SZABMU FMDC MDCAT Past Papers 2017


Paper Instructions

The Correct answer and explanation will be shown instantly once you select an option

This MDCAT paper consists of a total of 200 Questions

  • 20 English
  • 80 Biology
  • 60 Chemistry
  • 40 Physics

The time allotted for this paper was 150 minutes, however, You are free to leave at any point and resume or start over. Each question has only one correct answer.

Created by Ali Durrani


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1 / 178

Select the word with the closest meaning to the given word:


FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Stop
B) Start
C) Verify
D) Confirm

2 / 178

I prefer fruits _____ sweets.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Then
B) On
C) Over
D) From

3 / 178

Select the word with the closest meaning to the given word:


FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Eat greedily
B) Think carefully
C) Work lazily
D) Run fast

4 / 178

Did anyone do the work _____?
Fill in the blank.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Themselves
B) Himself
C) Himselves
D) None of the above

5 / 178

The box is _____ green outside and white inside.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Carved
B) Created
C) Painted
D) Molded

6 / 178

Select the word with the closest meaning to the given word:


FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Organised
B) Untidy
C) Reluctant
D) Sensible

7 / 178

Shah Jahan _______ the great mosque in Delhi.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Founded
B) Raised
C) Created
D) Established

8 / 178

Nearly everyone dreams of building ______ ideal house.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Its
B) Their
C) Them
D) His

9 / 178

Select the word with the closest meaning to the given word:


FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Prohibit
B) Chide
C) Permit
D) Constraint

10 / 178

Select the word with the closest meaning to the given word:


FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Selfish
B) Thoughtful
C) Heedless
D) Opinion

11 / 178

The doctor is going ____ vaccinate me tomorrow.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) To
B) On
C) At
D) With

12 / 178

Select the word with the closest meaning to the given word:


FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Defined
B) Developed
C) Ruined
D) Registered

13 / 178

Select the word with the closest meaning to the given word:


FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Worries
B) Luggage
C) Foolish
D) Instruments

14 / 178

Select the word with the closest meaning to the given word:


FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Stagnant
B) Hidden
C) Clear
D) muddy

15 / 178

You should stick ______ your promise.

Choose the best option to fill in the blank.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) By
B) To
C) With
D) In

16 / 178

Ahmed _____ me for a long time.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Know
B) Knows
C) Known
D) Knew

17 / 178

Select the word with the closest meaning to the given word:


FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Critical
B) Reluctant
C) Happy
D) Horrified

18 / 178

Somebody has not turned the tap_______.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Of
B) Off
C) Over
D) In
E) Out

19 / 178

Select the word with the closest meaning to the given word:


FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Comfort
B) Luxury
C) Trouble
D) Freedom
E) Calm

20 / 178

The injured player was taken ____ the field.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Off
B) Of
C) Out
D) In

21 / 178

Which of the following is derived from Latin word VENUME which means poisonous?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Bacteria
B) Fungi
C) Virus
D) Malaria

22 / 178

Common cold is caused by:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Adenovirus
B) Retroviruses
C) Herpes virus
D) Bacteria
E) Protozoans

23 / 178

The animals that feed on organic debris from decomposing plants and animals are called:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Herbivores
B) Carnivores
C) Omnivores
D) Detritivores

24 / 178

The type of gene interaction in which the effect caused by gene at one locus interfere with the effect caused by another gene at another locus is known as:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Pleiotropy
B) Epistasis
C) Polygenic Inheritance
D) Gene linkage
E) Crossing over

25 / 178

Van Neil hypothesis about the production of oxygen during photosynthesis was based on the study and investigations on:

FMDC 2018
Introduction to Photosynthesis
Elimination Tool:

A) Bacteria
B) Algae
C) Protonema
D) Cyanobacteria

26 / 178

In aerobic respiration of glucose, total number of ATP is:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) 38
B) 40
C) 46
D) 48
E) 60

27 / 178

Myelin Sheath is produced by:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Schwann cells and astrocytes
B) Oligodendrocytes and osteoclasts
C) Osteoclasts and astrocytes
D) Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes

28 / 178

Functions of the brainstem include all of the following EXCEPT:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Integration of righting reflexes
B) Autonomic control for respiration
C) Equilibrium and posture regulation
D) Initiation of voluntary movements
E) Fixation of the eyes

29 / 178

The cyclic series of reactions by which carbon is fixed and reduced, resulting in the synthesis of sugar, during the dark reaction of photosynthesis is called:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Kreb’s cycle
B) Citric acid cycle
C) Melvin Calvin cycle
D) Oxidative Phosphorylation

