Sindh DUHS MDCAT Mock Test 2

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Sindh DUHS MDCAT Mock Test 2

1 / 200

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


Sindh Mock 3
Key Vocabulary
A) Distanced
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B) Dominant
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C) Mistaken
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D) Powerful
Show Explanation

2 / 200

Read the passage and answer the following question:

That freedom means freedom only from foreign domination, is an outworn idea. It is not merely governments that should be free but the people themselves who should be free; and no freedom has any real value for the common man or woman unless it means freedom from want, freedom from disease, freedom from ignorance. This is the main task that confronts us if we are to take our rightful place in the modern world. We cannot hold the clock back, and there it is we who must go forward at a double pace bending all our resources and all our energies to this great purpose.

The great purpose mentioned by the writer at the end of the passage refers to:

Sindh Mock 3
A) Freedom from foregin domination
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B) People themselves should be free
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C) The real value of freedom
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D) Taking our rightful place in the modern world.
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3 / 200

Identify the word or phrase that needs to be changed for the sentence to be correct.

When I go into a bank, I get frighten.

Sindh Mock 3
Key Vocabulary
A) When
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B) A
Show Explanation
C) Get
Show Explanation
D) Frighten
Show Explanation

4 / 200

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each:
We must ______ back by six o’clock.

Sindh Mock 3
Fill in the blank
A) Be
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B) Can
Show Explanation
C) Has
Show Explanation
D) Have
Show Explanation

5 / 200

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.

The recent discoveries of medical science have_______ life and health to millions of people.

Sindh Mock 3
Fill in the blank
A) Brought
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B) Bring
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C) Had bought
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D) Bringing
Show Explanation

6 / 200

Identify the word or phrase that needs to be changed for the sentence to be correct:

The office is so busy that two extra clerks have had to be taken on.

Sindh Mock 3
Identify errors in sentence
A) The
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B) Busy
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C) Extra
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D) Have had
Show Explanation
E) No error
Show Explanation

7 / 200

Identify the word or phrase that needs to be changed for the sentence to be correct.

The guests broke a dozen glass at the party. No error

Sindh Mock 3
Identify errors in sentence
A) The guests
Show Explanation
B) broke
Show Explanation
C) glass
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D) at
Show Explanation

8 / 200

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.

I was having a cup ___ tea when he knocked on the door.

Sindh Mock 3
Fill in the blank
A) off
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B) at
Show Explanation
C) an
Show Explanation
D) of
Show Explanation

9 / 200

Read the passage to answer the question:
To inquire about the meaning or object of one’s own existence or of creation generally has always seemed to me absurd from an objective point of view. And yet everybody has certain ideals that determine the direction of his endeavors and his judgments. In this sense, I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves-such an ethical basis I call more proper for a herd of swine. The ideals which have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Without the sense of fellowship with men of like mind, of preoccupation with the objective, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific research, life would have seemed to me empty. The ordinary objects of human endeavor property, outward success, luxury-have always seemed to me contemptible.

The author of the passage followed which of the following objectives?


II. Goodness

III. Beauty

IV. Saints

Sindh Mock 3
A) I only
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B) II only
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C) I and II only
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D) I, II and III only
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10 / 200

Read the passage and answer the following question:

That freedom means freedom only from foreign domination, is an outworn idea. It is not merely governments that should be free but the people themselves who should be free; and no freedom has any real value for the common man or woman unless it means freedom from want, freedom from disease, freedom from ignorance. This is the main task that confronts us if we are to take our rightful place in the modern world. We cannot hold the clock back, and there it is we who must go forward at a double pace bending all our resources and all our energies to this great purpose.

An ‘’outworn’’ idea is?

Sindh Mock 3
A) Great
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B) Not new
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C) Scientific
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D) Undeveloped
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11 / 200

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given lettered choices.

Two airplanes crashed ______ the fog yesterday?

Sindh Mock 3
Fill in the blank
A) on
Show Explanation
B) of
Show Explanation
C) in
Show Explanation
D) to
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12 / 200

Choose the correct spelling:

Sindh Mock 3
Key Vocabulary
A) Cotioned
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B) Cautioned
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C) Causchuned
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D) Coschuned
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13 / 200

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


Sindh Mock 3
Key Vocabulary
A) Familiar
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B) Possible
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C) Powerful
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D) Take for granted
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14 / 200

Read the passage to answer the question:
To inquire about the meaning or object of one’s own existence or of creation generally has always seemed to me absurd from an objective point of view. And yet everybody has certain ideals that determine the direction of his endeavors and his judgments. In this sense, I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves-such an ethical basis I call more proper for a herd of swine. The ideals which have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Without the sense of fellowship with men of like mind, of preoccupation with the objective, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific research, life would have seemed to me empty. The ordinary objects of human endeavor property, outward success, luxury-have always seemed to me contemptible.

Which of the following is contemptible for the author?

Sindh Mock 3
A) Truth, goodness and beauty
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B) Property, outward success, luxury
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C) art and scientific research
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D) sense of fellowship with men of like mind
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15 / 200

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized one.

Sindh Mock 3
Key Vocabulary
A) Escape
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B) Face
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C) Fear
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D) Flow
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16 / 200

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized ones.


Sindh Mock 3
Key Vocabulary
A) Stagnant
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B) Hidden
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C) Clear
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D) Muddy
Show Explanation

17 / 200

Choose the correct sentence:

Sindh Mock 3
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) He always loved sweets, chocolates, biscuits, and cakes.
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B) He always loved, sweets, chocolates, biscuits and cakes.
Show Explanation
C) He always loved sweets. chocolates, biscuits, and cakes.
Show Explanation
D) He always loved sweets, chocolates biscuits and cakes.
Show Explanation

18 / 200

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized one:


Sindh Mock 3
Key Vocabulary
A) surprise
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B) appreciation
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C) criticism
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D) praise
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19 / 200

What should come next to this word, “Recipe”

Sindh Mock 3
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking
A) Desserts.
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B) Spoon.
Show Explanation
C) Utensils.
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D) Cookbook.
Show Explanation

20 / 200


I. Large number of Primary Schools in the rural areas is run by only one teacher.
II. There has been a huge dropout from the primary schools in rural areas.

Sindh Mock 3
Logical Reasoning
Course of Action
A) Statement I is the cause then 2 is its effect
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B) Statement 2 is the cause then I is its effect
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C) Both statements are independent causes
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D) Both of the statements are effect of independent causes
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21 / 200

I. Majority of the citizens in the locality belongs to higher income group.
II. The sales in the local supermarket are comparatively much higher than in other localities.

Sindh Mock 3
Logical Reasoning
Course of Action
A) Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
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B) Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
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C) Both the statements I and II are independent causes
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D) Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes
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22 / 200


I. There is an unprecedented increase in the number of young unemployed in comparison to the previous year.
II. A large number of candidates submitted applications against an advertisement for the post of manager issued by a bank.

