
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83 / 150

A wire of resistance R is bent in the form of a circle the resistance between two points on the circumference of the wire and at the end of the diameter of circle is

NUMS Mock 4
Current Electricity
A) R/4
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B) R/2
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C) R
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D) 2R
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84 / 150

The chemical properties of elements depend on ________.

NUMS Mock 4
Nuclear Physics
A) Atomic number only
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B) Mass number only
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C) Atomic number and mass both
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D) Neither atomic number nor mass number
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85 / 150

Kirchhoff’s first law is manifestation of:

NUMS Mock 4
Current Electricity
A) Law of conservation of momentum
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B) Law of conservation mass
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C) Law of conservation of energy
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D) Law of conservation of charge
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86 / 150

Laser beam can be used to generate three dimensional objects in a process called:

NUMS Mock 4
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
A) Iconography
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B) Holography
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C) Logography
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D) Photography
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87 / 150

A car of mass 1200 kg initially at rest has been accelerated to a speed of 8 m/s in 16 meters. Average acceleration of the car is ______ m/s2? And force is _____ N?

NUMS Mock 4
Forces and Motion
A) 1.5 and 1500
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B) 2.5 and 2400
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C) 3.5 and 3500
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D) 2 and 2400
Show Explanation

88 / 150

A shock wave is produced due to an earthquake which makes the buildings move in the direction of the shock wave. Which progressive wave would this be?

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Longitudinal wave
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B) Transverse wave
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C) Material wave
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D) Particle wave
Show Explanation

89 / 150

Which of the following is the pair of isobars?

NUMS Mock 4
Nuclear Physics
A) 1H1 and 2H1
Show Explanation
B) 30H15 and 30Si14
Show Explanation

90 / 150

A cathode ray oscilloscope is displaying an AC signal. If one wave is completed in 2 cm along X- axis and time-base setting is 10 ms/cm, then frequency of AC signal will be:

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 100 Hz
Show Explanation
B) 50 Hz
Show Explanation
C) 20 Hz
Show Explanation
D) 10 Hz
Show Explanation
E) 200 Hz
Show Explanation

91 / 150

The deviation of I-V graph from straight line is due to:

NUMS Mock 4
Current Electricity
A) Decrease in temperature and decrease in resistance
Show Explanation
B) Increase in temperature and increase in resistance
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C) Decrease in temperature and increase in resistance
Show Explanation
D) Increase in temperature and decrease in resistance
Show Explanation

92 / 150

Electrons are emitted in the production of X rays by:

NUMS Mock 4
Atomic Spectra
A) Conduction
Show Explanation
B) Convection
Show Explanation
C) Thermionic emission
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

93 / 150

An element whose atomic number is same but mass number is different is called:

NUMS Mock 4
Nuclear Physics
A) Isomer
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B) Isobar
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C) Isotope
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D) Isotones
Show Explanation

94 / 150

An object is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 20 m/s. How much time it will take to reach the highest point?

NUMS Mock 4
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) 2 sec
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B) 4 sec
Show Explanation
C) 1 sec
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D) Insufficient information
Show Explanation

95 / 150

DNA polymerase enzyme for PCR is isolated from bacteria, Thermus aquaticus, because;

NUMS Mock 4
A) It can work at high speed.
Show Explanation
B) It can withstand high denaturation temperature.
Show Explanation
C) It can withstand low denaturation temperature.
Show Explanation
D) It can be used again and again.
Show Explanation

96 / 150

Which of the following is not related to apoptosis?

NUMS Mock 4
Growth and Development
A) Loss of tail of developing humans embryos
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B) Loss of tissues between developing digits
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C) Controlling the number of neurons
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D) None of the given options
Show Explanation

97 / 150

Which one of the following is a fish?

NUMS Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
A) Flying fish
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B) Salmon
Show Explanation
C) Sea horse
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D) All of the above
Show Explanation

98 / 150

What do we call the cell surface membrane of a muscle fibre?

NUMS Mock 4
Support and Movement
A) Sarcolemma
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B) Plasma membrane
Show Explanation
C) Sarcoplasm
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D) Myofibrils
Show Explanation

99 / 150

Which artery supplies blood to the liver?

NUMS Mock 4
A) Pulmonary artery
Show Explanation
B) Hepatic artery
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C) Celiac artery
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D) Thoracic artery
Show Explanation

100 / 150

The element in basic structure of proteins which differentiate them from carbohydrates is?

