Computer Sciences Practice Test 1

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Computer Practice Test 1

1 / 100

5. SQL is a(n)

2 / 100

In activity data is collected and recorded:

3 / 100

8. represents an object:

4 / 100

15. A set of related records that represent a unit of data is called

5 / 100

7. Which of the following is not related to data manipulation?

6 / 100

3. Which of the following type of file require largest processing time?

7 / 100

7. In ERD model, the relationship between two entities is represented by a

8 / 100

19. represents entity:

9 / 100

12. What indicates the connection between entites

10 / 100

16. In E-R diagram, a diamond shape is used to represent a(n):

11 / 100

16. C is a strongly typed language, this means that:

12 / 100

. A quantity whose value may change during execution of program is called:

13 / 100

3. Which of the data type offers the highest precision?

14 / 100

12. Relational operators are used to

15 / 100

2. Which of the following is a valid character constant?

16 / 100

15. format specifiers is used for float type data:

17 / 100

1. The function getch() is defined in:

18 / 100

19. The escape sequence to insert horizontal tab is

19 / 100

7 . is control suing in the statement prinf(“Result = %d”,r);:

20 / 100

4. The printf() function is used to display:

21 / 100

6. How many variables can be used in one printf() function?

22 / 100

2. The escape sequence for backslash is:

23 / 100

1. A file is stored in

24 / 100

5. A data file a stored in:

25 / 100

19. In text file, data is stored in:

26 / 100

19. represents URL address:

27 / 100

7. How many types of addressing schemes?

28 / 100

II. Which of the following protocol is used to access web pages on World Wide Web?

29 / 100

20. media is used for backup:

30 / 100

4. Viruses are transferred from one computer to another due to:

31 / 100

19. If there are small fmite number of values for a certain field on a form which object will be suitable

32 / 100

10. How many are the layouts of Form in MS-Access?

33 / 100

7. A auto form displays one record at a time.

34 / 100

3. The constraint states that in a relation no primary key value can have a null value.

35 / 100

20. A process of analyzing the dependencies of attributes with in entities is called

36 / 100

8. problems occurs when same name is used for two different attributes:

37 / 100

16. A relation is in second normal form if and only if:

38 / 100

19. A process in which it is being ensured that attributes are stored from where they belong

39 / 100

4. In 3NF, a non-key attribute must not depend on a(n)

40 / 100

The data in table is entered in

41 / 100

10. The number of records (or row) in a table or relation is called:

42 / 100

4. The actual data of database is stored in:

43 / 100

19. is the default data e in MS-Access:

44 / 100

6. is element MS-Access application window:

45 / 100

7. Microsoft Access saves the database with the extension
a) .mdb c) .madb

46 / 100

to automate repeated tasks — are used

47 / 100

15. A step by step procedure to perform a task easily available in a software is called

48 / 100

is a collection of related data organized in rows and columns:

49 / 100

10. Which component of CPU is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations on numeric data?

50 / 100

6. The component of computer that stores data and program while these are being executed is called:

51 / 100

9. The program that contains instructions to operate a device is called:

52 / 100

1. Data and programs that are not being use by computer are stored in:

53 / 100

8. In MS Word, the data that is being copied or moved is

54 / 100

20. A group of sentences is called: (

55 / 100

17. The bold text specifies the: (

56 / 100

15. How many typing modes are provided by word processor?

57 / 100

20. The last statement of each case in switch statement must be a:

58 / 100

13. Which of the following operators is used as decision-making statement?

59 / 100

15. is not used for making two-way decision:

60 / 100

16. The conditional operator is an alternative of:

61 / 100

18. Which operator in C language is called ternary operator?

62 / 100

6. The selection statement is also known as:

63 / 100

11. selection structures is the simplest form of decision making structure:

64 / 100

14. is used for making two-way decision:

65 / 100

II. A cell of worksheet, which is not active is called:

66 / 100

16. Which of the following is an absolute address?

67 / 100

4. A set of instruction given to the computer is called:

68 / 100

20. languages is different for different computers:

69 / 100

10. is an example of system software:

70 / 100

is secondary storage device:

71 / 100

19. Which one represents the shape of network?

72 / 100

13. standards were properly researched, designed and finally published as a standard:

73 / 100

FDD1 is a:

74 / 100

is most necessary to interact with the computer:

75 / 100

19. contains the files and folders that are deleted from the hard disk:

76 / 100

15. involves the processing on multiple processors in a computer:

77 / 100

14. The capability of an operating system to load multiple program into memory at a time and to perform two or more processes concurrently, is called:

78 / 100

10. What type of operating system MS-DOS is?

79 / 100

organizes and controls the hardware and software:

80 / 100

18. acts as file manager for Windows: (

81 / 100

1. Insert command is used to insert.

82 / 100

15. An attribute is also known as:

83 / 100

represents an entity

84 / 100

11. is used to create data view

85 / 100

16. is known as control key:

86 / 100

2. is a loop statement:

87 / 100

8. In while loop, the loop control variable always initialized

88 / 100

15. The do-while loop ends with a

89 / 100

12. Formal arguments are also called

90 / 100

20. The predefined functions that are part of the programming language and can be used for different purposes are called:

91 / 100

8. A function:

92 / 100

13. The printf() is a:

93 / 100

2. Global variables are created in

94 / 100

Microwave transmission, coaxial cables and fiber optic are examples of:

95 / 100

I I. Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves transmission:

96 / 100

7. A device that receives messages is called:

97 / 100

8. The is the physical path over which a message travels:

98 / 100

13. The number of times a wave repeats during a specific time interval is called:

99 / 100

16. The charts, graphs and pictures are examples of:

100 / 100

19. coding schemes uses 4 bit code:

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