Sindh Mock 3
Logical Reasoning
Course of Action
A) Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect
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B) Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
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C) Both statements I and II are independent causes
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D) Both statements I and II are effects of independent causes
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23 / 200

A book cannot exist without?

Sindh Mock 3
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) Education
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B) Pictures
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C) Pages
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D) Qualification
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24 / 200

A/An _______ is mostly a non-protein chemical compound that is required for the protein’s biological activity.

Sindh Mock 3
A) Active site
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B) Substrate
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C) Cofactor
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D) Enzyme
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25 / 200

A cross between a black cat and a tan cat produces a tabby pattern (black and tan fur together). What percent of kittens would have tan fur if a tabby cat is crossed with a black cat?

Sindh Mock 3
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) 100%
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B) 50%
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C) 25%
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D) 0%
Show Explanation

26 / 200

Cross bridges are found on

Sindh Mock 3
Support and Movement
Ultrastructure & Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A) Actin
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B) Myosin
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C) Troponin
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D) Tropomyosin
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27 / 200

Biological molecules which catalyze a biochemical reaction and remain unchanged after completion of reaction are called?

Sindh Mock 3
A) Cofactor
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B) Coenzymes
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C) Activator
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D) Enzymes
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28 / 200

A smallest contractile unit of muscle contraction called sarcomere is the area between two?

Sindh Mock 3
Support and Movement
Ultrastructure & Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A) H zone
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B) M line
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C) Z line
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D) Z zone
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29 / 200

Carbon dioxide joins the photosynthetic pathway at:

Sindh Mock 3
Light Independent Mechanism of Photosynthesis
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Show Explanation
C) Light reaction
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D) Dark reaction
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30 / 200

Monosynaptic reflex arc consists of:

Sindh Mock 3
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) One sensory neuron only
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B) One motor neuron only
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C) Two neurons, one sensory neuron and one motor neuron
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D) None of these
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31 / 200

Out of 31 pairs of spinal nerves, how many pairs of thoracic nerves are there?

Sindh Mock 3
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) 8
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B) 10
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C) 12
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D) 15
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32 / 200

A man who has type AB blood cannot father a child with type ___ blood, because he would pass on either the ___ or the B allele to all of his offspring.

Sindh Mock 3
Variation and Genetics
Blood Group System
A) A,O
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B) O,A
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C) B, O
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D) B, A
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33 / 200

Human cells maintain concentration gradients across their plasma membranes, such that there is a high sodium concentration outside the cell and a high potassium concentration inside the cell.

Suppose that within the cell membrane are sodium leak channels or carrier proteins. These channels would allow sodium to:

Sindh Mock 3
Coordination and Control
Coordination in Animals
A) move out of the cell by simple diffusion
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B) move into the cell by simple diffusion
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C) move out of the cell by facilitated diffusion
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D) move into the cell by facilitated diffusion
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34 / 200

The disease caused by nutritional deficiency is:

Sindh Mock 3
Biological Molecules
Conugated Molecules
A) Hepatitis
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B) Cholera
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C) Malaria
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D) Beriberi
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35 / 200

It is the non living component of the cell, it is secreted and maintained by the living portion of the cell and is found only in plants. What is this structure?

Sindh Mock 3
Cell Structure and Function
Cell Wall
A) Golgi apparatus
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B) lysosome
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C) mitochondrion
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D) cell wall
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36 / 200

In 1959, Koshland proposed which of the following?

Sindh Mock 3
A) Unit membrane model
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B) Fluid mosaic model
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C) Reflective index model
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D) Induced fit model
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37 / 200

The disease, which is caused by defect in a single gene or pair of genes is referred to as:

Sindh Mock 3
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Unifactorial
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B) Multifactorial
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C) Down syndrome
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D) Turner syndrome
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38 / 200

Why skeletal muscles are called striated muscles?

Sindh Mock 3
Support and Movement
Ultrastructure & Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A) appear darker than smooth muscles by naked eye
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B) Alternating dark and light bands appear on their surface when visualized by naked eye
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C) Alternating dark and light bands appear on their surface when visualized via a microscope
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D) all of these
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39 / 200

Which of the following nutrients is incorrectly paired with its function in a plant?

Sindh Mock 3
Autotrophic Nutrition
A) Potassium – Formation of cell wall.
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B) Magnesium – Constituent of chlorophyll.
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C) Nitrogen – Constituent of protein.
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D) Phosphorus – Component of nucleic acid.
Show Explanation

40 / 200

The following statements are about enzymes:

1. They are globular proteins

2. They can be inhibited by competitive inhibitors

3. They are formed in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

4. There are only found attached to Plasma membranes in the cell

Which statements are correct for all enzymes?

Sindh Mock 3
A) 1 and 4
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B) 2 and 4
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C) 1 and 2
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D) 1,2,3 and 4
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41 / 200

Which of the following are animals with pointed ends and a tube like digestive tract?

Sindh Mock 3
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Annelida
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B) Arthropoda
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C) Nematoda
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D) Mollusca
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42 / 200

What is the correct order of arthropod groups, from those with most legs to those with fewest legs?

Sindh Mock 3
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) arachnids … crustaceans … insects … myriapods
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B) crustaceans … myriapods … insects … arachnids
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C) insects … arachnids … myriapods … crustaceans
Show Explanation
D) myriapods … arachnids … crustaceans … insects
Show Explanation
E) myriapods … crustaceans … arachnids … insects
Show Explanation

43 / 200

Platyhelminthes means:

Sindh Mock 3
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Flat worms
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B) Roundworms
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C) Segmented worms
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D) None of the above
Show Explanation

44 / 200

The type of plastids found in roots of plants___________.

Sindh Mock 3
Cell Structure and Function
A) Chloroplasts
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B) Chromoplasts
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C) Leucoplasts
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D) All of them
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45 / 200

Which of the following are found in both arteries and capillaries?

Sindh Mock 3
A) Connective tissues
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B) Elastic fibres
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C) Endothelial cells
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D) Smooth muscle cells
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46 / 200

The autonomic nervous system controls all of the following activities except:

Sindh Mock 3
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Digestion of food
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B) Heart beat
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C) Contraction of pupil of eye
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D) Thought
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47 / 200

Spirochaete bacterium Treponema Pallidum causes ______.

Sindh Mock 3
Kingdom Prokaryote
Importance and Control of bacteria
A) Gonorrhea
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B) Syphilis
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C) Genital herpes
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Show Explanation

48 / 200

Movement of ions and large molecules with the help of protein molecules in and out of the cell is called _________.

Sindh Mock 3
Biological Molecules
A) Diffusion
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B) Facilitated diffusion
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C) Passive transport
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D) Osmosis
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49 / 200

What affect do enzymes have on the activation energy of a reaction?