30 / 178

DNA synthesis takes place in which phase of the cell?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) G0
B) G1
C) G2
D) S

31 / 178

Which of the following trophic levels has the largest biomass in ecosystems?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Decomposers
B) Primary consumer
C) Sécondary consumer
D) Producers
E) Herbivores

32 / 178

In a cross-section, each centriole consists of nine triplets of:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Microfilaments
B) Intermediate filaments
C) Microtubules
D) Microvilli

33 / 178

Most bacteria require vitamins for which purpose?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Source of energy
B) Growth factors
C) Source of carbon
D) Source of electron donors

34 / 178

A chemical signal that has both, endocrine and neural roles is:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Epinephrine
B) Cortisol
C) Melatonin
D) Calcitonin

35 / 178

In humans,________ is responsible for producing cell’s hydrogen peroxide.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Lysosomes
B) Mitochondria
C) Peroxisomes
D) glyoxysome

36 / 178

Freeing of an object from all living organism, bacteria and their spores, fungi and their species is called:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Sterilization
B) Disinfection
C) Decontamination
D) Immunization

37 / 178

The filterable agents were first purified in 1935, when Stanley was successful in crystallizing the ______.

FMDC 2018
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

A) Polio virus
B) Tobacco mosaic virus
C) Hepatitis virus
D) Influenza virus

38 / 178

The fungal cell wall contains:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Peptidoglycan
B) Suberin
C) Chitin
D) Proteins

39 / 178

The zone with insufficient light to support photosynthesis in ecosystem is called:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Oceanic sub-zone
B) Limnetic zone
C) Profundal zone
D) Littoral benthic zone

40 / 178

Process of uncontrolled cell division is due to which one of the following reasons?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) DNA replication
B) Mutations
C) Translation
D) Transcription

41 / 178

Which of the following is caused by the bacteria T. pallidum and transmitted by sexual contact?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Gonorrhea
B) Syphilis
C) Genital herpes

42 / 178

The soluble part of the blood is called:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Karyolymph
B) Nucleoplasm
C) Protoplasm
D) Serum

43 / 178

Hypothalamus initiates the release of hormones, by their releasing factors, while ________ is directly released by it.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

D) Dopamine

44 / 178

The layers of cellulose fiber in cell wall are arranged with each other at:

FMDC 2018
Cell Structure and Function
Cell Wall
Elimination Tool:

A) Obtuse angle
B) Parallel angle
C) Right angle
D) Horizontal angle

45 / 178

Location of photosynthetic pigments in purple sulphur bacteria:

FMDC 2018
Photosynthetic pigments
Elimination Tool:

A) Thylakoids
B) Grana
C) Stroma
D) Cytoplasm

46 / 178

Which of the following correctly shows structures which are found in a eukaryotic cell? (Yes present; No = absent)

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) No No No
B) No Yes No
C) Yes No No
D) Yes No Yes
E) Yes Yes Yes

47 / 178

Which artery supplies blood to the liver?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Pulmonary artery
B) Hepatic artery
C) Celiac artery
D) Thoracic artery

48 / 178

Which one of the following pairs represent analogous feature?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Elephant tusks and tunan incisors
B) Telecost erythrocyte and mammalian erythrocyte
C) Insect wing and bat wing
D) Mole forelimb and hind wing
E) Reptilian heart and mammalian heart

49 / 178

The outermost boundary in most of the leaf cell is:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Cell wall
B) Cell membrane
C) Tonoplast
D) Unit membrane
E) Polar substances

50 / 178

Cardiac output is increased by all of the following EXCEPT:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Hypoxia
B) Exercise
C) Sleep
D) Pregnancy
E) Anemia

51 / 178

The simplest form in Kingdom Animalia belongs to:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Eumetazoa
B) Bilateria
C) Protozoa
D) Parazoa
E) Protostomia

52 / 178

Transport of glucose across the cell membrane occurs by:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Simple diffusion
B) Facilitated diffusion
C) Osmosis
D) Primary active transport
E) Secondary active transport

53 / 178

Which of the following is associated with sense of touch?

FMDC 2018
Coordination and Control
Peripheral Nervous System
Elimination Tool:

A) Paccinian’s corpuscles
B) Mechanoreceptors
C) Merkel disks
D) Both B and C

54 / 178

The bond that is formed between two monosaccharide units is called:

FMDC 2018
Biological Molecules
Elimination Tool:

A) Ionic bond
B) Hydrogen bond
C) Peptide bond
D) Glycosidic bond

55 / 178

Identify the correct order?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Organ>function>cell>tissue
B) Cell>organ>tissue>function
C) Cell>tissue>organ>system
D) Tissue>organ>cell>function

56 / 178

Which of the following produce response?