NUMS Mock 4
A) Carbon.
Show Explanation
B) Hydrogen.
Show Explanation
C) Nitrogen.
Show Explanation
D) None of these options is correct.
Show Explanation

101 / 150

During the formation of an ovum nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes occurred the ovum was then fertilized by a normal Y-bearing sperm cell which one of the following shows the sex chromosome complement of the resulting zygote?

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Cycle
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Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

102 / 150

The number and sequence of amino acids along a polypeptide chain is called _______ structure of a protein.

NUMS Mock 4
Biological Molecules
A) Quaternary
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B) Tertiary
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C) Primary
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D) Secondary
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103 / 150

Gel electrophoresis is a technique:

NUMS Mock 4
A) Employed by forensic scientist to assist in the identification of the individuals by their respective type of DNA
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B) Collect all the genes found in one complete set of chromosome
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C) Is a technique to separate different sizeds fragment of charge bearing polymers (proteins, RNA or DNA)
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D) Grows single cell or a group of cells in a glass ware on artificial medium under aseptic conditions
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104 / 150

The gene which controls the ABO group has how many alleles in an individual?

NUMS Mock 4
Variation and Genetics
A) 1.
Show Explanation
B) 2.
Show Explanation
C) 3.
Show Explanation
D) 4.
Show Explanation

105 / 150

Which of these is not a reflex action?

NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control
A) Secretion of sweat.
Show Explanation
B) Salivation.
Show Explanation
C) Flexion due to needle prick.
Show Explanation
D) Blinking of eyes due to strong light.
Show Explanation

106 / 150

_______ is the storage form of carbohydrate in animals and humans which is equivalent to the _____ in plants.

NUMS Mock 4
Biological Molecules
A) Glycogen, cellulose
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B) Starch. cellulose.
Show Explanation
C) Glycogen, starch
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D) Starch, glycogen
Show Explanation

107 / 150

The hormone which controls the uptake of Sodium ions in kidney and its maintenance in blood plasma is:

NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control
A) Somatotrophic Hormone
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B) Aldosterone Hormone
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C) Gonadotrophic Hormone
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D) Thyroxine Hormone
Show Explanation

108 / 150

In the pedigree of a family shown above, brown eyes are indicated as white circles and blue eyes as dark circles. Javeria and Juhi are twins. From this chart, it can be determined that:

NUMS Mock 4
Variation and Genetics
A) Tahir and Mary are homozygous for brown eyes
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B) Jawaria and Juhi are identical twins
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C) Juhi is heterozygous for blue eyes
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D) Juhi is homozygous for blue eyes
Show Explanation

109 / 150

The finger like infoldings, which are formed by inner membrane of mitochondria, are called:

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
A) Ribosomes
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B) Matrix
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C) Porin
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D) Cristae
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110 / 150

At what point are two populations descending from the same ancestral stock considered separate species?

NUMS Mock 4
A) When they can no longer produce viable, fertile offspring
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B) When they look significantly different from each other
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C) When they can interbreed successfully and produce offspring
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D) When their habitats are separated by a significantly large distance so that they cannot meet
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111 / 150

Which one of the following is common to all neurons?

NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control
A) A cell body which contains a nucleus
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B) A thick myelin sheath
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C) Presence of node of Ranvier
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D) Presence of Schwann cells
Show Explanation

112 / 150

Which of the following photosystems is involved in cyclic photophosphorylation?

NUMS Mock 4
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
C) PS I and PS II
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Show Explanation

113 / 150

The diagram shows the human urinary system.

Which substance is not found In the liquid at x In a healthy person?

NUMS Mock 4
A) glucose
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B) salt
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C) toxins
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D) water
Show Explanation

114 / 150

The animals that feed on organic debris from decomposing plants and animals are called:

NUMS Mock 4
Man and His Environment
A) Herbivores
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B) Carnivores
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C) Omnivores
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D) Detritivores
Show Explanation

115 / 150

An enzyme that helps in the conversion of RNA to DNA is called:

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA
A) Transcriptase
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B) Polymerase
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C) Reverse transcriptase
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D) Synthetase
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116 / 150

In the commercial manufacture of insulin, a human gene is inserted into which one of the following?