Sindh Mock 3
A) Increases
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B) Decreases
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C) No affect
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D) Increases or decreases depending upon individual enzyme
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50 / 200

Species of Phylum Platyhelminthes are:

Sindh Mock 3
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Roundworms
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B) Flatworms
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C) Hook worms
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D) Threadworms
Show Explanation

51 / 200

The enzyme found in saliva responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates is:

Sindh Mock 3
A) Lysozyme
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B) Amylase
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C) Pepsin
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D) Trypsinogen
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52 / 200

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding a nucleus?

I.Stores wastes and other Substances

II.Contains genetic material

III.Helps in cellular transport system

IV.Control centre of the cell

Sindh Mock 3
Cell Structure and Function
Cytoplasm and Organelles
A) I only
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Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) II & IV
Show Explanation

53 / 200

Outbreeding increases which of the following?

Sindh Mock 3
A) Homozygosity
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B) Heterozygosity
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C) Gene linkage
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D) Gene pool
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54 / 200

Viruses resemble living things because they:

Sindh Mock 3
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Circulate
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B) Move
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C) Reproduce
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D) Are crystalline
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55 / 200

Which of the following is a uni-nucleated cell?

Sindh Mock 3
Support and Movement
Types of Muscles
A) Skeletal muscle
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B) Cardiac muscle
Show Explanation
C) Smooth muscle
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D) Both B and C
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56 / 200

Which of the following bacteria are thick rigid and spiral?

Sindh Mock 3
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Coccus
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B) Vibrio
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C) Spirillum
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D) Bacillus
Show Explanation

57 / 200

What does ‘a’ in the following picture show?

Sindh Mock 3
A) Cellular pathway
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B) Symplast pathway
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C) Apoplast pathway
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D) Water pathway
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58 / 200

The inhibitor which closely resembles the substrate in its molecular structure and inhibits the enzyme activity by binding to the active site of the enzyme is called:

Sindh Mock 3
A) Feedback inhibitor
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B) Non-competitive inhibitor
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C) Allosteric modulator
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D) Competitive inhibitor
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59 / 200

The diagram shows some organs of the digestive system.

Where is amylase present?

Sindh Mock 3
Digestion and Absorption
A) 1,4 and 5
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B) 1,2 and 3
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C) 2,6 and 4
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D) 3,5 and 4
Show Explanation

60 / 200

Virus attachment requires energy?

Sindh Mock 3
Variety of Life
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Yes
Show Explanation
B) No
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C) Provided by cell usually
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D) Provided by virus machinery
Show Explanation

61 / 200

Which organ(s) in the male reproductive system produce gametes?

Sindh Mock 3
Reproduction in Males
A) Vas deferens
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B) Malpighian tubule system
Show Explanation
C) Seminiferous tubules
Show Explanation
D) Ejaculatory duct
Show Explanation

62 / 200

Consider the following statements regarding blood pressure:

1. It is the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of any vessel.

2. It decreases in the arteries as the distance from the heart increases.

3. It is lower in the capillaries than in the arteries.

4. It is usually lower in women than in men.

Choose the correct statements.

Sindh Mock 3
A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
Show Explanation
B) 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
Show Explanation
C) 1 and 4 are correct.
Show Explanation
D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
Show Explanation

63 / 200

What does the following picture show?

Sindh Mock 3
Coordination and Control
Coordination in Animals
A) Motor Neuron
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B) Sensory neuron
Show Explanation
C) Interneuron
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D) Nerve
Show Explanation

64 / 200

The process by which one molecule of Glucose splits up into molecules of Pyruvate is called:

Sindh Mock 3
Respiration Mechanism – Glycolysis to Electron Transport Chain
A) Glycolysis
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B) Oxidative Phospholyration
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C) Electron Transport Chain
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D) Kreb’s Cycle
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65 / 200

In addition to smaller hind limb muscle mass, the mutant “mini Muscle” gene exhibits lower heart rates during physical activity, larger kidneys and livers in mice. This is a very good example of _______.

Sindh Mock 3
Variation and Genetics
Polygenic Inheritance And Epistasis
A) Epistasis
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B) Multiple alleles
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C) Codominance
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D) Pleiotropy
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66 / 200

The “d” and “D” alleles are used for lighter and darker skin colour in humans, respectively. By keeping in view the inheritance pattern of skin colour in human beings, choose which combination showing medium skin colour from the following picture:

Sindh Mock 3
Variation and Genetics
Polygenic Inheritance And Epistasis
A) Column A
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B) Column C
Show Explanation
C) Row B
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D) Row C
Show Explanation

67 / 200

Homology means:

Sindh Mock 3
A) Similarity in characteristics resulting from common ancestors
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B) Similarity in function from acquired characteristics
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C) Study of similar organs but with different functions
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D) Study of similar ograns but with different functions
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68 / 200

‘Biomolecules’ such as starch, cellulose and glycogen yield which of the following upon hydrolysis?

Sindh Mock 3
Biological Molecules
A) Maltose
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B) Sucrose
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C) Glucose
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D) Galactose
Show Explanation

69 / 200

The function of a cell wall in prokaryotes is:

Sindh Mock 3
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) To give cells rigidity
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B) To give specific shape
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C) To protect from osmotic lysis
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D) All of Above
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70 / 200

Formation of _____ will be greater with the faster breakdown of glucose and glycogen to compensate for energy requirements in anaerobic respiration

Sindh Mock 3
Anaerobic Respiration
A) Enzymes
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B) Hormones
Show Explanation
C) Lactic acid
Show Explanation
D) Fat
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71 / 200

A psychological condition usually seen in girls and young women, with loss of appetite is:

Sindh Mock 4
Some Common Diseases Related to Nutrition
A) Obesity
Show Explanation
B) Malnutrition
Show Explanation
C) Anorexia Nervosa
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D) Dyspepsia
Show Explanation

72 / 200

Synapse formed at the sites where the terminal branches of the axon of a motor neuron conduct a target muscle cell is called:

Sindh Mock 3
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Sensory end plate
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B) Synapse end plate
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C) Motor end plate

Show Explanation
D) Postsynaptic membrane
Show Explanation

73 / 200

About 55% of the volume of the human blood is?

Sindh Mock 3
A) Plasma
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B) Blood proteins
Show Explanation
C) Blood cells
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D) Both B and C
Show Explanation

74 / 200

The diagram shows the four types of human tooth.

Which teeth are used for cutting rather than grinding food?

Sindh Mock 3
Digestion and Absorption
A) 1 and 2
Show Explanation
B) 2 and 3
Show Explanation
C) 3 and 4
Show Explanation
D) 4 and 1
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75 / 200

Archaeopteryx is a transitional stage between the members of which one of the following pairs?

Sindh Mock 3
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Amphibian … bird
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B) Fish … amphibian
Show Explanation
C) Reptile … mammal
Show Explanation
D) Reptile … bird
Show Explanation

76 / 200

A group of immune cells that mediates the cellular immune response by processing and presenting antigens for recognition of certain other cells or immune systems is called _______.

