UHS MDCAT Mock Test 3

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Punjab UHS MDCAT Mock Test 3

1 / 200

The following dipeptide is called:

Punjab Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Glycyl glycine
Show Explanation
B) Glycyl alanine
Show Explanation
C) Alaninyl alanine
Show Explanation
D) Alaninyl glycine
Show Explanation

2 / 200

The Kc has following units for the reaction H2(g) + I2(g) ⇋ 2HI (g)

Punjab Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium
A) mol3dm-6
Show Explanation
B) moldm-3
Show Explanation
C) mol-3dm6
Show Explanation
D) No unit
Show Explanation

3 / 200

Alanine is an aminoacid which showsneutral effect on litmus paper,the formula of alanine may be

Punjab Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) A
Show Explanation
B) B
Show Explanation
C) C
Show Explanation
D) D
Show Explanation

4 / 200

Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols can be identified and distinguished by

Punjab Mock 4
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) Lucas test
Show Explanation
B) Iodoform test
Show Explanation
C) Baeyer’s test
Show Explanation
D) Silver mirror test
Show Explanation

5 / 200

Which of the following structures is not an alpha amino acid?

Punjab Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) A
Show Explanation
B) B
Show Explanation
C) C
Show Explanation
D) D
Show Explanation

6 / 200

Sublimation is used to purify

UHS 2010
A) Ammonium sulphate
Show Explanation
B) Sodium chloride
Show Explanation
C) Benzoic acid
Show Explanation
D) Lead carbonate
Show Explanation

7 / 200

In basic conditions, amino acid exists in which of the following forms?

Punjab Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) A
Show Explanation
B) B
Show Explanation
C) C
Show Explanation
D) D

8 / 200

Which one of the following alcohol is indicated by formation of yellow crystals in the
Iodoform test?

Punjab Mock 4
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) MethanoL
Show Explanation
B) Ethanol
Show Explanation
C) Butanol
Show Explanation
D) Propanol
Show Explanatio

9 / 200

The skeletal formula of dipeptide formed between aspartic acid and phenylalanine is given below: How many functional groups are present in its formula?

Punjab Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) 5
Show Explanation
B) 2
Show Explanation
C) 4
Show Explanation
D) 3
Show Explanation

10 / 200

In the structure of NaCl, each Na+ is surrounded by _____ Cl- ions.

Punjab Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) Four
Show Explanation
B) Eight
Show Explanation
C) Five
Show Explanation
D) Six
Show Explanation

11 / 200

Which one of the following is the correct chemical reaction for Ammonia formation
by Haber process?

Punjab Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium
A) N2(g) + H2(g) ⇌ 2NH(g)
Show Explanation
B) 2N(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ NH3(g)
Show Explanation
C) 2N(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)
Show Explanation
D) N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)

Show Explanation

12 / 200

Which one of the following molecules has zero dipole moment?

Punjab Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
A) NH3
Show Explanation
B) CHCl3
Show Explanation
C) BF3
Show Explanation
D) H2O
Show Explanation

13 / 200

A sample of Neon is found to exist as 20Ne, 21Ne, 22Ne. Mass spectrum of ‘Ne’ is as follows:

What is the relative atomic mass (Ar value) of Neon?

Punjab Mock 4
A) 20.18
Show Explanation
B) 20.28
Show Explanation
C) 20.10
Show Explanation
D) 20.22
Show Explanation

14 / 200

The angle between unhybridized p-orbital and three sp2 hybrid orbitals of each carbon atom in ethene is

Punjab Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
VSEPR Theory
A) 120°
Show Explanation
B) 90°
Show Explanation
C) 109.5°

Show Explanation
D) 180°
Show Explanation

15 / 200

Macromolecules are described as large molecules built up from small repeating units called:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Monomers
Show Explanation
B) Isomers
Show Explanation
C) Metamers
Show Explanation
D) Tautomers
Show Explanation

16 / 200

The percentage of carbon in different types of iron products is in the order of

UHS 2014
d and f Block Elements
A) Cast Iron > Wrought Iron > Steel
Show Explanation
B) Wrought Iron > Steel > Cast Iron
Show Explanation
C) Cast Iron > Steel > Wrought Iron
Show Explanation
D) Cast Iron > Steel > Wrought Iron
Show Explanation

17 / 200

The purity of a substance can be identified by

UHS 2010
A) Sublimation
Show Explanation
B) Filtration
Show Explanation
C) Chromatography
Show Explanation
D) Solvent extraction
Show Explanation

18 / 200

When 8 grams (4 moles) of H2 react with 2 moles of O2 , how many moles of water will be formed?

Punjab Mock 4
A) 5
Show Explanation
B) 4
Show Explanation
C) 6
Show Explanation
D) 3
Show Explanation

19 / 200

Which type of force is present in gasoline?

Punjab Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
A) Dipole-dipole forces
Show Explanation
B) Dipole-induced dipole forces
Show Explanation
C) London dispersion forces
Show Explanation
D) Hydrogen bonding
Show Explanation

20 / 200

The pH of acid rain is

UHS 2014
Environmental Chemistry
Factors affecting Water Quality
Introduction and Types of Pollution
A) 7
Show Explanation
B) Between 5 and 7
Show Explanation
C) Below 5
Show Explanation
D) Between 7 and 14
Show Explanation

21 / 200

Starch is a polymer of:

Punjab Mock 4
A) β–D–glucose
Show Explanation
B) α––glucose
Show Explanation
C) γ–D–glucose
Show Explanation
D) α–L–glucose
Show Explanation

22 / 200

The principal energy storage carbohydrate in animals is:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Glucose
Show Explanation
B) Starch
Show Explanation
C) Protein
Show Explanation
D) Glycogen

23 / 200

Which one of the following is the correct equation of 1st ionization of sulphuric acid?

Punjab Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
A) H2SO4(aq) + H2O(l) –> 2H+ + SO42-
Show Explanation
B) H2SO4(aq) + H2O(l) –> H+(aq) + HSO4-
Show Explanation
C) H2SO4(aq) + H2O(l) –> 2H+ + SO42-
Show Explanation
D) H2SO4(aq) + H2O(l) –> H3O+ + SO42-
Show Explanation

24 / 200

Ethyl butyrate and butyl butanoate are esters with the flavor of:

Punjab Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Pear
Show Explanation
B) Banana
Show Explanation
C) Pineapple
Show Explanation
D) Apple
Show Explanation

25 / 200

If we are given the mass of one substance, we can calculate volume of other substances and vice a versa with the help of balanced chemical equation. This is called

Punjab Mock 4
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) Mass-mass relationship
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B) Mass-mole relationship
Show Explanation
C) Mole-volume relationship
Show Explanation
D) Mass-volume relationship
Show Explanation

26 / 200

‘∆H’ will be given a negative sign in

Punjab Mock 4
Laws of Thermodynamics
A) Exothermic reactions

Show Explanation
B) Decomposition reactions
Show Explanation
C) Dissociation reaction
Show Explanation
D) Endothermic reactions
Show Explanation

27 / 200

In ‘H-F’ bond electronegativity difference is ‘1.9’. What is the type of this bond?