FMDC 2018
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
Elimination Tool:

A) Effectors
B) Stimulators
C) Nerve
D) Brain

57 / 178

The posterior pituitary gland is not a “true” endocrine gland because:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) It is provided with a duct
B) It only stores and releases hormones
C) It is under the regulation of hypothalamus
D) It secretes enzymes

58 / 178

All enzymes are _______.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Fibrous proteins
B) Lipoproteins
C) Low molecular weight proteins
D) Globular proteins

59 / 178

In White Blood Cells, Monocytes have a short life period of_________ hours.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) 10 – 20
B) 21 – 30
C) 31 – 35
D) 36 – 40

60 / 178

Volume of bacteriophage is about ______ of host.

FMDC 2018
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Elimination Tool:

A) 1/10
B) 1/100 times
C) 1/100
D) 1/1000

61 / 178

The amino acid tryptophan is a precursor for:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Estrogen and progesterone
B) Cortisol and cortisone
C) Melatonin and serotonin
D) Thyroxine and triiodothyronine

62 / 178

Movement of the hip joint is by which type of synovial joint?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Gliding joint
B) Ball and socket joint
C) Pivot joints
D) Hinge joint

63 / 178

Due to higher heat capacity and H-bonds, water acts as:

FMDC 2018
Biological Molecules
Elimination Tool:

A) Thermo-stabilizer
B) Solvent
C) Inert medium
D) Reactive medium

64 / 178

Pinacocytes forms:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Pores
B) Ostia
C) Epidermis
D) Spongocoel

65 / 178

The Porifera are pore-bearing animals, commonly called:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Corals
B) Sponges
C) Hydras
D) Anemones

66 / 178

Golgi complex is involved in the formation of:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Lysosomes
C) Vacuoles

67 / 178

Actinia is the biological name of:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Sea Anemone
B) Corals Obelia
C) Jellyfish
D) Frog

68 / 178

The major portion of (NH)2CO is excreted by:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Sweat
B) Saliva
C) Urine
D) Stool

69 / 178

Neurons CANNOT undergo division, because they do not have:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Centrosome
B) Nucleus
C) Mitochondria
D) Golgi apparatus

70 / 178

An enzyme that helps in the conversion of RNA to DNA is called:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Transcriptase
B) Polymerase
C) Reverse transcriptase
D) Synthetase

71 / 178

The mechanism by which substances are removed from blood and are directly added to the tubular fluids is called:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Glomerular filtration
B) Excretion
C) Tubular secretion
D) Tubular reabsorption

72 / 178

A temporary gland in the human body is:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Corpus caradiacum
B) Corpus luteum
C) Corpus allatum
D) Pineal Gland

73 / 178

The RNA found in Ribosomes is:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

D) Polysome
E) Genes

74 / 178

High level of ____________and ___________in the blood are the contributing factors in the formation of kidney stones.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Calcium, Oxalate
B) Calcium, magnesium
C) Calcium, sodium
D) Sodium, sulphate

75 / 178

The position of an organism in a food chain of an ecosystem is called:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Level of ecosystem
B) Food chain
C) Food web
D) Trophic level
E) Energy pyramid

76 / 178

Sequence of stop codon in DNA is:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:


77 / 178

The diagram given below shows the stages of mitosis.

What is the order of these stages during mitosis?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) 1 2 4 3
B) 2 3 1 4
C) 3 4 1 2
D) 2 1 4 3

78 / 178

A hormone called _______controls the secretion of juice.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Gastrin
B) Secretin
C) Thyroxin
D) Iodothyronine
E) Parathormone

79 / 178

Which of the following term is used to describe the membrane of central vacuole?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Tonoplast
B) Myoplast
C) Periplast
D) Epi Tonoplast

80 / 178

Destruction of the anterior horn of the spinal cord would lead to a loss in:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Commissural impulses
B) Integrating impulses
C) Sensory impulses
D) motor impulses

81 / 178

Germ Theory of disease was proposed by:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Leeuwenhoek
B) Louis Pasteur
C) Walther Flemming
D) Robert Koch
E) Edward Jenner

82 / 178

Number of centrioles after completion of the G2 phase and during the metaphase of mitosis is _____ and ____ respectively.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) 2,2
B) 2,4
C) 4,4
D) 4,2

83 / 178

Which of the following is characterized by accumulation of lipids in the brain cells leading to mental retardation and even death?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Grave’s Disease
B) Addison’s disease
C) Glycogenesis type II disease
D) Tay-Sachs disease