Sindh Mock 3
Immunity and its types
A) Natural killer cells
Show Explanation
B) Interferons
Show Explanation
C) Antigen-presenting cells
Show Explanation
D) Vaccines
Show Explanation

77 / 200

Menstruation, the shedding of the lining of the uterus (endometrium), is accompanied by:

Sindh Mock 3
Reproduction in Females
A) Shivering
Show Explanation
B) Fever
Show Explanation
C) Bleeding
Show Explanation
D) Vomiting
Show Explanation

78 / 200

Which of the following is not an important function of bone?

Sindh Mock 3
Support and Movement
Support and Movement in Animals
A) Regulation of ion concentration
Show Explanation
B) Muscular contraction
Show Explanation
C) Organ and nerve protection
Show Explanation
D) Regulation of pH through hydration
Show Explanation

79 / 200

Which of the following, which is the incorrectly paired one?

Sindh Mock 3
Cell Structure and Function
Introduction to Cell and it’s theory
A) Robert Hooke … cell wall
Show Explanation
B) Schlelden and schwann … cell theory
Show Explanation
C) Robert Brown… nucleus
Show Explanation
D) Watson and Crick … DNA model
Show Explanation
E) Virchow… mosaic model of plasma membrane
Show Explanation

80 / 200

Which of the following is the simplest form of pathogens causing diseases?

Sindh Mock 3
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Viruses
Show Explanation
B) Prions
Show Explanation
C) Fungus
Show Explanation
D) Amoeba
Show Explanation

81 / 200

Haemophilia is a sex-linked _____ trait.

Sindh Mock 3
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Dominant
Show Explanation
B) Codominant
Show Explanation
C) Pleiotropic
Show Explanation
D) Recessive
Show Explanation

82 / 200

Haemoglobin in men increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood to about _______.

Sindh Mock 3
A) 50 times
Show Explanation
B) 65 times
Show Explanation
C) 70 times
Show Explanation
D) 75 times
Show Explanation

83 / 200

The cell A, in the given figure is:

Sindh Mock 3
Reproduction in Males
A) Gametophyte
Show Explanation
B) Spermatogonium
Show Explanation
C) Sperm
Show Explanation
D) Spermatocyte
Show Explanation

84 / 200

A part of the digestive system that is not in contact with food is the:

Sindh Mock 3
Digestion and Absorption
A) Small intestine
Show Explanation
B) Stomach
Show Explanation
C) Liver
Show Explanation
D) Large intestine
Show Explanation

85 / 200

The dark reaction in photosynthesis where sugars are synthesized are called?

Sindh Mock 3
Light Independent Mechanism of Photosynthesis
A) Krebs cycle
Show Explanation
B) Calvin Cycle
Show Explanation
C) Galvin cycle
Show Explanation
D) Glycolysis
Show Explanation

86 / 200

Match the parts of the human brain listed under Column I with the functions given under Column II. Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of alphabets of the two columns.

Sindh Mock 3
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) A=r, B=q, C=p, D=s
Show Explanation
B) A=r, B s, C=q, D=t,
Show Explanation
C) A=t, B p, C=q, D=r
Show Explanation
D) A=t, B=q, C=p, D=s
Show Explanation

87 / 200

The gland known as the “gland of emergency” is the:

Sindh Mock 3
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Pituitary
Show Explanation
B) Adrenal
Show Explanation
C) Thyroid
Show Explanation
D) Parathyroid
Show Explanation

88 / 200

Which diagram illustrates the process of active transport?

Sindh Mock 3
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

89 / 200

Which of the following structures provides greater pathogenicity to the bacteria?

Sindh Mock 3
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Slime
Show Explanation
B) Cell Wall
Show Explanation
C) Cell Membrane
Show Explanation
D) Capsule
Show Explanation

90 / 200

In the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction, which option correctly describes function of ATP?

Sindh Mock 3
Support and Movement
Ultrastructure & Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A) ATP does all of these things during muscle contraction
Show Explanation
B) It allows the myosin head to detach from the actin filament
Show Explanation
C) It moves tropomyosin off of actin binding sites
Show Explanation
D) both A and B
Show Explanation

91 / 200

The diagram represents the human respiratory system.

While inhalation, which of the labelled muscles contract?

Sindh Mock 3
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) X only
Show Explanation
B) X and Y only
Show Explanation
C) X and Z only
Show Explanation
D) Y and Z only
Show Explanation

92 / 200

The stability of carbonium ions following the order:

Sindh Mock 3
Alkyl Halides and Amines
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

93 / 200

Two forces equal in magnitude but opposite In direction and not acting along the same line constitute a couple. The movement of this couple will be:

Sindh Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) Dependent on the location of the origin
Show Explanation
B) Independent of the location of the origin
Show Explanation
C) Zero
Show Explanation
D) Scalar product
Show Explanation

94 / 200

If in a circuit, 2 Ampere current is drawn from the battery in 10 minutes. How much charge will flow through the circuit in this time?

Sindh Mock 3
Current Electricity
Electric Current
A) 1200 Coulombs
Show Explanation
B) 600 Coulombs
Show Explanation
C) 500 Coulombs
Show Explanation
D) 20 Coulombs
Show Explanation

95 / 200

Energy is absorbed?

Sindh Mock 3
Reaction Kinetics
Activation energy and activated complex
A) In bond breaking
Show Explanation
B) In endothermic reactions
Show Explanation
C) In bond formation
Show Explanation
D) Both Options A and B are correct
Show Explanation

96 / 200

CH3CH2CH2COCH3 is the functional isomer of:

Sindh Mock 3
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) CH3 – (CH)2 COCH2CH3
Show Explanation

97 / 200

The maximum possible number of electrons a shell ‘n’ can accommodate is given by:

Sindh Mock 3
Atomic Structure
Sub Atomic Particles and Their Discoveries
A) n
Show Explanation
B) n2
Show Explanation
C) 2n2
Show Explanation
D) n3
Show Explanation

98 / 200

Which of the following solvents favor SN2 reactions?

Sindh Mock 3
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) Water
Show Explanation
B) Ammonia
Show Explanation
C) Carbon tetrachloride
Show Explanation
D) Acetic acid
Show Explanation

99 / 200

The strength of London forces depends on the size of:

Sindh Mock 3
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) Electrons
Show Explanation
B) Electronic cloud
Show Explanation
C) Lone pair on an atom
Show Explanation
D) Poles of atoms
Show Explanation

100 / 200

Comparative rates of diffusion of He and SO2 will be _______.

Sindh Mock 3
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Diffusion And Effusion
A) 8
Show Explanation
B) 2
Show Explanation
C) 4
Show Explanation
D) 16
Show Explanation

101 / 200

The efficiency of the carnot’s Engine Working between 150°C and 50°C is:

Sindh Mock 3
Heat and Thermodynamics
Thermodynamic Scale of Temperature
A) 22.3%
Show Explanation
B) 20.0%
Show Explanation
C) 23.6%
Show Explanation
D) 30.6%
Show Explanation

102 / 200

For, the reaction:

N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3

The production of NH3 will be favored at:

Sindh Mock 3
Chemical Equilibrium
Factors Affecting Equilibria
A) High pressure and catalyst
Show Explanation
B) Low pressure only
Show Explanation
C) Low pressure and catalyst
Show Explanation
D) High pressure only
Show Explanation

103 / 200

Given the reaction:

C3H6 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O

At STP, how many litres of O2 are needed to completely burn 5.0 litres of C3H6?

