UHS MDCAT Mock Test 1

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Punjab UHS MDCAT Mock Test 1

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1 / 200

Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

Punjab Mock 2
Grammar and Punctuation
A) The government introduced tax laws which gave incentives to factory workers to reduce pollution.
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B) The government introduced tax laws who gave incentives to factory workers to reduce pollution.
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C) The government introduced tax laws which have incentives to factory workers to reduce pollution.
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D) The government introduced tax laws which has incentives to factory workers to reduce pollution.
Show Explanation

2 / 200

Select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Loyal
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B) Lazy
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C) Lacking strength
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D) High
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3 / 200

She is intelligent enough to _______________ things to serve her own purpose.

Punjab Mock 2
Fill in the blank
A) Pick
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B) Maneuver
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C) Give
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D) Give
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4 / 200

I don’t like doing _______, especially mopping the floor.

Punjab Mock 2
Key Vocabulary
A) Homework
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B) House chores
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C) House job
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D) Job
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5 / 200

Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

Punjab Mock 2
A) With the bright light, still in her eyes, she moved quick out of the door.
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B) With the bright light, still in her eyes, she moved quick out to the door.
Show Explanation
C) With the bright light, still in her eyes, she moved quickly out to the door.
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D) With the bright light, still in her eyes, she moved quickly out of the door.
Show Explanation

6 / 200

Find the correctly spelt word

Punjab Mock 2
Grammar and Punctuation
A) Sovereign
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B) Soveregn
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C) Soverean
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D) Soverein
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7 / 200

The latter continued: “You see how is it- Ralston filled the place up with young men.”

Punjab Mock 2
Identify errors in sentence
A) Latter
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B) How is it
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C) Up
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D) With
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8 / 200

He started learning Engllsh ______ 2005

Punjab Mock 2
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) In
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B) On
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C) At
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D) Through
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9 / 200

We were ten miles up the highway when I happened to saw this classified advertisement in the newspaper.

Punjab Mock 2
Identify errors in sentence
A) We were
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B) Up the
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C) To saw this
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D) In the
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10 / 200

Select the wrong segment in the following sentence:
She looked at him, and he seemed almost as younger as their eldest son.

Punjab Mock 2
Identify errors in sentence
A) looked at
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B) seemed
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C) almost as younger

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D) their eldest
Show Explanation

11 / 200

The earth _____ to be moving.

Punjab Mock 2
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Seem
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B) Seemed
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C) Seeming
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D) Seems
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12 / 200

His theories have been __________ by recent research.

Punjab Mock 2
A) Pronounced
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B) Rearmed
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C) Dammed
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D) Debunked
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13 / 200

Twice, my father stopped to wipe the sweat from his eyes.

Punjab Mock 2
Identify errors in sentence
A) father stopped
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B) wipe the
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C) from
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D) his eyes
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E) No error
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14 / 200

Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

Punjab Mock 2
Grammar and Punctuation
A) Shahid battered Anwar down submission.

Show Explanation
B) Shahid battered Anwar into submission
Show Explanation
C) Shahid down battered Anwar into submission.
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D) Shahid was battered Anwar down submission.

Show Explanation

15 / 200

Choose the word that best fits in with the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Indolence gives vent to _____ disposition in human life.

Punjab Mock 2
A) Static
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B) Enthusiastic
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C) Energetic
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D) Filthy
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16 / 200

International rules __________ the number of foreign entrants.

Punjab Mock 2
A) Hoodwink
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B) Stipulate
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C) Fabricate
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D) Traverse
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17 / 200

Choose the correct sentence from the following options:

Punjab Mock 2
A) They both looked to one another, startled by all they had just finished saying.
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B) They both looked to each another, startled by all they had just finish saying.
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C) They both looked to each another, startle by all they had just finish saying.
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D) They both looked to each another, startled by all they had just finished saying.
Show Explanation

18 / 200

Rubber tubes upon which children had swing in backyards hung suspended like stopped clock pendulums in the blazing air.

Punjab Mock 2
Identify errors in sentence
A) Upon which
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B) Had swing in the backyards

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C) Suspended like
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D) In the
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19 / 200

When gamma photon is entered in nucleus it __________:

Punjab Mock 2
Nuclear Physics
Biological Effects and Uses of Radiation
A) De-excite the nucleus
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B) Excites the nucleus
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C) Scattered by nucleus
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D) No effect on nucleus
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20 / 200

A three dimensional image is obtained by scanning the surface with a focused beam of electrons:

Punjab Mock 2
Atomic Spectra
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Show Explanation
C) X-ray
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Show Explanation

21 / 200

A body is undergoing non uniform circular motion, work done by radial force on the body:

Punjab Mock 2
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Positive
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B) Zero
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C) Negative
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D) Variable
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22 / 200

If the current in a wire is doubled then magnetic field would be:

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) halved
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B) remain same
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C) triple
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D) double
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23 / 200

Current is ______ physical quantity

Punjab Mock 2
Current Electricity
A) scalar quantity
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B) vector quantity
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C) variable quantity
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D) constant quantity
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24 / 200

Consider an isolated parallel plate capacitor. Both plates have charge +Q and -Q and filled with a dielectric with dielectric constant K. We pull out the dielectric material, if the charges on the plates do not change, how does the energy in the capacitor changes?

Punjab Mock 2
A) It increases
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B) It decreases
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C) It remains constant
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D) Insufficient data
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25 / 200

X rays are also known as:

Punjab Mock 2
Atomic Spectra
A) Low energy invisible photons
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B) High energy visible photons
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C) High energy invisible photons
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D) Low energy visible photons
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26 / 200

An ordinary TV screen made of cathode tube emits:

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Cathode rays
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B) Anode rays
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C) Gamma rays
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D) None of the above options
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27 / 200

Pitch depends on:

Punjab Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Frequency
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B) Timbre
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C) loudness
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D) amplitude
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28 / 200

Electric current may be defined as:

Punjab Mock 2
Current Electricity
A) Rate of flow of charge
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B) Rate of flow of momentum
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C) Rate of flow of power
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D) Rate of flow of energy
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29 / 200

The change in potential energy per unit charge between two points in an electric field is called:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Potential difference
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B) Absolute potential
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C) Electric Intensity
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D) Permitivity
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30 / 200

The negative sign in Lenz’s law indicates that the induced emf opposes the rate of change of:

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Electric flux
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B) Magentic flux
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C) Electric field
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D) Magentic field
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31 / 200

A full wave rectifier passes _________ into positive cycles:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Lower half cycle
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B) Upper half cycle
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C) Both lower and upper half cycles
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D) One quarter cycle
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32 / 200

The self inductance of a coil does not depend upon:

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) length
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B) current
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C) the number of turns
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D) the area of the coil
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33 / 200

Eddy currents flow in:

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Open loops
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B) Closed loops
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C) Straight lines
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D) Vertlcal loops
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34 / 200

The property of musical sound which differentiate between grave and shrill sound is called?