NUMS Mock 4
A) A chromosome of a human cell
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B) A protein molecule in a yeast cell
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C) The DNA of a bacterium
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D) The nucleic acid in a virus
Show Explanation

117 / 150

Metaboric acid when heated produces:

NUMS Mock 4
Acids, Bases and Salts
A) B2O3
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
C) H2B4O7
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D) H3BO3
Show Explanation

118 / 150

The movement of plants in response to touch stimulus is called:

NUMS Mock 4
Support and Movement
A) Hydrotropism
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B) Chemotropism
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C) Geotropism
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D) Thigmotropism
Show Explanation

119 / 150

_________ is sometimes given by injection as an emergency treatment in cardiac arrest:

NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control
A) Acetylcholine
Show Explanation
B) Dopamine
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C) Serotonin
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D) Epinephrine
Show Explanation

120 / 150

HIV is a:

NUMS Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Virus
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B) Prions
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C) Viroid
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D) Venom
Show Explanation

121 / 150

In genetics, the term locus refers to the ______ of the gene on the chromosome.

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA
A) Position
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B) Frequency
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C) Copy
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D) Inversion
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122 / 150

In chemiosmosis, the proton (H+) moves from _______.

NUMS Mock 4
A) Stroma to Lumen
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B) Cytoplasm to Stroma
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C) Lumen to Stroma
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D) Stroma to cytoplasm
Show Explanation

123 / 150

To overcome infertility, which technique is used?

NUMS Mock 4
A) In vitro fertilization.
Show Explanation
B) In vivo fertilization.
Show Explanation
C) Both Options A and B are correct.
Show Explanation
D) None of these options is correct.
Show Explanation

124 / 150

The structure of an enzyme is altered by which of the following inhibitors?

NUMS Mock 4
A) Reversible inhibitor.
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B) Competitive inhibitor.
Show Explanation
C) Non-competitive inhibitor.
Show Explanation
D) Irreversible inhibitor.
Show Explanation

125 / 150

Select a method which causes the oxidation of chemical constituent of a bacterial cell:

NUMS Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote
A) Steam
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B) Dry heat
Show Explanation
C) Filtration
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D) Radiation
Show Explanation

126 / 150

How many fatty acid molecules are normally present in a fat or oil molecule?

NUMS Mock 4
Biological Molecules
A) 1
Show Explanation
B) 2
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C) 3
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D) 4
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127 / 150

Golgi complex is responsible for the formation of secretory granules in _____ cell.

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
A) Stomach.
Show Explanation
B) Liver.
Show Explanation
C) Pancreatic.
Show Explanation
D) Muscle.
Show Explanation

128 / 150

Bones of the skull are joined by:

NUMS Mock 4
Support and Movement
A) Fixed joints
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B) Sliding joints
Show Explanation
C) Pivot joints
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D) Hinge joints
Show Explanation

129 / 150

Which of the following is correct in humans?

NUMS Mock 4
A) Both sperm and egg contain yolk
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B) All genetic information comes from sperm
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C) Sperm contains little cytoplasm
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D) Fertilization commonly occurs in the uterus
Show Explanation

130 / 150

Which trait is not sex-linked recessive:

NUMS Mock 4
Variation and Genetics
A) Haemophilia
Show Explanation
B) Colour blindness
Show Explanation
C) Hypophosphatemia
Show Explanation
D) TFM syndrome
Show Explanation

131 / 150

Given figures shows:

NUMS Mock 4
Gaseous Exchange
A) Structure of Lenticel
Show Explanation
B) Hydathode showing gaseous vapour exchange
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C) Fungus reproducing by spore formation
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D) Algae reproducing by spore formation
Show Explanation

132 / 150

The region of the chromosome or, more specifically, the length of the DNA molecule, which has a particular function is called _______.

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA
A) Kinetochore
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B) Locus
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C) Allele
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D) Gene
Show Explanation

133 / 150

As an essential element in living organisms, _______ ion is playing an important role in insulin secretion, the release of neurotransmitters, muscle contraction, and heartbeat regulation.

NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control
A) Sodium
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B) Potassium
Show Explanation
C) Calcium
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D) Chloride
Show Explanation

134 / 150

The photosynthetic pigments of plants are arranged as clusters in thylakoid membranes. The reaction centers of these clusters consist of _____ molecules.

