Chemistry Practice Tests 3

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Chemistry Practice Test 3

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1 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

For the reaction, A(g) -> products:

When the concentration of A(g) doubles, the rate of reaction increases four folds, which means it is:

PMC 2020
Reaction Kinetics
Elimination Tool:

2 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.134 Why phenol is more acidic than Alcohol?

3 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

The ionization of Hydrogen atom gives:

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
s and p Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

4 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

Formula of Thionyl chloride is

5 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Lithium and beryllium are unique in such a way that they have higher charge densities which produce strong polarizing effects due to:

NTS 2018
Chemical Bonding
Elimination Tool:

6 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.84 In BeCl2 the covalent bond is formed due to overlap if

7 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

High molecular mass organic compounds, upon hydrolysis yield amino acids are called _______.

PMC Sample 3
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
Elimination Tool:

8 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

In electrochemical series, elements are arranged in order of their standard electrode potentials, the correct decreasing reactivity order for metals is:

NTS 2018
Elimination Tool:

9 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

The maximum number of electrons that an orbital can accommodate is/are:

NTS 2010
Atomic Structure
Elimination Tool:

10 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Teflon contains which of the following halide?

11 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 11

If the distribution co-efficient is small then the solute will:

12 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Transition Elements usually show:

NUMS 2015
d and f Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

13 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.40 Octane number of n-heptane is____________?

14 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

What should be added to methane to produce HCN?

15 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

A graph between volume and temperature gives a straight line which cuts the temperature axis at:

NUMS 2020
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

16 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Which of the following is TRUE regarding Methyl Alcohol?

NTS 2011
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Elimination Tool:

17 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

A gas that reacts with CaO and not with NaHCO3 is:

NTS 2017
Periodicity in Elements
Elimination Tool:

18 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

Sum of all the exponents of the molar concentration of the reactant present in the rate equation is known as:

NTS 2012
Reaction Kinetics
Elimination Tool:

19 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

If an electron makes a transition from 4th orbit to inner orbits, then the wavelength for which the radius is maximum, lies in which of the following series?

20 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Born Haber cycle is used to determine:

PMC 2020
Elimination Tool:

21 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

At 1489 mm of Hg, water will boil at:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

22 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 12

Reaction of CH3CH2MgBr with ethylene epoxide gives:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Elimination Tool:

23 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

The alloy Duralumin is composed of ______ of Al.

NTS 2018
Elimination Tool:

24 / 100

Category: Chemistry

The osmotic pressure of equimolar solutions of BaCl2, NaCl and sucrose will be in the order:

NUMS Mock 1
Solution and Colloids

25 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

The rate of reaction is equal to the specific rate constant, when:

26 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Which one of the following is an acid?

27 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

An ester is prepared by:

NUMS 2014
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
Elimination Tool:

28 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 11

Equal weights of methane and hydrogen are mixed in an empty container at 25°C. The fraction of total pressure exerted by hydrogen is:

NTS 2013
Elimination Tool:

29 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 12

Which of the following is a result of reaction between Iodine and Oxygen?

30 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.16 Actual yield is always less than theoretical yield due to

31 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Which of the following process is not use for the preparation of alcohol?

32 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

Percentage of nitrogen by volume in air is:

UHS 2018
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

33 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.37 In Lucas test, tertiary alcohols form oily layer of alkyl halid ________?

34 / 100

Category: Chemistry

“The sum of all the exponents to which the molar concentration in terms in the rate equation are raised” defines:

NUMS Mock 2
Reaction Kinetics

35 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

What is the molality of 92 g toluene In 250 g benzene?

36 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

Physical properties of Ethyne is/are:

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 3
Elimination Tool:

37 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following will not undergo aldol condensation?

NUMS Mock 2
Aldehydes and Ketones

38 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Value of heat capacity of water is

39 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

which one of the following Is the oxidation number of Iodine in I2?

40 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Hydrolysis accompanied by bond cleavage is called

41 / 100

Category: Chemistry


Q.115 The crude petroleum is separated in fraction by

42 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 12

Which of the following is not a nucleophile?

NTS 2010
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Elimination Tool:

43 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

To get the carboxylic acid containing C atoms less than C atoms in parent aldehyde we do hydrolysis of:

44 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Hydration energy of sodium Ion Is:

45 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Sodium Benzoate on reacting with soda lime forms:

NUMS Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives

46 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.165 Carboxylic acids are formed by the hydrolysis of_

47 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

Ketones and aldehydes are reduced in the presence of catalyst:

48 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Boiling point of Ethyl Alcohol is?

49 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

CH ≡ CH + 2AgNO3 -> AgC ≡ CAg + 2HNO3 represents _____ property of acetylene.

NTS 2012
Elimination Tool:

50 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

The _____ study of composition of pure substance in 17th century clearly shows that few elements are components of many substances

PMC Practice 29
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

51 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

Which of the following statements about H2S is false?

