Biology Practice Test 2

Entry test contains most of the Biology MCQs. FSC Pre-Medical Part 2 Biology book MCQs. HSSC bio questions MCQs. Solved Chapterwise Biology MCQs for first-year 12 class MCQs and 11 class MCQs. Second-year and first-year Biology textbooks chapter-wise MCQs with the answer are provided here. The Biology portion is helpful in MDCAT , NTS NAT , and NUST. PakLearningSpot PLS MCQs Bank website for FREE Entry test preparations

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Biology Practice Test 2

1 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

The estrogen hormone secretion during the oogenesis is stimulated by:

NUMS 2020
Coordination and Control
Elimination Tool:

2 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Which of the following is NOT a viral disease?

NTS 2018
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

3 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.35 Ribose is a monosaccharide constituent of man

4 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 12

By PCR we mean:

UHS 2018
Elimination Tool:

5 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

The egg-laying birds are called:

NUMS 2016
Elimination Tool:

6 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

During aristotle time, it was thought that

PMC Sample 3
Elimination Tool:

7 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

Inactive enzyme precursors such as pepsinogen for pepsin are called as:

PMC Practice 1
Elimination Tool:

8 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Resting membrane potential of neurons is _______, while during active membrane potential the inner membrane surface becomes more _____ than the outside.

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Coordination and Control
Elimination Tool:

9 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.29 A monohybrid cross yielded 3:1 in F2. What could be mode of inheritance?

10 / 100

Category: Biology

Transport of glucose across the cell membrane occurs by:

NUMS Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function

11 / 100

Category: Biology

Which of the following nutrients is incorrectly paired with its function in a plant?

NUMS Mock 3

12 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Spirochaete bacterium Treponema Pallidum causes ______.

Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

13 / 100

Category: Biology

Erythroblastosis foetalis occurs when:

NUMS Mock 2
Variation and Genetics

14 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.42 Antibodies play important role against microorganisms and other pathogens to which type of proteins do they belong?

15 / 100

Category: Biology

Which one of the following is most likely to occur in a boy during puberty?

NUMS Mock 4

16 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 12

Sequence of changes in community and its non-living environment over a period of time is

17 / 100

Category: Biology

The inhibitor which closely resembles the substrate in its molecular structure and inhibits the enzyme activity by binding to the active site of the enzyme is called:

NUMS Mock 1

18 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

Active site of Rubisco is evolved to bind

19 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Absorption of digested food occurs mainly in:

NUMS 2014
Elimination Tool:

20 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 12

Major regional ecological community of plants and animals forms

21 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Type of neurons found exclusively in CNS are:

22 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

A reaction will proceed faster if the activation energy is?

PMC Sample 1
Elimination Tool:

23 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Who discovered the bacteria causing tuberculosis and also developed various techniques of media preparation and maintenance of pure culture?

24 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Lymph nodes are not present:

NUMS 2020
Coordination and Control
Elimination Tool:

25 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Ammonia is chief excretory product in:

NUMS 2014
Elimination Tool:

26 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Fear of getting obese is termed as:

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Elimination Tool:

27 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

The following statements are about enzymes:

1. They are globular proteins

2. They can be inhibited by competitive inhibitors

3. They are formed in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

4. There are only found attached to Plasma membranes in the cell

Which statements are correct for all enzymes?

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Elimination Tool:

28 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

A type of bacterial cell that is completely surrounded by flagella is called:

PMC Practice 5
Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

29 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

The true E.Coli replicating enzyme is

30 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 12

Which of the following is NOT true for genes used in recombinant DNA technology?

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Elimination Tool:

31 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Which of the following neurotransmitters function, both as neurotransmitter and hormones, decreasing our perception of pain?

PMC 2020
Coordination and Control
Elimination Tool:

32 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

Change in frequency of alleles that occurs by chance Is called as:

UHS 2019
Elimination Tool:

33 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 11

FADH2 is produced during which step of the Krebs cycle?

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Elimination Tool:

34 / 100

Category: Biology

Hepatic and Pancreatic secretions are also stimulated by a hormone called:

NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control

35 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

Pseudo coelomate animals are:

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

36 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

In which phase of bacterial growth, does divison at an exponential rate occur?

NUMS 2020
Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

37 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 11

Lichen is a symbiotic mutualistic association of fungi with

38 / 100

Category: Biology

Germ layers are formed in which stage of development?

NUMS Mock 2
Growth and Development

39 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 14 Class 11

Consider the following statements regarding blood pressure:

1. It is the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of any vessel.

2. It decreases in the arteries as the distance from the heart increases.

3. It is lower in the capillaries than in the arteries.

4. It is usually lower in women than in men.

Choose the correct statements.

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Elimination Tool:

40 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

Which one of the following types of cell are found in secondary xylem of angiosperms?

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Kingdom Plantae
Elimination Tool:

41 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

The multinucleated mass of the bone-breaking cells is called:

NUMS 2020
Support and Movement
Elimination Tool:

42 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

Diaphragm is a sheet of:

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Gaseous Exchange
Elimination Tool:

43 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

% of water in brain cells is

44 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Which one are most complex sugar:


45 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 14 Class 11

The only vein in the human body carrying oxygenated blood is:

NUMS 2020
Elimination Tool:

46 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Cell wall is only absent in the following group of bacteria;

PMC Practice 6
Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

47 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.1 In all plants the major sites of photosynthesis are?

48 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 12

Organisms that have had a foreign gene inserted into them are

49 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

Example of ovoviviparous


50 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

Which of the following characters of pea plant is dominant?

51 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

A special area of centromere with specific base arrangement and specific proteins where spindle fibers are attached is called

52 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Eukaryotic, multicellular, and consumers belong to ______ kingdom.