Punjab Mock 2
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Pitch
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B) Intensity
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C) Beats
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D) Quality
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35 / 200

When a bar magnet is broken from middle, the broken pieces will have:

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Amperes Law and Determination of Flux Density
A) North pole only
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B) Sooth pole only
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C) Both south and north poles
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D) Magnetism will be removed
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36 / 200

If the force of 20 N acts at an angle 60 degree along horizontal then its vertical and horizontal components are:

Punjab Mock 2
Forces and Motion
A) 20 N, 0 N
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B) 15 N, 10 N
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C) 17.32 N, 10 N
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D) 10 N, 17.32 N
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37 / 200

What is the relationshlp between the half life of a radioactive isotope and its wavelength?

Punjab Mock 2
Nuclear Physics
A) they are equal in magnitude
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B) they are directly proportional
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C) they are inversely proportional
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D) No relation
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38 / 200

Ohm’s Law is applicable only when temperature is:

Punjab Mock 2
Current Electricity
A) changing
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B) absolute zero
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C) constant
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D) decreasing
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39 / 200

Electric Flux through the surface of a sphere which has constant charge at its centre depends on:

Punjab Mock 2
A) The radius of the sphere
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B) The surface area of the sphere
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C) The amount of charge inside the sphere
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D) The amount of charge outside the sphere
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40 / 200

The formula to estimate P.E is:

Punjab Mock 2
Work, Power & Energy
A) F.d
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B) mgh
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C) kx
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D) mvr
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41 / 200

The magnetic flux density is:

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) magnetic field lines per unit area
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B) magnetic field lines per unit volume
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C) electric field lines per unit area
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D) electric field lines per unit volume
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42 / 200

Resistance of a conductor depends upon:

Punjab Mock 2
Current Electricity
A) Temperature
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B) Nature of a conductor
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C) Length
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D) Color
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43 / 200

Earth revolution In 24 hours covers _____ angle:

Punjab Mock 2
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 90
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B) 60
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C) 57.3
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D) 360
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44 / 200

If Cp = 20 J/mol.K then for 1 mole gas we get Cv= _______. You can use Cp/Cv = 1.7.

Punjab Mock 2
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) 10.6 J/K.mole
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B) 2.7 J/K.mole
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C) 13 J/K.mole
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D) 11.7 J/K.mole

45 / 200

Which of the following could not be the units of electric intensity?

Punjab Mock 2
A) Joule per coulomb per meter
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B) Joule per coulomb
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C) Volt per meter
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D) Newton per coulomb
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46 / 200

In a step down transformer, the current in the secondary coil is _ _ the current in the primary coil:

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Equal to
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B) Less than
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C) Greater than
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D) Unchanged
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47 / 200

Magnetic field inside a long solenoid is:

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Amperes Law and Determination of Flux Density
A) Varying with radial distance
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B) Uniform
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C) Zero
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D) Not enough Information
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48 / 200

Radian can be used to measure:

Punjab Mock 2
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) length of line
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B) Diameter of circle
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C) side of traingle
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D) arc length
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49 / 200

____ potential difference is required for establishing steady current?

Punjab Mock 2
Current Electricity
A) Minimum
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B) Constant
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C) Maximum
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D) Varying
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50 / 200

The study of magnets is called:

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Electromagnetism
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B) Magnetism
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C) Electrostatics
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D) Current electricity
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51 / 200

The engine of vehicle delivers constant power and moves up on the inclined plane, then its velocity:

Punjab Mock 1
Work, Power & Energy
A) Must remain constant
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B) Must increase
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C) Must decrease
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D) Remains zero
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52 / 200

Example of mechanical waves is:

Punjab Mock 2
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Transverse wave
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B) Longitudinal wave
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C) Both transverse and longitudinal wave
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D) Compressional waves
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53 / 200

Minimum value of kinetic energy is:

Punjab Mock 2
Work, Power & Energy
A) Infinite
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B) Zero
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C) Negative constant
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D) Minus infinite
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54 / 200

Electrical potential energy between two charges at distance “r” is given by:

Punjab Mock 2
A) (k*q1*q2)/r
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B) (k*q1*q2)/r2
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C) k*q1*q2
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D) k*q1*q2/2r
Show Explanation

55 / 200

Molar heat capacity at constant volume is given by:

Punjab Mock 2
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) dQ/dN
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B) dQ/dP
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C) dU/dT
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D) dU/dV
Show Explanation

56 / 200

When coil is rotated in magnetic field, the current produced is:

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A.C. and D.C. Generator
A) Constant
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B) Decrease
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C) Increase
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D) Continuously changing
Show Explanation

57 / 200

Transformer can convert _________

Punjab Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Low DC voltage
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B) High DC voltage
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C) Battery voltage
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D) AC voltage
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58 / 200

Unit of heat capacity is:

Punjab Mock 2
Heat and Thermodynamics
A) J/K
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B) J/K.mole
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C) J/K.kg
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D) Joule
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59 / 200

Water waves are:

Punjab Mock 2
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Longitudinal waves
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B) Complex waves
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C) Transverse waves
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D) Both longitudinal and transverse wave
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60 / 200

The velocity of sound in vacuum at 0 C:

Punjab Mock 2
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 332 m/s
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B) 344 m/s
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C) 330 m/s
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D) 0
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61 / 200

Microwave is:

Punjab Mock 2
Electromagnetic Waves
A) An electromagnetic wave
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B) Sound wave
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C) Longitudinal wave
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D) Standing wave
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62 / 200

In annihilation process particles move in:

Punjab Mock 2
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) Same direction
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B) Opposite direction
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C) Perpendicular direction
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D) Remain stationary
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63 / 200

Transistors can be used as:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Half-wave rectifier
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B) Full-wave rectifier
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C) Photocell
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D) Switch
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64 / 200

Among the following four spectral regions, which photon has the highest energy?