Sindh Mock 3
A) 5
Show Explanation
B) 10
Show Explanation
C) 10.5
Show Explanation
D) 15
Show Explanation
E) 25
Show Explanation

104 / 200

A dipolar charged but overall electrically neutral ion is called:

Sindh Mock 3
Chemistry of Life
Minerals of Biological Signifance
A) Zwitterion
Show Explanation
B) Unit electron
Show Explanation
C) Cation
Show Explanation
D) Anion
Show Explanation

105 / 200

Rectified spirit is converted into absolute alcohol by _________?

Sindh Mock 3
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers
A) Crystallization
Show Explanation
B) Distillation
Show Explanation
C) Re-distillation
Show Explanation
D) Fractional distillation
Show Explanation

106 / 200

Plants absorb it in the form of soluble phosphates. It is present abundantly in the growing and storage organs of plants. What is it?

Sindh Mock 3
Autotrophic Nutrition
A) H2O
Show Explanation
B) CO2
Show Explanation
C) K
Show Explanation
D) P
Show Explanation

107 / 200

The SI unit for intensity of sound is:

Sindh Mock 3
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Joule per second
Show Explanation
B) watt per metre square
Show Explanation
C) watt metre square
Show Explanation
D) joule per metre square
Show Explanation

108 / 200

Caster kellners cell evaporated has replaced __________ because the Caster Kellner process evaporates__________?

Sindh Mock 3
s and p Block Elements
General Behaviour of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
A) Gibbs diaphragm… mercury
Show Explanation
B) Iron box… aluminium
Show Explanation
C) Pyrites burners… oleum
Show Explanation
D) Nelson’s cell…. Chlorine
Show Explanation

109 / 200

The formula for phitkari is?

Sindh Mock 3
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Out of Syllabus
A) K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H20
Show Explanation
B) K2SO4.Cr2(SO4)3.24H2O
Show Explanation
C) (NH4)2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H20
Show Explanation
D) (NH4)2SO4.Cr2(SO4)3.24H20
Show Explanation

110 / 200

CH ≡ CH + 2AgNO3 -> AgC ≡ CAg + 2HNO3 represents _____ property of acetylene.

Sindh Mock 3
A) basic
Show Explanation
B) acidic
Show Explanation
C) dehydrating
Show Explanation
D) physical
Show Explanation

111 / 200

Which of the following compounds shows maximum Hydrogen Bonding?

Sindh Mock 3
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Liquids and Water
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) C6H11OH
Show Explanation

112 / 200

The oxidation number of all the elements in the free state is:

Sindh Mock 3
Oxidation Number or State
A) 1
Show Explanation
B) 3
Show Explanation
C) 0
Show Explanation
D) -1
Show Explanation

113 / 200

Metaboric acid when heated produces:

A) B2O3
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
C) H2B4O7
Show Explanation
D) H3BO3
Show Explanation

114 / 200

What volume in dm3 of KCl is obtained in the following equation if the volume of KCIO3 at the beginning of the reaction is 20 dm3?

2KClO3 -> 2KCl + 3O2

Sindh Mock 3
Theoretical Yield, Actual Yield and Percentage Yield
A) 2 dm3
Show Explanation
B) 74.5 dm3
Show Explanation
C) 50 dm3
Show Explanation
D) 40 dm3
Show Explanation
E) 20 dm3
Show Explanation

115 / 200

Matter changes from one state to another state on change in ___________.

Sindh Mock 3
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
States of Matter
A) density
Show Explanation
B) pressure
Show Explanation
C) viscosity
Show Explanation
D) all
Show Explanation

116 / 200

20 cm3 of a gaseous hydrocarbon was completely burnt in an excess of oxygen 60 cm3 of carbon dioxide and 40 cm3 of water vapours were formed, all volumes being measured at the same temperature and pressure. What is the formula of the hydrocarbon?

Sindh Mock 3
Introduction to Hydrocarbons
A) C2H6
Show Explanation
B) C3H4
Show Explanation
C) C3H6
Show Explanation
D) C3H8
Show Explanation

117 / 200

If the reaction, P + Q → R + S, is described as being of zero-order with respect to P, it means that:

Sindh Mock 3
Reaction Kinetics
Order of reaction and its determination
A) P is a catalyst in this reaction
Show Explanation
B) No P molecules possess sufficient energy to react
Show Explanation
C) The concentration of P does not change during the reaction
Show Explanation
D) The rate of reaction is independent of the concentration of P
Show Explanation

118 / 200

Which one of the following has the lowest % ionic character?

Sindh Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
Electrovalent or Ionic Bond
A) CCl4
Show Explanation
B) BCl3
Show Explanation
C) BeCl2
Show Explanation
D) LiCl
Show Explanation

119 / 200

IUPAC name of this is (CH3)2 – CH – CH (C2H5) – C(CH3)3

Sindh Mock 3
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) 3-ethyl-2, 2, 4-trimethyl pentane
Show Explanation
B) 4-ethyl-2, 2, 4-trimethyl pentane
Show Explanation
C) 5-ethyl-2, 2, 4-trimethyl pentane
Show Explanation
D) 2-ethyl-2, 2, 4-trimethyl pentane
Show Explanation

120 / 200

The bonding pair of electrons are equally shared between the atoms in?

Sindh Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
Covalent Bond
Show Explanation
B) HCl
Show Explanation
C) H2O
Show Explanation
D) H2
Show Explanation

121 / 200

IUPAC name of the compound (CH3)2-CH-CH(C2H5)-C(CH3)3 is :

Sindh Mock 3
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) 3-ethyl-2,2,4-trimethylpentane
Show Explanation
B) 3-ethyl-2,2,4-trimethylpentene
Show Explanation
C) 3-ethyl-2,4-dimethylpentane
Show Explanation
D) 4-ethyl-3-methylhexane
Show Explanation

122 / 200

________ is used as a preservative for life specimens.

Sindh Mock 3
Introduction and Structure of Polymers
A) H2SO4
Show Explanation
B) Ammonia
Show Explanation
C) Methanol
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
E) Formalin
Show Explanation

123 / 200

Nitrogen dioxide decomposes on heating according to the following equation:

2NO2 (g) ⇌ 2NO (g)+ O2 (g)

When 4 moles of nitrogen dioxide were put into a 1 dm3 container and heated to a constant temperature, the equilibrium mixture contained 0.8 moles of oxygen.

What is the numerical value of the equilibrium constant, Kc, at the temperature of the experiment?

Sindh Mock 3
Chemical Equilibrium
Equilibrium Constant
A) Option A
Show Explanation
B) Option B
Show Explanation
C) Option C
Show Explanation
D) Option D
Show Explanation

124 / 200

The colour of methyl orange in base is?

