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Punjab UHS MDCAT Mock Test

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1 / 200

Which of the following provides resistance against high temperature?

Punjab Mock 1
Kingdom Prokaryote
A) Cysts
Show Explanation
B) Spores
Show Explanation
C) Cell wall
Show Explanation
D) Capsules
Show Explanation

2 / 200

In cross-section each Centriole consist of nine (each in triplets) of:

Punjab Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Microfilaments
Show Explanation
B) Microvilli
Show Explanation
C) Microtubules
Show Explanation
D) Intermediate filaments
Show Explanation

3 / 200

Which of the following photosystems is involved in cyclic photophosphorylation?

Punjab Mock 1
Light Dependent Mechanism of Photosynthesis
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
C) PS I and PS II
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

4 / 200

The low levels of Surfactant produced by Alveolar epithelium causes:

Punjab Mock 1
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory Disorders
A) Respiratory distress syndrome
Show Explanation
B) Emphysema
Show Explanation
C) Bronchitis
Show Explanation
D) Asthma
Show Explanation

5 / 200

Which one of the following cells does not have nucleus:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Eosinophils
Show Explanation
B) Neutrophils
Show Explanation
C) Basophils
Show Explanation
D) Platelets
Show Explanation

6 / 200

Chitin which makes the Exoskeleton in insects is further hardened by:

Punjab Mock 1
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Protein and Sodium Bicarbonate
Show Explanation
B) Protein and Calcium Carbonate
Show Explanation
C) Protein and Potassium Carbonate
Show Explanation
D) Protein and Sodium Carbonate
Show Explanation

7 / 200

During breathing air from Pharynx enters to:

Punjab Mock 1
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Trachea
Show Explanation
B) Bronchioles
Show Explanation
C) Alveoli
Show Explanation
D) Bronchi
Show Explanation

8 / 200

The enzymes required for the Kreb cycle are found in ________.

Punjab Mock 1
Respiration Mechanism – Glycolysis to Electron Transport Chain
A) F1 particles
Show Explanation
B) Lysosomes
Show Explanation
C) Cytoplasm
Show Explanation
D) Matrix
Show Explanation

9 / 200

Growth in the larva of young arthropods is restricted by:

Punjab Mock 1
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Exoskeleton
Show Explanation
B) Appendages
Show Explanation
C) Endoskeleton
Show Explanation
D) Reduced mitosis
Show Explanation

10 / 200

Human immunodeficiency virus attack which of the following cells for its multiplication?

Punjab Mock 1
A) Neutrophils
Show Explanation
B) Macrophages
Show Explanation
C) Cytotoxic T cells
Show Explanation
D) Helper T cells
Show Explanation

11 / 200

Antivenom given after a snake bite venom is an example of:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Natural passive immunity
Show Explanation
B) Artificial active immunity
Show Explanation
C) Natural active immunity
Show Explanation
D) Artificial passive immunity
Show Explanation

12 / 200

If the molecule can bind to another site of the enzyme rather than the true active site, it is referred to as ______

Punjab Mock 1
A) Competitive inhibitors
Show Explanation
B) Allosteric inhibition
Show Explanation
C) Noncompetitive inhibitors
Show Explanation
D) Irreversible inhibition
Show Explanation

13 / 200

Diffused nervous system is present in which animal group?

Punjab Mock 1
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Platyhelminthes
Show Explanation
B) Annelida
Show Explanation
C) Cnidaria
Show Explanation
D) Porifera
Show Explanation

14 / 200

Which of the following is a dominant x-linked trait in human?

Punjab Mock 1
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Testicular feminization
Show Explanation
B) Haemophllia
Show Explanation
C) Colorblindness
Show Explanation
D) Hypophosphatemic rickets
Show Explanation

15 / 200

Phages which show lysogenic cycle are known as:

Punjab Mock 1
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Enveloped Phage
Show Explanation
B) Virulent Phage
Show Explanation
C) Temperate phages
Show Explanation
D) Bacteriophage
Show Explanation

16 / 200

In an action potential, the permeability of sodium ions in the neurons increases due to;

Punjab Mock 1
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Repolarization
Show Explanation
B) Sodium ions forming an ionic bonding
Show Explanation
C) The opening of sodium channels/gates
Show Explanation
D) The action of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme
Show Explanation

17 / 200

Which one of the following is a polymer of alpha-d glucose?

Punjab Mock 1
Biological Molecules
A) Cellulose
Show Explanation
B) Glycogen
Show Explanation
C) Insulin
Show Explanation
D) Chitin
Show Explanation

18 / 200

The reflex action is the phenomena which only involves:

Punjab Mock 1
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) receptors and effectors
Show Explanation
B) receptors, effectors, and spinal cord
Show Explanation
C) brain, receptors, and spinal cord
Show Explanation
D) receptors, neurons, and the brain
Show Explanation

19 / 200

According to the theory of natural selection, organisms produce:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Offspring according to the resources available
Show Explanation
B) Offspring to create resources
Show Explanation
C) To create resources
Show Explanation
D) More offspring than supported
Show Explanation

20 / 200

The cisternae breaks up into vesicles form _______ , ______ of Golgi complex.

Punjab Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Convex, maturing face
Show Explanation
B) Concave, forming face
Show Explanation
C) Convex, forming face
Show Explanation
D) Concave, maturing face
Show Explanation

21 / 200

If a carrier haemophilic female (XHXh) is married to a haemophilic male (XhY). What will be the ratio of presence of haemophilia in the children.

Select best answer from the given options.

Punjab Mock 1
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) 100% all females and males will be haemophilic
Show Explanation
B) Females have 50% chances of getting haemophilia and males will be 100% haemophilic
Show Explanation
C) Carrier female 25%, haemophilic female 25%, normal male 25% and 25% haemophilic male
Show Explanation
D) Females and males both have 50% chances of getting haemophilia
Show Explanation

22 / 200

If a heterozygous round pea plant is crossed with a wrinkled pea plant, what is the probability of homozygous phenotypes in the progeny?

Punjab Mock 1
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) 25%
Show Explanation
B) 50%
Show Explanation
C) 75%
Show Explanation
D) 100%
Show Explanation

23 / 200

Glycosidic bond is formed by the:

Punjab Mock 1
Biological Molecules
A) Removal of Oxygen
Show Explanation
B) Addition of Oxygen
Show Explanation
C) Removal of water
Show Explanation
D) Addition of water
Show Explanation

24 / 200

If lipopolysaccharides did not appear in the wall of bacteria on staining then it will be known as ________.

Punjab Mock 1
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Gram negative
Show Explanation
B) Gram positive
Show Explanation
C) Capsule
Show Explanation
D) Both Gram positive & negative
Show Explanation

25 / 200

Which cells synthesize testosterone?