Punjab Mock 2
Atomic Spectra
A) Infrared
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B) Violet
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C) Blue
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D) red
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65 / 200

An object travelling in a circle at 2 revolutions per second has an angular velocity of:

Punjab Mock 2
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 12.9 rad/s
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B) 13.3 rad/s
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C) 12.6 rad/s
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D) 14.6 rad/s
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66 / 200

Which equation represents the maximum output power of source?

Punjab Mock 2
Work, Power & Energy
A) P = VI
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B) P = I2R
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C) P = V2/R
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D) P = E2/4R
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67 / 200

To approach this question, use a sentence: ‘A champion could not exist without ___________.’ Find the word that fits In.

Punjab Mock 2
Logical Reasoning
A) Running
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B) Swimming
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C) Courage
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D) Speaking
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68 / 200

Statement I: The local cooperative credit society has decided to stop giving loans to farmers with immediate effect.

Statement II: A large number of credit society members have withdrawn a major part of their deposits from the credit society.

Punjab Mock 2
Logical Reasoning
Cause and Effect
A) Statement I is the cause and statement II ls its effect
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B) Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
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C) Both the statements I and II are Independent causes
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D) Both the statements I and II are efects of some common cause
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69 / 200

Pick the word which is always associated with “books”.

Punjab Mock 2
Logical Reasoning
A) Pages
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B) Learning
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C) Pictures
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D) Eraser
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70 / 200

Statement: Floods may create havoc In the country this year too. Courses of Action: I) The Government should be on the alert to evacuate flood-affected victims. II) People should not be afraid of floods.

Punjab Mock 2
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) Only l follows
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B) Only II follows
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C) Either I or II follows
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D) Netther I nor II follows
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71 / 200

Pick the word which is always associated with: Electrical Energy.

Punjab Mock 2
Logical Reasoning
A) Light
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B) Cars
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C) Power
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D) Water
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72 / 200

Daniyal has been visiting friends In his flat for the past two weeks. He Is leaving tomorrow morning and his flight Is very early. Most of his friends live fairly close to the airport. Usman lives ten miles away. Farhan lives five miles away, Numan, seven miles.
Ali is farther away than Farhan, but closer than Numan. Approximately how far away from the airport is Ali?

Punjab Mock 2
Logical Reasoning
A) Nine miles
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B) Seven mlles
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C) Eight miles
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D) Six miles
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73 / 200

Which of the following chemical activity is involved in the conversion of pyruvate into acetaldehyde during anaerobic respiration?

Punjab Mock 2
Anaerobic Respiration
A) Reduction
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B) Decarboxylation
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C) Oxidation
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D) Phosphorylation
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74 / 200

Incomplete or Imperfect digestion Is called:

Punjab Mock 2
A) anorexia
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B) botulism
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C) bulimia nervosa
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D) Dyspepsia
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75 / 200

Nitrifying bacteria belong to following group:

Punjab Mock 2
Kingdom Prokaryote
Motility and Nutrition in Bacteria
A) Chemosynthetic
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B) Photosynthetic
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C) Parasitic
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D) Pathogenic
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76 / 200

One map unit is supposed to be equal to:

Punjab Mock 2
Variation and Genetics
A) 1%recombination frequency
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B) 5%recombination frequency
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C) 10%recombination frequency
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D) 15%recombination frequency
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77 / 200

Lock and Key model ws explained by:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Koshland
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B) Emil Fischer
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C) De Duve
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D) De Duve
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78 / 200

Physical appearance of a trait is called:

Punjab Mock 2
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) Genotype
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B) Alleles
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C) Phenotype
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D) Genome
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79 / 200

A diseased man marries a normal woman.They have five daughters and three sons.All the daughters were diseased and sons were normal. The gene of this disease is:

Punjab Mock 2
Variation and Genetics
Sex Linkage
A) X linked dominant
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B) X-linked recessive
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C) Autosomal recessive
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D) Autosomal dominant
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80 / 200

Optimum pH for salivary amylase Is:

Punjab Mock 2
A) 2
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B) 6.8
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C) 7.6
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D) 9
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81 / 200

What is the mass in grams of 1.69 moles of phosphoric acid?

Punjab Mock 2
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Analysis of a Compound – Empirical And Molecular Formulas
A) 148g
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B) 138g
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C) 157g
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D) 166g
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82 / 200

The HIV genetic information flows from viral _______, and used to form viral _________.

Punjab Mock 2
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) RNA to DNA: RNA and protein
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B) DNA to RNA: DNA and protein
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C) DNA to RNA : RNA and protein
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D) RNA to protein : RNA and protein
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83 / 200

The alternative form of a given gene is called:

Punjab Mock 2
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) Trait
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B) Phenotype
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C) Allele
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D) Genotype
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84 / 200

What is the meaning of articulation?

Punjab Mock 2
Support and Movement
A) Connections between Joints
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B) Connections between cartilages
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C) Connections between bones
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D) Connections between muscles
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85 / 200

Which statement correctly outlines the reason for divergent evolution hypothesis of echinoderms and hemichordates?

Punjab Mock 2
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Blastopore forms the anus
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B) They are both aquatic
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C) They have a well developed circulatory system
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D) They have dorsal nerve cord
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86 / 200

Golgl complex was discovered by which scientist?

Punjab Mock 2
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Robert Brown
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B) Camillo Golgi
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C) De Duve
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D) Robert Hooke
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87 / 200

To reduce one molecule of O2, _ _ _ electron(s) must be passed through the electron transport chain and _ _ _ molecule(s) of NADH ls(are) oxidized

Punjab Mock 2
Respiration Mechanism – Glycolysis to Electron Transport Chain
A) 1:1
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B) 4:4
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C) 1:2
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D) 4:2
Show Explanation

88 / 200

Which features Identify deuterostomes?