NUMS Mock 4
A) Chlorophyll
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Show Explanation
C) Carotenoids
Show Explanation
D) Glucose
Show Explanation

135 / 150

Pseudopodia are:

NUMS Mock 4
Support and Movement
A) False feet developed in some unicellular organisms
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B) Small hairlike structures present on the unicellular organisms
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C) Long, tube like structures coming out of the mouth
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D) Suckers which are attached to the walls of intestines
Show Explanation

136 / 150

Among the following, which cellular organelle contains circular DNA, similar to those found in bacteria?

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
A) Lysosome
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B) Nucleus
Show Explanation
C) Nucleosome
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D) Mitochondria
Show Explanation

137 / 150

The type of plastids found in roots of plants are _____.

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
A) Chloroplasts
Show Explanation
B) Chromoplasts
Show Explanation
C) Leucoplasts
Show Explanation
D) All of these options are correct
Show Explanation

138 / 150

High level of _____ and _____ in the blood and the contributing factors in the formation of kidney stones.

NUMS Mock 4
A) Calcium, oxalate
Show Explanation
B) Calcium, magnesium
Show Explanation
C) Calcium, sodium
Show Explanation
D) Sodium, sulphate
Show Explanation

139 / 150

The Porifera are pore – bearing animals, commonly called:

NUMS Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
A) Corals
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B) Sponges
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C) Hydras
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D) Anemones
Show Explanation

140 / 150

At what phase the DNA content of a cell is doubled?

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Cycle
A) Prophase
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B) Interphase
Show Explanation
C) Anaphase
Show Explanation
D) Telophase
Show Explanation

141 / 150

Which of the following RNA sequences would be transcribed from the DNA sequence ATGGCTAGGAC?

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

142 / 150

The scientific name of thorn Apple is?

NUMS Mock 4
Kingdom Plantae
A) Sycopodium phlogmaria
Show Explanation
B) Anthocoros fusiform
Show Explanation
C) Ginkgo biloba
Show Explanation
D) Datura alba
Show Explanation

143 / 150

Which of the following diseases is sexually transmitted?

NUMS Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Tuberculosis
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Show Explanation
C) Dengue Fever
Show Explanation
D) Cholera
Show Explanation

144 / 150

The system responsible for fighting the pathogens is:

NUMS Mock 4
Biology and its Major Fields of Specialization
A) Muscular System
Show Explanation
B) Endocrine System
Show Explanation
C) Nervous System
Show Explanation
D) Immune System
Show Explanation

145 / 150

In human gut, chylomicrons are formed by the combination of:

NUMS Mock 4
A) Proteins and carbohydrates
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B) Fats and proteins
Show Explanation
C) Fats and carbohydrates
Show Explanation
D) Vitamins and fats
Show Explanation

146 / 150

A/An ______ is an organism that makes ATP by aerobic respiration if oxygen is present, but is capable of switching to fermentation if oxygen is absent.

NUMS Mock 4
A) Cellular anaerobe
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B) Respiratory anaerobe
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C) Obligate anaerobe
Show Explanation
D) Facultative anaerobe
Show Explanation

147 / 150

The autonomic nervous system controls all of the following activities except:

NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control
A) Digestion of food
Show Explanation
B) Heart beat
Show Explanation
C) Contraction of pupil of eye
Show Explanation
D) Thought
Show Explanation

148 / 150

Four events in the transmission of nerve impulses across synapses are:

I. depolarisation of the presynaptic membrane

II. propagation of postsynaptic action potential

III. reabsorption of the transmitter substance

IV. release of transmitter substance into the synaptic cleft

In which sequence do these events occur?


NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control
A) I, III, II, and IV
Show Explanation
B) I, IV, II and III
Show Explanation
C) IV, I, III and II
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D) IV, III, I and II
Show Explanation

149 / 150

Pick the correct option about Drosophila.

NUMS Mock 4
Variation and Genetics
A) The Male is larger with a pointed abdomen
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B) The female has sex combs on its front legs
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C) It has a generation time of just eight weeks
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D) Salivary gland cells have giant chromosomes in their nuclei
Show Explanation

150 / 150

Arrange the following according to the level of protein structures:

a) lysozyme, b) haemoglobin, c) insulin, d) hairs.

NUMS Mock 4
Biological Molecules
A) c, d, a, b
Show Explanation
B) a, b, c, d
Show Explanation
C) d, c, b, a
Show Explanation
D) a, d, c, b
Show Explanation

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