Sindh Mock 3
Acids, Bases and Salts
Acidic, Basic and Amphoteric Substances
A) Red
Show Explanation
B) yellow
Show Explanation
C) orange
Show Explanation
D) pink
Show Explanation

125 / 200

(HCHO)nH20 is the chemical formula for?

Sindh Mock 3
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) Formic acid
Show Explanation
B) Paraformaldehyde
Show Explanation
C) á – methyl propionaldehyde
Show Explanation
D) Propionic acid
Show Explanation

126 / 200

Pierrie Curie and Marie Curie isolated which radioactive element?

Sindh Mock 3
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
A) Lithium
Show Explanation
B) Radium
Show Explanation
C) Boron
Show Explanation
D) Uranium
Show Explanation

127 / 200

Oxidation Number of all the elements in the free state is?

Sindh Mock 3
d and f Block Elements
A) Unity
Show Explanation
B) Positive
Show Explanation
C) Zero
Show Explanation
D) Negative
Show Explanation

128 / 200

Consider the following reaction

N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO (g) Kc- 0.1 at 2000 C

If the original concentration of N2 and O2 were 0.1 M each. Calculate the concentrations of NO at equilibrium.

Sindh Mock 3
Chemical Equilibrium
State of Chemical Equilibrium
A) 0.028 M
Show Explanation
B) 0.0012 M
Show Explanation
C) 0.18 M
Show Explanation
D) 0.0018 M
Show Explanation

129 / 200

Harmful and undesirable reaction of a metal when exposed to the atmosphere or any chemical agent is known as:

Sindh Mock 3
A) Allotropy
Show Explanation
B) Electroplating
Show Explanation
C) Collision
Show Explanation
D) Cracking
Show Explanation
E) Corrosion
Show Explanation

130 / 200

If NaCl produced in the equation:

FeCl3+ NaOH → Fe(OH)3 + NaCl

175.5 g of NaCl was dissolved in water to make a liter of solution, the molarity would be:

Sindh Mock 3
Solution and Colloids
Colligative Properties of Solutions
A) 0.1 M
Show Explanation
B) 3 M
Show Explanation
C) 8 M
Show Explanation
D) 12 M
Show Explanation

131 / 200

Which of the following molecules have zero Dipole moments?

Sindh Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
Covalent Bond
A) CCl4
Show Explanation
B) CO2
Show Explanation
C) Cl2
Show Explanation
D) C6H6
Show Explanation
E) All of the above
Show Explanation

132 / 200

The number of electrons present in n=2 , l = 1 and m = 1, 0, -1 are:

Sindh Mock 3
Atomic Structure
Plancks Quantum Theory
A) 2
Show Explanation
B) 6
Show Explanation
C) 8
Show Explanation
D) 10
Show Explanation

133 / 200

The total of all the possible kind of energies in a system is called:

Sindh Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
Energetics of Bond Formation
A) Total energy
Show Explanation
B) Kinetic Energy
Show Explanation
C) Potential Energy
Show Explanation
D) Internal Energy
Show Explanation

134 / 200

Which one is not a monosaccharide?

Sindh Mock 3
Chemistry of Life
A) Galactose
Show Explanation
B) Fructose
Show Explanation
C) Mannose
Show Explanation
D) Lactose
Show Explanation

135 / 200

The principle of a capacitor is based on which of the following facts?

Sindh Mock 3
Alternating Current
Alternating Voltage and Current
A) potential of a conductor is greatly increased with a decrease in the charge in it increase in the charge in it. affecting the charge in it
Show Explanation
B) potential of a conductor is greatly reduced with an increase in the charge in it.
Show Explanation
C) potential of a conductor is greatly increased without affecting the charge in it
Show Explanation
D) potential of a conductor is greatly reduced without affecting the charge in it
Show Explanation
E) potential of a conductor is greatly increased with an increase in the charge in it
Show Explanation

136 / 200

Only two elements are present in:

Sindh Mock 3
s and p Block Elements
Introduction to s and p Block Elements
A) Period 1
Show Explanation
B) Period 2
Show Explanation
C) Period 3
Show Explanation
D) Period 4
Show Explanation

137 / 200

Which of the following statements is true of Amorphous solids?

Sindh Mock 3
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Types of Solids
A) They possess symmetry
Show Explanation
B) They are isotropic
Show Explanation
C) They are anisotropic
Show Explanation
D) They cleave along a particular direction
Show Explanation

138 / 200

Reaction of Aldehydes with the Tollen’s reagent results in the formation of ____________?

Sindh Mock 3
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Red precipitate
Show Explanation
B) Yellow precipitate
Show Explanation
C) Silver mirror
Show Explanation
D) Brick red precipitate
Show Explanation

139 / 200

Sulphur-16 gets its stabilization by gaining 2 electron to become equal to

Sindh Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
Energetics of Bond Formation
A) Neon
Show Explanation
B) Argon
Show Explanation
C) Helium
Show Explanation
D) Krypton
Show Explanation

140 / 200

A body having translatory motion possesses _____ and _____. In the same way a body having rotatory motion possesses _______ and _______.

Sindh Mock 3
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Angular momentum… Angular velocity…. Linear momentum….Linear velocity
Show Explanation
B) Linear velocity…linear momentum…. Angular velocity…. angular momentum
Show Explanation
C) Linear momentum…. angular momentum…… linear velocity…. angular velocity
Show Explanation
D) Angular velocity…. angular momentum….. linear momentum….. linear velocity
Show Explanation

141 / 200

If the difference between electronegativity values between two atoms is less than 1.7 , the bond is necessarily:

Sindh Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
Electron Affinity and Electronegativity
A) Ionic
Show Explanation
B) Covalent
Show Explanation
C) Electrovalent
Show Explanation
D) Polar
Show Explanation

142 / 200

According to which phenomenon, “the properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic number.”

Sindh Mock 3
s and p Block Elements
Periodicity in Elements
A) Mendeleev’s periodic law
Show Explanation
B) Newland’s law of octaves
Show Explanation
C) Doberenier’s triads
Show Explanation
D) Lothar Meyer’s classification
Show Explanation
E) Modern periodic law
Show Explanation

143 / 200

What is the product of both fermentation reactions and fractional distillation:

Sindh Mock 3
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) An ester
Show Explanation
B) An acid
Show Explanation
C) An alcohol
Show Explanation
D) A soap
Show Explanation
E) A base
Show Explanation

144 / 200

Amylopectin has ______ linkage.

Sindh Mock 3
Chemistry of Life
A) α 1 – 4 glycosidic
Show Explanation
B) β 1 – 4 and 1 – 6 glycosidic
Show Explanation
C) α 1-4 and 1 – 6 glycosidic
Show Explanation
D) β 1 – 4 glycosidic
Show Explanation

145 / 200

GN lewis described which one of the following bonds?