Punjab Mock 2
Kingdom Animalia
A) Blastopore makes the mouth.
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B) Zygote divides splrally.
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C) Mesoderm forms from the developing no gut
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D) Fate of each blastomere Is pre-determined
Show Explanation

89 / 200

Size of virus ranges in:

Punjab Mock 2
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) 20 to 250 nm
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B) 25 to 250 nm
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C) 25 to 300 nm
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D) 20 to 300 nm
Show Explanation

90 / 200

____________ is the structure in female reproductive system in which fertilization takes place:

Punjab Mock 2
Reproduction in Females
A) Ovaries
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B) Uterus
Show Explanation
C) Cervix
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D) Oviduct
Show Explanation

91 / 200

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone is secreted by:

Punjab Mock 2
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Hypothalamus
Show Explanation
B) Pitutary gland
Show Explanation
C) Thyroid
Show Explanation
D) Parathyroid gland
Show Explanation

92 / 200

Proliferative phase is also termed as:

Punjab Mock 2
Reproduction in Females
A) Secretory phase
Show Explanation
B) Menstruations phase
Show Explanation
C) Follicular or preoculatory phase
Show Explanation
D) Secondary phase
Show Explanation

93 / 200

Which one of the following occurs at puberty in boys?

Punjab Mock 2
Reproduction in Males
A) Ovulation
Show Explanation
B) Pubic hair growth
Show Explanation
C) Hips broaden
Show Explanation
D) Menarche
Show Explanation

94 / 200

Which of the following number of chromosomes are present in the somatic cells of Drosophila?

Punjab Mock 2
Variation and Genetics
A) 4
Show Explanation
B) 8
Show Explanation
C) 16
Show Explanation
D) 2
Show Explanation

95 / 200

Which of these Is the right combination of molecules which make up the secondary cell wall In plant cells?

Punjab Mock 2
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Cellulose, lignin, and xylem
Show Explanation
B) Cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin
Show Explanation
C) Cellulose only
Show Explanation
D) Cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin

Show Explanation

96 / 200

Which of the following was the first virus to be isolated and studied under the electron microscope:

Punjab Mock 2
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Show Explanation
B) Rabies Virus
Show Explanation
C) Pox Viruses
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

97 / 200

When puberty is achieved in girls, which one of the following occurs in them but not in boys?

Punjab Mock 2
Reproduction in Females
A) Excessive growth of hairs on skin
Show Explanation
B) Pubic hair growth
Show Explanation
C) Menarche
Show Explanation
D) Heaviness of voice
Show Explanation

98 / 200

Name the inhibitors which can be neutralized by adding more substrate:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Competitive Inhibitors
Show Explanation
B) Permanent inhibitors
Show Explanation
C) Non-competitive inhibitors
Show Explanation
D) Irreversible inhibitors
Show Explanation

99 / 200

Diffused nervous system is present In which animal group?

Punjab Mock 2
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Platyhelminthes
Show Explanation
B) Annelida
Show Explanation
C) Cnidaria
Show Explanation
D) Porifera
Show Explanation

100 / 200

Which of these is a type of arthritis that Is primarily due to aging?

Punjab Mock 2
Support and Movement
A) Septic arthritis
Show Explanation
B) Rheumatoid arthritis
Show Explanation
C) Osteoarthritis
Show Explanation
D) Rheumatoid and oesteoarthritis
Show Explanation

101 / 200

Which of the following is the most suitable term for the genotype AaBb

Punjab Mock 2
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) Homozygous recessive
Show Explanation
B) Homozygous dominant
Show Explanation
C) Heterozygous
Show Explanation
D) Heterozygous dominant
Show Explanation

102 / 200

Phenotype represents:

Punjab Mock 2
Variation and Genetics
A) Physical appereance of the trait
Show Explanation
B) Genetic makeup of the trait
Show Explanation
C) Normal trait
Show Explanation
D) Mutant trait
Show Explanation

103 / 200

Change in the frequency of alleles at a locus that occurs by chance is called:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Genetic drift
Show Explanation
B) Mutation
Show Explanation
C) Emmigration
Show Explanation
D) Immigration
Show Explanation

104 / 200

When a neuron’s membrane potentials is between – 70 mV and – 90 mV, it is said to be In a state of:

Punjab Mock 2
Coordination and Control
A) Depolarization
Show Explanation
B) hyperpolarization
Show Explanation
C) repolarization
Show Explanation
D) No polarization
Show Explanation

105 / 200

In sundew the leaves:

Punjab Mock 2
Heterotrophic Nutrition
A) Form flask shaped structure
Show Explanation
B) Bllobed structure with midrib
Show Explanation
C) Have hair like tentacles
Show Explanation
D) Have nodes
Show Explanation

106 / 200

Give the general formula of monosaccharides and polysaccharides.

Punjab Mock 2
Biological Molecules
A) (CH2O)n and Cn(H2O)2n
Show Explanation
B) (CH2O)2n and Cn(H2O)n

Show Explanation
C) (CH2O)n and Cn(H2O)n-1

Show Explanation
D) (CH2O)n-1 and Cn(H2O)n+1
Show Explanation

107 / 200

Chlorosis in plants is basically due to lack of:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Magnesium or nitrogen
Show Explanation
B) Carbon or Hydrogen
Show Explanation
C) Magnesium or iron
Show Explanation
D) Bright sunlight
Show Explanation

108 / 200

Which of the following nutrient is mainly provided by insects feeding to carnivorous plants?

Punjab Mock 2
Heterotrophic Nutrition
A) Magnesium
Show Explanation
B) Nitrogen
Show Explanation
C) Carbon
Show Explanation
D) Oxygen
Show Explanation

109 / 200

The reflexes such as vomiting, coughing, and sneezing are controlled by which of the following

Punjab Mock 2
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Pons
Show Explanation
B) Cerebrum
Show Explanation
C) Cerebellum
Show Explanation
D) Medulla oblongata
Show Explanation

110 / 200

The quantitative study of energy relationship in a biological system is called?