84 / 178

All of the following are present in myofilaments of muscle cells except:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Myosin
B) Actin
C) Tubulin
D) Tropomyosin

85 / 178

The process by which various components of cells including organelle can be isolated is called:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Homogenization B
B) Cell Fractionation
C) Cell Fixation
D) Gel Electrophoresis
E) Ultracentrifuge

86 / 178

Cellulose is usually not found in:

FMDC 2018
Cell Structure and Function
Cell Wall
Elimination Tool:

A) Primary cell wall
B) Secondary cell wall
C) Middle lamella
D) All contain cellulose

87 / 178

Electron Transport Chain (ETC) takes place in ________ part of the mitochondria.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Matrix of mitochondria
B) Cytoplasm
C) Outer membrane
D) Inner membrane

88 / 178

GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in reproduction, acts on:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Anterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of LH and FSH
B) Posterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of oxytocin and FSH
C) Ovaries and stimulates secretion of estrogen and progesteron
D) Posterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of LH and relaxin

89 / 178

Blood containing CO2 is:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Red in color
B) Blue in color
C) Reddish purple in color
D) Reddish blue in color

90 / 178

About how much of the total photosynthesis is carried out by aquatic plants?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) 90%
B) 60%
C) 50%
D) 40%
E) 10 %

91 / 178

On hydrogen atom spectrum, series of spectral lines which fall within visible region, is:

FMDC 2018
Atomic Spectra
Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
Elimination Tool:

A) Lymen series
B) Balmer Series
C) Paschen series
D) Bracket series
E) Pfund series

92 / 178

Cannizzaro’s reaction is NOT given by:

FMDC 2018
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
Elimination Tool:

A) Formaldehyde
B) Acetaldehyde
C) Benzaldehyde
D) Trimethyl acetaldehyde

93 / 178

By raising the temperature 1°C, conductance increases by 2 to 2.5%. Which is due to reduced ___________ of ions?

FMDC 2018
Chemical Bonding
Energetics of Bond Formation
Elimination Tool:

A) Hydration
B) Neutralization
C) Hydrolysis
D) Ionization

94 / 178

In the atmosphere, CO2 is about:

FMDC 2018
Environmental Chemistry
Chemistry of Troposphere and Stratosphere
Elimination Tool:

A) 0.01%
B) 0.03%
C) 0.05%
D) 0.09%

95 / 178

The reaction CHCH + H2O +3{O} shows the formation of __________.

FMDC 2018
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
Elimination Tool:

A) Acetic acid
B) Picric acid
C) Oxalic acid
D) Formic acid

96 / 178

Which of the following has the highest electrical conductivity?

FMDC 2018
Chemical Bonding
Energetics of Bond Formation
Elimination Tool:

A) Aqueous sugar solution
B) Solid graphite
C) Solid sodium chloride
D) Gaseous carbon dioxide

97 / 178

Which of the following fertilizers has the maximum percentage of nitrogen in solid state?

FMDC 2018
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Introduction to Alkyl Halides and Amines
Elimination Tool:

A) Ammonia
B) Urea
C) Di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate
D) Ammonium nitrate

98 / 178

At standard conditions of temperature and pressure, the ratio of volume of 18g H2O to the volume of 4.4g CO2 will be:

FMDC 2018
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Avogadros Law
Elimination Tool:

A) 10:1
B) 1:2
C) 2:3
D) 3:2
E) 2:1

99 / 178

Enzymes are _____________that catalyze chemical reactions in living organisms and are very specific in their action.

FMDC 2018
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
Elimination Tool:

A) Proteins
B) Vitamins
C) Lipids
D) Minerals

100 / 178

The equation shows the reaction between element X and dilute hydrochloric acid.

What types of bonding are present in element X and in compound XCl2?

X(s) + 2HCI(aq) → XCI(aq) + H2 (g)

FMDC 2018
Chemical Bonding
Metallic Bonding
Elimination Tool:

A) Covalent, Covalent
B) Covalent, Ionic
C) Metallic, Covalent
D) Metallic, Ionic

101 / 178

The second and third period contain:

FMDC 2018
Periodicity in Elements
Introduction to the Periodic Table
Elimination Tool:

A) 18 elements each
B) 32 elements each
C) 8 elements each
D) 14 elements each

102 / 178

Which of the following is necessary for the normal development of leaves and bark of the plants?

FMDC 2018
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
Elimination Tool:

A) Sodium
B) Aluminium
C) Calcium
D) Beryllium

103 / 178

The energy required to remove the outermost electron from a gaseous atom Is called:

FMDC 2018
Periodicity in Elements
Periodic Trends
Elimination Tool:

A) Electronegativity
B) Electropositivity
C) Ionisation potential
D) electron affinity

104 / 178

To avoid the formation of toxic compounds with substance is used for disinfecting water?

