UHS MDCAT Past Paper 2016

UHS MDCAT Past Papers 2016

Paper Instructions

The Correct answer and explanation will be shown instantly once you select an option

This MDCAT paper consists of a total of 200 Questions

  • 20 English
  • 80 Biology
  • 60 Chemistry
  • 40 Physics

The time allotted for this paper was 210 minutes, however, You are free to leave at any point and resume or start over. Each question has only one correct answer.

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Created by Ali Durrani

UHS MDCAT 2016 Past Paper

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An enzyme required Mg2+ to catalyze the substrate. The Mg2+ is best identified as:

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The change from bare rock or open area is rapid, especially in the initial stages and follows a series of recognizable and hence predictable stages. This process is called:

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Secondary structure of protein is found in:

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Many bacteria are motile due to presence of:

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B-cells release antibodies in blood plasma, tissue fluid and lymph. This kind of immune response is called:

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Highly toxic nitrogenous excretory product is:

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Infertility, short height, webbed neck and low hairline at lack are symptoms of _____________ syndrome.

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The type of immunity in which antibodies are passed from one individual to another is called:

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Phosphodiester bond is:

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Body of _________ consists of segments called proglottis which contains mainly sex organs.

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A neurological disorder characterized by the decline in brain function is _______. Its symptoms are similar to those diseases that cause dementia.

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Pseudo-coelomates have a body cavity but it is not true coelom. Which one of the following is included in the group.

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Variable amino acid sequences in antibody molecule are found in ________.

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All viruses can reproduce within living organisms only, so they are known as:

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The basic structure of plasma membrane is provided by:

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The central portion of adrenal gland (Adrenal Medulla) produces ________ hormone.

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Breathing consists of:

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The rapid exchange of materials through carrier proteins across the plasma membrane is called:

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Restriction endonucleases cleave the __________ of duplex DNA.

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The concentration of sodium ions in body fluids is controlled by the hormone:

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AIDS is caused by:

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According to _________ model the active site of enzyme is modified as the substrate interacts with enzyme.

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Transmission of Neisseria gonorrhea is best described by which one of the following?

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Brain is protected and enclosed in:

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__________ is a common parasite of the intestine of human and pig which belongs to phylum nematode.

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Which of the following is an example of autosomal non-disjunction?

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The compounds which on hydrolysis yield polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone subunits are:

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This figure represents _________ inhibitor.

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Digestive System consists of different layers, the innermost is known as:

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The organelle involved in detoxification of drugs and poisons in the liver cells is:

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Protein components of food are digested by the enzymatic secretion of:

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Humans have homeostatic thermostat present in a specified portion of the brain that is:

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Random, uncontrolled activity of some cells in the brain leading to chaotic activity in both sensory and motor nerves causes patients of to see and hear different strange things.

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The decline in the thickness of ozone layer is caused by:

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_____________ is the branch of Biology used for the identification and interpretation of fossils.

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Part of hind brain responsible for the balance and equilibrium of body is called:

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In radial symmetry all body parts are arranged around the central axis. Radial symmetry represents __________ mode of life.

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It is a hormone that regulates our diurnal rhythms:

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__________ hormone is antagonistic to insulin and causes increase in blood glucose level.

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In pelvic region of human body, sacrum is formed by the fusion of:

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In antibody molecule, two heavy and two light chains are bonded by:

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The removal metabolic waste from the blood is called:

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Which one of the following is the formula structure of D (α) glucose?

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Down’s syndrome is characterized by _____________ at chromosome 21.

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A discharge by brain which causes chaotic activity in motor and sensory areas is:

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__________ hormones are called fight and flight hormones as they prepare an organism to face stressful situation.

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The disease in which death of small number of cells in the basal ganglia leads to inability to select and initiate patterns of movement is known as:

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Bowman’s capsule continues as extensively convoluted portion known as:

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Hips and shoulder joints are examples of:

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Which one of the following is X-linked trait?

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Presence of large central vacuole is the characteristic of:

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In human the closed sac which surrounds the heart is:

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Functional group of chlorophyll a:

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Photosystem I has chlorophyll a molecules which absorb maximum light of:

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A character determined by three alleles is:

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A hormone released from posterior pituitary lobe acts to be actively transport water from filtrate is collecting tubules back to kidney is shown as:

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Each ________ consists of a light gathering antenna complex and reaction center

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_________ is the yeast that grows in the mucous membrane of mouth or vagina.

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Which one of the following is structural formula of proline?

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Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
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Which one of the following graphs shows how the rate of reaction of pepsin is affected by pH?

