Biology Kingdom Monera MCQs Chapter 6 Class 11

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Created on By Ali Durrani

Biology Ch 6 Class 11 KINGDOM MONERA

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Which of the following structure is not present in all the bacteria?

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Which of the following has a chain arrangement?

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In many bacteria, the cell wall is enclosed within a slime capsule made up of:

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The DNA of the bacterium is present in a distinct region called:

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Flagella originate from

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Select a method which causes the oxidation of chemical constituent of a bacterial cell:

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The shape of Cocci bacteria is:

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In bacterial categories the bacteria smaller in number are

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Bacterial pilli help in:

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The cell membrane of a bacterial cell often invaginates to produce membranous structures referred to as:

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For respiratory metabolism, a bacterial cell membrane contains:

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E. coli and example of entrobacteriace is important for causing diarrheal diseases its size is:

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Some bacteria ranging occasionally a size of 500 ?m in length are

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Which of the following structures provides greater pathogenicity to the bacteria?

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When was the bacteriophage phenomena rediscovered by D’Herelle?

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The size of Spirochete is

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The cell wall of Archaebacteria does not contain which of the following?

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Tuberculosis is caused by?

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When were bacteriophages discovered by Twort?

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Gram negative bacteria are stained pink by the use of:

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The function of a cell wall in prokaryotes is:

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Which of the following bacteria possesses a spherical shape?

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Which of the following statements about the systemic effect of bacterial cells is true?

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Germ theory was presented by:

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Who discovered the bacteria causing tuberculosis and also developed various techniques of media preparation and maintenance of pure culture?

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In a bacterial cell, plasma membrane with all things present within it is called:

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A group of 8 cocci is called

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The process of recombination in prokaryotes takes place in which of the following ways?

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Under the microscope, the bacteria appear a bluish-purple color. Which class of bacteria are on the slide?

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In which phase of bacterial growth, does divison at an exponential rate occur?

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In which of the following phases of bacterial growth, is the death rate more rapid than the multiplication rate?

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A bacterial cell envelope of mollicutes does not include?

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Which of the following types of bacterial reproduction is most similar to mitosis?

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The bacteria can cope in unfavorable condition by producing:

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Rod-shaped bacteria are known as _______

UHS 2018
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Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding germ theory of diseases postulated by Robert Koch?

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Who coined the term Animalcules for microorganisms like Bacteria and protozoa?

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Which of the following is not a sterilization method for the control of bacteria?

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A type of bacterial cell that is completely surrounded by flagella is called:

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Coccobacillus has a shape similar to

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A bacterium with tuft of flagella at both poles is called

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Bacteria having a tuft of flagella at one end are called:

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If lipopolysaccharides did not appear in the wall of bacteria on staining then it will be known as ________.

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Which of the following is true of both bacterial conjugation and meiosis?

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Cyanobacteria have which of the following type of cell wall?

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Germ theory of disease has ______ postulates

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Genetic recombination in bacteria can occur through:

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Spirochaete bacterium Treponema Pallidum causes ______.

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Which of the following organelles are present in all the bacteria?

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Cyanobacteria help in nitrogen fixation because they have:

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51 / 69

Which of the following is TRUE about the structure of a typical bacterium?

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Which of the following bacteria are thick rigid and spiral?

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Which of the following bacteria do not have flagella commonly?

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Apparently which bacteria is more resistant to antibiotics?

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The first simplest oxygen producing organism:

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Which of the following structure primarily helps in attachment of bacteria on various surfaces?

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Purple non-sulphur bacteria is an example of which of the following?

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Rod-shaped bacteria are known as:

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Which of the following is not a component of extracellular matrix in bacteria?

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Which one of the following sets includes the bacterial diseases?

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The word Archaeobacteria (a division of bacteria) derived from Greek means

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Cell wall is only absent in the following group of bacteria;

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Vibrio cholera is an example of ______ type of bacteria.

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Which of the following structure provides greater pathogenicity to the bacteria?

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Which of the following bacteria are without a cell wall?

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The causing agent of the tuberculosis that grows very well in poor living conditions and malnutrition is:

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A Dutch scientist firstly observed very small creatures in

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The presence of peptidoglycan in gram-positive bacteria is:

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The first bacterium isolated was

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