Chemistry Practice Tests 3

Entry test contains most of the Chemistry MCQs. FSC Part 2 Chemistry book MCQs. HSSC Chemistry questions MCQs. Solved Chapterwise Chemistry MCQs for first-year 12 class MCQs and 11 class MCQs. Second-year and first-year Chemistry textbooks chapter-wise MCQs with the answer are provided here. The Chemistry portion is helpful in MDCAT , ECAT , NTS NAT , and NUST NET . PakLearningSpot PLS MCQs Bank website for FREE Entry test preparations

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Chemistry Practice Test 3

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1 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

In Contact Process arsenic impurities act as poison for:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Periodicity in Elements
Elimination Tool:

2 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

How are carboxylic acids formed from alcohol?

PMC Practice 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Elimination Tool:

3 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

How many sigma groups are there in benzene?

NTS 2014
Elimination Tool:

4 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

The common oxidation number of halogens is:

PMC 2020
Elimination Tool:

5 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

Maximum ionization potential is of:

NUMS 2014
Periodicity in Elements
Elimination Tool:

6 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.97 Which of the following liquid has boiling point greater than that of water at standard pressure

7 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Which is more soluble in ethanol?

8 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 16 Class 12

Ozone Is

9 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12

The transition elements belongs to Group VI B are

PMC Practice 6
d and f Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

10 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Which one of the following is the pure carbon compound and used as a reducing agent in industries?

NTS 2018
Elimination Tool:

11 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 12

What is NOT true about K2Cr2O7?

12 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Which of the following is not a property of liquid?

13 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 12

Formyl group is present in

PMC Sample 1
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

14 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

Which of the following has six isotopes?

PMC Practice 4
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

15 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

For a chemical reaction to occur, particles that collide should:

PMC 2021 Tested
Solution and Colloids
Elimination Tool:

16 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

Chemical properties of an atom depends upon number of

17 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

What is the mass of 10^-3 moles of MgSO4?

18 / 100

Category: Chemistry

If any amino acids contain greater number of NH2, it is:

NUMS Mock 3
Alkyl Halides and Amines

19 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.120 Which of the following has six isotopes

20 / 100

Category: Chemistry

In this reaction NH4* + H2O -> H3O*, the conjugate base of H3O+ ion is:

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Equilibrium

21 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12

In rhombic sulphur there are atoms in each molecule?

22 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

When animals inhale air, oxygen will move into the lungs due to difference in partial pressure of oxygen in lungs and atmosphere. This obeys

PMC Sample 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

23 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

There is double bond in oleic acid between carbon numbers:

24 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Ketones can be made by oxidation of:

NUMS Mock 2
Aldehydes and Ketones

25 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

Stronger the oxidizing agent, greater is the:

NUMS 2020
Elimination Tool:

26 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

What is the color of the precipitate when Brady’s reagent is used to test a benzaldehyde?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Aldehydes and Ketones
Elimination Tool:

27 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

Which of the following statements best describes how a catalyst works

NUMS 2018
Reaction Kinetics
Elimination Tool:

28 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 12

Alkyl Halides that go through SN1 reactions are

29 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

If the absolute temperature of a gas is reduced to one half and the pressure is doubled, the volume of gas will be:

NUMS 2018
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

30 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

Each half reaction in ion electron method is balanced by adding:

PMC Sample 1
Elimination Tool:

31 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Prussian blue is:

NUMS 2014
d and f Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

32 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 16 Class 12

Chloro-fluoro carbons cause

33 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.115 Alcohols can be oxidized to aldehyde and ketone by warming with acidified potassium dichromate. Which among of the following alcohols resists to this change

34 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Which element among the following forms a protective oxide coating on exposure to air?

35 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12

Which is the correct electronic configuration of Chromium (24Cr)?

UHS 2018
d and f Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

36 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

The formula of Plaster of Paris is:

NTS 2017
Solution and Colloids
Elimination Tool:

37 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

Which of the following oxides is most acidic oxide?

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
s and p Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

38 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Phenol is derived from?

39 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

Standard Electrode Potential is measured at temperature:

40 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

The quantum numbers +½ and -½ for the electron spin represent:

NTS 2017
Atomic Structure
Elimination Tool:

41 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Burning of fuel is a

42 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 12

(HCHO)nH20 is the chemical formula for?

Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

43 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

Which of the following substances has giant covalent structure?

PMC 2020
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

44 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following is the percentage of the original quantity of a radioactive material left after five half-lives approximately.

NUMS Mock 4
Nuclear Physics

45 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 11

Which of the following can ba employed instead of filter papers?

46 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

Current in electrolysis is carried through:

PMC Sample 3
Elimination Tool:

47 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12

H2SO4 is used in industries of?

