Biology Kingdom Plantae MCQs Chapter 9 Class 11

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Biology Ch 9 Class 11 Kingdom Plantae

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Which one of the following types of cell are found in secondary xylem of angiosperms?

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Kingdom Plantae
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Mosses are included in sub-division

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Below the point at which the cotyledons are attached, the embryo axis is called _______.

Kingdom Plantae
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Which one of the following is not in the group of Gymnosperm?

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Horsetails are included in class

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What is the strengthening material of the prokaryotic cell wall?

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Thick, waxy & leathery cuticle around leaves is present in which of the following?

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Antheridiophore and archegoniophore are found in

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Which type of leucoplasts store lipids?

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The flower of family gramineae process contain two scales below ovary which are called:

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Bryophtes are called amphiabians of plant world because

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The simplest of all bryophytes are

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The botanical name of gum tree ls:

NTS 2013
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The most successful land adapting plants are:

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What is the name of the structure of the leaf that attaches the leaf to the stem?

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Excess water in plants is forced out in the form of droplets through?

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In plants chlorosis is caused by the deficiency of:

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Prosopis glandulosa is the botanical name of _______.

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The scientific name of potato is Solanum tuberosum and that of brinjal is Solanum melongena. This indicates that both potato and brinjal are members of the

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The release of droplets of water from hydathodes is called:

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Antherozoids the male gamete in bryophytes are attracted towards Archegonium i.e. female sex organ by

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The botanical name of Imli is:

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Gymnosperms are referred to as “naked seeded plants”, because

NUMS 2016
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Brassica and rosa plant belong to the group of plants:

NUMS 2017
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Protonema is

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Which characteristic led to the evolution of seed?

NUMS 2020
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Hornwarts are included in sub-class

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Which of the following features differentiate angiosperms from gymnosperms?

UHS 2010
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Which of the following of bryophytes are the simplest one?

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Leaves of ……….. are used to cure cough and cold in horses.

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The term which is not related to the process of evolution of leaf is:

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Of the following which one is most advanced ?

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The scientific name of thorn Apple is?

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In bryophytes fertilization takes place in

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Plants of this group are called ferns:

NUMS 2017
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In Pakistan, the furniture wood is mainly obtained from the members of family:

UHS 2010
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Antheridia and archegonia are born on _____ in bryophytes

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Red algae do not contribute towards:

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What is an example of sperms of liverworts, mosses, ferns which move towards archegonia, in response to nucleic acid released by the ovum?

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The space between the overtopped dichotomous branches was occupied by a sheet of which cells during evolution of megaphylls?

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Ferns are included in

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Why do Bryophytes and ferns both require water for fertilization?

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The first cell of the sporophyte generation is

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Which of the following statements is a correct distinction between autotrophs and heterotrophs?

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Which of the following statement about plants is incorrect?

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Which of the following statement about plants is incorrect?

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“Vascular System absent; gametophyte dominant, sporophyte attached to gametophyte; homosporous” are distinguishing characters of

UHS 2010
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Which of the following is true in angiosperm life cycle?

NTS 2014
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Which of the following is an ovoviviparous organism?

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The male reproductive parts of the flower are called

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The gametophyte of Ulva is:

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The part of sporophyte which is called sporangium is

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Such inflorescence in which the main axis is elongated and bears sessile flowers is called:

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Sporophyte is

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In Hornworts the band of meristematic tissue is found near

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Which of the following is included in Bryophytes?

NTS 2011
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Which of the following statement about alternation of generation in bryophytes is incorrect?

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The zygote formed in liverworts is

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It looks like a single flower but it is in fact an inflorescence called:

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Which of the following is not a parasitic fungus of plants?

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Dark purple or black spore cases of Claviceps purpurea are called:

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Antheridia and archegonia are _____ organs in bryophytes.

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Chlorophyta is considered to be closest to plants but do not resemble plants in having:

NUMS 2020
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A sponge of Antarctica which is more than a meter tall is known as?

PMC Sample 3
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