Punjab Mock 1
Reproduction in Males
A) Adrenal medulla of adrenal glands
Show Explanation
B) Adrenal cortex of adrenal glands
Show Explanation
C) Interstitial cells of testis
Show Explanation
D) Graffian follicle
Show Explanation

26 / 200

Scapula is a:

Punjab Mock 1
Support and Movement
Human Skeleton
A) Tail bone
Show Explanation
B) Hip bone
Show Explanation
C) Skull bone
Show Explanation
D) Shoulder bone
Show Explanation

27 / 200

Inside ovary, primary oocyte divides through first meiotic division, forming two haploid cells, the secondary oocyte and:

Punjab Mock 1
Reproduction in Females
A) Ovum
Show Explanation
B) Oogonium
Show Explanation
C) Follicle cell
Show Explanation
D) Polar body
Show Explanation

28 / 200

When we extract Carotenoids from its source we see that it is:

Punjab Mock 1
Photosynthetic pigments
A) Violet in color
Show Explanation
B) Blue green in color
Show Explanation
C) Yellow green in color
Show Explanation
D) Yellow to orange red in color
Show Explanation

29 / 200

Which of the following holds the alpha helix of protein in its place:

Punjab Mock 1
Biological Molecules
A) R group
Show Explanation
B) Disulfide bond
Show Explanation
C) Amino group
Show Explanation
D) Hydrogen bond
Show Explanation

30 / 200

Coccyx vertebrae are located in:

Punjab Mock 1
Support and Movement
Human Skeleton
A) Cervical region
Show Explanation
B) Lumbar region
Show Explanation
C) Pelvic region
Show Explanation
D) Thoracic region
Show Explanation

31 / 200

Site of protein synthesis in cells are:

Punjab Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Ribosomes
Show Explanation
B) Endoplasmic Reticulum
Show Explanation
C) Nucleolus
Show Explanation
D) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Show Explanation

32 / 200

According to Darwin, a diverse life-form could arise from:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Common ancestor
Show Explanation
B) Random mutation
Show Explanation
C) The process of special creation
Show Explanation
D) Inheritance of aquired characters
Show Explanation

33 / 200

Which hormone causes the contraction walls of the uterus during the process of birth?

Punjab Mock 1
Reproduction in Females
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
C) Oxytocin
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

34 / 200

If an α-helix of a polypeptide consist of 360 amino acids, how many turns does the helix contain?

Punjab Mock 1
Chromosomes and DNA
The Chemical Nature of DNA
A) 3.6 turns
Show Explanation
B) 100 turns
Show Explanation
C) 360 turns
Show Explanation
D) The number of turns can not be determind
Show Explanation

35 / 200

Which hormonal pair would maintain the endometrium and make it receptive for implantation of embryo?

Punjab Mock 1
Reproduction in Females
A) Luteinising Hormone and Progesterone
Show Explanation
B) Estrogen and Progesterone
Show Explanation
C) Estrogen and Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Show Explanation
D) Luteinising Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Show Explanation

36 / 200

Which of the following is Unsaturated “Fatty Acid”?

Punjab Mock 1
Biological Molecules
A) Stearic Acid
Show Explanation
B) Palmitic Acid
Show Explanation
C) Butyric Acid
Show Explanation
D) Oleic Acid
Show Explanation

37 / 200

Which one of the following compounds is an additional polymer?

Punjab Mock 1
Types of Polymers
A) Polyvinyl chloride
Show Explanation
B) Nylon
Show Explanation
C) Carbohydrate
Show Explanation
D) Polyester
Show Explanation

38 / 200

In immunoglobulins / antibodies, Two light chains and two heavy chains are linked to each other by:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Covalent bonds
Show Explanation
B) Hydrogen bonds
Show Explanation
C) Ionic bonds
Show Explanation
D) Disulphide bonds
Show Explanation

39 / 200

Exceptionally, the positive hydrostatic pressure generated by root pressure is about how many Kpa?

Punjab Mock 1
A) 600
Show Explanation
B) 700
Show Explanation
C) 800
Show Explanation
D) 900
Show Explanation

40 / 200

Skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum forms:

Punjab Mock 1
Support and Movement
Human Skeleton
A) Appendicular skeleton
Show Explanation
B) Hydrostatic skeleton
Show Explanation
C) Exoskeleton
Show Explanation
D) Axial skeleton
Show Explanation

41 / 200

How many molecules of ATP would be utilized for phosphorylation of one glucose molecule during glycolysis?

Punjab Mock 1
Respiration Mechanism – Glycolysis to Electron Transport Chain
A) Three
Show Explanation
B) Two
Show Explanation
C) Four
Show Explanation
D) One
Show Explanation

42 / 200

The thick filaments, in a myofibril of muscles, are made of ________.

Punjab Mock 1
Support and Movement
Ultrastructure & Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A) Myoglobin
Show Explanation
B) Myosin
Show Explanation
C) Actin
Show Explanation
D) Haemoglobin
Show Explanation

43 / 200

NADP, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, is a carrier of:

Punjab Mock 1
Light Dependent Mechanism of Photosynthesis
A) -OH group
Show Explanation
B) O2 group
Show Explanation
C) Hydrogen
Show Explanation
D) Phosphate
Show Explanation

44 / 200

Which enzyme is administered to the patients of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID)?

Punjab Mock 1
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Adenosine Deaminase (ADA)
Show Explanation
B) Pancreatic Enzyme
Show Explanation
C) ß galactosidase
Show Explanation
D) ß lactamase
Show Explanation

45 / 200

Glycolysis takes place in the ______ of cells.

Punjab Mock 1
Respiration Mechanism – Glycolysis to Electron Transport Chain
A) Nucleus
Show Explanation
B) Mitochondria
Show Explanation
C) Golgi complex
Show Explanation
D) Cytoplasm
Show Explanation

46 / 200

Rod-shaped bacteria are known as _______

Punjab Mock 1
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Spirilla
Show Explanation
B) Bacilli
Show Explanation
C) Spirochete
Show Explanation
D) Cocci
Show Explanation

47 / 200

What is correct about triploblastic animals?

Punjab Mock 1
Kingdom Animalia
A) They all show bilateral symmetry
Show Explanation
B) They show radial as well as bilateral symmetry
Show Explanation
C) They are all protostomes
Show Explanation
D) They are all deuterostomes
Show Explanation

48 / 200

Thin filaments of muscles contain _____ chains of actin molecules.

Punjab Mock 1
Support and Movement
Ultrastructure & Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A) Two
Show Explanation
B) One
Show Explanation
C) Three
Show Explanation
D) Four
Show Explanation

49 / 200

Organs specialized to perform different functions but structurally alike are:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Analogous organs
Show Explanation
B) Homologous organs
Show Explanation
C) Autologous organs
Show Explanation
D) Anuclogous organs
Show Explanation

50 / 200

Divergent Evolution produces:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Vital Organs
Show Explanation
B) Homologous Organs
Show Explanation
C) Vestigial Organs
Show Explanation
D) Analogous Organs
Show Explanation

51 / 200

The ability to distinguish between two separate points/objects is:

Punjab Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function
Techniques used in Cell Biology
A) Magnification
Show Explanation
B) Fractionation
Show Explanation
C) Centrifugation
Show Explanation
D) Resolution
Show Explanation

52 / 200

The type of energy, reduced by the enzymes, for biological reactions to occur is called the:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Light Energy
Show Explanation
B) Heat energy
Show Explanation
C) Active energy
Show Explanation
D) Activation energy
Show Explanation

53 / 200

Crossing over takes place during _____ of meiosis.