Punjab Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
Electron Affinity and Electronegativity
Covalent Bond
A) Polar covalent bond
Show Explanation
B) Non-polar covalent bond
Show Explanation
C) Pi (π) bond
Show Explanation
D) Co-ordinate covalent bond
Show Explanation

28 / 200

Which one of the following groups is indicated when HCl is formed by reaction of
ethanol with phosphorus pentachloride

Punjab Mock 4
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) Amino group
Show Explanation
B) Hydroxyl group
Show Explanation
C) Halide group
Show Explanation
D) Hydride group
Show Explanation

29 / 200

Which one of the following products is obtained when sulphur trioxide is absorbed in
concentrated sulphuric acid?

Punjab Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium
State of Chemical Equilibrium
A) Oleum
Show Explanation
B) Aqua Regia
Show Explanation
C) Hydrogen sulphide
Show Explanation
D) Sulphate ion
Show Explanation

30 / 200

The structural formula of the product of reaction of acetone with 2,4-dinitrophenyl
hydrazine is:

Punjab Mock 4
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) A
Show Explanation
B) B
Show Explanation
C) C
Show Explanation
D) D

31 / 200

If halogenoalkanes are mixed with an excess of ethanoic ammonia and heated under pressure, amine are formed. Which amine is formed in the following reaction?
CH2CH3Br + NH3 Amine

Punjab Mock 4
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Introduction to Alkyl Halides and Amines
Show Explanation
B) CH3―CH2―NH2
Show Explanation
C) CH3―CH2―CH2―NH2
Show Explanation
D) H2N―CH2―CH2―NH2
Show Explanation

32 / 200

The relative energies of 4s, 4p and 3d orbitals are in the order:

Punjab Mock 4
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) 3d < 4p <4s Show Explanation B) 4s < 3d < 4p Show Explanation C) 4p < 4s < 3d Show Explanation D) 4p < 3d < 4s Show Explanation

33 / 200

Solubility of Ce2(SO4)3

Punjab Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium
A) Increases with temperature
Show Explanation
B) Decreases with temperature
Show Explanation
C) Shows exceptional behavior
Show Explanation
D) Remains constant
Show Explanation

34 / 200

With the increase in the value of Principal Quantum Number ‘n’, the shape of the s-orbitals remains the same although their sizes

Punjab Mock 4
Atomic Structure
Plancks Quantum Theory
A) Decrease
Show Explanation
B) Increase
Show Explanation
C) Remain the same
Show Explanation
D) May or may not remain the same
Show Explanation

35 / 200

A student mixed ethyl alcohol with a small amount of sodium dichromate and added it to the hot solution of dilute sulphuric acid. A vigorous reaction took place. He distilled the product formed immediately. What was the product?

Punjab Mock 4
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Acetone
Show Explanation
B) Acetic acid
Show Explanation
C) Dimethyl ether
Show Explanation
D) Acetaldehyde
Show Explanation

36 / 200

The standard enthalpy of solution of NH4Cl is ____________ kJmol-1.

Punjab Mock 4
A) +16.2
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B) -25.0
Show Explanation
C) +4.98
Show Explanation
D) +26.0
Show Explanation

37 / 200

Plasma is the ionized gas mixture which consists of:

Punjab Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) Ions and electrons
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B) Electrons and neutral atoms
Show Explanation
C) Electrons, ions and neutral atoms
Show Explanation
D) Ions and neutral atoms
Show Explanation

38 / 200

When ethanoic acid reacts with methylamine, an amide is formed. What is the structure of the amide formed?

Punjab Mock 4
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Introduction to Alkyl Halides and Amines
A) A
Show Explanation
B) B
Show Explanation
C) C
Show Explanation
D) D
Show Explanation

39 / 200

The inter-ionic distance in a crystal lattice of KCl is

Punjab Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) 314 pm
Show Explanation
B) 181 pm
Show Explanation
C) 95 pm
Show Explanation
D) 300 pm
Show Explanation

40 / 200

The reaction between fats and caustic soda is called:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Hydrogenolysis
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B) Fermentation
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C) Esterification
Show Explanation
D) Saponification
Show Explanation

41 / 200

The formula of 2, 4, 6-tribromo phenol is

Punjab Mock 4
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) A
Show Explanation
B) B
Show Explanation
C) C
Show Explanation
D) D

42 / 200

Which one of the following noble gases are used for providing an inert atmosphere for welding?

Punjab Mock 4
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
A) Helium
Show Explanation
B) Neon
Show Explanation
C) Argon
Show Explanation
D) Krypton
Show Explanation

43 / 200

An organic compound has the empirical formula C3H3O if the molar mass of the compound is 110.15 g.mol-1. The molecular formula of this organic compound is: (A, of C=12, H=1.008
and O=16)

Punjab Mock 4
A) C6H6O2
Show Explanation
B) C3H3O
Show Explanation
C) C9H9O3
Show Explanation
D) C6H6O3
Show Explanation

44 / 200

The number of bonds in nitrogen molecule is

Punjab Mock 4
Chemical Bonding
A) One σ and two π
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B) One σ and one π
Show Explanation
C) Three σ only
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D) Two σ and one π
Show Explanation

45 / 200

Electronic configuration of Manganese (Mn) is

Punjab Mock 4
d and f Block Elements
A) A
Show Explanation
B) B
Show Explanation
C) C
Show Explanation
D) D
Show Explanation

46 / 200

Correct order of boiling points of the given liquids is:

Punjab Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Boiling Point and Vapor Pressure
A) H2O > HF > HCl > NH3
Show Explanation
B) HF > H2O > HCl > NH3
Show Explanation
C) H2O > HF > NH3 > HCl

Show Explanation
D) HF > H2O > NH3 > HCl
Show Explanation

47 / 200

The number of molecules in 22.4 dm3 of H2 gas at 0 °C and 1 atm are

Punjab Mock 4
A) 60.2 x 10^23
Show Explanation
B) 6.02 x 1022
Show Explanation
C) 6.02 x 1025
Show Explanation
D) 6.02 x 1023
Show Explanation

48 / 200

Which one of the following mathematical expressions represents the Avogadro’s law?

Punjab Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

49 / 200

The root mean square velocity of gases is inversely proportional to the square root of their:

Punjab Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) Molar mass
Show Explanation
B) Temperature
Show Explanation
C) Pressure
Show Explanation
D) Volume
Show Explanation

50 / 200

Which one is the highest power multiple?