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The inner membrane of mitochondria form extensive infoldings called:

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Chordae tendinea are fibrous cords attached with:

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The organisms of third trophic level are:

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Food enters from stomach into small intestine through:

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The modified plasmid or phage DNA is called:

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Bicuspid valve controls the flow of blood from:

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Which one of the following is considered as strong evidence of evolution?

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Decrease of FSH and increase of estrogen cause pituitary gland to secrete:

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All the food chains and food webs begin with:

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Beta cells of islets of Langerhans produce _________ hormone.

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Out of the given options, choose the one which shows the structures found only in plants

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The total number of genes in a population is called:

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Immediate product formed after CO2 fixation in Calvin Cycle is:

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To combat the active infections of tetanus, rabies and snakes the _______ method of immunization is used:

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The ultimate source of energy in an ecosystem is:

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Each muscle fibre is surrounded by a modified cell membrance called:

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Which one of the following organelle is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

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_________ is an invagination of cell membrane which helps in cell division.

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Carboxyhaemoglobin (10-20%) is formed when CO2 combines with:

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Waxes are formed by combination of fatty acids with:

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Digestion of __________ starts in oral cavity due to the action of enzyme present in saliva.

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The enzyme which is responsible for the formation of bond between two double stranded DNA fragments is:

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Longest bone in the human skeleton is:

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Cyclic flow of C4 photosynthesis produces:

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___________ are the part of a gastric gland which produce hydrochloric acid.

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Structures found in different species which are believed to have a common evolutionary origin are called:

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Events of menstrual cycle are regulated by the:

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In Bernoulli’s equation the term 1/2 ρv2 is called:

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The time period ‘T’ of a simple pendulum depends on its length ‘l’ and acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ using unit dimension. The correct equation for time period is:

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Resistance between two opposite faces of square thin film of area 1 mm2 having thickness of 1 μm if resistivity of material is 10-6 Ω will be:

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Which relation exactly described the isothermal process?

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The rapid escape of air from a burst tyre is an example of:

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Wavelength of γ-rays is:

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The relation between decay constant ‘λ’ and half-life ‘T½’ of radioactive substance is:

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If a turbine is working as a heat engine and takes that from hot body (427 °C) and exhausts into a body at 77 °C then what is the possible efficiency?

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If the length, width and separation between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is doubled then its capacitance becomes:

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The atom is excited to an energy level Ei from its ground state energy level Eo, the wavelength of the radiations emitted is:

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The unit for electric charge is Coulomb and one Coulomb in terms of base unit is equivalent to:

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The red shift measurement of Doppler effect of galaxies indicate that the universe is:

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Which one of the following is the truth table of NAND gate?

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When fluid is incompressible, the quantity is constant is:

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If we double the moment arm the value of torque becomes:

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Potential energy per unit volume is given by:

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Sodium-24 is used for:

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Frequency audible range to human hearing lies in the range:

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Which one of the following gas is the lasing or active medium in the laser tube?

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Using the relation for the magnifying power Lo, M = 1 + d/f, if f = 5 cm and d = 25 cm then M will be:

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Resonance occurs when the driving frequency is:

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Energy radiation absorbed at the rate of one joule per kilogram is called:

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A man in elevator ascending with an acceleration will conclude that his weight is:

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The X-rays consists of:

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Thorium is transformed after the transmission of β-particle into:

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For bright fringe formation, the path difference is:

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The relation ‘PV = nRT’ shows which law of physics:

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Radioisotope which is used to combat cancer of thyroid gland is:

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If we doubled all the parameters of the force acting on current carrying conductor and θ = 90° then magnetic force becomes:

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The minimum distance from the eye at which an object appears to be distant is:

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The shadow of the bones in X-rays photographic film appears lighter than the surrounding flesh due to:

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The wire made of copper belong to which specific kind of material:

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The continuous spectrum of X-ray is formed due to:

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The target of X-ray tube is made up of which metal?

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The ratio of applied stress to the volumetric strain is called:

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Which of the following graph represents the output of an X-ray?

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If general equation for destructive interference’s is given by the relation, Optic path difference = (m +½) λ where ‘m’ is an integer, then the first dark fringe which appears from ’m’ will be equal to:

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Total resistance between ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the given circuit is:

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The relation R/NA = 1.38 x 10-25 JK-1 in a gas law is known as:

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Emission of γ-rays from radioactive element results into:

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‘F’ is maximum force acting on a conductor. Now if we change the direction of conductor by making an angle of 45° with the magnetic field then the force becomes:

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Which one of the following is the Boolean expression of NAND gate?