Punjab Mock 1
Cell Cycle
A) Prophase I
Show Explanation
B) Telophase I
Show Explanation
C) Metaphase I
Show Explanation
D) Anaphase I
Show Explanation

54 / 200

The term “Loss of appetite” refers to disease:

Punjab Mock 1
Some Common Diseases Related to Nutrition
A) Botulism
Show Explanation
B) Anorexia nervosa
Show Explanation
C) Obesity
Show Explanation
D) Bulemia nervosa
Show Explanation

55 / 200

Homozygous means:

Punjab Mock 1
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) alleles in an organism
Show Explanation
B) two different alleles of a gene.
Show Explanation
C) having two identical genes
Show Explanation
D) having two identical alleles of a gene.
Show Explanation

56 / 200

Survival of the fittest depends upon:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Acquired characters of the organisms
Show Explanation
B) Genetic drift
Show Explanation
C) Depends in part on the hereditary consulation of the surviving individuals
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D) Natural catastrophes
Show Explanation

57 / 200

During spermatogenesis, the __________, which are haploid cells eventually mature into spermatozoa/mature sperms:

Punjab Mock 1
Reproduction in Males
A) Spermatogonia
Show Explanation
B) Primary spermatocytes
Show Explanation
C) Spermatids
Show Explanation
D) Secondary spermatocytes
Show Explanation

58 / 200

When a nerve impulse jumps from one node of Ranvier to the next in a myelinated neuron, it’s called __________.

Punjab Mock 1
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Synapses
Show Explanation
B) Saltatory conduction
Show Explanation
C) Resting potential
Show Explanation
D) Membrane potential
Show Explanation

59 / 200

The average atomic mass of Boron is 10.8. It has two isotopes of masses 10 and 11 respectively. What is the percentage of isotope with the average mass of 10?

Punjab Mock 1
Theoretical Yield, Actual Yield and Percentage Yield
A) 20%
Show Explanation
B) 60%
Show Explanation
C) 80%
Show Explanation
D) 50%
Show Explanation

60 / 200

Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through:

Punjab Mock 1
Gaseous Exchange
Gaseous Exchange in Plants
A) Chloroplasts
Show Explanation
B) Mesophyll
Show Explanation
C) Thylakoids
Show Explanation
D) Stomata
Show Explanation

61 / 200

Now-a-days every newborn gets regular shots of vaccine for polio. It contains _________ for polio to make a child immune against this disease.

Punjab Mock 1
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Antibiotics
Show Explanation
B) Antibodies
Show Explanation
C) Antigens
Show Explanation
D) Antisera
Show ExplanationA

62 / 200

The structure present in a eukaryotic cell but absent in prokaryotic cells is;

Punjab Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Show Explanation
B) Ribosomes
Show Explanation
C) Cell surface membrane
Show Explanation
D) Nucleus
Show Explanation

63 / 200

Which lipid is hydrophilic and soluble?

Punjab Mock 1
Biological Molecules
A) Triglycerides
Show Explanation
B) Phospholipids
Show Explanation
C) Waxes
Show Explanation
D) Terpenoids
Show Explanation

64 / 200

Following group is the example of acoelomates:

Punjab Mock 1
Kingdom Animalia
Classification according to Coelem
A) Annelids
Show Explanation
B) Aschelminthes
Show Explanation
C) Molluscs
Show Explanation
D) Platyhelminthes
Show Explanation

65 / 200

Which one of the following act as a PACEMAKER in heart:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Bundle of His
Show Explanation
B) Atrioventricular node
Show Explanation
C) Atrioventricular bundles of fibers
Show Explanation
D) Sinoatrial node
Show Explanation

66 / 200

If water has a high latent heat of vaporization, how could this property of water be helpful to plants and animals?

Punjab Mock 1
Biological Molecules
A) With the release of large amount of water, a small amount of heat loss can take place.
Show Explanation
B) With the release of small amount of water vapours, a great amount of heat loss can take place.
Show Explanation
C) It will keep their temperature very high.
Show Explanation
D) No cooling effect, with the release of even a large amount of water vapours.
Show Explanation

67 / 200

Which statement is correct about atrial systole?

Punjab Mock 1
A) Atria relax and ventricles contract
Show Explanation
B) Atria contract and ventricle also contract
Show Explanation
C) Ventricles remain relaxed while atria contracts
Show Explanation
D) Atria and ventricles are relaxed
Show Explanation

68 / 200

The first part of the large intestine is:

Punjab Mock 1
Digestion and Absorption
A) Colon
Show Explanation
B) Appendix
Show Explanation
C) Caecum
Show Explanation
D) Rectum
Show Explanation

69 / 200

Statement (A) The Government has imported large quantities of sugar as per trade agreements with other countries. Statement (B) The prices of sugar in the domestic market have fallen sharply in recent months.

Punjab Mock 1
Logical Reasoning
Cause and Effect
A) Statement A is the cause and statement B Is its effect.
Show Explanation
B) Statement B is the cause and statement A is its effect
Show Explanation
C) Both statements are independent causes.
Show Explanation
D) Both statements are effects of independent causes.
Show Explanation

70 / 200

“Pick the word which is always associated with books:

Punjab Mock 1
Logical Reasoning
A) Pages
Show Explanation
B) Learning
Show Explanation
C) Pictures
Show Explanation
D) Eraser
Show Explanation

71 / 200

An autograph can not exist without?

Punjab Mock 1
Logical Reasoning
A) Singer
Show Explanation
B) Actor
Show Explanation
C) Player
Show Explanation
D) Pen
Show Explanation

72 / 200

I. Two fighter jets from the air force malfunctioned mid-air after taking off from the air force base. II. One of the flying officers ejected whereas the other one died on spot.

Punjab Mock 1
Logical Reasoning
Cause and Effect
A) Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect
Show Explanation
B) Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
Show Explanation
C) c) Both statements I and II are independent causes
Show Explanation
D) Both statements I and 11 are the effects of in
Show Explanation

73 / 200

Statement: A large number of people have become critically ill after consuming spurious liquor from a local shop. Courses of Action: I. The Government should immediately close down all the shops selling liquor till the stocks are tested for the presence of toxicity. II. The owner of the liquor shop should be asked to leave the town and open a shop elsewhere. Ill. The owner of the liquor shop should immediately be arrested and tried for criminal negligence.

Punjab Mock 1
Logical Reasoning
Course of Action
A) Only I follows
Show Explanation
B) Only II follows
Show Explanation
C) Only lll follows
Show Explanation
D) Only I and lll follow
Show Explanation

74 / 200

Which of the following expressions may not be true if the following expressions are true?

(a) Z > Y (b) Y = W (c) W < X Punjab Mock 1 Logical Reasoning Critical Thinking A) W Z Show Explanation C) Y < X Show Explanation D) All are true. Show Explanation

75 / 200

Calculate the work done in a resistor of 20 ohm carrying 5A of current in 3 hours?

Punjab Mock 1
Current Electricity
Electrical Power and Power Dissipation in Resistors
A) 1 kWh
Show Explanation
B) 1.5 kWh
Show Explanation
C) 2 kWh
Show Explanation
D) 3 kWh
Show Explanation

76 / 200

In photo-emission from a metal, if light of λ is replaced by light of wavelength λ / 4 , the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons.