Punjab Mock 4
A) Giga
Show Explanation
B) Tera
Show Explanation
C) Mega
Show Explanation
D) Deca
Show Explanation

51 / 200

A spontaneous process is

Punjab Mock 4
A) Unidirectional and irreversible
Show Explanation
B) Irreversible and a real process
Show Explanation
C) Unidirectional and a real process
Show Explanation
D) All of the above
Show Explanation

52 / 200

Organic compound containing both amino and carboxyl group is known as:

Punjab Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Amino acid
Show Explanation
B) Fatty acid
Show Explanation
C) Saccharide
Show Explanation
D) Amide
Show Explanation

53 / 200

Which one of the following pair of compounds is cis and trans isomers of each

Punjab Mock 4
Introduction to Hydrocarbons
A) A
Show Explanation
B) B
Show Explanation
C) C
Show Explanation
D) D
Show Explanation

54 / 200

The disease which causes immobility and fusion of vertebral joints is:

Punjab Mock 4
Support and Movement
A) Osteomalacia (soft bones)
Show Explanation
B) Disc slip
Show Explanation
C) Arthritis
Show Explanation
D) Spondylosis
Show Explanation

55 / 200

A neurological condition characterised by involuntary tremors, diminished motor activity and rigidity is called

Punjab Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Disorders of the Nervous System
A) Epilepsy
Show Explanation
B) Parkinson’s Disease
Show Explanation
C) Alzheimer’s Disease
Show Explanation
D) Cerebellar Tumours
Show Explanation

56 / 200

Granulocytes or white blood cells are produced in:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Lymph nodes
Show Explanation
B) Red bone marrow
Show Explanation
C) Tonsils
Show Explanation
D) Spleen
Show Explanation

57 / 200

Beri Beri is due to.

Punjab Mock 4
Man and His Enviornment
A) Metabolic disorder
Show Explanation
B) Chemical causes
Show Explanation
C) Nutritional deficiency
Show Explanation
D) Mental Illness
Show Explanation

58 / 200

_____ is activated to_____ by Enterokinase/enteropeptidase enzyme secreted by the lining of duodenum:

Punjab Mock 4
Digestion and Absorption
A) Pepsinogen, Pepsin
Show Explanation
B) Pepsinogen, Trypsin
Show Explanation
C) Trypsinogen, Trypsin
Show Explanation
D) Chymotrypsinogen, Chymotrypsin
Show Explanation

59 / 200

Type of respiration which involves step by step breakdown of carbon chain molecules in the cell is called:

Punjab Mock 4
Gaseous Exchange
A) External respiration
Show Explanation
B) Cellular respiration
Show Explanation
C) Pulmonary respiration
Show Explanation
D) Cutaneous respiration
Show Explanation

60 / 200

Which one of the following acts as functional unit of lungs in man?

Punjab Mock 4
Gaseous Exchange
A) Air sac
Show Explanation
B) Trachea
Show Explanation
C) Larynx
Show Explanation
D) Bronchioles
Show Explanation

61 / 200

The view that active site of an enzyme is flexible and when a substrate combines with it, cause changes in enzyme structure is known as:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Lock & key model
Show Explanation
B) Induce fit model
Show Explanation
C) Sliding filament model
Show Explanation
D) Specificity model
Show Explanation

62 / 200

Breakdown of endometrium during menstruation is due to

Punjab Mock 4
Reproduction in Females
A) Increase in Level of LH
Show Explanation
B) Decrease in Level of Progesterone
Show Explanation
C) Increase in Level of Progesterone
Show Explanation
D) Increase in Level of Oestrogen
Show Explanation

63 / 200

The enzymes of lysosomes are synthesized on:

Punjab Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Show Explanation
B) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Show Explanation
C) Chloroplast
Show Explanation
D) Golgi apparatus
Show Explanation

64 / 200

Instrument which is used to measure relative abilities of different pigments to absorb different wavelengths of light is called:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Spectrometer
Show Explanation
B) Photometer
Show Explanation
C) Barometer
Show Explanation
D) Spectrophotometer
Show Explanation

65 / 200

Krebs cycle takes place in

Punjab Mock 4
Respiration Mechanism – Glycolysis to Electron Transport Chain
A) Ribosomes
Show Explanation
B) Golgi apparatus
Show Explanation
C) Mitochondria
Show Explanation
D) Endoplasmic Reticulum
Show Explanation

66 / 200

The process by which unwanted structures within the cell are engulfed and digested within the lysosome is known as:

Punjab Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Endocytosis
Show Explanation
B) Exocytosis
Show Explanation
C) Hydrolysis
Show Explanation
D) Autophagy
Show Explanation

67 / 200

Which of the following is a keto sugar:

Punjab Mock 4
Biological Molecules
A) Glyceraldehyde
Show Explanation
B) Dihydroxy-acetone
Show Explanation
C) Ribose
Show Explanation
D) Glucose
Show Explanation

68 / 200

The entire cell wall of bacteria is often regarded as a single huge molecule or molecular complex called

Punjab Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Capsule
Show Explanation
B) Secondary wall
Show Explanation
C) Slime capsule
Show Explanation
D) Sacculus
Show Explanation

69 / 200

The flow of lymph in lymphatic vessels is maintained by:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Heart, activity of smooth muscles and valves
Show Explanation
B) Activity of skeletal muscles, heart and breathing movements
Show Explanation
C) Breathing movements, activity of skeletal muscles and valves
Show Explanation
D) Exercise, breathing movements and heart
Show Explanation

70 / 200

The central metabolic station and clearing house of a body is:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Liver
Show Explanation
B) Kidney
Show Explanation
C) Nephron
Show Explanation
D) Glomerulus
Show Explanation

71 / 200

Which one of the following is a precursor of steroid hormones?

Punjab Mock 4
Biological Molecules
A) Glycerol
Show Explanation
B) Sterol
Show Explanation
C) Amino acids
Show Explanation
D) Cholesterol
Show Explanation

72 / 200

The living cells of cartilage are called:

Punjab Mock 4
Support and Movement
A) Chrondrocytes
Show Explanation
B) Osteoblasts
Show Explanation
C) Ostecytes
Show Explanation
D) Osteoclasts
Show Explanation

73 / 200

Which of the following is exclusive character of mammals?

Punjab Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Homeothermic
Show Explanation
B) Hair
Show Explanation
C) Poikliothermic
Show Explanation
D) Four chambered heart
Show Explanation

74 / 200

An activated enzyme consisting of polypeptide and a cofactor is known as

Punjab Mock 4
A) Amylase
Show Explanation
B) Apoenzyme
Show Explanation
C) Holoenzyme
Show Explanation
D) Coenzyme
Show Explanation

75 / 200

Which structures respond when they are stimulated by impulse coming through the motor neuron?

