Transport 12 Class FSC Biology MCQs With Answers

FSC Biology MCQs

The uptake of water in plants involves
A. Active transport B. Passive transport
C. Both of these D. None of these
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The diffusion of ions along with water also takes place by mass flow system along the ______ path
A. Tonoplast B. Apoplast
C. Symplast D. Vacuolar
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In the root cells _______ pathway becomes discontinuous in the endodermis due to the presence of casparian strip.
A. Tonoplast B. Apoplast
C. Symplast D. Vacuolar.
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Aerating openings formed in the bark through which exchange of gases takes place and water is lost in the form of vapours are
A. Hydathods B. Stomata
C. Lenticels D. None of these
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They function as multisensory hydraulic valve
A. Lenticels B. Guard cells
C. Hydathods D. All of these
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Stomata open due to _____ of K+ into the guard cells from the surrounding epidermis
A. Diffusion B. Active transport
C. Osmosis D. All of these
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Symbionts which help plants in uptake of phosphorous and trace metals such as zinc and copper.
A. Bacteria. B. Viruses
C. Fungi. D. Cyanobacteria.
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Pulling upward of water and dissolved minerals towards the leaves through the xylem tissue is called
A. Transpiration pull B. Root pressure
C. Ascent of sap. D. All of these
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A pressure created by active secretion of salts and other solutes from other cells into xylem sap is called
A. Transpiration pull B. Root pressure
C. Osmotic pressure. D. None of these
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Which of the following is true about hearts of earthworm?
A. There are 5-7 pairs of heart. B. They are present between 1-7th segments.
C. They are present lateral to the oesophagus. D. They pump blood from ventral to dorsal vessel.
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