Punjab Mock 2
A) Bioenergetics
Show Explanation
B) Biochemistry
Show Explanation
C) Biotechnology
Show Explanation
D) Biophysics
Show Explanation

111 / 200

For sterilization purposes, generally, X-rays are used which cause:

Punjab Mock 2
Kingdom Prokaryote
Importance and Control of bacteria
A) Mutation in bacterial genome
Show Explanation
B) Denaturation of bacterial proteins
Show Explanation
C) Activation of bacteria
Show Explanation
D) Bacteria to become pathogen
Show Explanation

112 / 200

A man receives his X chromosome from:

Punjab Mock 2
Variation and Genetics
Sex Determination
A) His mother only
Show Explanation
B) Part from his father and part from his mother
Show Explanation
C) His father only
Show Explanation
D) Either his mother or his father, It depends upon luck
Show Explanation

113 / 200

Glucose and Ribose form ring structures when:

Punjab Mock 2
Biological Molecules
A) React with an appropriate enzyme
Show Explanation
B) Dissolved in water
Show Explanation
C) Immersed in oil
Show Explanation
D) They are in crystalline state
Show Explanation

114 / 200

Many sarcomere placed end to end and form a:

Punjab Mock 2
Support and Movement
Ultrastructure & Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A) Muscle
Show Explanation
B) Fiber
Show Explanation
C) Myofibril
Show Explanation
D) Muscle fiber
Show Explanation

115 / 200

The disorder in which one or more muscle groups face the full loss of function is called?

Punjab Mock 2
Support and Movement
Disorders of Skeleton
A) Cirrhosis
Show Explanation
B) Angina
Show Explanation
C) Epilepsy
Show Explanation
D) Paralysis
Show Explanation

116 / 200

Which of the following is the separation point between two sarcomere?

Punjab Mock 2
Support and Movement
Ultrastructure & Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A) H-zone
Show Explanation
B) A-band
Show Explanation
C) Z-line
Show Explanation
D) M-line
Show Explanation

117 / 200

Elastic fibres are absent in the walls of __________

Punjab Mock 2
A) Aorta
Show Explanation
B) Arteries
Show Explanation
C) Veins
Show Explanation
D) Both options A and B
Show Explanation

118 / 200

Which of the following invertebrate phylum consists of the most abundant species on planet Earth:

Punjab Mock 2
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Porifera
Show Explanation
B) Cnidaria
Show Explanation
C) Arthropoda
Show Explanation
D) Mollusca
Show Explanation

119 / 200

The disorder which is caused when cones cannot distinguish between different colors is called?

Punjab Mock 2
Coordination and Control
Disorders of the Nervous System
A) Short sighted vision disorder
Show Explanation
B) Night blindness
Show Explanation
C) Long sighted vision disorder
Show Explanation
D) Color blindness
Show Explanation

120 / 200

The protoplast of a plant cell does not include:

Punjab Mock 2
Cell Structure and Function
Introduction to Cell and it’s theory
A) Cell wall
Show Explanation
B) Cell membrane
Show Explanation
C) Vacuoles
Show Explanation
D) Nucleus
Show Explanation

121 / 200

The palmitic acid melts at _____

Punjab Mock 2
Biological Molecules
A) 8 C
Show Explanation
B) 72 C
Show Explanation
C) 63.1 C
Show Explanation
D) 7 C
Show Explanation

122 / 200

Which of the following provides resistance against high temperature?

Punjab Mock 2
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Cysts
Show Explanation
B) Spores
Show Explanation
C) Cell wall
Show Explanation
D) Capsules
Show Explanation

123 / 200

Only one compound is neutral, the others are reactive. Point the one

Punjab Mock 2
Biological Molecules
A) cytoplasm
Show Explanation
B) HCl
Show Explanation
C) Urine
Show Explanation
D) Pure water
Show Explanation

124 / 200

Low partial pressure of oxygen in tissues favours __________ of oxyhaemoglobin

Punjab Mock 2
A) Dissociation
Show Explanation
B) Formation
Show Explanation
C) Stability
Show Explanation
D) Transformation
Show Explanation

125 / 200

Major component of bacterial cell wall is:

Punjab Mock 2
Kingdom Prokaryote
A) teichoic acid
Show Explanation
B) cartenoid
Show Explanation
C) chitin
Show Explanation
D) murein
Show Explanation

126 / 200

Among the following, identify the agranulocytes:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Neutrophils
Show Explanation
B) Basophils
Show Explanation
C) Monocytes
Show Explanation
D) Both Neutrophils and Basophils

Show Explanation

127 / 200

Mendel’s idea that pair of characters separate during gamete formation is called:

Punjab Mock 2
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) Law of particulate inheritance
Show Explanation
B) Law of segregation
Show Explanation
C) Law of dominance
Show Explanation
D) Law of independant assortment
Show Explanation

128 / 200

Which of the following Is a circular, double stranded DNA molecules present in some bacterial cells?

Punjab Mock 2
Kingdom Prokaryote
A) nucleoid
Show Explanation
B) Plasmids
Show Explanation
C) mesosomes
Show Explanation
D) Chromosomes
Show Explanation

129 / 200

A type of blood cell that produces heparin is ___________

Punjab Mock 2
A) Basophil
Show Explanation
B) Neutrophil
Show Explanation
C) Eosinophil
Show Explanation
D) Monocyte
Show Explanation

130 / 200

Protein factories In prokaryotlc cell are:

Punjab Mock 2
Kingdom Prokaryote
A) mesosomes
Show Explanation
B) Ribosomes
Show Explanation
C) Plasmids
Show Explanation
D) Nucleotide
Show Explanation

131 / 200

According to Hardy-Weinberg theorem, the sum of recessive and dominant gene frequencies is equal to:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Gene pool of the the trait in the population
Show Explanation
B) Population density
Show Explanation
C) Total number of heterozygotes
Show Explanation
D) Total number of homozygotes
Show Explanation

132 / 200

The antibody molecule consists of __________ polypeptide chains:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Eight
Show Explanation
B) Four
Show Explanation
C) Six
Show Explanation
D) Two
Show Explanation

133 / 200

The osmotic pressure of blood Is maintained by:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Membrane proteins
Show Explanation
B) Fibrous proteins
Show Explanation
C) Plasma proteins
Show Explanation
D) Myosln
Show Explanation

134 / 200

Albinism is an autosomal recessive trait. A woman with albino father marries an albino man. What Is the probability of albinism in her children?