Punjab Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Receptors
Show Explanation
B) Responses
Show Explanation
C) Effectors
Show Explanation
D) Transduction
Show Explanation

76 / 200

The muscles that control urine in bladder are known as:

Punjab Mock 4
Support and Movement
A) Striated muscles
Show Explanation
B) Smooth muscles
Show Explanation
C) Sphincter muscles
Show Explanation
D) Circular muscles
Show Explanation

77 / 200

The layer which forms the lining of digestive tract and glands of digestive system is:

Punjab Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Classification according to Coelem
A) Ectoderm
Show Explanation
B) Mesoderm
Show Explanation
C) Endoderm
Show Explanation
D) Mesoglea
Show Explanation

78 / 200

Reverse transcription is used to make DNA copies of:

Punjab Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Host RNA
Show Explanation
B) Viral RNA
Show Explanation
C) Host DNA
Show Explanation
D) Viral DNA
Show Explanation

79 / 200

Overactivity of sympathetic nervous system causes

Punjab Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Coordination in Animals
A) Disturbance of Vision
Show Explanation
B) Constipation
Show Explanation
C) Decrease in Blood Pressure
Show Explanation
D) Increase in Heart Rate
Show Explanation

80 / 200

Which of the following is purine:

Punjab Mock 4
Biological Molecules
Nucleic Acid
A) Guanine
Show Explanation
B) Cytosine
Show Explanation
C) Thiamine
Show Explanation
D) Uracil
Show Explanation

81 / 200

The cavity between body wall and alimentary canal is:

Punjab Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Classification according to Coelem
A) Coelom
Show Explanation
B) Mesoderm
Show Explanation
C) Endoderm
Show Explanation
D) Mesoglea
Show Explanation

82 / 200

Acyl-glycerols like fats and oils are esters formed by condensation reaction between:

Punjab Mock 4
Biological Molecules
A) Fatty acids and water
Show Explanation
B) Fatty acids and alcohols
Show Explanation
C) Fatty acids and glucose
Show Explanation
D) Fatty acids and phosphates
Show Explanation

83 / 200

If the co-factor is covalently or tightly and permanently bonded to enzyme then it will be called:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Coenzyme
Show Explanation
B) Prosthetic group
Show Explanation
C) Activator
Show Explanation
D) Apoenzyme
Show Explanation

84 / 200

Optimum pH value for the working of pancreatic lipase is:

Punjab Mock 4
A) 4.50
Show Explanation
B) 7.60
Show Explanation
C) 2.00
Show Explanation
D) 9.00
Show Explanation

85 / 200

Bacterial ‘death rate’ is equal to ‘birth rate; in

Punjab Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote
Growth and Reproduction in Bacteria
A) Lag phase
Show Explanation
B) Log phase
Show Explanation
C) Death phase
Show Explanation
D) Stationary phase
Show Explanation

86 / 200

End products of yeast fermentation, bacterial fermentation and anaerobic respiration are:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Citric acid, lactic acid, carbon dioxide and water
Show Explanation
B) Ethyl alcohol, citric acid and carbon dioxide
Show Explanation
C) Ethyl alcohol, lactic acid, carbon dioxide and water
Show Explanation
D) Methanol, lactic acid and citric acid
Show Explanation

87 / 200

Amino acid in which the R-group is hydrogen is:

Punjab Mock 4
Biological Molecules
A) Glycine
Show Explanation
B) Alanine
Show Explanation
C) Leucine
Show Explanation
D) Valine
Show Explanation

88 / 200

Widespread epidemic disease, influenza is caused by:

Punjab Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) DNA virus
Show Explanation
B) RNA enveloped virus
Show Explanation
C) DNA enveloped virus
Show Explanation
D) RNA virus
Show Explanation

89 / 200

Hormones are the organic compounds of varying structural complexity. Which of the following is not a function or property of these compounds?

Punjab Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) They initiate new biochemical reactions
Show Explanation
B) They are poured directly into blood
Show Explanation
C) They may be proteins
Show Explanation
D) They affect target cells
Show Explanation

90 / 200

The _______ model of plasma membrane suggests that proteins are embedded in lipid bilayer:

Punjab Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Plasma Membrane
A) Unit membrane
Show Explanation
B) Fluid mosaic
Show Explanation
C) Permeable
Show Explanation
D) Ultracentrifuge
Show Explanation

91 / 200

An association between two organisms benefiting both is called

Punjab Mock 4
Kingdom Fungi
A) Commensalism
Show Explanation
B) Parasitism
Show Explanation
C) Predation
Show Explanation
D) Symbiosis
Show Explanation

92 / 200

______ is most abundant carbohydrate in nature.

Punjab Mock 4
Biological Molecules
A) Waxes
Show Explanation
B) Glycerol
Show Explanation
C) Starch
Show Explanation
D) Cellulose
Show Explanation

93 / 200

Metabolic waste from metabolism of nucleic acid is:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Uric acid
Show Explanation
B) Creatine
Show Explanation
C) Urea
Show Explanation
D) Creatinine
Show Explanation

94 / 200

Which one of the following statements best describes the function of sinoatrial node?

Punjab Mock 4
A) It sends out electrical impulses to atrial muscles causing both atria to contract.
Show Explanation
B) It consists of small number of diffusely oriented cardiac fibres
Show Explanation
C) It sends out electrical impulses to ventricular muscles causing both ventricles to contract
Show Explanation
D) It is present at upper end of left atrium.
Show Explanation

95 / 200

The simplest independent unit of life is known as:

Punjab Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Introduction to Cell and it’s theory
A) Bacterial colony
Show Explanation
B) Cell
Show Explanation
C) Chloroplast
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

96 / 200

During muscle contraction:

Punjab Mock 4
Support and Movement
A) I-band shortens
Show Explanation
B) Myosin filaments shorten
Show Explanation
C) Actin filaments shorten
Show Explanation
D) Z-line disappears
Show Explanation

97 / 200

The term which is employed to the loss of appetite due to fear of becoming obese is:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Obesity
Show Explanation
B) Anorexia nervosa
Show Explanation
C) Dyspepsia
Show Explanation
D) Bulimia nervosa
Show Explanation

98 / 200

Where is the ileocolic sphincter located in your body?

Punjab Mock 4
Digestion and Absorption
A) At the junction of esophagus and stomach
Show Explanation
B) At the junction of stomach and small intestine
Show Explanation
C) At the junction of ileum and large intestine
Show Explanation
D) At the junction of small intestine and large intestine
Show Explanation

99 / 200

Respiratory centre is located in

Punjab Mock 4
Coordination and Control
A) Cerebrum
Show Explanation
B) Cerebellum
Show Explanation
C) Medulla
Show Explanation
D) Hypothalamus
Show Explanation

100 / 200

Expiration in human beings is carried out by:

Punjab Mock 4
Gaseous Exchange
A) Contraction of lungs
Show Explanation
B) Contraction of intercostal membrane
Show Explanation
C) Relaxation of intercostal and diaphragm muscles
Show Explanation
D) Contraction of diaphragm muscles
Show Explanation

101 / 200

Which one of the following vitamins is produced by microflora of large intestine?