Punjab Mock 1
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) Decreases by an amount equal to half of an incident photon of wavelength λ
Show Explanation
B) Increases by an amount equal to four times energy of an incident photon of wavelength λ
Show Explanation
C) Increases by an amount equal to the work function of the metal
Show Explanation
D) Decreases by an amount equal to the energy of an incident photon of wavelength λ
Show Explanation

77 / 200

In relation, which quantity is represented by λ?

Punjab Mock 1
Nuclear Physics
A) Decay constant
Show Explanation
B) Half life
Show Explanation
C) Activity
Show Explanation
D) Wavelength
Show Explanation

78 / 200

A particle, carrying a charge of 5e, falls through a potential difference of 25 V. What would be energy acquired by the particle in ‘J’.

Punjab Mock 1
Work, Power & Energy
A) 1.6 x 10-19J
Show Explanation
B) 125 J
Show Explanation
C) 125 x 10-19 J
Show Explanation
D) 125 x 1.6 x 10-19 J
Show Explanation

79 / 200

A body at temperature T radiates heat according to relation:

Punjab Mock 1
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) T2
Show Explanation
B) T4
Show Explanation
C) T-4
Show Explanation
D) T-3
Show Explanation

80 / 200

Which of the following statement shows that no work is done?

Punjab Mock 1
Work, Power & Energy
A) Pushing a car to start it moving
Show Explanation
B) Lifting the weights.
Show Explanation
C) The moon Orbiting the earth.
Show Explanation
D) Writing an essay on a page.
Show Explanation

81 / 200

Wave particle duality does not describe :

Punjab Mock 1
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) Momentum
Show Explanation
B) Frequency
Show Explanation
C) Mass
Show Explanation
D) Energy
Show Explanation

82 / 200

The distance between two consecutive nodes of a stationary wave is:

Punjab Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound
A) λ
Show Explanation
B) λ/2
Show Explanation
C) λ/4
Show Explanation
D) λ/6
Show Explanation

83 / 200

If a conductor of length 7m is placed in a magnetic field of strength 0.3 T carrying current 1 A, parallel to the field. What will be the force, acting on it, due to this magnetic field?

Punjab Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in a Uniform Magnetic Field
A) 7 N
Show Explanation
B) 0 N
Show Explanation
C) 3.1 N
Show Explanation
D) 2.1 N
Show Explanation

84 / 200

A particle, carrying a charge of 5e, falls through a potential difference of 25 V. What would be energy acquired by the particle in ‘J’.

Punjab Mock 1
Work, Power & Energy
A) 1.6 x 10-19J
Show Explanation
B) 125 J
Show Explanation
C) 125 x 10-19 J
Show Explanation
D) 125 x 1.6 x 10-19 J
Show Explanation

85 / 200

The emf induced in a circuit according to Faraday’s law depends on the

Punjab Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays and Lenz Law and Induced EMF
A) Maximum magnetic flux
Show Explanation
B) Initial magnetic flux
Show Explanation
C) Change in magnetic flux
Show Explanation
D) The rate of change of magnetic flux
Show Explanation

86 / 200

Energy consumed by 60 watt bulb in 2 minutes is equal to:

Punjab Mock 1
Work, Power & Energy
A) 7.2 kilo joules
Show Explanation
B) 720 joules
Show Explanation
C) 120 joules
Show Explanation
D) 72000 joules
Show Explanation

87 / 200

In relation, which quantity is represented by λ?

Punjab Mock 1
Nuclear Physics
A) Decay constant
Show Explanation
B) Half life
Show Explanation
C) Activity
Show Explanation
D) Wavelength
Show Explanation

88 / 200

A shock wave is produced due to an earthquake which makes the buildings move in the direction of the shock wave. Which progressive wave would this be?

Punjab Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Longitudinal wave
Show Explanation
B) Transverse wave
Show Explanation
C) Material wave
Show Explanation
D) Particle wave
Show Explanation

89 / 200

Work done by the spring force in a time interval cannot be:

Punjab Mock 1
Work, Power & Energy
A) Positive
Show Explanation
B) Negative
Show Explanation
C) Zero
Show Explanation
D) Constant
Show Explanation

90 / 200

Energy emitted in the form of visible radiation is called:

Punjab Mock 1
Electromagnetic Waves
A) Light energy
Show Explanation
B) Sound energy
Show Explanation
C) Tidal energy
Show Explanation
D) Geothermal energy
Show Explanation

91 / 200

A copper wire has length L and cross-sectional area A. Its resistance is R. If we halved the length and halved the diameter of wire, then what will be the resistance of this wire?

Punjab Mock 1
Current Electricity
Wire Wound Variable Resistors
A) 4R
Show Explanation
B) 3R
Show Explanation
C) 2R
Show Explanation
D) R
Show Explanation

92 / 200

The device used to store a charge is called:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Electric box
Show Explanation
B) Capacitor
Show Explanation
C) Inductor
Show Explanation
D) Transistor
Show Explanation

93 / 200

The SI unit of charge is:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Newton
Show Explanation
B) Coulomb
Show Explanation
C) Pascal
Show Explanation
D) Ampere
Show Explanation

94 / 200

A cyclist is travelling at 15 ms-1, she applies brakes so that she doesn’t collide with the wall in front of her at a distance of 18 m. Calculate the magnitude of deceleration.

Punjab Mock 1
Forces and Motion
A) 6.3 ms-1
Show Explanation
B) 5.3 ms-1
Show Explanation
C) 13 ms-1
Show Explanation
D) 12.5 ms-1
Show Explanation

95 / 200

If a conductor of length 7m is placed in a magnetic field of strength 0.3 T carrying current 1 A, parallel to the field. What will be the force, acting on it, due to this magnetic field?

Punjab Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Force on a Current Carrying Conductor in a Uniform Magnetic Field
A) 7 N
Show Explanation
B) 0 N
Show Explanation
C) 3.1 N
Show Explanation
D) 2.1 N
Show Explanation

96 / 200

The de Broglie wavelength of an electron travelling with a speed of 1.0 x 107m/s is equal to, (h=6.6 x 10-34 Js and me= 9.1 x 10-31 kg)

Punjab Mock 1
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) 7.3 x 1011m
Show Explanation
B) 7.3 x 108m
Show Explanation
C) 7.3 x 10-11m
Show Explanation
D) 7.3 x 10-13m
Show Explanation

97 / 200

For a monatomic ideal gas of 3 mole, Cp -Cv is:

Punjab Mock 1
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) R/3
Show Explanation
B) 3/2 R
Show Explanation
C) 2R
Show Explanation
D) 3R
Show Explanation

98 / 200

A stone of mass 2.0 kg is dropped from a rest position 5.0 m above the ground. What is its velocity at a height of 3.0 m above the ground?

Punjab Mock 1
Forces and Motion
A) 12.5 m/s
Show Explanation
B) 6.3m/s
Show Explanation
C) 9.3 m/s
Show Explanation
D) 16.0 m/s
Show Explanation

99 / 200

Two bodies in contact experience forces in:

Punjab Mock 1
Forces and Motion
A) Same direction
Show Explanation
B) Opposite directions
Show Explanation
C) Perpendicular directions
Show Explanation
D) five different direction
Show Explanation

100 / 200

Basically a potentiometer is a device for:

Punjab Mock 1
Current Electricity
Wheatstone Bridge and Potentiometer
A) Comparing two voltage
Show Explanation
B) Measuring current
Show Explanation
C) Comparing two currents
Show Explanation
D) Measuring voltage
Show Explanation

101 / 200

Doppler effect refers to:

Punjab Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound
A) The change in wave frequency
Show Explanation
B) The change in acceleration
Show Explanation
C) The change in momentum
Show Explanation
D) None of these options are correct
Show Explanation

102 / 200

An object is moving along a circular path of radius 4m. What will be its angular displacement if it moves 14 m on this circular path?