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The force acting on current carrying conductor will be maximum if the angle between magnetic field and conductor is:

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Tuning a radio is a best example of:

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Select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word:

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Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

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Select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word:

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Select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word:

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Select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word:

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Select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word:

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Choose the correct sentence from the following options

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Identify the MISTAKE in the following question:
I was faced with alternatively of either evicting the books or else leaving them in sole, undisturbed tenancy and taking rooms elsewhere for myself.

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Identify the MISTAKE in the following question:
It has been calculated that unless the growth is checked, there will only be enough room on the earth for people to stand by.

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Select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word:

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Identify the MISTAKE in the following question:
The number of people in the world are rapidly increasing rather like a gigantic snowball which not only gets bigger as it rolls but goes faster as well.

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Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

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Select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word:

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International rules __________ the number of foreign entrants.

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His theories have been __________ by recent research.

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Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

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Select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word:

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Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

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Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

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Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

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She might be forgiven for __________ beneath the pressure.

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Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

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Select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word:

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Identify the MISTAKE in the following question:
When he was a child, every time he were naughty, his foster-mother used to threaten to send him to Timbuktu.

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Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

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Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

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158 / 219

Identify the MISTAKE in the following question:
I remember going to the British museum one day to read for the treatment for some slight
ailment of which I had a touch-hay fever, I fancy it was.

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Identify the MISTAKE in the following question:
It showed that he was a man capable of looking beneath the surface of things, a man not dependent in paper manifestations.

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The assassination of the president __________ the country into war.

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Number of neutrons in 6630Zn

UHS 2016
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Introduction to the Atom
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162 / 219

In the formation of Zwitter ion which one of the following donates the proton?

UHS 2016
Chemistry of Life
Minerals of Biological Signifance
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163 / 219

Which one of the following is the proper classification of formula given below:

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Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
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When acid is added to an amino acid, which one of the following will act as a base?

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Alkyl Halides and Amines
Introduction to Alkyl Halides and Amines
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Which one of the following is the IUPAC name of the structure given below

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Aldehydes and Ketones
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The maximum number of electrons in electronic configuration can be calculated by using formula:

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Atomic Structure
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It is the general formula of:

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Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
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The rate constant ‘k’ is 0.693 min-1. The half-life for the 1st order reaction will be:

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Reaction Kinetics
Order of reaction and its determination
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Which one of the following will act as a catalyst in above reaction?

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Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
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170 / 219

Which one of the following pairs can be cis-trans isomer to each other?

UHS 2016
Introduction to Hydrocarbons
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171 / 219

Which one of the following is an appropriate indication of positive iodoform test?

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Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
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172 / 219

The number of moles of CO2 which contain 8.00 gm of oxygen is:

UHS 2016
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Important Assumptions of Stoichiometric Calculations
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The anomalous electronic configuration shown by chromium and copper among 3-d series of elements is due to:

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d and f Block Elements
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The gas which is mainly produced in landfills from the waste is:

UHS 2016
Environmental Chemistry
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Electrical conductivity of graphite is greater in one direction that in other due to

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States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Crystalline Solids
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Indicate the name of structure given below.

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Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
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177 / 219

Ozone concentration is measured in:

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Environmental Chemistry
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178 / 219

Study the following redox reaction and answer the following question:

10Clˉ +16H+ + 2MnO4ˉ → 5Cl2 + 2Mn2+ + 8H2O

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The average bond energy of C-Br is

UHS 2016
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
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The substance for the separation of isotopes is firstly converted into the

UHS 2016
Environmental Chemistry
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Melting points of group II-A elements are higher than those of group I-A because:

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s and p Block Elements
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Which one of the following reactions shows combustion of a saturated hydrocarbon?

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Alkanes and Paraffins
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Which one of the following is anhydride of sulphuric acid?

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s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
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Which halogen molecule ‘X2’ has lowest dissociation energy?

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s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
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Human blood maintains its pH between

UHS 2016
Solution and Colloids
Colligative Properties of Solutions
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186 / 219

What mass of NaOH is present in 0.5 mol of sodium hydroxide?

UHS 2016
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Analysis of a Compound – Empirical And Molecular Formulas
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187 / 219

The diagram shows a galvanic cell. The current will flow from:

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Which one of the following reaction of carboxylic acid is reversible?

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Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
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Which element of 3d series of periodic table shows the electronic configuration of 3d8, 4s2?

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d and f Block Elements
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½ H2(g) → H(g) ΔH = 218 kJmol-1

In this reaction, ΔH will be called:

UHS 2016
Enthalpies of Reactions and its Types
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2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(g) → NaCl + NaClO + H2O proceed at:

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s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
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Which one of the following test is given by both aldehyde and ketone?