Punjab Mock 4
Digestion and Absorption
A) Vitamin K
Show Explanation
B) Vitamin C
Show Explanation
C) Vitamin A
Show Explanation
D) Vitamin D
Show Explanation

102 / 200

When the division of cells is in three planes, the arrangement is known as

Punjab Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Diplococcus
Show Explanation
B) Sarcina
Show Explanation
C) Streptococcus
Show Explanation
D) Staphylococcus
Show Explanation

103 / 200

The production of genetically identical copies of organisms by asexual reproduction is called:

Punjab Mock 4
Reproduction in Animals
A) Genetic engineering
Show Explanation
B) Integrated disease management
Show Explanation
C) Hydroponic culture technique
Show Explanation
D) Cloning
Show Explanation

104 / 200

Which of the following diseases can be prevented through vaccination?

Punjab Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) AIDS and Cancer
Show Explanation
B) Malaria and AIDS
Show Explanation
C) Typhoid and Cancer
Show Explanation
D) Measles and Mumps
Show Explanation

105 / 200

Fungi store surplus food in the form of

UHS 2010
Kingdom Fungi
Nutrition in Fungi
A) Cellulose
Show Explanation
B) Glycogen
Show Explanation
C) Starch
Show Explanation
D) Both B and C
Show Explanation

106 / 200

All coenzymes are derived from:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Proteins
Show Explanation
B) Nucleic acids
Show Explanation
C) Carbohydrates
Show Explanation
D) Vitamins
Show Explanation

107 / 200

Reflexes and instincts type of behaviours respond to which combination/s?

Punjab Mock 4
Coordination and Control
Nature and Types of Behaviour
A) Biological rhythms, territorial, courtship and development
Show Explanation
B) The responses that do produce same result in different conditions
Show Explanation
C) Aggression, mating and altruism
Show Explanation
D) The responses that are predetermined like differentiation.
Show Explanation

108 / 200

__________ forms weak linkages with enzymes and their effect can be neutralized completely or partly by an increase in the concentration of the substrate.

Punjab Mock 4
A) Only competitive Inhibitors
Show Explanation
B) Reversible inhibitors
Show Explanation
C) Irreversible inhibitors
Show Explanation
D) Both reversible and irreversible inhibitors
Show Explanation

109 / 200

A type of cell in human testes which produces testosterone is called:

Punjab Mock 4
Reproduction in Males
A) Interstitial Cells
Show Explanation
B) Germ Cells
Show Explanation
C) Sertoli Cells
Show Explanation
D) Spermatocytes
Show Explanation

110 / 200

In prokaryotic cell, wall strengthening material is

Punjab Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
A) Cellulose
Show Explanation
B) Silica
Show Explanation
C) Chitin
Show Explanation
D) Peptidoglycan
Show Explanation

111 / 200

In human beings, what is the function of amylase in digestion?

Punjab Mock 4
Digestion and Absorption
A) Digestion of triglycerides
Show Explanation
B) Digestion of lipids
Show Explanation
C) Digestion of all types of food
Show Explanation
D) Digestion of carbohydrates
Show Explanation

112 / 200

Which one of following factors is directly proportional to oxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin:

Punjab Mock 4
A) Carbon dioxide
Show Explanation
B) Temperature
Show Explanation
C) pH
Show Explanation
D) Light
Show Explanation

113 / 200

Oogonia are produced in the germ cells of:

Punjab Mock 4
Reproduction in Females
A) Both Uterus and Cervix
Show Explanation
B) Cervix
Show Explanation
C) Uterus
Show Explanation
D) Ovary
Show Explanation

114 / 200

Trypanosoma is a human parasite causing

Punjab Mock 4
Kingdom Protista
Diversity and major groups of protista
Importance of Protists
A) African sleeping sickness
Show Explanation
B) European sleeping sickness
Show Explanation
C) Indonesian sleeping sickness
Show Explanation
D) American sleeping sickness
Show Explanation

115 / 200

Newly produced cells/individuals which are identical in each other are known as

Punjab Mock 4
Reproduction in Animals
A) Genetically Modified
Show Explanation
B) Transgenic Animals
Show Explanation
C) Transgenic Bacteria
Show Explanation
D) Clones
Show Explanation

116 / 200

Larvae of which group are similar to chordates?

Punjab Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Echinodermata
Show Explanation
B) Annelida
Show Explanation
C) Arthropoda
Show Explanation
D) Nematoda
Show Explanation

117 / 200

Chemically, viruses are made up of

Punjab Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Nucleic acid only
Show Explanation
B) Protein only
Show Explanation
C) Nucleic acid and protein
Show Explanation
D) Core and coat
Show Explanation

118 / 200

Which of the following bacteria have more lipids in their cell wall

Punjab Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Gram positive bacteria have more lipids in their cell wall
Show Explanation
B) Gram negative bacteria have more lipids in their cell wall
Show Explanation
C) Lipids are absent in cell wall of both gram positive and negative bacteria
Show Explanation
D) Both have equal amount of lipids
Show Explanation

119 / 200

Lipid metabolism is the function of:

Punjab Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Mitochondria
Show Explanation
B) Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Show Explanation
C) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Show Explanation
D) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Show Explanation

120 / 200

The function of nucleolus is to make:

Punjab Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
Show Explanation
B) Ribosomes
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) Chromosomes
Show Explanation

121 / 200

Book lungs are present in arthropods for exchange of gases in class:

Punjab Mock 4
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Crustacea
Show Explanation
B) Insecta
Show Explanation
C) Myriapoda
Show Explanation
D) Arachnida
Show Explanation

122 / 200

Statement: Should children be prevented completely from watching television?


(I) No. We get vital information regarding education through television.

(II) Yes. It hampers the study of children.

(Ill) Yes. Young children are misguided by certain programmes featuring violence.

Punjab Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking
A) Only I, II and Ill are strong
Show Explanation
B) Only I is strong
Show Explanation
C) Only I and III are strong
Show Explanation
D) Only I and II are strong
Show Explanation

123 / 200

From the following which word does not belong to the others:

Punjab Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking
A) Index
Show Explanation
B) Book
Show Explanation
C) Glossary
Show Explanation
D) Chapter
Show Explanation

124 / 200

Should coal engines be replaced by electric engines in trains?

(I) Yes. Coal engines cause a lot of pollution.
(II) Yes. Electric engines are good on performance, easy to operate, and low on maintenance.
(III) No. Pakistan does not produce enough electricity to fulfill its domestic needs also.

Punjab Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Course of Action
A) All arguments are strong
Show Explanation
B) Only arguments I and II are strong
Show Explanation
C) Only arguments II and III are strong
Show Explanation
D) Only arguments I and III are strong
Show Explanation

125 / 200

Statements: No cities are countries. No countries are villages.


(I) Some countries are cities.

(II) No villages are the city.

Punjab Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking
A) Only conclusion (I) follows
Show Explanation
B) Only conclusion (II) follows
Show Explanation
C) Both conclusions follow
Show Explanation
D) Both of the conclusions do not follow
Show Explanation

126 / 200

What letter comes next in the following series? B D G K P

Punjab Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) C
Show Explanation
B) E
Show Explanation
C) B
Show Explanation
D) V
Show Explanation
E) Q
Show Explanation

127 / 200

8, 10, 14, 18, ___ , 34, 50 , 66:

Punjab Mock 4
Logical Reasoning
Letters and Symbols Series
A) 24
Show Explanation
B) 25
Show Explanation
C) 26
Show Explanation
D) 27
Show ExplanationA

128 / 200

George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a stinging ________ on the Russian revolution

Punjab Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Myth
Show Explanation
B) Satire
Show Explanation
C) Fallacy
Show Explanation
D) Legend
Show Explanation

129 / 200

Identify the incorrect segment:

The prime minister fired a broadside at the opposition leaders. A few of his remarks were not up at the mark.