Sindh Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
Covalent Bond
A) Ionic bond
Show Explanation
B) covalent bond
Show Explanation
C) coordinate covalent bond
Show Explanation
D) all of the above
Show Explanation

146 / 200

Enzymes are also called as ___________.

Sindh Mock 3
Reaction Kinetics
A) Catalyst
Show Explanation
B) Lipoproteins
Show Explanation
C) Conjugated molecules
Show Explanation
D) Biocatalyst
Show Explanation

147 / 200

EDTA ion is a ________ ligand.

Sindh Mock 3
s and p Block Elements
A) Monodentate
Show Explanation
B) Bidentate
Show Explanation
C) Tridentate
Show Explanation
D) Polydentate
Show Explanation

148 / 200

The smaller the distance of the object from the eye, the visual angle will be:

Sindh Mock 3
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
A) Smaller
Show Explanation
B) Greater
Show Explanation
C) Constant
Show Explanation
D) Negligible
Show Explanation

149 / 200

During condensation polymerization, two monomers may be joined by the removal of a molecule of:

Sindh Mock 3
Polymerization Process
A) Carbon Dioxide
Show Explanation
B) Hydrogen
Show Explanation
C) Oxygen
Show Explanation
D) Water
Show Explanation

150 / 200

The range of pH below ___ and above ____ of soil represent its sterilIty.

Sindh Mock 3
Acids, Bases and Salts
A) 5….10
Show Explanation
B) 10….15
Show Explanation
C) 3….10
Show Explanation
D) 10….3
Show Explanation

151 / 200

Catenation is a process in which carbon shows the properties of:

Sindh Mock 3
Introduction to Hydrocarbons
A) Making single bond
Show Explanation
B) Hybridization
Show Explanation
C) Making chains or rings of carbon atoms
Show Explanation
D) Isomerism
Show Explanation

152 / 200

Which of the following has the maximum number of unpaired d electrons?

Sindh Mock 3
d and f Block Elements
A) Mg 2+
Show Explanation
B) Ti 3+
Show Explanation
C) V 3+
Show Explanation
D) Fe 2+
Show Explanation

153 / 200

A 60 kg boy runs up a hill through a height of 6 m in 3 seconds. How much work does he do against gravitational force?

Sindh Mock 3
Work, Power & Energy
A) 3000 J
Show Explanation
B) 2528 J
Show Explanation
C) 3500 J
Show Explanation
D) 3528 J
Show Explanation

154 / 200

How can we define linear magnification produced by a lens?

Sindh Mock 3
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
Magnifying and Resolving Power of Optical Instruments
A) The ratio of the object distance to the image distance
Show Explanation
B) The ratio of the image distance to the focal length
Show Explanation
C) the ratio of the size of the object to the size of the image
Show Explanation
D) the ratio of the size of the image to the size of the object
Show Explanation

155 / 200

A battery of 12 volts is connected to three resistors of 4 Ohm, 5 Ohm and 3 Ohm joined together in parallel. The current through the 3 – Ohm resistances is _____.

Sindh Mock 3
Current Electricity
Ohms Law
A) 1.0A
Show Explanation
B) 2.5A
Show Explanation
C) 3.0A
Show Explanation
D) 4.0A
Show Explanation

156 / 200

The torque will be greater if:

Sindh Mock 3
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Both magnitude of force and moment arm are smaller
Show Explanation
B) Both magnitude of force and moment arm are greater
Show Explanation
C) Only magnitude of force is greater
Show Explanation
D) Only moment arm is greater
Show Explanation

157 / 200

When the aircraft Concorde is moving in a horizontal plane at a constant speed of 650 ms-1, its turning circle has a radius of 80 km. What is the ratio of the centripetal force to the weight of the aircraft? (g = 9.8 m/s2)

Sindh Mock 3
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 8.3 x 10^4
Show Explanation
B) 0.54
Show Explanation
C) 1.9
Show Explanation
D) 52
Show Explanation

158 / 200

A travelling wave, in which the particles of the distributed medium, move parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave is called:

Sindh Mock 3
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Transverse wave
Show Explanation
B) Circular wave
Show Explanation
C) Longitudinal wave
Show Explanation
D) Stationary wave
Show Explanation

159 / 200

The sum of Kinetic energy and the Potential energy is always constant provided that _____ .

Sindh Mock 3
Work, Power & Energy
A) There is a greater force of friction involved during motion
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B) The body is in simple harmonic motion
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C) There is less force of friction involved during motion
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D) No force of friction involved during motion
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160 / 200

What will be the energy of an X-ray quantum of wave length 1.0 x 10-10 m?

Sindh Mock 3
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) 0.6 x 10^-15 J
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B) 1.98 x 10^-15 J
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C) 3.7 x 10^-15 J
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D) 4.7 x 10^-15 J
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161 / 200

In an astronomical telescope, the lens called eyepiece forms an image of a distant object that is:

Sindh Mock 3
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
Simple, Compound and Astronomical Microscopes
A) Real and diminished
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B) Real and magnified
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C) Virtual and diminished
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D) Virtual and magnified
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162 / 200

Projectile must be launched at which angle with the horizontal to attain maximum range?

Sindh Mock 3
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) 90 degrees
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B) 45 degrees
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C) 75 degrees
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D) 105 degrees
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163 / 200

Artificial gravity can be supplied by which of the following ways so that normal force of gravity can be generated for the astronaut:

Sindh Mock 3
Orbital Velocity
A) Rotating the space craft
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B) Back and forth motion spacecraft
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C) Up and down movement of spacecraft
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D) Keeping the space craft stationary
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164 / 200

R1 and R2 are two-position vectors making angles θ1 and θ2 with positive X-axis respectively. Their vector product is:

[R1 = 4 cm, R2 = 3 cm , θ1 = 30 degrees , θ2 = 90 ]

Sindh Mock 3
Scalars and Vectors
Cartesian Coordinate System
A) 12√3
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B) 6√3
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C) 6√12
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D) 12√6
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165 / 200

A shot leaves a gun at the rate of 160 m/s. Calculate the greatest distance to which it could be projected. (Take g = 10 m/s2)

Sindh Mock 3
Forces and Motion
Motion in Two Dimensions
A) 2460 m
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B) 2560 m
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C) 2680 m
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D) 2760 m
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166 / 200

If the frequency of a pendulum is four times greater on an unknown planet than it is on earth, then the gravitational constant on that planet is:

Sindh Mock 3
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) 16 times greater
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B) 4 times greater
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C) 4 times lower
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D) 16 times lower
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167 / 200

A car starts from rest and moves with a constant acceleration. During the 5th second of its motion, it covers a distance of 36 meters. What is the acceleration of the car?

Sindh Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) 12.5 m/s2
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B) 8 m/s2
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C) 15 m/s2
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D) 16 m/s2
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168 / 200

A car of mass 1200 kg initially at rest has been accelerated to a speed of 8 m/s in 16 meters. Average acceleration of the car is ______ m/s2? And force is _____ N?

