FSC Chemistry Full Book MCQs 4

Entry test 2023 contains most of the Chemistry MCQs. FSC Part 2 Chemistry book MCQs. HSSC Chemistry questions MCQs. Solved Chapterwise Chemistry MCQs for first-year 12 class MCQs and 11 class MCQs. Second-year and first-year Chemistry textbooks chapter-wise MCQs with the answer are provided here. The Chemistry portion is helpful in MDCAT 2023, ECAT 2023, NTS NAT 2023, and NUST NET 2023. PakLearningSpot PLS MCQs Bank website for FREE Entry test preparations


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Chemistry Practice Test 4

1 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Name the orbital n = 5; l = 2; m = 0.

NUMS Mock 1
Atomic Structure

2 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

KOLBE’s method is used to prepare?

3 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Vapor pressure depends on

4 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

H2SO4 has great affinity for water because:

NTS 2014
Acids, Bases and Salts
Elimination Tool:

5 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

Which of the following oxides is amphoteric in character?

NUMS 2014
Acids, Bases and Salts
Elimination Tool:

6 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

Instantaneous rate of reaction is the rate at any

PMC Sample 2
Reaction Kinetics
Elimination Tool:

7 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Ease of esterification of the following alcohols CH3CH2OH(I),(CH3​)2CHOH and (CH3)3COH(III) with HCOOH is:

NUMS 2017
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
Elimination Tool:

8 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.70 To prepare a buffer with pH close to 9, the mixture used would be

9 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

Which of the following statements is correct?

NTS 2011
Atomic Structure
Elimination Tool:

10 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.176 Quantum number values for 2p orbítals are

11 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 12

Which of the following statements is incorrect about benzene?

12 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.103 Left-handed helix in proteins secondary structure is called as

13 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

The unit of rate constant is same as that of rate of reaction in:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Reaction Kinetics
Elimination Tool:

14 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

Which of the following reagent is used to separate and purify carbonyl and non carbonyl compounds?

PMC 2020
Aldehydes and Ketones
Elimination Tool:

15 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

Sodium Is prepared by

16 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

One Calorie is equal to:

PMC 2020
Elimination Tool:

17 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

A catalyst increases the rate of reaction by:

NTS 2019
Elimination Tool:

18 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 12

Which of the following is the formula of Potassium permanganate?

19 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

The chemical name of the baking powder is:

NTS 2011
s and p Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

20 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Burning of fuel is a

21 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Which of the following is the highest electronegative element?

22 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Heat evolved or absorbed in a chemical reaction does not depend upon?

Elimination Tool:

23 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 12

C6H5 Is:

24 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

Current in electrolysis is carried through?

PMC Practice 1
Elimination Tool:

25 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

What is a complex/coordination compound?

PMC Sample 1
Periodicity in Elements
Elimination Tool:

26 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

Point out the property which is not characteristic of alkali metal:

NUMS 2014
s and p Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

27 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

The process of depositing a thin layer of expensive metals on ordinary or expensive metals is called:

NUMS 2017
Elimination Tool:

28 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

What is the cell reaction of

Zn(s) | Zn2+(aq) 1M | Ni2+(aq) 1M | Ni(s)

Zn2+(aq) + 2e- -> Zn(s), Eo = -0.76 V

Ni2+(aq) + 2e- -> Ni(s), Eo = -0.25 V

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Elimination Tool:

29 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

Lowering of vapor pressure is directly proportional to?

30 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

Photochemical smog is primarily caused by

ETEA 2019
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

31 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Which one of the following molecules has sp3 hybridization?

NUMS Mock 2
Chemical Bonding

32 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

The nature of Binding Force in Ionic Crystals is

PMC Sample 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

33 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

Human blood maintains its pH between

UHS 2016
Solution and Colloids
Elimination Tool:

34 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

The binding energy of transition metal increases upto group:

NUMS 2020
Periodicity in Elements
Elimination Tool:

35 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

A chemical engineer wants to use the Haber process in order to produce ammonia as raw material for fertilizers. Which of the following parameters must the chemical engineer AVOID in order to obtain the maximum yield of ammonia?
N2(g) + 3H2(g) -> 2NH3(g) ΔH0 = -92.6 kJ/mol

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Chemical Equilibrium
Elimination Tool:

36 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

The oxidation number of all the elements in the free state is:

NTS 2012
Elimination Tool:

37 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Which of the following is paramagnetic

38 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Which enthalpy change is relevant in the following process

Na(s) -> Na (g) ΔH = +107

UHS 2019
Elimination Tool:

39 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

If you need to produce carbon dioxide from 12 grams of carbon, how many grams would you need?

40 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

Methyl orange is _______ in acidic solutions.

NTS 2018
Acids, Bases and Salts
Elimination Tool:

41 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Which one of the following ions exhibits d-d transition and paramagnetism as well?

NTS 2014
d and f Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

42 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Which of the following is TRUE regarding Methyl Alcohol?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 3
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Elimination Tool:

43 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

What are the values of orbital quantum number/0 and magnetic quantum number(m) for subshell?

44 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.123 Which of the following is succinic acid?