Punjab Mock 4
Identify errors in sentence
A) of
Show Explanation
B) were
Show Explanation
C) up
Show Explanation
D) at
Show Explanation

130 / 200

All the _______ and ceremony of the royal wedding was telecast on the national television circuit.

Punjab Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Festival
Show Explanation
B) Romp
Show Explanation
C) Pomp
Show Explanation
D) Happiness
Show Explanation

131 / 200

Identify the incorrect segment:

Amjad was not conscious to the aberration he had committed in the public meeting. It was disliked by all and sundry.

Punjab Mock 4
Identify errors in sentence
A) to
Show Explanation
B) the
Show Explanation
C) in
Show Explanation
D) by
Show Explanation

132 / 200

He _____ the incident to the back of his mind.

Punjab Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Revered
Show Explanation
B) Regulated
Show Explanation
C) Reagitated
Show Explanation
D) Relegated
Show Explanation

133 / 200

Identify the incorrect segment:

Late Agha Shahi was an outstanding genius in the international affairs. He was gifted of the acumen to judge the future events, judge the future events in advance.

Punjab Mock 4
Identify errors in sentence
A) in
Show Explanation
B) of
Show Explanation
C) to
Show Explanation
D) in
Show Explanation

134 / 200

Pakistan __________ from voting against Iran in the United Nations.

Punjab Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Prevented
Show Explanation
B) Detained
Show Explanation
C) Abstained
Show Explanation
D) Refuse
Show Explanation

135 / 200

Do not lose heart,it is just a __________ in the teacup.

Punjab Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Wind
Show Explanation
B) Cyclone
Show Explanation
C) Blast
Show Explanation
D) Storm
Show Explanation

136 / 200

SPOT THE ERROR: In the following sentences, some segments of each sentence are underlined.Your task is to identify that underlined segment of the sentence, which contains the mistake that needs to be corrected.

Suddenly he stopped at the edge of the meadow, taking his pocket knife from his pocket, and cut a wisp of alfalfa.

Punjab Mock 4
Identify errors in sentence
A) Suddenly he stopped
Show Explanation
B) Taking his pocket knife
Show Explanation
C) His pocket
Show Explanation
D) Cut a wisp of alfalfa
Show Explanation

137 / 200

Please____________the door after you.

Punjab Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Close
Show Explanation
B) Shut
Show Explanation
C) Leave
Show Explanation
D) Knock
Show Explanation

138 / 200

He _____ the day they had bought such a large house.

Punjab Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Hues
Show Explanation
B) Rows
Show Explanation
C) Rues
Show Explanation
D) Dues
Show Explanation

139 / 200

Identify the incorrect segment:

The old man was sitting quite bamboozled when the swindler deprived him from his pension money by his evil tricks.

Punjab Mock 4
Identify errors in sentence
A) Quite
Show Explanation
B) From
Show Explanation
C) By
Show Explanation
D) His
Show Explanation

140 / 200

SPOT THE ERROR: In the following sentences, some segments of each sentence are underlined. Your task is to identify that underlined segment of the sentence, which contains the mistake that needs to be corrected.

When a low-wage category worker finds he has to maintain a large family, his expenses may exceeds his income.

Punjab Mock 4
Identify errors in sentence
A) When a low-wage
Show Explanation
B) Worker finds
Show Explanation
C) Maintain a large family
Show Explanation
D) Exceeds his income
Show Explanation

141 / 200

Select the incorrect segment:
Your argument is simply abstruse as there is no clarity of thought and coherence in ideas and it also lack vision.

Punjab Mock 4
Identify errors in sentence
A) Is
Show Explanation
B) Of
Show Explanation
C) In
Show Explanation
D) Lack
Show Explanation

142 / 200

Things have got out of hand; we must take steps to _________ the situation

Punjab Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Rectify
Show Explanation
B) Pacify
Show Explanation
C) Purify
Show Explanation
D) Testify
Show Explanation

143 / 200

SPOT THE ERROR: In the following sentences, some segments of each sentence are underlined.Your task is to identify that underlined segment of the sentence, which contains the mistake that needs to be corrected.

The study of population growth indicates one of the greatest paradox of our time.

Punjab Mock 4
Identify errors in sentence
A) The study
Show Explanation
B) Population growth
Show Explanation
C) One of the
Show Explanation
D) Paradox
Show Explanation

144 / 200

She managed to __________ a ticket for the cricket match.

Punjab Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Procure
Show Explanation
B) Obscure
Show Explanation
C) Improvise
Show Explanation
D) Preclude
Show Explanation

145 / 200

My advice had no ______________ on him.

Punjab Mock 4
Fill in the blank
A) Effect
Show Explanation
B) Affect
Show Explanation
C) Influence
Show Explanation
D) Impression
Show Explanation

146 / 200

The expression for centripetal force is given by:

Punjab Mock 4
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) mrω2
Show Explanation
B) m2v2/r2
Show Explanation
C) m2v2/r
Show Explanation
D) mv2/r2
Show Explanation

147 / 200

Object A has a charge of 15 mC, and object B has a charge of 10 mC. Which statement is true about the electric forces on the objects?

Punjab Mock 4
A) FAB = -3 FBA
Show Explanation
B) FAB = – FBA
Show Explanation
C) 3 FAB = – FBA
Show Explanation
D) -3 FAB = 2 FBA
Show Explanation

148 / 200

In case of harmonic oscillator total energy remains

Punjab Mock 4
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) variable
Show Explanation
B) infinity
Show Explanation
C) constant
Show Explanation
D) zero
Show Explanation

149 / 200

If a resistor having resistance ‘R’ is cut into three equal parts, then the
equivalent of parallel combination is:

Punjab Mock 4
Current Electricity
Wire Wound Variable Resistors
A) 6/R
Show Explanation
B) 3/R
Show Explanation
C) . R/9
Show Explanation
D) R/3

Show Explanation

150 / 200

Which of the following can be used to produce population inversion for the emission of Laser?

Punjab Mock 4
Atomic Spectra
A) Optical pumping
Show Explanation
B) Optical fibre
Show Explanation
C) Optical instrument
Show Explanation
D) Optical polarization
Show Explanation

151 / 200

If ‘A’ is fundamental dimension of ampere then the dimension of magnetic field strength is:

Punjab Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Flux and Flux Density
A) [MT2A-2]
Show Explanation
B) [MT-²2AL²]
Show Explanation
C) [MT2A-2]
Show Explanation
D) [MT2A-2]
Show Explanation

152 / 200

If ‘m’ is the mass, ‘c’ is the velocity of light and x = mc2, then dimensions of ‘x’ will be:

Punjab Mock 4
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) [LT-1]
Show Explanation
B) [ML2T-2]
Show Explanation
C) [MLT-1]
Show Explanation
D) [MLT-2]
Show Explanation

153 / 200

The wavelength of the electromagnetic wave having frequency of 3 kHz will be?