48 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

An example of a solution not in equilibrium is:

States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

49 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 12

Example of nucleophile is:

NUMS 2017
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

50 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Purification of bauxite whose major impurity Is silica (SiO2) is carried out through:

NTS 2010
Elimination Tool:

51 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

Which of the following statements about H2S is false?

NTS 2017
Periodicity in Elements
Elimination Tool:

52 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.111 Evaporation is a process?

53 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

As the concentration of reactant increases, the rate of reaction also increases, it is because:

NUMS 2018
Reaction Kinetics
Elimination Tool:

54 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

Oxidation state of sulphur in H2SO4?

55 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

Natural gas in homes burns in excess of oxygen, what is the limiting reactant in this case?

PMC 2021 Tested
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

56 / 100

Category: Chemistry

The decreasing order of second ionization energy of K, Ca, Ba is:

NUMS Mock 1
Chemical Bonding

57 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Polymer having a characteristics odour and mostly used as an adhesive material is

58 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.113 From which of the following ketone can be prepared?

59 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Which ion will have a maximum value of the heat of hydration?

PMC Practice 1
Elimination Tool:

60 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

Lowering of vapor pressure Is directly proportional to: a)

61 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

In the reaction 2Fe+Cl2 2FeCl3

NTS 2017
Elimination Tool:

62 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 12

Which functional group is not a double bond?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

63 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

The hybridization of atomic orbitals of N2+, NO3-, and NH4+are, respectively:

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Chemical Bonding
Elimination Tool:

64 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12

The formula of Chile Peter salt is

65 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

14) Ethanol and Methanol can be separated by:

66 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

The order of force of repulsion between lone pairs and Bond pairs is?

Chemical Bonding
Elimination Tool:

67 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

The properties of liquid crystals are intermediate b/w crystals and

PMC Sample 3
Solution and Colloids
Elimination Tool:

68 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

silicon can be obtained from which one of the following compounds

69 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.146 a liquid crystalline state exist between two temperatures I-e melting temperature and temperature

70 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

71 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

A correct formula must:

NTS 2017
Chemical Equilibrium
Elimination Tool:

72 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Solubility of carboxylic acids in water decrease with

73 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

How many chain isomers are shown by C5H12?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 4
Elimination Tool:

74 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

What is the chemical reaction mechanism by which cells make polymers from monomers?

PMC 2021 Tested
Elimination Tool:

75 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

_____ is a macromolecule found in blood.

PMC Practice 2
Elimination Tool:

76 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

What type of chemical reaction is this?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Aldehydes and Ketones
Elimination Tool:

77 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 12

Which of the following has the strongest bond?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Elimination Tool:

78 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

The relative abundance of isotopes of elements are measured by?

PMC Practice 11
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

79 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

The number of electrons present in n=2 , l = 1 and m = 1, 0, -1 are:

Atomic Structure
Elimination Tool:

80 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

At equilibrium the concentration of reactants and product become:

NUMS 2020
Chemical Equilibrium
Elimination Tool:

81 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.92 The correct statement about 2px and 2pz is

82 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.5 The smallest part of the crystal lattice has all the properties of the entire Crystals, this is called

83 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Which of the following is the correct equation to calculate relative molecular mass of a gas.

UHS 2018
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

84 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

Rate determining step of a chemical reaction which occur in more than one step depends upon the

PMC Sample 1
Reaction Kinetics
Elimination Tool:

85 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Which of the following condition is constant in Bomb calorimeter?

PMC Practice 1
Elimination Tool:

86 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

When CH2 = CH2 reacts with a halogen acid, the product formed is:

87 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

To find the number of molecules in a given compound which of the following is employed?

88 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of synthetic fiber?

Environmental Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

89 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.120 Cyanohydrin are formed from carbonyl compounds by __________ reactions mechanism

90 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 11

Sum of all the exponents of the molar concentration of the reactant present in the rate equation is known as:

NTS 2012
Reaction Kinetics
Elimination Tool:

91 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Q.117 The rate of esterification of alcohols is more for

92 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 16 Class 12

Earth’s crust Is Included In which sphere?

93 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

Which of the following is not the use of bleaching powder?

Periodicity in Elements
Elimination Tool:

94 / 100

Category: Chemistry

The major source of unburnt hydrocarbons in the atmosphere is / are:

NUMS Mock 1

95 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

A catalyst increases the rate of reaction by:

NTS 2019
Elimination Tool:

96 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

Which of the following quantum numbers are for p-subshell?

97 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

1 calorie = ______ Joules.

NTS 2012
Chemistry of Life
Elimination Tool:

98 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Which of the following is an insecticide?

PreMedPK MDCAT Mock 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Elimination Tool:

99 / 100

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

0.5 mole of SO2 contains gram of oxygen?

100 / 100

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following has the least electron affinity value?

NUMS Mock 1
Periodicity in Elements

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The average score is 56%





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