FMDC 2018
s and p Block Elements
General Behaviour of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
Elimination Tool:

B) Chloramines
C) O3
D) Alums

105 / 178

Bakelite is a polymer of formaldehyde and __________.

FMDC 2018
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
Elimination Tool:

A) Phenol
B) Ethanol
C) Butanol
D) Methanol

106 / 178

The reactions of below diagram with RMgX leads to the formation of:

FMDC 2018
Alkanes and Paraffins
Introduction to Hydrocarbons
Elimination Tool:


107 / 178

ΔH = ΔE+PΔV is the change in enthalpy at constant__________.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Volume
B) Pressure
C) Temperature
D) Mass

108 / 178

Rutherford’s atomic model failed because:

FMDC 2018
Atomic Structure
Rutherfords Model of Atom
Elimination Tool:

A) It did not account for the stability of atom.
B) It did not account for the attraction b/w protons and neutrons.
C) The atom did not have neutrons.
D) None of these

109 / 178

s-sp3 overlap occurs in __________ molecule

FMDC 2018
Chemical Bonding
VSEPR Theory
Elimination Tool:

A) Cl2
B) CH4

110 / 178

If the absolute temperature of a gas is reduced to one half and the pressure is doubled, the volume of gas will be:

FMDC 2018
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
Elimination Tool:

A) Increased four times
B) Decreased four times
C) Remained unchanged
D) Reduced to one half
E) Increased two times

111 / 178

X is a salt that decomposes in water.

What is the reason for its decomposition?

e- + X3+ → X2+

E cell = 1.91 V

FMDC 2018
Redox Equations
Elimination Tool:

A) This potential oxidises salt
B) This potential reduces salt
C) This potential reduces water
D) This potential oxidises water

112 / 178

By the fermentation process of starch and by the catalytic action of enzyme, __________ is produced.

FMDC 2018
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
Elimination Tool:

A) Methyl alcohol
B) Ethyl alcohol
C) Acetyl alcohol
D) Methanal

113 / 178

Which sequence of reaction conditions should be used to produce the compound below from benzene?

FMDC 2018
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

A) AlCl3/Cl2 : H2/Rh/C
B) Cl2/ UV light: H2/Rh/C
C) H2/Rh/C: AlCl3/Cl2
D) HCl; H2/Rh/C

114 / 178

Sodium amalgam is an alloy of:

FMDC 2018
s and p Block Elements
General Behaviour of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
Elimination Tool:

A) Sodium and mercury metals
B) Sodium and lead
C) Sodium and zinc
D) None

115 / 178

The oxidation number of nitrogen in the HNO3 is _______.

FMDC 2018
Oxidation Number or State
Elimination Tool:

A) 4+
B) 5+
C) 6+
D) 7+

116 / 178

Chlorophyll is a naturally occurring macromolecule that contains:

FMDC 2018
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
Elimination Tool:

A) Mg2+
B) Al3+
C) Fe3+
D) B3+

117 / 178

What is the name of the following compound?

FMDC 2018
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

A) 1-Ethyl-3, 4-dimethylcycloheptane
B) 2-Ethyl-4, 5-dimethylcyclohexane
C) 1-Ethyl-3, 4-dimethylcyclohexane
D) 4-Ethyl-1, 2-dimethylcyclohexane

118 / 178

Which one of the following is called animal starch?

FMDC 2018
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
Elimination Tool:

A) Amylose
B) Cellulose
C) Glycogen
D) Glycine

119 / 178

As the concentration of reactant increases, the rate of reaction also increases, it is because:

FMDC 2018
Reaction Kinetics
Rate and velocity of chemical reaction
Elimination Tool:

A) K.E increases in molecules
B) Oscillation increases between molecules
C) Collision frequency increases
D) Temperature of molecules increases

120 / 178

For stable molecular geometry, each carbon atom undergoes:

FMDC 2018
Chemical Bonding
VSEPR Theory
Elimination Tool:

A) sp hybridization
B) sp2 hybridization
C) sp3 hybridization
D) dsp3 hybridization
E) d2sp2 hybridization

121 / 178

Which of the following elements does not belong to the f-block of elements?

FMDC 2018
d and f Block Elements
Elimination Tool:

A) Uranium
B) Samarium
C) Thorium
D) Osmium

122 / 178

Change in extensive property is proportional to the __________of material.

