The Cell FSC Book MCQs

On which of the following component of chloroplast chlorophyll is arranged?
A. Cell membrane B. Matrix
C. Thylakoids D. Stroma
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Number of nuclear pores/nucleus in an RBC are
A. 1?3 B. 3?4
C. 10000 D. 30000
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Of the following which one is not the characteristic of mitochondria?
A. It contains F1 particles B. It is involved in the synthesis of protein
C. It is a self replicating organelle D. Number of mitochondria is constant
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The part of chloroplast where CO2 is fixed to manufacture sugar is
A. Stroma B. Grana
C. Thylakoid D. Outer membrane
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Ribosomes are assembled in
A. Nucleolus B. Nucleus
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Which of the following is not present in mitochondria?
A. Enzymes B. Co-enzymes
C. Ribosomes D. Thylakoids
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Which of the following combination is an example of self replicating organelles?
A. Mitochondria Ribosomes B. Mitochondria Nucleus
C. Mitochondria Chloroplast D. Mitochondria Vacuole
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Cellular organelles related with H2O2 are
A. Glyoxisomes B. Lysosomes
C. Peroxisomes D. Ribosomes
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Which of the following cytoskeletal fiber contain tubulin protein?
A. One which help in assembly of spindles during mitosis. B. One involved in internal cell motion.
C. One involved in maintenance of cell shape. D. Both b and c
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The human naked eye can differentiate between two points which are _______ apart.
A. 1.0 mm B. 0.1 mm
C. 1.0 cm D. 1.0 dm
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Ribosomes + m-RNA
A. Polysome B. Phlosome
C. Polosome D. None of these
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Proteins and lipids are converted into glycolipids and glycoproteins by adding carbohydrates by
A. Ribosomes B. Cytoplasm
C. Golgi apparatus D. Endoplasmic reticulum
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