Punjab Mock 2
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) 25%
Show Explanation
B) 50%
Show Explanation
C) 75%
Show Explanation
D) 100%
Show Explanation

135 / 200

The photosensitive cells present in the retina that are sensitive to dim light are called?

Punjab Mock 2
Coordination and Control
Coordination in Animals
A) Optic disc
Show Explanation
B) Rods
Show Explanation
C) Cones
Show Explanation
D) Ligaments
Show Explanation

136 / 200

Evolution is the process that demostrates:

Punjab Mock 2
A) how characters are passed from one generation to the next
Show Explanation
B) How organisms perform their activities in different environment
Show Explanation
C) How new species originate from existing species
Show Explanation
D) How new species are formed specially and specifically by the nature
Show Explanation

137 / 200

The origin of new species from already existing species over a period of time Is called:

Punjab Mock 2
A) adaptation
Show Explanation
B) Evolution
Show Explanation
C) Neo.Darwinsm
Show Explanation
D) Special creation
Show Explanation

138 / 200

The tertiary structure of protein indicates its:

Punjab Mock 2
Biological Molecules
A) Chemical function
Show Explanation
B) Biological function
Show Explanation
C) Physical appereance
Show Explanation
D) characterstics
Show Explanation

139 / 200

Which is incorrect for cardiac muscles?

Punjab Mock 2
A) Show involuntary control
Show Explanation
B) Branched cells
Show Explanation
C) Have no striations
Show Explanation
D) Have intercalated disc
Show Explanation

140 / 200

Poxviruses are:

Punjab Mock 2
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Double stranded DNA virus
Show Explanation
B) Single stranded RNA virus
Show Explanation
C) Single stranded DNA virus
Show Explanation
D) Protein virus
Show Explanation

141 / 200

Saccoglossus belongs to which group of invertebrates?

Punjab Mock 2
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Porifera
Show Explanation
B) Cnidaria
Show Explanation
C) Echindermata
Show Explanation
D) Hemichordates
Show Explanation

142 / 200

Ali punches a mattress and then punches a wall with the same force. Why does Ali experience more pain while striking the wall?

Punjab Mock 2
Forces and Motion
A) The rate of change of momentum while striking the wall is lower
Show Explanation
B) The rate of change of momentum while striking the wall is higher
Show Explanation
C) The wall does not move
Show Explanation
D) The mattress applies an equal and opposite force
Show Explanation

143 / 200

Shielding effect in 3rd period of periodic table:

Punjab Mock 2
s and p Block Elements
General Behaviour of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
A) Increases from left to right.
Show Explanation
B) Decreases from left to right.
Show Explanation
C) May increase or decrease
Show Explanation
D) Remain unchanged
Show Explanation

144 / 200

The reaction in which rate depends only on one reactant concentrations, although more than one reactants are present in the reaction mixture is known as __________

Punjab Mock 2
Reaction Kinetics
Order of reaction and its determination
A) 1st order reaction
Show Explanation
B) 2nd order reaction
Show Explanation
C) Pseudo first order reaction
Show Explanation
D) Third order reaction
Show Explanation

145 / 200

Which solids are also called as atomic solids?

Punjab Mock 2
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) Ionic solids
Show Explanation
B) Covalent solids
Show Explanation
C) Molecular solids
Show Explanation
D) Metallic solids
Show Explanation

146 / 200

Which of the following products is formed by the reaction of aluminium with nitrogen?

Punjab Mock 2
s and p Block Elements
A) AlN3
Show Explanation
B) AlN
Show Explanation
C) Al2N2
Show Explanation
D) Al3N2
Show Explanation

147 / 200

A compound of boron and hydrogen contains 18.9% hydrogen and 81.1% boron. The empirical formula of the compound is:

Punjab Mock 2
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) BeH2
Show Explanation
B) Be2H
Show Explanation
C) B4H
Show Explanation
D) B2H5
Show Explanation

148 / 200

Which of the following is true about newton’s laws of motion?

Punjab Mock 2
Forces and Motion
A) One of them is not related to forces
Show Explanation
B) Two of them are not related to forces
Show Explanation
C) All of them are related to forces
Show Explanation
D) One of them is related forces
Show Explanation

149 / 200

The increase in probability of hydroxides of alkaline metals increase down the group due to low:

Punjab Mock 2
s and p Block Elements
A) Ionic size
Show Explanation
B) Atomic size
Show Explanation
C) Decrease in lattice energy
Show Explanation
D) Hydration energy
Show Explanation

150 / 200

Oxidation number of a substance in elemental form is:

Punjab Mock 2
Oxidation Number or State
A) 0
Show Explanation
B) Positive
Show Explanation
C) Negative
Show Explanation
D) Fractional
Show Explanation

151 / 200

What Is the unit of slope obtained from Arrhenius equation?

Punjab Mock 2
Reaction Kinetics
A) K
Show Explanation
B) J/mol K
Show Explanation
C) mol/K
Show Explanation
D) K-
Show Explanation

152 / 200

Which of these has a bond length of ______ 174 pm?

Punjab Mock 2
Chemical Bonding
A) C-C
Show Explanation
B) Cl-Cl
Show Explanation
C) Cl-H
Show Explanation
D) C-Cl
Show Explanation

153 / 200

Mass of electron _______ times smaller than that of proton.

Punjab Mock 2
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) 1837
Show Explanation
B) 1839
Show Explanation
C) 1836
Show Explanation
D) 1834
Show Explanation

154 / 200

In the gaseous phase, when ionization takes place ____________ are isolated and are free from all external influences:

Punjab Mock 2
Atomic Structure
A) Atoms and molecule
Show Explanation
B) Atom and cation
Show Explanation
C) Atom and anion
Show Explanation
D) Atom and ion
Show Explanation

155 / 200

The maximum number of electrons which can be accommodated in all orbital for which I=3 is:

Punjab Mock 2
Atomic Structure
A) 6
Show Explanation
B) 14
Show Explanation
C) 10
Show Explanation
D) 18
Show Explanation

156 / 200

Which of the following solid has indefinite heat of fusion?