Punjab Mock 1
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 5.0 radians
Show Explanation
B) 3.5 radians
Show Explanation
C) 4.5 radians
Show Explanation
D) 5.5 radians
Show Explanation

103 / 200

If the water falls from a dam on the turbine wheel 19.6 m below, then the velocity of water at the turbine is:

Punjab Mock 1
Forces and Motion
A) 9.8 m/s
Show Explanation
B) 19.6 m/s
Show Explanation
C) 32.8 m/s
Show Explanation
D) 98.0 m/s
Show Explanation

104 / 200

For two down quarks total charge is:

Punjab Mock 1
Nuclear Physics
A) -2/3 e
Show Explanation
B) -2 e
Show Explanation
C) -1 e
Show Explanation
D) -1/2 e
Show Explanation

105 / 200

Kirchhoff’s first law is manifestation of:

Punjab Mock 1
Current Electricity
Kirchoff’s Law
A) Law of conservation of momentum
Show Explanation
B) Law of conservation mass
Show Explanation
C) Law of conservation of energy
Show Explanation
D) Law of conservation of charge
Show Explanation

106 / 200

Change in P.E per unit charge in the electric field is:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Electric potential
Show Explanation
B) Power
Show Explanation
C) K.E
Show Explanation
D) Work done
Show Explanation

107 / 200

What will be the expression for the observed frequency, if the source is moving towards the observer?

Punjab Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

108 / 200

Calculate the half life of Bismuth-214 which has a decay constant of 4.3 x 10-4 s-1:

Punjab Mock 1
Nuclear Physics
A) 2.9 x 10-3s
Show Explanation
B) 1.6 x 10^3 s
Show Explanation
C) 3.9 x 103s
Show Explanation
D) 2.9 x 103s
Show Explanation

109 / 200

Electric field strength at a point between oppositely charged plates is ‘E’. If the distance between plates is reduced to half, what will be the new value of electric intensity?

Punjab Mock 1
A) 4E
Show Explanation
B) E/2
Show Explanation
C) E/4
Show Explanation
D) 2E
Show Explanation

110 / 200

AC generators are similar to :

Punjab Mock 1
Alternating Current
Alternating Voltage and Current
A.C. Circuits
A) Transformers
Show Explanation
B) Inductors
Show Explanation
C) Capacitors
Show Explanation
D) Motor
Show Explanation

111 / 200

Molecules Of a gas at constant pressure for a fixed amount of gas have average kinetic energy X. Increasing temperature from 27 C to 327C, average K.E. of molecules will become:

Punjab Mock 1
Heat and Thermodynamics
Kinetic Theory of Gases
A) 20X
Show Explanation
B) 300X
Show Explanation
C) 200X
Show Explanation
D) 2X
Show Explanation

112 / 200

The horse pulling the wagon is able to move forward because of:

Punjab Mock 1
Forces and Motion
A) The force exerted by the horse on the ground
Show Explanation
B) The force exerted by the ground on the horse
Show Explanation
C) The force exerted by the wagon on the horse
Show Explanation
D) The force exerted by the horse on the wagon
Show Explanation

113 / 200

Angular displacement becomes linear for ____ arc lengths:

Punjab Mock 1
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Short
Show Explanation
B) Circular
Show Explanation
C) Curved
Show Explanation
D) Large
Show Explanation

114 / 200

Which of the following gives the relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity?

Punjab Mock 1
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) v = rω
Show Explanation
B) v = rθ
Show Explanation
C) v=sω
Show Explanation
D) v=sθ
Show Explanation

115 / 200

A metal rod of length 10.0 cm is moving at a speed of 0.5 ms-1 in a direction perpendicular to a 0.20 T magnetic field. Find the emf produced in the rod.

Punjab Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Induced EMF and Induced Current
A) 2.0 x 10-3V
Show Explanation
B) 0.50 x 10-2V
Show Explanation
C) 1.0 x 10-2V
Show Explanation
D) 1.0 x 10-3V
Show Explanation

116 / 200

The specific heat of a gas in adiabatic process is:

Punjab Mock 1
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) Zero
Show Explanation
B) Infinite
Show Explanation
C) Negative
Show Explanation
D) Remains constant
Show Explanation

117 / 200

Which of the following rectifier uses wheatstone bridge to rectify signal:

Punjab Mock 1
A) Half wave
Show Explanation
B) Full wave
Show Explanation
C) Bridge
Show Explanation
D) Both half and full wave
Show Explanation

118 / 200

When a charge gets influenced by its surrounding, it has entered:

Punjab Mock 1
A) An electric field
Show Explanation
B) A gravitational field
Show Explanation
C) Thermal field
Show Explanation
D) Closed field
Show Explanation

119 / 200

The flux through a surface will be zero when angle between E and △A is:

Punjab Mock 1
A) 90o
Show Explanation
B) 60o
Show Explanation
C) 30o
Show Explanation
D) 0o
Show Explanation

120 / 200

The magnetic flux is a _______ quantity:

Punjab Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Scalar
Show Explanation
B) Vector
Show Explanation
C) Vector In some cases
Show Explanation
D) Scalar In some cases
Show Explanation

121 / 200

Ohm’s law is applicable to

Punjab Mock 1
Current Electricity
Ohms Law
A) Semiconductors
Show Explanation
B) Vacuum tubes
Show Explanation
C) Carbon resistors
Show Explanation
D) Conductors
Show Explanation

122 / 200

The area of circle is measured with the help of:

Punjab Mock 1
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Angular displacement
Show Explanation
B) Angular velocity
Show Explanation
C) Angular acceleration
Show Explanation
D) Time
Show Explanation

123 / 200

Which of the following molecule shows cis- trans isomers?

Punjab Mock 1
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) C2H4
Show Explanation
B) C2H2Cl4
Show Explanation
C) C2H2Br2
Show Explanation
D) C2HCl3
Show Explanation

124 / 200

What is the structure of benzene?

Punjab Mock 1
A) Regular, flat planar hexagon
Show Explanation
B) Regular, 3D hexagon
Show Explanation
C) Regular, flat planar octagon
Show Explanation
D) Regular, planar pentagon
Show Explanation

125 / 200

Which of the following fraction of petroleum has the lowest boiling point at STP.

