11 class Biology Introduction MCQs

FSC Biology MCQs


1. Which character differentiates living things from non-living organisms?
A. They live in the same ecosystem. B. They are acted upon by the same environment
C. They are highly organized and complex made of one or more cells and contain genetic material D. Both a and b
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The experiments on DNA molecules in chromosomes for knowing the basis of inherited diseases are conducted by :
A. Molecular biologists B. Microbiologists
C. Freshwater biologists D. Social biologist
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Oxygen accounts for ____ % of totals human body mass:
A. 65% B. 18%
C. 10% D. 3%
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Which one is a micromolecule?
A. Polysaccharide B. Protein
C. Hemoglobin D. ATP
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Group of living organisms of the same species living in the same place at the same time is called
A. Community B. Population
C. Ecosystem D. Biome
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The concept that various organisms dominated this planet during various geological time period and thus placing organisms in a time squence came from the studies by
A. Environmental biologist B. Paleontologist
C. Marine biologist D. Social biologist
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It is possible to date the rocks by comparing the amount of specific radioactive isotopes they contain. Which of the statement is correct in this respect:
A. Older sediment layers have equal amount of these reaioactive isotopes as that of the young ones B. Older sediment layers have less amount of these reaioactive isotopes as that of the young ones.
C. Older sediment layers have greater amount of these radioactive isotopes as that of the young ones. D. Older sediment layers did not have these radioactive isotopes
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Which one is not correct for a productive theory?
A. It is predictive B. It has explanatory power
C. It discourages suggestion of different hypotheses D. None of these
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Production of genetically identical copiies of organisms/cells by asexula reproduction is called
A. Mitosis B. Replication
C. Cloning D. Biological control
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Which disease has been totally eradicated from the world because of effective vaccination?
A. Measles B. Polio
C. Small pox D. Hepatitis
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