Punjab Mock 4
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) 120 km
Show Explanation
B) 100 km
Show Explanation
C) 80 km
Show Explanation
D) 140 km
Show Explanation

154 / 200

Which one of the following is I-V curve of a junction diode?

Punjab Mock 4
P-N Junction and its Characteristics
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

155 / 200

What is the number of spectral series in the hydrogen spectrum?

Punjab Mock 4
Atomic Spectra
Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
A) Four
Show Explanation
B) Three
Show Explanation
C) Five
Show Explanation
D) One
Show Explanation

156 / 200

In simple harmonic motion, acceleration will be maximum, when object is at:

Punjab Mock 4
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Maximum displacement from the mean position
Show Explanation
B) Center position
Show Explanation
C) Half of the maximum displacement from mean position
Show Explanation
D) Mean position
Show Explanation

157 / 200

The wavelength of the electromagnetic wave having frequency of 3 kHz will be?

Punjab Mock 4
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) 120 km
Show Explanation
B) 100 km
Show Explanation
C) 80 km
Show Explanation
D) 140 km
Show Explanation

158 / 200

Arshad is driving down 7th street, he drives 150m in 18s.
Assume he does not speed up or slow down, what is his speed:

Punjab Mock 4
Forces and Motion
A) 0.38m/s
Show Explanation
B) 126m/s
Show Explanation
C) 8.33m/s
Show Explanation
D) 58.33m/s
Show Explanation

159 / 200

Which one of the following is not electromagnetic in nature.

Punjab Mock 4
Atomic Spectra
A) X-rays
Show Explanation
B) Gamma rays
Show Explanation
C) Cathode rays
Show Explanation
D) Infrared rays
Show Explanation

160 / 200

The speed of sound through a gas is measured as 340 m/s at pressure P1 and temperature T1. What will be the speed of sound if the pressure of a gas is doubled but the temperature is kept constant?

Punjab Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 342 m/s
Show Explanation
B) 340 m/s
Show Explanation
C) 170 m/s
Show Explanation
D) 680 m/s
Show Explanation

161 / 200

In Double Slit experiment, the fringe spacing of the diffracted rays increases when:

UHS 2019
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
Young’s Double Slit Experiment
A) the wavelength of the diffracted rays increases
Show Explanation
B) the distance between the slits increases
Show Explanation
C) the distance from mid points of the slits to the central of the fringe on the screen increases
Show Explanation
D) the distance between the screen and the slits decreases
Show Explanation

162 / 200

For projectile motion, in the absence of air resistance:

Punjab Mock 4
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) Horizontal acceleration is zero
Show Explanation
B) Vertical acceleration is zero
Show Explanation
C) Horizontal force is constant
Show Explanation
D) Vertical speed is constant
Show Explanation

163 / 200

If electrons of charge ‘e’, with rest mass ‘m’, are accelerated through a potential difference ‘V’ and strike a metal target, then velocity of electrons is:

Punjab Mock 4
Current Electricity
A) Ve/m
Show Explanation
B) √(Ve/m)
Show Explanation
C) √(Ve/)2m
Show Explanation
D) √(2Ve/m)
Show Explanation

164 / 200

The image received of absorbed x rays is

Punjab Mock 4
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) inverted
Show Explanation
B) real
Show Explanation
C) any of a or b
Show Explanation
D) virtual
Show Explanation

165 / 200

Which of the following has zero average value in a plane electromagnetic wave:

Electromagnetic Waves
Production of electromagnetic waves
A) kinetic energy
Show Explanation
B) magnetic field
Show Explanation
C) electric field
Show Explanation
D) both (b) and (c)
Show Explanation

166 / 200

What is the output of the truth table?

UHS 2014
Fundamental Logic Gates
A) A
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
C) B
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

167 / 200

Laser beam can be used to generate three-dimensional image of object in a process called:

Punjab Mock 4
Atomic Spectra
A) Computed technology
Show Explanation
B) Computed tomography
Show Explanation
C) Holography
Show Explanation
D) Computerized axial tomography
Show Explanation

168 / 200

A car is moving in a circular track of radius 20m at a constant speed of 20m/sec. Find the centripetal acceleration?

Punjab Mock 4
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 20 m/s^2
Show Explanation
B) 40 m/s^2
Show Explanation
C) 30 m/s^2
Show Explanation
D) 10 m/s^2
Show Explanation

169 / 200

When the length of simple pendulum is doubled, the ratio of its new time period to old time period is:

Punjab Mock 4
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) 3√2
Show Explanation
B) 1√2
Show Explanation
C) 2√2
Show Explanation
D) √2
Show Explanation

170 / 200

The range Of the projectile depends upon the velocity of the projection and the angle of the projection i.e 45. For a fixed velocity, when the angle of projection is larger than 45. Which of the following is correct?

Punjab Mock 4
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) The height attained by the projectile will be more but the range is less
Show Explanation
B) Both the height and the range attained by the projectile will be more.
Show Explanation
C) The height attained by the projectile will be less but the range is more.
Show Explanation
D) Both the height and the range attained by the projectile will be less.
Show Explanation

171 / 200

For a certain organ pipe, three successive resonance frequencies are observed at 425, 595, and 765 Hz. The speed of the sound in air is 340 m/s. The pipe is:

Punjab Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Closed pipe of length 1 m
Show Explanation
B) Closed pipe of length 2 m
Show Explanation
C) Open pipe of length 1 m
Show Explanation
D) Open pipe of length 2 m
Show Explanation

172 / 200

A negatively charged particle initially at rest is placed in an electric field that varies from point to point. There are no other fields. Then:

Punjab Mock 4
A) The particle moves along the electric line of force passing through it.
Show Explanation
B) The particle moves opposite to the electric line of force passing through it.
Show Explanation
C) The direction of acceleration of the particle is tangential to the electric line of force at every instant.
Show Explanation
D) The direction of acceleration of the particle is normal to the electric line of force at every instant.
Show Explanation

173 / 200

In a full-wave rectification, the number of diodes used are:

Punjab Mock 4
A) 1
Show Explanation
B) 2
Show Explanation
C) 3
Show Explanation
D) 4
Show Explanation

174 / 200

Three 6 Ω are connected as shown in the diagram What is the resistance between points ‘A’ and ‘B’

Punjab Mock 4
Current Electricity
Wire Wound Variable Resistors
A) 6 Ω
Show Explanation
B) 16 Ω
Show Explanation
C) 4 Ω
Show Explanation
D) 2 Ω V
Show Explanation

175 / 200

The angular measurement is known as _____ measurement

Punjab Mock 4
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) parameter
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B) area
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C) circumference
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D) all of these
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176 / 200

When an ideal gas of constant mass is heated in a container of fixed volume, what is the reason for the increase in pressure of the gas?