FMDC 2018
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
States of Matter
Elimination Tool:

A) Temperature
B) Volume
C) Quantity
D) Pressure

123 / 178

If the value of Kc is very large then it shows that _________completed.

FMDC 2018
Chemical Equilibrium
Equilibrium Constant
Elimination Tool:

A) Forward reaction
B) Reverse reaction
C) Equilibrium is maintained
D) Kc is moderate

124 / 178

The subshell which has only one orbital is identified by the letter:

FMDC 2018
Periodicity in Elements
Introduction to the Periodic Table
Elimination Tool:

A) s
B) d
C) p
D) f

125 / 178

Methyl ketones can be characterised by performing:

FMDC 2018
Aldehydes and Ketones
Preparation of Aldehydes And Ketones
Elimination Tool:

A) Iodoform test
B) Schiff’s test
C) Benedict Reagent test
D) Tollens’ test
E) Cannizzaro test

126 / 178

Cyanohydrins can be synthesised from ketones through:

FMDC 2018
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
Elimination Tool:

A) Nucleophilic addition reaction
B) Unimolecular Nucleophilic substitution reaction
C) Electrophilic substitution reaction
D) Bimolecular Nucleophilic substitution reaction
E) Nucleophilic elimination reaction

127 / 178

Alkyl halides can also be obtained by halogenation of___________.

FMDC 2018
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Methods of Preparation Of Alkyl Halides
Elimination Tool:

A) Alcohols
B) Alkenes
C) Alkanes
D) Ketones

128 / 178

Cathode rays travel in discharge tube from:

FMDC 2018
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
Elimination Tool:

A) Anode to cathode
B) Cathode to anode
C) Glass tube to vacuum pump
D) Cathode through air

129 / 178

Gasoline is a mixture of hexane and ____________.

FMDC 2018
Alkanes and Paraffins
Elimination Tool:

A) Methane
B) Butane
C) Decane
D) Heptane

130 / 178

In RNA, which of the bases is replaced by uracil?

FMDC 2018
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
Elimination Tool:

A) Cytosine
B) Adenine
C) Guanine
D) Thymine

131 / 178

In acidic medium, oxidation action of potassium permanganate depends upon:

FMDC 2018
Oxidation Number or State
Elimination Tool:

A) Mn7+
B) KMnO2+
C) MnO2
D) Mn1+
E) Mn4+

132 / 178

For a chemical reaction A & B the threshold energy of the reaction is 31 kJ/mole.

The average internal energy of A is 12 kJ/mole. What will be the activation energy of A?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) 43 kJ/mole
B) 37 kJ/mole
C) 25 kJ/mole
D) 19 kJ/mole

133 / 178

In composition of natural gas, 0.17% is constituted by:

FMDC 2018
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Importance of Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Elimination Tool:

A) Methane
B) Ethane
C) Butane
D) Nitrogen

134 / 178

Elements which have completely filled outermost shell and do not combine with other elements are called:

FMDC 2018
s and p Block Elements
General Behaviour of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
Elimination Tool:

A) Metal elements
B) Reactive elements
C) Unstable elements
D) Rare earth elements

135 / 178

HCOOH is the structure of:

FMDC 2018
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
Elimination Tool:

A) Acetic acid
B) Formic acid
C) Valeric acid
D) Caproic acid

136 / 178

How many modulations are possible for a sinusoidal carrier wave?

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four

137 / 178

The value of absolute zero on the Fahrenheit temperature is:

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Elimination Tool:

A) 359.4
B) -459.4
C) 100
D) -259.4

138 / 178

If a wave can be polarized, it means it is a:

FMDC 2018
Wave Motion and Sound
Progessive Waves
Elimination Tool:

A) Longitudinal wave
B) Stationary wave
C) Superimposed wave
D) Transverse wave

139 / 178

Which of the following is a dimensionless quantity?

FMDC 2018
Dimensions of Physical Quantities
Elimination Tool:

A) Power
B) Frequency
C) Refractive Index
D) Impulse

140 / 178

If Cv = 2.5 R, Cp = ?

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
Elimination Tool:

A) 0.4 R
B) 2R/7
C) 2.5 R
D) 3.5 R

141 / 178

Velocity of sound in air is 332m/s. Velocity of sound in vacuum would be:

FMDC 2018
Wave Motion and Sound
Progessive Waves
Elimination Tool:

A) More than 332m/s
B) Less than 332m/s
C) 332m/s
D) Zero

142 / 178

The magnetic field, B, produced in a solenoid depends on:

FMDC 2018
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Amperes Law and Determination of Flux Density
Elimination Tool:

A) its length
B) its length and current in it
C) Its length and number of turns in it
D) Its length, number of turns and current in it

143 / 178

In capacitors, energy is stored in the form of:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Gravitational Potential
B) Chemical Potential
C) Electric Intensity
D) Magnetic Induction

144 / 178

Three resistors of 6 Ohms each, can be connected in all possible ways. The highest value of resistance can be obtained (in ohms) be ___________.