45 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

The Neutron was discovered by:

NTS 2018
Atomic Structure
Elimination Tool:

46 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 12

In general formula of alkyl halide RX, X represents ________

PMC Sample 2
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Elimination Tool:

47 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

The first ionization energy is maximum for:

PMC 2020
Chemical Bonding
Elimination Tool:

48 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 12

Which functional group is not a double bond?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

49 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

Which of the following statements is true?

NUMS 2014
s and p Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

50 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

Which of these pollutants is produced by burning of coal and causes acid rain.

UHS 2018
Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

51 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

For, the reaction:

N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3

The production of NH3 will be favored at:

NTS 2010
Chemical Equilibrium
Elimination Tool:

52 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Precipitation occurs when the product of ionic concentrations is:

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium

53 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

“In an atom no two electrons can have the some set of four Quantum numbers” is stated by:

NTS 2013
Atomic Structure
Elimination Tool:

54 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 12

Alkyl Halides that go through SN1 reactions are

55 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

Pressure remaining constant, at which temperature volume of gas will become twice to the volume at 0 C?

NUMS 2020
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

56 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Crystal structure of diamond is

57 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

Which one is the correct formula for molar mass of solute In case of boiling point elevation? x

58 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

For Alkali Metals, decrease in the ionization potential is because of the increasing:

59 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Gas is enclosed in a container of 20 cm3 with the moving piston. According to kinetic theory of gases, what will be the effect on freely moving molecules of the gas if temperature is increased from 20 C to 100 C?

UHS 2018
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

60 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.117 The rate of esterification of alcohols is more for

61 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

1 amu is?

62 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

What is the temperature at which the volume of gas is said to be zero?

States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

63 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Bond angle of Ethane is:

64 / 100

Category: Chemistry

The influence of temperature on reaction rate is predicted by:

NUMS Mock 1
Reaction Kinetics

65 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

Oxidation state of P in Mg2P3O5 Is

66 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

A diabetic person’s exhaled breath contains propanone. A student tries to test the diabetes by asking the person to bubble the reagent with his exhaled breath. Which of the following reagents would give a positive result?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Aldehydes and Ketones
Elimination Tool:

67 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Which one of the following is neutral amino acid:

68 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Electronic configuration of chromium (Proton number 24) is:

PMC 2020
d and f Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

69 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

Gases behave ideal at

70 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

H2O has a higher boiling point than HF because:

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Chemical Bonding
Elimination Tool:

71 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

Limiting reactant controls the amount of _.

PMC Practice 27
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

72 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Water has maximum density at:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

73 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.89 Iftwo substituents are present at 1,4 positions then the isomer is called As____________?

74 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

Real gases behave ideally at:

NTS 2018
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

75 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

In a exothermic process, forward direction reaction is favored by:

76 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Left-handed helix in proteins secondary structure is called as ______ :

PMC Practice 4
Elimination Tool:

77 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Which is not a meta directing group:

NUMS Mock 1
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry

78 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Scandium, Sc, is the first of the 3d blocks of elements in the Periodic table.

Which properties of Sc approve the above fact?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
d and f Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

79 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.104 The maximum number of electrons accommodated in a shell or energy level is calculated by formula

80 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

The shape of crystal in which it usually grows is called its _____.

PMC Practice 6
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

81 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Teflon contains which of the following halide?

82 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

What is used in cement manufacture?

83 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

Percentage of nitrogen in urea is:

84 / 100

Category: Chemistry

The potential difference of an electrochemical cell is measured by:

NUMS Mock 2

85 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following indicate the correct variation of electronegativity?

NUMS Mock 1
Chemical Bonding

86 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 11

Which of the following can ba employed instead of filter papers?

87 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Heat of Neutralization is defined as:

88 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

PVC is created from which halogen

89 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

The chemical formula of chromyl chloride gas is?

Periodicity in Elements
Elimination Tool:

90 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

Strontium lies between calcium and barium in Group II A in the Periodic Table. Which of the properties could be predicted for strontium?

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
s and p Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

91 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

When does a gas deviate the most from its ideal behavior ?

NTS 2010
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

92 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

Why is water added after the reduction process of aldehyde and ketone with LiAlH4?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Aldehydes and Ketones
Elimination Tool:

93 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 12

Which type of alkyl halides gives SN2 mechanism?

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Elimination Tool:

94 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 12

Which of the following is not a nucleophile?

NTS 2010
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Elimination Tool:

95 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 12

Which one of the following is the correct structure of 2,2-Dimethylbutane?

PMC Sample 1
Elimination Tool:

96 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 12

Which of the following has the lowest vapour pressure at 20 degrees Centigrade?

PMC 2020
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

97 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Phenylmethyl ketone can be converted into ethyl benzene in one step by using:

NUMS Mock 1
Aldehydes and Ketones

98 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 12

In SN1 reaction “1” stands for?

Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

99 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

In HF the covalent bond is due to:

Chemical Bonding
Elimination Tool:

100 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

In the electrolysis of molten ZnCl2, how much Zn can be deposited at the cathode by the passage of 0.01 ampere for one hour?

NUMS 2017
Elimination Tool:

Your score is

The average score is 57%


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