Biology Diagnostic Tests 2nd Year MCQs

FSC Biology MCQs Alevels Olevels MCQs

Variety among amino acids is produced due to
A. NH2 group B. COOH group
C. R group D. All of these
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The one which is not a globular protein
A. Anti Rh-antibody B. Enzyme
C. Myosin D. Haemoglobin
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The unicellular organisms ingest large molecules into their cytoplasm from the external environment without previously digesting them. This process is called
A. Diffusion B. Osmosis
C. Phagocytosis D. Plasmolysis
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Double fertilization occurs in
A. All plants B. All seed plants
C. Gymnosperms D. Angiosperms
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Which of the following are triploblastic and acoelomate?
A. Sponges B. Annelida
C. Platyhelminthes D. Aves
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The food of hydra consists of
A. Humus B. Detritus
C. Dead microscopic animals D. Small crustaceans
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The windpipe or trachea lies
A. Dorsal to oesophagus B. Ventral to oesophagus
C. Lateral to oesophagus D. None of these
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Scurvy and beri – beri and caused by the deficiency of
A. Vitamin B and C B. Vitamin B and D
C. Vitamin C and B D. Vitamin A and B
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The greatest diversity of animals in the lake is found in which one of the following zones?
A. Limmnetic zone B. Littoral zone
C. Profundal zone D. None of these
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In most ecosystems the greatest amount of energy flows through the
A. Secondary consumers B. Herbivores
C. Carnivores D. Decomposers
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Which of the following relationship is NOT an example of symbiosis?
A. Rhizobium and leguminous plants B. Marchantia sporophyte and gametophyte
C. Algae and fungi in a lichen D. Mycorrhizal fungi and tree roots
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