FSC Computer Full Book MCQs Test 2

Entry test 2023 contains most of the Computer MCQs. FSC ICS Part 2 Computer book MCQs. HSSC Computer questions MCQs. Solved Chapterwise Computer MCQs for first-year 12 class MCQs and 11 class MCQs. Second-year and first-year Computer textbooks chapter-wise MCQs with the answer are provided here. The Computer portion is helpful in MDCAT 2023, ECAT 2023, NTS NAT 2023, and NUST NET 2023. PakLearningSpot PLS MCQs Bank website for FREE Entry test preparations


Computer Practice Test 2

1 / 100

20. The process of arranging data in a proper order is called:

2 / 100

18. is used with format specifier to display output left-justified:

3 / 100

17. How many digits are printed to the right of the decimal point in real number?

4 / 100

7 . is control suing in the statement prinf(“Result = %d”,r);:

5 / 100

5. Different attributes in two different tables having same name are referred to as (

6 / 100

2. How many types of data integrity are there?

7 / 100

17. If a relation is in INF and the key consists of a single attributes then the relation is called.

8 / 100

13. Integrity is concerned with the (

9 / 100

10. The process of converting complex data structure into simple and stable data structure is called: a –

10 / 100

3. The constraint states that in a relation no primary key value can have a null value.

11 / 100

is not related to document management system:

12 / 100

is not related to business:

13 / 100

3. device is used in banks to read cheque of customer:

14 / 100

4. CAL stands for

15 / 100

The fly-by-wire system is used in:

16 / 100

12. The while loop is also called: (a) conditional loop (b) (c) counter loop (d)
while Both (b) and (c)
wend loop Attribute

17 / 100

15. The do-while loop ends with a

18 / 100

20. Loop with in a loop is called

19 / 100

13. The body of loop comes before the test condition in:

20 / 100

2. is a loop statement:

21 / 100

6. Which one is not a loop structure

22 / 100

8. In MS Word, the data that is being copied or moved is

23 / 100

6. features of word processor allows to insert text from one file into another file:

24 / 100

19. Font size is measure in:

25 / 100

10. The bar that contains the group of commands is called:

26 / 100

15. How many typing modes are provided by word processor?

27 / 100

is not a feature of simple word processor or text editor:

28 / 100

. Which of the following is a word processor (

29 / 100

13. is not an application software:

30 / 100

An electronic device that accepts, processes data and products information is called: (a) Input device (b) Computer (c) Output devices (d) Operating system

31 / 100

is secondary storage device:

32 / 100

16. CPU is also referred to as:

33 / 100

18. The name of actual and formal parameters:

34 / 100

20. The predefined functions that are part of the programming language and can be used for different purposes are called:

35 / 100

2. Global variables are created in

36 / 100

13. Types of software that can be freely distributed without violating copyright laws are called:

37 / 100

20. media is used for backup:

38 / 100

10. is not an anti-virus program:

39 / 100

3. A virus can destroy: (

40 / 100

18. Format C is an example of:

41 / 100

19. What is the most common computer crime of these listed below?

42 / 100

13. The structure of table is designed in:

43 / 100

15. The relationship between countries and their capitals is an example of relationships.

44 / 100

8. Which of the following buttons of Find and Replace dialog box is clicked to start he search process?

45 / 100

6. In a relational database, a single piece of information is called:

46 / 100

20. elements of program in not token:

47 / 100

13. is valid variable name

48 / 100

16. C is a strongly typed language, this means that:

49 / 100

7. How many types of addressing schemes?

50 / 100

17. The process of launching web pages is called:

51 / 100

18. Web pages are linked together using?

52 / 100

8. specifies the correct format of IP address:

53 / 100

6. is a high speed communication line:

54 / 100

20. protocol is used by news services:

55 / 100

15. is the component of CPU:

56 / 100

12. Which is a storage device?

57 / 100

18. CPU is an example of:

58 / 100

9. The program that contains instructions to operate a device is called:

59 / 100

16. CPU includes all of the following components except?

60 / 100

1. Which of the following is not a decision making statement

61 / 100

11. selection structures is the simplest form of decision making structure:

62 / 100

17. The conditional operator takes expression.

63 / 100

18. The default number format assigned to a cell is the:

64 / 100

9. is not a feature of spreadsheet program:

65 / 100

16. Which of the following is an absolute address?

66 / 100

20. If the custom format is If it, it N N then the number 23349 will be displayed as:

67 / 100

19. contains the files and folders that are deleted from the hard disk:

68 / 100

10. What type of operating system MS-DOS is?

69 / 100

15. involves the processing on multiple processors in a computer:

70 / 100

13. is based on the NT technology:

71 / 100

An Operating System is a

72 / 100

8. GUI stands for:

73 / 100

17. Windows explorer is used to

74 / 100

I I. In hybrid distribution which kind of fragments are stored at only one site

75 / 100

16. In E-R diagram, a diamond shape is used to represent a(n):

76 / 100

6. Database development process involve mapping of conceptual data model into

77 / 100

9. The process to identify the data objects and the relationships between them is:

78 / 100

19. represents entity:

79 / 100

9. is not a low-level language:

80 / 100

8. The programming language that are very close to machine code are called:

81 / 100

5. The computer program is written in:

82 / 100

12. A program written in language runs directly on the computer.

83 / 100

17. .exe file is produced by the:

84 / 100

18. The program written in assembly language is translated to the machine code with the help of translator program called:

85 / 100

I. A database consists of various components called the

86 / 100

17. SQL is used for

87 / 100

2. The foreign key is found in

88 / 100

19. serves as a bridge between end users and database administrator:

89 / 100

12. In which network model all computers have equal status?

90 / 100

10. A logical interface to a file is called

91 / 100

1. A file is stored in

92 / 100

8. To store data for future use it must be stored on

93 / 100

19. If there are small fmite number of values for a certain field on a form which object will be suitable

94 / 100

20. In addition to navigate records can be used for

95 / 100

3. objects is not used to enter data into database:

96 / 100

12. Form with in a form is called

97 / 100

18. data type represents actions and movements:

98 / 100

9. The electromagnetic or light waves representing data are called:

99 / 100

2. Data communication requires only a:

100 / 100

5. is component of data communication:

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