NTS 2017
Periodicity in Elements
Elimination Tool:

52 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 12

Which of the following halogen does not form stable oxyacids?

53 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

What is the least number of carbon atoms in amino acids?

54 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

Ketone reacts with Grignard reagent to form ______ in acidic media?

Aldehydes and Ketones
Elimination Tool:

55 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

H2S is an example of ______ hydride.

NTS 2012
Chemical Bonding
Elimination Tool:

56 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Which type of carboxylic acid is produced from the hydrolysis of nitriles?

PMC Sample 2
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
Elimination Tool:

57 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.124 Ethyne has which hybridization?

58 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.169 The oxidation number of Nickel in [Ni(CO)A] is

59 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Acetic acid is used in curing of? b

60 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

Which one of the following has the least C — C bond length?

61 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

How many chain isomers are shown by C5H12?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 4
Elimination Tool:

62 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

Which gas among the following can be dried by bubbling in H2S04?

63 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 12

In the reaction of m- chlorotoluene with KNH2 in liquid NH3, the major product is:

NUMS 2016
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Elimination Tool:

64 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Aluminum silicate is used In:

65 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.32 vapor pressure is measured by calculating difference in liquid pressure and

66 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.29 Which one of them is used as an automobile anti free

67 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

A reaction with a tendency of occurring in forward and backward direction simultaneously is termed as

PMC Sample 1
Chemical Equilibrium
Elimination Tool:

68 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

In depression of freezing point, freezing constant Is divided by

69 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

Common name of Octadecanoic acid is:

Acids, Bases and Salts
Elimination Tool:

70 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

Which in not woody raw material

71 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

Lowering of vapor pressure is directly proportional to?

72 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

The rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of active masses of the reactants, it is referred to as:

NTS 2018
Reaction Kinetics
Elimination Tool:

73 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 12

Which of the following is not an isomer of other three:

74 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Amorphous solids turns into glass like state from rubber like state, this is called

PMC Sample 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

75 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

When gases expand, this causes:

76 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Who discovered positive rays (also called protons) and when?

NUMS Mock 4
Atomic Structure

77 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Alkyl groups In ethers are connected by?

78 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

The reaction in which a molecule is broken down by Water is known as

79 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

Which orbitals take part in binding of transition elements

PMC Sample 1
Periodicity in Elements
Elimination Tool:

80 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

What are the products of the below-mentioned equation?


NTS 2019
Periodicity in Elements
Elimination Tool:

81 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Nylon-6,6 is also called:

UHS 2018
Elimination Tool:

82 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Which one is the carbonyl protecting group?

83 / 100

Category: Chemistry

The color of transition metal complexes is due to transition of electrons between:

NUMS Mock 3
d and f Block Elements

84 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

The maximum number of electrons in an atom with n=3 and l=2 is:

NUMS 2015
Atomic Structure
Elimination Tool:

85 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

2-methyl 2-propanol is:

86 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Polymer having a characteristics odour and mostly used as an adhesive material is

87 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 12

Friedel-Crafts Reaction can be used for the preparation of :

88 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Polyester is used in:

PMC 2021 Tested
Elimination Tool:

89 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

In the atmosphere, CO2is about?

NUMS 2018
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

90 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.9 The unit of electronegative is

91 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

6 g of urea is dissolved in 90 g of water. The relative lowering of vapour pressure is:

NUMS 2015
Solution and Colloids
Elimination Tool:

92 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Electronegativity is defined as the power of an atom in a molecule to

93 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

1500•degree Celsius furnace temperature Is maintained at which zone?

94 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

At 25 C, the equivalent conductance at infinite dilution of HCl solution is 425 ohm 1 cm 2 Equiv 1 while its specific conductance is 3.825 ohm 1 cm 1. If the apparent degree of dissociation is 90%, the normality of the solution is:

NUMS 2016
Solution and Colloids
Elimination Tool:

95 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

How many atmospheres correspond to 1050 torr?

NTS 2019
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

96 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 11

Given the reaction:

C3H6 + 5O2 → 3CO2 +4H2O

At STP, how many liters of O2 are needed to completely burn 5.0 liters of C3H6?

NTS 2010
Elimination Tool:

97 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Bond energy:

I. is the energy required to break a bond between two atoms in a diatomic molecule

II. Is taken as the energy released in forming a bond form free atoms

III. Is the measure of the strength of bond

NTS 2011
Chemical Bonding
Elimination Tool:

98 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 12

d-d transitions in transition metals gives?

99 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

In Balancing redox equation, the first thing is to:

PMC Sample 3
Elimination Tool:

100 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12

Which transition metal is used the most in industries?

PMC 2021 Tested
d and f Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

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The average score is 56%





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