Punjab Mock 2
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Crystalline Solids
A) Crystalline solids
Show Explanation
B) Pure solids
Show Explanation
C) True solids
Show Explanation
D) Amorphous solids
Show Explanation

157 / 200

Identify the element that has maximum oxidation states:

Punjab Mock 2
d and f Block Elements
A) Zinc
Show Explanation
B) Chromium
Show Explanation
C) Vanadium
Show Explanation
D) Manganese
Show Explanation

158 / 200

Ksp (Solubility product) depends upon:

Punjab Mock 2
Chemical Equilibrium
Solubility Product and Precipitation Reactions
A) Pressure
Show Explanation
B) Concentration
Show Explanation
C) Temperature
Show Explanation
D) Volume
Show Explanation

159 / 200

The C-C bond length in benzene is:

Punjab Mock 2
A) 1.39 Angstrom
Show Explanation
B) 1.20 Angstrom
Show Explanation
C) 1.34 Angstrom
Show Explanation
D) 1.54 Angstrom
Show Explanation

160 / 200

Pi (π) bond between two atoms is

Punjab Mock 2
Chemical Bonding
VSEPR Theory
A) Formed by axial overlapping of atomic orbitals, and is stronger than sigma bond.
Show Explanation
B) Formed by parallel overlapping of atomic orbitals, and is stronger than sigma bond.
Show Explanation
C) Formed by axial overlapping of atomic orbitals, and is weaker than sigma bond.
Show Explanation
D) Formed by parallel overlapping of atomic orbitals, and is weaker than sigma bond.
Show Explanation

161 / 200

Fe is precipitated out when Mg strip is dipped in

Punjab Mock 2
d and f Block Elements
A) FeSO4 solution
Show Explanation
B) CuSO4 Solution
Show Explanation
C) MgSO4 Solution
Show Explanation
D) H2SO4 solution
Show Explanation

162 / 200

The array of points which shows the atoms ions or molecule arrangements in a crystal is called.

Punjab Mock 2
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Crystal Lattice and Lattice Energy
A) Crystal system
Show Explanation
B) Crystal lattice
Show Explanation
C) Crystal array
Show Explanation
D) Crystallography
Show Explanation

163 / 200

Force is a:

Punjab Mock 2
Forces and Motion
A) Vector
Show Explanation
B) Scalar
Show Explanation
C) Tensor
Show Explanation
D) Base quantity
Show Explanation

164 / 200

Which of the following substances has the highest intermolecular forces of attraction?

Punjab Mock 2
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) H2O
Show Explanation
B) H2S
Show Explanation
C) H2Se
Show Explanation
D) H2Te
Show Explanation

165 / 200

Which one of the following is calculated from balanced equation during the determination of limiting reactant?

Punjab Mock 2
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) Amount of reactants present
Show Explanation
B) Amount of limiting reactant that produces·the product
Show Explanation
C) Amount of product expected to form from each reactant
Show Explanation
D) Amountof excess reactant
Show Explanation

166 / 200

Which of the following orbitals has lower energy?

Punjab Mock 2
Atomic Structure
A) Anti-bonding molecular orbital
Show Explanation
B) Anti-bonding atomic orbitals
Show Explanation
C) Bonding half-filled orbitals
Show Explanation
D) Bonding molecular orbital
Show Explanation

167 / 200

The projectile motion covers maximum range:

Punjab Mock 2
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) Horizontally
Show Explanation
B) Vertically
Show Explanation
C) Tangentially
Show Explanation
D) Linearly
Show Explanation

168 / 200

Which one of the following is a strong nucleophile:

Punjab Mock 2
Alkyl Halides and Amines
A) Cl-
Show Explanation
B) Br-
Show Explanation
C) OH-
Show Explanation
D) HSO4-
Show Explanation

169 / 200

What is the reason that ice at 0˚ occupies more volume than water:

Punjab Mock 2
States of Matter
A) Empty spaces
Show Explanation
B) Ionic bond
Show Explanation
C) Intermolecular
Show Explanation
D) Debye forces
Show Explanation

170 / 200

When body moves in a circle _______ always changes:

Punjab Mock 2
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Velocity
Show Explanation
B) Acceleration
Show Explanation
C) Mass
Show Explanation
D) Force
Show Explanation

171 / 200

Unit of K in first order Reaction is:

Punjab Mock 2
Reaction Kinetics
Order of reaction and its determination
A) s-1
Show Explanation
B) moles dm-3 s-1
Show Explanation
C) moles dm-3
Show Explanation
D) mol-1 dm3’
Show Explanation

172 / 200

Major product of the following reaction is: CH2=CH-CH2-CH3 + HBr

Punjab Mock 2
A) CH2(Br)-CH2-CH2-CH3
Show Explanation
B) CH3-CH(Br)-CH2-CH3
Show Explanation
C) CH2=CH-CH(Br)-CH3
Show Explanation
D) CH2=CH-CH2-CH2(Br)
Show Explanation

173 / 200

lodoform test is used to check the presence of:

Punjab Mock 2
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Amines
Show Explanation
B) Carbonyl compounds
Show Explanation
C) Carboxylic acid
Show Explanation
D) Alkyl halides
Show Explanation

174 / 200

Which of the following reactions are given by alcohol and phenol both?

Punjab Mock 2
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) Esterification
Show Explanation
B) Nitrosation
Show Explanation
C) Amide formation
Show Explanation
D) Lucas Reaction
Show Explanation

175 / 200

Which one of the following is called as compressibility factor?