FMDC 2018
Current Electricity
Wire Wound Variable Resistors
Elimination Tool:

A) 2 Ohms
B) 4 Ohms
C) 9 Ohms
D) 18 Ohms
E) 36 Ohms

145 / 178

A steady current of 5 A is drawn from an electric source at a voltage of 100 V. The power consumed (in Watts) is:

FMDC 2018
Current Electricity
Electrical Power and Power Dissipation in Resistors
Elimination Tool:

A) 0.05W
B) 5W
C) 500W
D) 50000W

146 / 178

The magnetic lines of force are directed in a manner that they:

FMDC 2018
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Flux and Flux Density
Elimination Tool:

A) Originate at south pole and terminate at north pole
B) Pass through the magnet
C) Originate at north pole and terminate at south pole
D) Go away from both the poles

147 / 178

Two capacitors C1 (12 F) and C2 (24 F) are connected in series across a 36 V supply. The charge stored on each of them will be:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) 288 C, 288 C
B) 4770 C, 4770 C
C) 5810 C, 6610 C
D) 7170 C, 8140 C

148 / 178

The Balmer series lies in the:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) UV region
B) Visible spectrum
C) Infrared region
D) None of the above

149 / 178

Conversion of heat energy completely into work violates:

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Elimination Tool:

A) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
B) First law of thermodynamics
C) Second law of thermodynamics
D) Both, the first and second laws of thermodynamics

150 / 178

The path difference for the constructive interference is:

FMDC 2018
Wave Motion and Sound
Interference of Waves
Elimination Tool:

A) (n-1) λ
B) (n+1) λ
C) n λ/2
D) nλ.

151 / 178

When an applied stress changes the volume, the change in volume per unit volume is known as:

FMDC 2018
Physics of Solids
Elimination Tool:

A) Polymetric strain
B) Crystalline strain
C) Volumetric strain
D) Equal strain

152 / 178

Equation of continuity is expressed as:

FMDC 2018
Fluid Dynamics
Equation Of Continuity
Elimination Tool:

A) A1V2=A2V1
B) A1V1=A2V2
C) A1H2=A2H1
D) A1H1=A2H2

153 / 178

When two bodies move towards each other with constant speed, the distance between them decreases at the rate 6m/sec. If they move in the same direction, the distance between them increases at the rate of 4 m/sec. Calculate their velocities.

FMDC 2018
Forces and Motion
Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
Elimination Tool:

A) 5 m/sec, 1 m/sec
B) 3 m/sec, 3 m/sec
C) 6 m/sec, 1 m/sec
D) 4 m/sec, 2 m/sec

154 / 178

In an NPN transistor, the current IE that flows in the emitter circuit is:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) IC + IB
B) IC – IB
C) IC x IB
D) Zero

155 / 178

The wavelength associated with electrons is equal to that of:

FMDC 2018
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
Elimination Tool:

A) Visible spectrum
B) X rays
C) Radio waves
D) Infrared waves

156 / 178

When a fluid is incompressible, it means:

FMDC 2018
Physics of Solids
Elimination Tool:

A) No internal frictional force
B) Independent of coordinates
C) Independent of time
D) Its density remains constant
E) Its density remains variable

157 / 178

As the temperature of a black body is raised, the black body radiations become richer in:

FMDC 2018
Dawn of Modern Physics
Black Body Radiation
Elimination Tool:

A) Intermediate wavelengths
B) Long wavelengths
C) Short wavelengths
D) Low frequencies

158 / 178

The rapid escape of air from a burst tyre is an example of:

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
Elimination Tool:

A) Isothermal
B) Adiabatic
C) Isobaric
D) Isochoric

159 / 178

The charge on neutron is:

FMDC 2018
Nuclear Physics
Composition of Atomic Nuclei
Elimination Tool:

A) 1.6 x 10-27 C
B) Zero
C) 1.6 x 10-31 C
D) 9.11 x 10-19 C
E) 9.6 x 10-15C

160 / 178

Systems in thermodynamics are separated from their surroundings by:

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
Work and Heat
Elimination Tool:

A) Pressure
B) Universe
C) Boundary
D) Temperature

161 / 178

S.I. Unit of rate of flow of a fluid =

FMDC 2018
Fluid Dynamics
Fluid Flow
Elimination Tool:

A) m/sec
B) m2/sec
C) m3/sec
D) m3/sec2

162 / 178

Two plates are at potentials 20V and -20V respectively with a separation of 2cm between them. The electric field between them is:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) 2000 V/m
B) 1000 V/m
C) 500 V/m
D) 300 V/m

163 / 178

The level of radiation to which human body can be exposed is ______ times the radiation from natural source.