NUMS 2017
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

53 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 12

The biosphere covers about

54 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

The _____ is the main nutritional part and it’s concerned with the biosynthesis of materials necessary for neurons.

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Coordination and Control
Elimination Tool:

55 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

In humans, ovaries after birth contain:

NUMS 2018
Elimination Tool:

56 / 100

Category: Biology

Haploid and monoploid numbers of chromosomes of hexaploid wheat are:

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA

57 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

Transfer of genetic material from one cell to another that can alter the genetic makeup of recipient cell is called

58 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

Which of the following is the respiratory surface in human beings?

PMC Practice 3
Gaseous Exchange
Elimination Tool:

59 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

The inhibitor which closely resembles the substrate in its molecular structure and inhibits the enzyme activity by binding to the active site of the enzyme is called:

NTS 2013
Elimination Tool:

60 / 100

Category: Biology

Enzymes work by lowering the ______ of the reactions they catalyse:

NUMS Mock 4

61 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

_________ respiration is directly involved in the production of energy, necessary for all living activities.

62 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

The disease, which is caused by defect in a single gene or pair of genes is referred to as:

Variation and Genetics
Elimination Tool:

63 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

The flower of family gramineae process contain two scales below ovary which are called:

NUMS 2014
Kingdom Plantae
Elimination Tool:

64 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

Sporophyte is

65 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 11

Pili are mainly found on certain species of:

PMC 2021 Tested
Kingdom Protista
Elimination Tool:

66 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

The simplest of all bryophytes are

67 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

The excretion of hypertonic urine in humans is associated best with the:

PMC 2020
Elimination Tool:

68 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Germ theory was presented by:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

69 / 100

Category: Biology

Which of the following diseases is sexually transmitted?

NUMS Mock 1
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life

70 / 100

Category: Biology

The end product of glycolysis in anaerobic respiration is:

NUMS Mock 4

71 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

Which one of the following muscles are considered as “Voluntary muscles”?

PMC 2020
Support and Movement
Elimination Tool:

72 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Apparently which bacteria is more resistant to antibiotics?

NUMS 2017
Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

73 / 100

Category: Biology

Which of the following compounds possesses a single covalent bond between carbon and hydrogen?

NUMS Mock 4

74 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 14 Class 11

What will happen, if there is an increase in plasma albumin?

NUMS 2014
Elimination Tool:

75 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

In the male reproductive tract, sperm cells follow a specific path. Which of the following do sperm cells enter after traveling through the epididymis?

PMC Sample 2
Elimination Tool:

76 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

Myofibrils, within the muscle fibers, contain thick and thin filaments made up of _____ and ______ respectively:

NUMS 2020
Support and Movement
Elimination Tool:

77 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

Hinge joint occurs in:

Support and Movement
Elimination Tool:

78 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Gram negative bacteria are stained pink by the use of:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

79 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

Oxygen is transported by combining with ……….. in Hb.

NUMS 2015
Gaseous Exchange
Elimination Tool:

80 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

The genome of viruses is composed of

NTS 2019
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

81 / 100

Category: Biology

Four plants are present in different environmental conditions. Plant A is present in a warm climate with continuous rainfall, plant B is present in a cool forest, plant C is present in a warm climate with little breeze, while plant D is present in a warm climate with high wind speed. Which one of the above plants will have the highest rate of transpiration?

NUMS Mock 2
Gaseous Exchange

82 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

How many metacarpals are present In the hand?

NTS 2013
Support and Movement
Elimination Tool:

83 / 100

Category: Biology

Q.61 These are properties of lipids_________________

84 / 100

Category: Biology

In genetics, the term locus refers to the ______ of the gene on the chromosome.

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA

85 / 100

Category: Biology

The bacteria can cope in unfavorable condition by producing:

NUMS Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote

86 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

Which of the following RNA sequences would be transcribed from the DNA sequence ATGGCTAGGAC?

NTS 2017
Chromosomes and DNA
Elimination Tool:

87 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

Which of the following can be blocked, if one wants to stop translation of mRNA?

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Chromosomes and DNA
Elimination Tool:

88 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

The only aquatic arthropods:

PMC Sample 1
Kingdom Animalia
Elimination Tool:

89 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 11

What is the function of Ribulose?

PMC 2020
Elimination Tool:

90 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Which of the following is not a component of extracellular matrix in bacteria?

NUMS 2015
Kingdom Prokaryote
Elimination Tool:

91 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Human cells maintain concentration gradients across their plasma membranes, such that there is a high sodium concentration outside the cell and a high potassium concentration inside the cell.

Suppose that within the cell membrane are sodium leak channels or carrier proteins. These channels would allow sodium to:

NTS 2017
Biological Molecules
Elimination Tool:

92 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

According to the Hardy-Weinberg theorem, what will be the frequency of heterozygote when ‘p’ is 0.2?

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Elimination Tool:

93 / 100

Category: Biology


Q.62 Which of the following is not a sterilization method for the control of bacteria?

94 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

A psychological condition usually seen in girls and young women, with loss of appetite is:

NTS 2011
Elimination Tool:

95 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Which of the following nutrients is incorrectly paired with its function in a plant?

Elimination Tool:

96 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

Chief material present in the cell wall of plants, fungal, and prokaryotic cells is:

NUMS 2020
Cell Structure and Function
Elimination Tool:

97 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

Synaptonemal complex helps in:

NUMS 2014
Cell Cycle
Elimination Tool:


98 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Abscisic acid promotes flowering in short day plants and inhibits in long day plants, which of the following is antagonistic to abscisic acid in terms of flowering:

99 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

In nature, Garden pea is

100 / 100

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

DNA contains

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