Punjab Mock 1
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) Kerosene oil
Show Explanation
B) Lubricating oil
Show Explanation
C) Gasoline
Show Explanation
D) Heavy Oil
Show Explanation

126 / 200

Alcohol in which carbon atom bonded to OH group is further attached with three alkyl group is:

Punjab Mock 1
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) Tertiary alcohol
Show Explanation
B) Primary alcohol
Show Explanation
C) Aromatic alcohol
Show Explanation
D) Secondary alcohol
Show Explanation

127 / 200

If bond energy of C-CI is 346 kJ/mol. The bond enegy of C-Br should be:

Punjab Mock 1
Alkyl Halides and Amines
A) 290 kJ/mol
Show Explanation
B) 390 kJ/mol
Show Explanation
C) 490 kJ/mol
Show Explanation
D) 590 KJ/mol
Show Explanation

128 / 200

2-chlorobutane belongs to:

Punjab Mock 1
Alkyl Halides and Amines
A) Primary Alkyl Halides
Show Explanation
B) Secondary Alkyl Halides
Show Explanation
C) Tertiary Alkyl Halides
Show Explanation
D) Quarternary Alkyl Halides
Show Explanation

129 / 200

Which option shows all the molecules with bond angle 109.5 degrees.

Punjab Mock 1
Chemical Bonding
VSEPR Theory
A) CH4, NH4+ , PH3
Show Explanation
B) SiCl4, H2O , BeCl2
Show Explanation
C) SiCl4, NH4+ , CH4
Show Explanation
D) CH4, CCl4, NH3
Show Explanation

130 / 200

Which is the structure of polyvinyl chloride (polychloroethane)?

Punjab Mock 1
Introduction and Structure of Polymers
A) -[CCl2-CCl2]-
Show Explanation
B) -[HCCl-CH-Cl]-
Show Explanation
C) [H2C=CH-Cl]
Show Explanation
D) -[H2C-CH-Cl]-
Show Explanation

131 / 200

The decomposition of phosphorus pentachloride in the presence of moisture takes place by the following mechanism.

The rate equation for this reaction will be:

Punjab Mock 1
Reaction Kinetics
Rate and velocity of chemical reaction
A) Rate = k [POCl3][H2O]3
Show Explanation
B) Rate = k [PCl5][H2O]
Show Explanation
C) Rate = k [PCl5][H2O]4
Show Explanation
D) Rate = [PCl5][H2O]
Show Explanation

132 / 200

The amount of product according to the balanced chemical equation is called as?

Punjab Mock 1
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Important Assumptions of Stoichiometric Calculations
A) Theoretical yield
Show Explanation
B) Actual amount
Show Explanation
C) Limiting amount
Show Explanation
D) Stoichiometric amount
Show Explanation

133 / 200

Lenz’s law in electromagnetic induction is the direct consequence of the principle of conservation of:

Punjab Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays and Lenz Law and Induced EMF
A) Energy
Show Explanation
B) Charge
Show Explanation
C) Momentum
Show Explanation
D) Mass
Show Explanation

134 / 200

Which two elements are isotopes?

Punjab Mock 1
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) 16X8 and 16Y8
Show Explanation
B) 14X8 and 15Y8
Show Explanation
C) 18X9 and 20Y10
Show Explanation
D) 12X6 and 12Y7
Show Explanation

135 / 200

Liquid in the container has a temperature 70°C. What will be the temperature on the Kelvin scale?

Punjab Mock 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Liquids and Water
A) 350 K
Show Explanation
B) 343 K
Show Explanation
C) 300 K
Show Explanation
D) 283 K
Show Explanation

136 / 200

Down the group acid-base behaviour of metallic oxides of group 2 elements changes to:

Punjab Mock 1
s and p Block Elements
General Behaviour of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
A) More basic
Show Explanation
B) No change
Show Explanation
C) Less basic
Show Explanation
D) More acidic
Show Explanation

137 / 200

Major product of the following reaction is: CH2=CH-CH2-CH3 + HBr ->

Punjab Mock 1
A) CH2 (Br)-CH2 -CH2 -CH3
Show Explanation
B) CH3-CH(Br)-CH2-CH3
Show Explanation
C) CH2=CH-CH(Br)-CH3
Show Explanation
D) CH2=CH-CH2-CH2(Br)
Show Explanation

138 / 200

E/m of an electron is given by the relationship.

Punjab Mock 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Determination of e/m of an Electron
A) e/m2(VB2r2)
Show Explanation
B) e/m=(V/Br)2
Show Explanation
C) e/m=V.r/B
Show Explanation
D) e/m=V/Br
Show Explanation

139 / 200

Intermolecular forces between gas molecules are significant at:

Punjab Mock 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) High temperature and low pressure
Show Explanation
B) Low temperature and high pressure
Show Explanation
C) At standard temperature and pressure
Show Explanation
D) At high temperature and high pressure
Show Explanation

140 / 200

Which of the following has anti-knocking properties?

Punjab Mock 1
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) (CH3CH2)4Sn
Show Explanation
B) (CH3CH2)4Pb
Show Explanation
C) (CH3CH2)4Ge
Show Explanation
D) (CH3CH2)4Si
Show Explanation

141 / 200

The standard electrode potential of hydrogen is arbitrarily taken at 298 K is ________

Punjab Mock 1
Types of Electrochemical Cells
A) 0.00 volt
Show Explanation
B) 0.10 volt
Show Explanation
C) 10.0 volt
Show Explanation
D) 1.00 volt
Show Explanation

142 / 200

AcetaIs are:

Punjab Mock 1
Aldehydes and Ketones
Physical Properties of Aldehydes And Ketones
A) Diethers
Show Explanation
B) Aldehydes
Show Explanation
C) Carboxylic acid
Show Explanation
D) Ketones
Show Explanation

143 / 200

A torch is rated 2.2 V 0.25 A. Calculate the charge passing through the bulb in one second and energy transferred by the passage of each coulomb of charge.

Punjab Mock 1
Current Electricity
Electrical Power and Power Dissipation in Resistors
A) 2.5 C and 0.55 J
Show Explanation
B) 0.25 C and 0.55 J
Show Explanation
C) 0.25 C and 2.2 V
Show Explanation
D) 2.25 V and 0.55 J
Show Explanation

144 / 200

Which of the following catalysts is used in the below reaction?

Punjab Mock 1
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Conc. H2SO4
Show Explanation
B) Purnice stone
Show Explanation
C) Pt
Show Explanation
D) Ni
Show Explanation

145 / 200

A wheel starts rotating from result with angular acceleration of 2 rads-2 till its angular speed becomes 6 rad/s. The angular displacement of the wheel will be equal to:

Punjab Mock 1
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 4 rad
Show Explanation
B) 9 rad
Show Explanation
C) 12 rad
Show Explanation
D) 7 rad
Show Explanation

146 / 200

Gas is enclosed in a container of 20 cm3 with the moving piston. According to kinetic theory of gases, what will be the effect on freely moving molecules of the gas if temperature is increased from 20 C to 100 C?

Punjab Mock 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Kinetic Molecular Theory Of Gases
A) Pressure will become one half
Show Explanation
B) Volume will be increased
Show Explanation
C) Temperature has no effect on freely moving molecules
Show Explanation
D) Colliding capability of molecule will become lower
Show Explanation

147 / 200

Which is the correct electronic configuration of Chromium (24Cr)?

Punjab Mock 1
d and f Block Elements
A) 1s2, 2s2, 3s2, 2p6, 3p6, 4s2, 3d6
Show Explanation
B) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d4
Show Explanation
C) 1s1, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d6
Show Explanation
D) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s1, 3d5
Show Explanation

148 / 200

Which of the following process gives Benzenesulfonic acid from benzene?