FMDC 2018
Nuclear Physics
Elimination Tool:

A) 1 to 10
B) 10 to 100
C) 10 to 1000
D) 10 to 10000

164 / 178

An electron is moving along the axis of a solenoid carrying a current. Which of the following is a correct statement about the electromagnetic force acting on the electron?

FMDC 2018
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Force on a Moving Charge in a Magnetic Field
Elimination Tool:

A) The force acts radially inwards
B) The force acts radially outwards
C) The force acts in the direction of motion
D) No force acts

165 / 178

In photodiodes, the bias voltage is applied in ______ bias form

FMDC 2018
P-N Junction and its Characteristics
Elimination Tool:

A) Forward
B) Resistance
C) Reverse
D) Converse

166 / 178

Astronomers calculate the speed of distant stars moving away from us using:

FMDC 2018
Wave Motion and Sound
Doppler Effect
Elimination Tool:

A) Beats
B) Interference
C) Superposition principle
D) Doppler effect

167 / 178

An electric dipole is situated in a non-uniform electric field. It may experience:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) A resultant force and a couple
B) Only force
C) Only couple
D) Any of the above

168 / 178

The distance between two consecutive antinodes is equal to:

FMDC 2018
Wave Motion and Sound
Stationary Waves
Elimination Tool:

A) λ/8
B) λ/6
C) λ/4
D) λ/2

169 / 178

Temperature coefficient of a normal conductor is negative because:

FMDC 2018
Current Electricity
Resistivity and its Dependence upon Temperature
Elimination Tool:

A) Resistance increases with an increase in temperature
B) Resistance decreases with an increase in temperature
C) Resistance decreases with decrease in temperature
D) Resistance is independent of temperature change

170 / 178

During each cycle, a heat engine with an efficiency of 25% takes in 800J of energy. How much waste heat energy is expelled in each cycle?

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
Heat Engine
Elimination Tool:

A) 100J
B) 200J
C) 400J
D) 600J

171 / 178

When reverse bias of a pn junction diode is increased, a stage comes when electric field set up is sufficient to rupture the bonds and release a large number of holes and electrons breakdown. This phenomenon is known as:

FMDC 2018
P-N Junction and its Characteristics
Elimination Tool:

A) Avalanche breakdown
B) Zener breakdown
C) Earth effect
D) High-field emission

172 / 178

If a dielectric is placed between two plates of a capacitor, the net capacitance:

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) Decreases
B) Increases
C) Remains constant
D) Becomes zero

173 / 178

Alpha rays are nuclear radiations. They are in fact same as the __________ nuclei.

FMDC 2018
Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Reactions
Elimination Tool:

A) Hydrogen
B) Deuterium
C) Tritium
D) Helium

174 / 178

The light exhibits the phenomena of constructive interference under the situation when it is __________ and __________.

FMDC 2018
Wave Motion and Sound
Interference of Waves
Elimination Tool:

A) Monochromatic and in Phase
B) Monochromatic and out of Phase
C) In phase and non-monochromatic
D) Out of phase and non-monochromatic

175 / 178

In medical diagnosis for precise internal imaging of brain, _________ radiographs are used.

FMDC 2018
Nuclear Physics
Elimination Tool:

A) X-ray
B) Beta-ray
C) Gamma-ray
D) Alpha-ray

176 / 178

Two capacitors C1 (6µF) and C2 (12µF) are in series across a 180 volts D.C supply. Calculate the charges on C1 and C2 respectively.

FMDC 2018
Elimination Tool:

A) 120×106 C, -420×106 C
B) 320×10-6 C, 420×10-6 C
C) 420×10-6 C, 320×10-6 C
D) 720×10-6 C, 720×10-6 C

177 / 178

What happens to the pressure of a sample of helium gas if the temperature is increased from 200 K to 800 K with no change volume?

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Elimination Tool:

A) Pressure increases by a factor of 4
B) Pressure decreases by a factor of 4
C) Pressure decreases by a factor of 2
D) Pressure increases by a factor of 2

178 / 178

If an ideal gas has volume V at 27°C and it is heated at constant pressure so that it volume become 1.5V, the value of final temperature is:

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Elimination Tool:

A) 327K
B) 871K
C) 177°C
D) 600°C

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