Punjab Mock 2
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
C) PV/RT=n
Show Explanation
D) PV/T=Rn
Show Explanation

176 / 200

Acetone is less reactive than acetaldehyde due to:

Punjab Mock 2
Aldehydes and Ketones
Physical Properties of Aldehydes And Ketones
A) More Stearic hindrance offered by its methyl groups.
Show Explanation
B) Electron withdrawing nature of its methyl groups.
Show Explanation
C) Its Carbonyl carbon is sp2 hybridized.
Show Explanation
D) Oxygen of carbonyl group is more electronegative than carbon atom.
Show Explanation

177 / 200

Among the following, which compound is formed by addition polymerization:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Polystyrene
Show Explanation
B) Polyester
Show Explanation
C) Nylon
Show Explanation
D) Both Polystyrene & Polyester
Show Explanation

178 / 200

The value of acceleration due to gravity:

Punjab Mock 2
Forces and Motion
A) Is same on equator and poles
Show Explanation
B) Is least on poles
Show Explanation
C) Is least on equator
Show Explanation
D) Increases from pole to equator
Show Explanation

179 / 200

Which of the following fraction of petroleum has lowest boiling point at STP.

Punjab Mock 2
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) Kerosene oil
Show Explanation
B) Lubricating oil
Show Explanation
C) Gasoline
Show Explanation
D) Diesel oil
Show Explanation

180 / 200

The basic hydrolysis of ethyl acetate produces?

Punjab Mock 2
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Ethanol and sodium acetate
Show Explanation
B) Ethanol and acetic acid
Show Explanation
C) Ethanol
Show Explanation
D) Formic acid
Show Explanation

181 / 200

In the air, N2 and O2 occur naturally but they do not react to form oxides of nitrogen because

Punjab Mock 2
s and p Block Elements
General Behaviour of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
A) Oxides of nitrogen are unstable
Show Explanation
B) Catalyst is required tor the reaction
Show Explanation
C) The reaction is endothermic
Show Explanation
D) N2 and O2 do not react with each other
Show Explanation

182 / 200

The amount of energy required to beak one mole of a particular type of bond is equal to its:

Punjab Mock 2
Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
A) Activation energy
Show Explanation
B) Ionization energy
Show Explanation
C) Bond Energy
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D) Potential energy
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183 / 200

The shape of s-orbital is ______ and the shape of p-orbital is _______.

Punjab Mock 2
Atomic Structure
Experiments in Atomic Struture
A) Spherical, dumb-bell
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B) Dumb-bell, spherical
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C) Spherical, double dumb-bell
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D) Spherical, spherical
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184 / 200

Which of the following undergoes sulfonation the fastest?

Punjab Mock 2
A) Benzene
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B) Chlorobenzene
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C) Nitrobenzene
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D) Toluene
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185 / 200

Number of molecules possessing Ea (Activation Energy) can be increased by

Punjab Mock 2
Reaction Kinetics
A) Adding a catalyst
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B) increasing the volume
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C) increasing temperature
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D) increasing temperature of Moles of Reactants
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186 / 200

In NO3- the oxidation number of N is:

Punjab Mock 2
A) 5+
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B) 2+
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C) 3+
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D) -3
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187 / 200

For a particular reversible reaction If [Products]/[Reactants]>Kc It means that:

Punjab Mock 2
Chemical Equilibrium
Reversible and Irreversible Reactions
A) More products are needed to attain equillbrium
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B) There are more reactants in the system
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C) More Reactants are needed to attain equillbrium
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D) The reaction will move forward to attain equilibrium
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188 / 200

The carbanion attacks the molecule of another carbonyl compound to form:

Punjab Mock 2
Aldehydes and Ketones
A) an alkoxide group
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B) aldol
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C) a carbanion
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D) a carbonium ion
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189 / 200

Which subshells are present In M shell?

Punjab Mock 2
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) s
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B) s, p
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C) s, p, d
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D) s, p, d, f
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190 / 200

The termination step in the halogenation of alkanes in the presence of sunlight involves the formation of:

Punjab Mock 2
A) Free radicals
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B) Cations
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C) Anions
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D) Molecules
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191 / 200

Which of the following postulate of kinetic molecular theory does NOT hold at high temperature and pressure?

Punjab Mock 2
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Kinetic Molecular Theory Of Gases
A) Gases are considered to be composed of minute discrete particles called molecules.
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B) The molecules move in straight line.
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C) The pressure of gas is produced due to the collision of molecules with the wall of container.
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D) The volume occupied by the gas molecules is negligible as compared to the the total volume of the gas.
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192 / 200

Which of the following is the correct demonstration of the first law of thermodynamics?

Punjab Mock 2
Laws of Thermodynamics
A) ΔH=qw
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C) ΔH=q+w
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D) Q= E+W

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193 / 200

The properties which depends upon the direction are called:

Punjab Mock 2
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Crystalline Solids
A) Isotropic properties
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B) Anisotropic properties
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C) Additive properties
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D) Colligative properties
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194 / 200

Who named the positive rays produced by the hydrogen gas in discharge tube?

Punjab Mock 2
Atomic Structure
A) Goldstein
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B) Rutherford
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C) Bohr
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D) Chedwick
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195 / 200

Salts of carboxylic acids can be converted into corresponding carboxylic acid by treating with:

Punjab Mock 2
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Water
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B) Base
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C) Acid anhydrides
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D) Acid
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196 / 200

2-chlorobutane belongs to:

Punjab Mock 2
Alkyl Halides and Amines
A) Primary Alkyl halides
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B) Secondary Alkyl halide
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C) Tertiary alkyl halides
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D) Quarternary alkyl halides
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197 / 200

Aldehyde common names are derived from carboxylic acid names with the same number of:

Punjab Mock 2
Aldehydes and Ketones
A) Hydrogen atoms
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B) Carbon atoms
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C) Oxygen atoms
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D) Carbon and hydrogen atoms
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198 / 200

The breaking of large molecules by heating at high temperature and pressure is called:

Punjab Mock 2
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) Reforming
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B) Steam cracking
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C) Catalytic cracking
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D) Thermal cracking
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199 / 200

Melting point of Na & Mg decreases down the group due to:

Punjab Mock 2
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
A) Strong electronegativity
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B) Strong attractive forces
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C) Increment in size
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D) High Ionization Energy
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200 / 200

The transition element which shows fixed 2+ oxidation state in its compound is:

Punjab Mock 2
d and f Block Elements
A) Zn
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B) Fe
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C) Cu
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D) Mn
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