Punjab Mock 1
A) Ozonolysis
Show Explanation
B) Sulphonation
Show Explanation
C) Nitration
Show Explanation
D) Halogenation
Show Explanation

149 / 200

Cu ion takes up 2 electrons to give an electrode potential value of:

Punjab Mock 1
A) +0.76 v
Show Explanation
B) -0.32 v
Show Explanation
C) +0.34 v
Show Explanation
D) -0.34 v
Show Explanation

150 / 200

When the frequency of the applied force becomes equal to one of natural frequencies of body then the body oscillates with maximum displacement this phenomenon is called:

Punjab Mock 1
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Heating
Show Explanation
B) Resonance
Show Explanation
C) Reverbnation
Show Explanation
D) Damping
Show Explanation

151 / 200

Which of the following orbital is closer to the nucleus?

Punjab Mock 1
Atomic Structure
A) 3d
Show Explanation
B) 2p
Show Explanation
C) 3p
Show Explanation
D) 3s
Show Explanation

152 / 200

Which of the following substances has the largest intermolecular forces of attraction?

Punjab Mock 1
Chemical Bonding
Intermolecular Forces
A) H2O
Show Explanation
B) H2S
Show Explanation
C) H2Se
Show Explanation
D) H2Te
Show Explanation

153 / 200

The species which are produced by heterolytic bond breaking and can act as electron pair donors are known as:

Punjab Mock 1
Introduction to Hydrocarbons
A) Nucleophiles
Show Explanation
B) Cations
Show Explanation
C) Free radicals
Show Explanation
D) Anions
Show Explanation

154 / 200

How many unpaired electrons are there in the Nitrogen atom?

Punjab Mock 1
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
A) 3
Show Explanation
B) 4
Show Explanation
C) 5
Show Explanation
D) 6
Show Explanation

155 / 200

An element that forms interstitial compounds is ______.

Punjab Mock 1
A) C
Show Explanation
B) F
Show Explanation
C) Cs
Show Explanation
D) Rb

156 / 200

The correct value for the enthalpy of formation of CO is:

Punjab Mock 1
A) -110kJ/mol
Show Explanation
B) -210kJ/mol
Show Explanation
C) +110kJ/mol
Show Explanation
D) +210kJ/mol
Show Explanation

157 / 200

Coinage metals belong to which group of the periodic table?

Punjab Mock 1
A) 1B
Show Explanation
B) 2B
Show Explanation
C) 3B
Show Explanation
D) 3A
Show Explanation

158 / 200

Which of the following element is not present in halogens?

Punjab Mock 1
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
A) I
Show Explanation
B) Cl
Show Explanation
C) Fe
Show Explanation
D) F
Show Explanation

159 / 200

An intermolecular force of attraction X is relatively stronger than the other intermolecular forces. It stabilizes alpha-helix and Beta-pleated sheets of proteins. The double helical structure of DNA is also stabilized by this force of attraction. Identify X.

Punjab Mock 1
Chemical Bonding
Intermolecular Forces
A) Van Der Waals Forces
Show Explanation
B) Hydrogen bonding
Show Explanation
C) Ionic interactions
Show Explanation
D) Dipole dipole attraction
Show Explanation

160 / 200

Which compound will be produced by the oxidation of ethanal by acidified K2Cr2O7 ?

Punjab Mock 1
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Ethene
Show Explanation
B) Ethanol
Show Explanation
C) Ethanoic acid
Show Explanation
D) Ethanone
Show Explanation

161 / 200

Select the reagent X from the following choices for this conversion:

Punjab Mock 1
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Acidified Potassium hydroxide
Show Explanation
B) Acidified Potassium dichromate (VI)
Show Explanation
C) Acidified Phosphoric acid
Show Explanation
D) Acidified Oxalic acid
Show Explanation

162 / 200

The pi bonds surrounding the sigma bonds in an ethyne molecule are in the shape of:

Punjab Mock 1
Chemical Bonding
A) Linear
Show Explanation
B) Cylindrical
Show Explanation
C) Trigonal Planar
Show Explanation
D) Tetrahedral
Show Explanation

163 / 200

Which principle contradicts the Bohr’s model?

Punjab Mock 1
Atomic Structure
Bohrs Model of Atom
A) Planck quantum theory
Show Explanation
B) Hunds rule
Show Explanation
C) Pauli’s exclusion principle
Show Explanation
D) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
Show Explanation

164 / 200

The product of the concentrations of each ion in a saturated solution of a sparingly soluble salt at 298 K, raised to the power of their relative concentrations is:

Punjab Mock 1
Chemical Equilibrium
Equilibrium Constant
A) Ksp
Show Explanation
B) Ka
Show Explanation
C) Kw
Show Explanation
D) Kb
Show Explanation

165 / 200

In the structure of diamond, each carbon atom is ____ hybridized?

Punjab Mock 1
Chemical Bonding
VSEPR Theory
A) sp3
Show Explanation
B) sp2
Show Explanation
C) sp
Show Explanation
D) dsp2
Show Explanation

166 / 200

Which of the following is the correct equation to calculate relative molecular mass of a gas.

Punjab Mock 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) M = mPR / VT
Show Explanation
B) M = PV / mRT
Show Explanation
C) M = mPRT / V
Show Explanation
D) M = mRT / PV
Show Explanation

167 / 200

Which one of the following compounds act as a catalyst when alcohols react with carboxylic acids.

Punjab Mock 1
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Pt
Show Explanation
B) Conc. HNO3
Show Explanation
C) Ni
Show Explanation
D) Conc. H2SO4
Show Explanation

168 / 200

Coulomb’s law is given by the formula:

F=kq1q2/ r2
The magnitude of k having the unit of Nm2C-2for free space is equal to

Punjab Mock 1
A) 9 x 107
Show Explanation
B) 6 x 107
Show Explanation
C) 10 x 109
Show Explanation
D) 9 x 109
Show Explanation

169 / 200

Which enthalpy change is relevant in the following process

Na(s) -> Na (g) ΔH = +107

Punjab Mock 1
Standard States and Enthalpy Changes
A) Enthalpy of atomization
Show Explanation
B) Enthalpy of fusion
Show Explanation
C) Enthalpy of vaporization
Show Explanation
D) Enthalpy of formation
Show Explanation

170 / 200

Reaction of water with quicklime results in the rise in the temperature of the system. Using the concept of an energy change, indicates the nature of the reaction?

Punjab Mock 1
Enthalpies of Reactions and its Types
A) Endothermic Reaction
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B) Non-Spontaneous Reaction
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C) Third Order Reaction
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D) Exothermic Reaction
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171 / 200

Which type of reaction takes place when a carbonyl compound is treated with a mixture of NaCN and an acid?

Punjab Mock 1
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Electrophilic addition reaction
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B) Substitution reaction
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C) Nucleophilic addition reaction
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D) Displacement reaction
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172 / 200

Copper is a typical transition metal. Its atomic number is 29. In which oxidation state does it have a partially filled orbital in d-subshell?

Punjab Mock 1
d and f Block Elements
A) Cu
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B) Cu+
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C) Cu-
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D) Cu2+
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173 / 200

Which of the following is not an IUPAC name of the compound?