Punjab Mock 4
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) The number of molecules per unit volume increases
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B) The molecules occupy greater volume of the container
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C) The average force per impact at the container wall increases
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D) The molecules collide with each other with greater force
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177 / 200

Which of the following is the proper way to study the sinusoidal waveform of voltage?

Punjab Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
A) Voltage is connected to ‘Y’ input and time base is switched on
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B) Voltage is connected to ‘X’ input and time base is switched off
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C) Voltage is connected to ‘Y’ input and time base is switched off
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D) Voltage is connected to ‘X’ input and time base is switched on
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178 / 200

Which radiation passes through black body?

Punjab Mock 4
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) Alpha
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B) Gamma
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C) Beta
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D) White
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179 / 200

Work done will be zero if angle between force and displacement is:

Punjab Mock 4
Work, Power & Energy
A) 0°
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B) 60°
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C) 270°
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D) 360°
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180 / 200

By burning 1 g of coal, the energy produced is 2 kcal. Then for 1 kWh, the quantity of coal required will be nearly:

Punjab Mock 4
Work, Power & Energy
A) 9 kg
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B) 4/5 kg
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C) 3/7 kg
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D) 3/14 kg
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181 / 200

Some ice, at its melting point, is added to m kg of water at the initial temperature of 290K. The ice melts completely and the final temperature of the water is 273K. If c is the specific heat capacity of the water and L is the latent heat of fusion of ice, what is the minimum mass of ice that is required?

Punjab Mock 4
Heat and Thermodynamics
Kinetic Theory of Gases
A) 17mc/L
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B) L/17mc
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C) 17m/Lc
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D) 290m/Lc
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182 / 200

A stone dropped from the roof of a building takes 4 s to reach the ground. The height of the building is:

Punjab Mock 4
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) 9.8 m
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B) 19.6 m
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C) 39.2 m
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D) 78.4 m
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183 / 200

Which set of the prefixes gives values in increasing order?

UHS 2014
Physical Quantities
A) Pico, Mega, Kilo, Tera
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B) Pico, Micro, Mega, Giga
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C) Tera, Pico, Micro, Kilo
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D) Giga, Kilo, Milli, Nano
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184 / 200

In a practical transformer mutual induction between primary and secondary coils takes place. In such transformer what can be deduced about the power.

Punjab Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Power output = Power input
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B) Power output > Power input
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C) Power output ≥ Power input
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D) Power output < Power input Show Explanation

185 / 200

The wave in which crest and trough superimpose each other is ?

Punjab Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Sound wave
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B) Light wave
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C) Stationary wave
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D) All of these
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186 / 200

Due to current in a straight conductor the difference between magnetic field lines

Punjab Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in a Uniform Magnetic Field
A) Increases away from conductor
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B) Decreases away from conductor
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C) Increases towards conductor
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D) Decreases and then increases towards conductor
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187 / 200

The force which can do no work on the body on which it acts:

Punjab Mock 4
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Frictional force
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B) Elastic force
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C) Gravitattional force
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D) Centripetal force
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188 / 200

Which of the following statements about electromagnetic waves is/are correct?
(1) X-rays in vacuum travel faster than light waves in vacuum.
(2) The energy of X-ray photon is greater than that of a light photon
(3) Light can be polarised but X-ray cannot.

Punjab Mock 4
Atomic Spectra
A) 1 and 2
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B) 2 and 3
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C) 1, 2 and 3
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D) 2 only

189 / 200

Wavelength of X-rays is the order of:

Punjab Mock 4
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) 10-6 m
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B) 10-10 m
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C) 10-13 m
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D) 100 m
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190 / 200

The formula for electric field strength is ‘E = F/Q’, where E is electric field strength and F is force and Q is charge. Which one of the following options gives the correct base units for electric field strength?

Punjab Mock 4
A) kgms-3A-1
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B) kgs-2A-3
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C) kg2m-2s-3A
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D) ms-1A-3
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191 / 200

If the number of turns of a solenoid circular coil is doubled, but the current in the coil and radius of the coil remains the same, then what will be the magnetic flux density produced by the coil?

Punjab Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Amperes Law and Determination of Flux Density
A) Magnetic flux density will be halved
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B) Magnetic flux density increases by different amount at different points
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C) Magnetic flux density remains unchanged
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D) Magnetic flux density will be doubled
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192 / 200

Which feature of the following graph represents Young’s Modulus?

UHS 2014
Physics of Solids
A) Area under graph
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B) Gradient of the graph
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C) Reciprocal of the gradient
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D) Product of gradient and area of the curve.

193 / 200

The oscillating object overshoots the rest position due to:

Punjab Mock 4
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) restoring force
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B) inertia
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C) gravitational potential energy
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D) elastic potential energy
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194 / 200

A radioactive isotope ‘W’ decays to ‘X’ which decays to ‘Y’ and ‘Y’ decays to ‘Z’ as represented by the figure below

What is the change in the atomic number from ‘W’ to ‘Z’?

Punjab Mock 4
Nuclear Physics
A) Increase by 3
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B) Increase by 5
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C) Decrease by 3
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D) Decrease by 5
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195 / 200

In population inversion (Ruby Laser) atoms can reside in the excited state for:

Punjab Mock 4
Atomic Spectra
A) 10-11
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B) 10-8
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C) 10-3
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D) 10+3
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196 / 200

The diagram shows a small magnet hanging on a thread near the end of a solenoid carrying a steady current ‘I’. What happens to the magnet as the iron core is inserted into the solenoid?

Punjab Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays and Lenz Law and Induced EMF
A) It moves towards solenoid and rotates through 180˚
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B) It moves towards the solenoid
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C) It moves away from solenoid
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D) It moves away from solenoid and rotates through 180˚
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197 / 200

The de Broglie wavelength of a particle of mass 1 gram and velocity 100 ms-1 is:

Punjab Mock 4
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) 6.63 x 10-35
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B) 6.63 x 10-34
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C) 6.63 x 10-33
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D) 6.63 x 10-32
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198 / 200

The number of diodes in bridge rectifier is

Punjab Mock 4
A) 4
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B) 3
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C) 2
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D) 5
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199 / 200

A bus and a car, moving at the same speed, are brought to rest by applying the same retarding force then:

Punjab Mock 4
Forces and Motion
A) bus will come to rest in a shorter distance
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B) car will come to rest in a shorter distance
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C) both will come to rest in the same distance
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D) none of the above
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200 / 200

Three resistors each having value ‘R’ are connected as shown in figure. What is the equivalent resistance between ‘X’ and ‘Y’?

Punjab Mock 4
Current Electricity
Wire Wound Variable Resistors
A) 3R
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B) R
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C) R/3
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D) R3
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