UHS 2016
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
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193 / 219

Mg + 1/2 O2(g) → MgO(g) H=-692 kJmol-1 at STP.

Enthalpy of the above reaction will be called:

UHS 2016
Enthalpies of Reactions and its Types
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2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(g) → NaCl + NaClO + H2O proceed at:

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s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
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195 / 219

Synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s process is a reversible reaction. What should be done to increase the yield of ammonia in the following reaction?

N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) ΔH = -92 kJmol-1

UHS 2016
s and p Block Elements
General Behaviour of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
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The %age of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate is

UHS 2016
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Important Assumptions of Stoichiometric Calculations
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In a laboratory experiment when an unknown compound was added in a test tube containing iodine, the colour became intense blue. What could be the unknown compound?

UHS 2016
Chemistry of Life
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Which one of the following is simplest amino acid?

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Chemistry of Life
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Which one of the following is an appropriate structure of product of bromination?

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Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
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Calculate the number of σ bonds and π bonds in the molecule:

UHS 2016
Chemical Bonding
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In the woody parts of trees, the %age of cellulose is

UHS 2016
Chemistry of Life
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Choose the right molecule.

UHS 2016
Atomic Structure
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The ionic radius of fluoride ion is:

UHS 2016
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
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2A + B → Product

If the reactant ‘B’ is in excess, the order of reaction with respect to ‘A’ in given rate law, Rate = k[A]2[B] is

UHS 2016
Reaction Kinetics
Order of reaction and its determination
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. Which one of the following is NOT a nucleophile:

UHS 2016
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
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Skeletal formula of a hydrocarbon is given below. What is the IUPAC name of the compound?

UHS 2016
Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons
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207 / 219

During the contact process of H2SO4 synthesis, the following reaction occurs:

2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g) ΔH = -96 kJmol-1

Which step is used to increase the yield of SO3?

UHS 2016
Chemical Equilibrium
Factors Affecting Equilibria
Elimination Tool:

208 / 219

Which one of the following is an appropriate name of the compound given below?

UHS 2016
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
Elimination Tool:

209 / 219

.Select the best option indicating the name of the structure given below

UHS 2016
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
Elimination Tool:

210 / 219

CH3COOH + PCl5 → ?

UHS 2016
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
Elimination Tool:

211 / 219

Mechanism followed by the reaction below is:

CH3CH2Br → H2C=CH2 + HBr (Conditions: alcoholic KOH)

UHS 2016
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
Elimination Tool:

212 / 219

Which one of the following is an exact composition of a carbohydrates?

UHS 2016
Chemistry of Life
Elimination Tool:

213 / 219

2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(g) → NaCl + NaClO + H2O proceed at:

214 / 219

What is the name of the given structural formula?

UHS 2016
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
Elimination Tool:

215 / 219

London dispersion forces are the only forces present among the ____.

UHS 2016
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Elimination Tool:

216 / 219

Freezing point will also be defined as that temperature at which its solid and liquid phases have the same:

UHS 2016
States of Matter
Elimination Tool:

217 / 219

Which one of the following polymer is called as Nylon 6,6?

UHS 2016
Industrial Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

218 / 219

Value of Ksp for PbSO4 system at 25 °C is equal to:

UHS 2016
Chemical Equilibrium
Equilibrium Constant
Elimination Tool:

219 / 219

Which one of the following nitrogen base is NOT present in DNA?

UHS 2016
Chemistry of Life
Elimination Tool:

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The average score is 61%


Overall, the best MDCAT book for you will depend on your individual learning style and the specific topics you need to focus on. It’s a good idea to use multiple resources, such as books, practice tests, and online resources, to prepare for the MDCAT exam.

The Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT) is an essential exam for students in Pakistan who wish to pursue a career in medicine. MDCAT past papers are the best source for MDCAT entry test preparations. You can get all the Solved and download the MDCAT past papers from the PLS MCQs Bank website. MDCAT past papers are provided with MCQ answers. PakLearningSpot is a well-known educational institute in Pakistan that offers MDCAT preparation books. The PLS MDCAT books cover all the important topics for the MDCAT test, including past papers, practice MCQs, and mock tests.

Prepare for MDCAT Exam

UHS Lahore Conducts MDCAT exams for Punjab FSC Pre Medical students. University of Health Sciences All the Government Sector / Public Medical and Dental colleges offering MBBS and BDS degrees are affiliated with UHS. KE King Edward, Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore AIMC, Rawalpindi Medical University RMU, Nistar Medical Colleges Multan, Fatima Jinnah Medical College FJMU, SIMS Lahore Services Medical College, D G Khan Medical College, Punjab Medical college PMC Faisalabad Medical College are under UHS lahore.

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