Punjab Mock 1
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) Methanoic acid
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B) Ethanoic acid
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C) Propanoic acid
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D) Propionic acid
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174 / 200

Ligands having two lone pair of electrons for donation to the central transition metal ion are known as:

Punjab Mock 1
d and f Block Elements
A) Polydentate ligands
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B) Monodentate ligand
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C) Bidentate ligands
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D) Hexadentate ligands
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175 / 200

Which of the following reactions are given by alcohol and phenol both?

Punjab Mock 1
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) Esterification
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B) Nitrosation
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C) Amide formation
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D) Lucas Reaction
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176 / 200

Which of the following acts as a nucleophile in the reaction of alkyl halide with alcoholic / aqueous ammonia?

Punjab Mock 1
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) H+
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B) NH3
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C) NO2+
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D) Br-
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177 / 200

The shape of [Co(NH3)6]3+ complex is:

Punjab Mock 1
d and f Block Elements
A) Linear
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B) Square planar
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C) Tetrahedral
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D) Octahedral
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178 / 200

How many hybrdized orbitals are formed by intermixing of 4 atomic orbitals?

Punjab Mock 1
Chemical Bonding
A) 2
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B) 4
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C) 8
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D) 6
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179 / 200

For an equilibrium reaction;

The forward reaction is exothermic; an increase in temperature shifts the equilibrium position towards the left.

Punjab Mock 1
Chemical Equilibrium
State of Chemical Equilibrium
A) The concentrations of SO2 and O2 increases and concentration of SO3 decreases as the temperature increases.
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B) The concentrations of SO3, SO2, and O2 increase as the temperature increases.
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C) The concentrations Of SO2 and O2 decreases and concentration of SO3 increases as the temperature increases.
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D) The concentrations of SO2 and O2 increase and concentration of SO3 increases as the temperature increases.
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180 / 200

Halothane is a halo derivative of:

Punjab Mock 1
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Introduction to Alkyl Halides and Amines
A) Methane
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B) Ethane
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C) Methanol
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D) Ethanol
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181 / 200

The parents were stunned when they saw that children had created complete _____ in the bedroom.

Punjab Mock 1
Fill in the blank
A) Knack
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B) Groggy
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C) Dank
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D) Mayhem
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182 / 200

Take your warm jacket with you ____ it gets breezy.

Punjab Mock 1
Fill in the blank
A) Although
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B) In case
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C) Rather
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D) Until
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183 / 200

In the following question, four alternative sentences are given. Choose the CORRECT one.

Punjab Mock 1
Grammar and Punctuation
A) There is no clearly defined plot nor is there an attempt to establish a strong “hero figure”
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B) There is neither clearly defined plot not is there an attempt to establish a strong “hero figure”
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C) There is not clearly defined plot nor is there any attempt to establish a strong “hero figure”
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D) There not either clearly defined plot not is there an attempt to establish a strong “hero figure”
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184 / 200

In the following question, four alternative sentences are given. Choose the CORRECT option.

Punjab Mock 1
Grammar and Punctuation
A) I was been to America for a medical check up.
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B) I had being to America for a medical check up.
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C) I have been to America for a medical check up.
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D) I has been to America for a medical check up.
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185 / 200

Choose the correct spelling of the word:

Punjab Mock 1
Key Vocabulary
A) lgnomeny
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B) Ignominy
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C) lgnomminy
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D) Ignomny
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186 / 200

Which one is correct?

Punjab Mock 1
Grammar and Punctuation
A) She bent down enough permit her to stoop and pick up her purse.
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B) She bent down enough to permit her to stoop and pick up her purse.
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C) She bent up enough to permit her to stoop and pick up her purse.
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D) She bent down enough to permit her to stop and pick up her purse.
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187 / 200

Which of the following sentences is correct?

Punjab Mock 1
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Speak up! I cant hear you because your dog is making much noise.
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B) Speak up! I cant hear you because your dog is making much too noise.
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C) Speak up! I can’t hear you because your dog is making too much noise.
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D) Speak up! I cant hear you because your dog is making much enough noise.
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188 / 200

In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative, out of the four as your answer.

Ravens appear to behave ______, actively helping one another to find food.

Punjab Mock 1
Grammar and Punctuation
Fill in the blank
A) mysteriously
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B) warily
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C) aggressively
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D) defensively
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189 / 200

In the following question, four alternative sentences are given. Choose the CORRECT one.

Punjab Mock 1
Grammar and Punctuation
A) The sufferer becomes depressed and feels very ill.
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B) The sufferer becomes depress and feels very ill.
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C) The sufferer becomes depressed and feeling very ill.
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D) The sufferer becomes depressed and feel very ill.
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190 / 200

Which one is not a past tense sentence?

Punjab MDCAT 2022
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) She finished all the exercices
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B) Dr Smith healed the patient
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C) Michael studied hard all year
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D) He will have eaten lunch
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191 / 200

In the following question, four alternative sentences are given. Choose the CORRECT one.

Punjab Mock 1
Grammar and Punctuation
A) I leaned over the parapet and looked down.
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B) I leaned at the parapet and looked down.
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C) I leaned against the parapet and looked down.
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D) I leaned down the parapet and looked down.
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192 / 200


In the following sentence, some segments of the sentence are underlined. Your task is to identify that underlined segment of the sentence, which contains the mistake that needs to be corrected.

Punjab Mock 1
Identify errors in sentence
A) Option A
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B) Option B
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C) Option C
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D) Option D
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E) No error
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193 / 200

Find the correctly spelt word:

Punjab Mock 1
Key Vocabulary
A) Sovereign
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B) Soveregn
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C) Soverean
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D) Soverein
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194 / 200

The prince abdicated the crown and returned to his castle. Abdicated means;

Punjab Mock 1
Key Vocabulary
A) Gave up
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B) Sold
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C) Reinvested into
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D) Auctioned
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195 / 200


In the following sentences, some segments of the sentence are underlined. Your task is to identify that underlined segment of the sentence, which contains the mistake that needs to be corrected.

Punjab Mock 1
Identify errors in sentence
A) Let’s
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B) The
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C) is
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D) to
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196 / 200

Choose the BEST Option.
It is better for me to _______ than to shed the blood of an innocent boy.

Punjab Mock 1
Fill in the blank
A) Died
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B) Die
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C) Had died
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D) Have died
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197 / 200

Ester linkages occur in:

Punjab Mock 1
Biological Molecules
Nucleic Acid
A) Nucleic acids
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B) Nucleus
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C) Carbohydrates
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D) Proteins
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198 / 200

Which one is correct?

Punjab Mock 1
Grammar and Punctuation
A) I’m just passing away, Ali. Thought I might run into Ahmed here.
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B) I’m just passing through, Ali. Thought I might run into Ahmed here.
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C) l’m just passing on, Ali. Thought I might run Into Ahmed here.
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D) I’m just passing along, Ali. Thought I might run into Ahmed here.
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199 / 200

The finger like infoldings, which are formed by inner membrane of mitochondria, are called:

Punjab Mock 1
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) Ribosomes
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B) Matrix
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C) Porin
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D) Cristae
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200 / 200

In the following question, four alternative meanings of a word are given. You have to select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word.


Punjab Mock 1
Key Vocabulary
A) Lull
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B) Longing
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C) Heretical
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D) Veneration
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