Sindh Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) 1.5 and 1500
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B) 2.5 and 2400
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C) 3.5 and 3500
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D) 2 and 2400
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169 / 200

A 40 kg block is resting at a height of 5m off the ground. If the block is released and falls to the ground, what is its total energy at a height 2m? (g= 10 m/s2)

Sindh Mock 3
Work, Power & Energy
A) 0 J
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B) 400 J
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C) 2 kJ
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D) 6 kJ
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170 / 200

The amount of heat at constant volume is called as:

Sindh Mock 3
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) Internal energy
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B) Enthalpy
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C) Entropy
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D) Temperature
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171 / 200

In an astronomical telescope, the distance between the objective and eyepiece is called:

Sindh Mock 3
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
Magnifying and Resolving Power of Optical Instruments
A) Magnifying Power of the telescope
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B) Width of the telescope
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C) Length of the telescope
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D) Height of the telescope
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172 / 200

In the Compton Scattering experiment the X-ray wavelength change Δλ is ___________. Here h is Planck constant, m rest mass of electron and θ is angle after scattering.

Sindh Mock 3
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) Δλ=h/moC(1+ Cosθ)
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B) λ=h/moC(1 – Cos2θ)
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C) Δλ=h/moC(1 – Cosθ)
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D) Δλ=h/moC2(1 + Cosθ)
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173 / 200

The linear magnification produced by a lens is defined as the ratio of the:

I. Size of the image to the size of object

II. Size of the lens to the size of object

III. Size of the lens to the size of the image

Sindh Mock 3
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
Magnifying and Resolving Power of Optical Instruments
A) I only
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B) II only
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C) III only
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D) II and III only
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174 / 200

A coil of 600 turns is threaded by a flux of 8×10-5 webers if this flux is reduced to 3×10-5 webers in 0.015 seconds. The average induced e.m.f. is:

Sindh Mock 3
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays and Lenz Law and Induced EMF
A) -2.0 volts
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B) -3.0 volts
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C) +2.0 volts
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D) +2.5 volts
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175 / 200

If the diameter of the earth becomes two times its present value and its mass remains unchanged, then how would the weight of an object on the surface of the earth be affected?

Sindh Mock 3
Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
A) Becomes double
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B) Becomes one fourth
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C) Becomes one third
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D) Remains same
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176 / 200

The vector product of two vectors A and B is ____ vectors A and B.

Sindh Mock 3
Scalars and Vectors
Product of Two Vectors
A) Equal to the product of magnitudes of
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B) In the plane parallel to
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C) Perpendicular to the plane containing
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D) Less in magnitude than the product of magnitudes of
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177 / 200

If 92 U 235, decays by emitting two α one β and two γ -rays the new daughter element is = _______.

Sindh Mock 3
Nuclear Physics
A) 88 Y 227
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B) 89 Y 227
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C) 90 Y 227
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D) 89 Y 231
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178 / 200

An electric kettle of 1500 watts rating boils a certain quantity of water in 5 minutes, the heat which is generated for boiling this water is:

Sindh Mock 3
Work, Power & Energy
A) 45×104 Joules
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B) 48×104 Joules
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C) 56×104 Joules
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D) 36×104 Joules
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179 / 200

Which statement describes the electric potential difference between two points in the electric field of charge Q?

Sindh Mock 3
A) The difference of electric field between the points per unit charge.
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B) The ratio of the power dissipated between the points to the mass of charge
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C) The work done in moving a test charge between points divided by the magnitude of the test charge.
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D) The force required to move a unit positive charge between the points per unit charge.
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180 / 200

An electron moving with velocity v has momentum 3 x 10 -26 Kg.m/s. The de Broglie wavelength associated with it is ______. Value of h = 6.63 x 10-34 is.

Sindh Mock 3
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) 24.1 nm
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B) 22.14 m
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C) 22.1 nm
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D) 22.1 mm
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181 / 200

The velocity of a particle is related to time according to the equation

V= ct3. The dimensions of constant are _______.

Sindh Mock 3
Dimensions of Physical Quantities
A) L-1 T-1
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B) L T-3
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C) LT -4
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D) L-2 T-2
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182 / 200

A body starts sliding on a rough horizontal surface with a speed of 10 m/s. If the coefficient of friction is 0.2, find the distance traveled by the body before coming to rest. (g = 10m/s)

Sindh Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) 15 m
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B) 25 m
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C) 35 m
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D) 40 m
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183 / 200

The dimensions of acceleration are:

Sindh Mock 3
Dimensions of Physical Quantities
A) LT-1
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B) LT-2
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C) L3
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D) L2
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184 / 200

Applications of laser is/are:

Sindh Mock 3
Atomic Spectra
A) to perform precision surveying and length measurements
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B) as a potential energy source for including nuclear fusion reactions
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C) for telephone communications along optical fibers
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D) for precision cutting of metals and other materials
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E) all of these
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185 / 200

How many types of modulations are possible with sinusoidal carrier?

Sindh Mock 3
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Only one
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B) Two
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C) Three
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D) Four
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186 / 200

A rotating wheel of radius 0.5 m has an angular velocity of 5 rad/s at some instant and 10 rad / s after 5 s. Find the angular acceleration of a point on its rim.

Sindh Mock 3
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 1 rad / s2
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B) 3 rad / s2
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C) 5rad / s2
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D) 7rad / s2
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187 / 200

Look at this series: 12, 11, 13, 12, 14, 13, … What number should come next?

Sindh Mock 3
Logical Reasoning
Letters and Symbols Series
A) 10
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B) 16
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C) 13
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D) 15

188 / 200

Two blocks, X and Y, of masses m and 2m respectively, are accelerated along a smooth horizontal surface by a force F applied to block X, as shown in the diagram.

What is the magnitude of the force exerted by block Y on block X during this acceleration?

Sindh Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) 0
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B) F/3
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C) F/2
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D) 2F/3
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189 / 200

A block with a mass of 0.1 kg is attached to a spring and placed on a horizontal frictionless table. The spring is stretched 20 cm when a force of 5 N is applied, the spring constant is:

Sindh Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) 50 Nm-1
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B) 25 Nm-1
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C) 75 Nm-1
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D) 100 Nm-1
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190 / 200

The formula for the Paschen series for the Hydrogen spectrum is _______.

Sindh Mock 3
Atomic Spectra
Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
A) 1/λ=Rh(1/22 – 1/n2 ) n=3,4,5
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B) 1/λ=Rh(1/42- 1/n2) n=2,3,4,5
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C) 1/λ=Rh(1/42- 1/n2 ) n=5,6,7
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D) 1/λ=Rh(1/32- 1/n2 ) n=4,5,6
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191 / 200

Beta particles are the particles emitted from the _____ of an atom.

Sindh Mock 3
Nuclear Physics
A) Inner atomic shells
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B) Outer atomic shells
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C) Innermost atomic shell
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D) Nucleus
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192 / 200

There is a current of 25 A in a long straight wire. What is the flux density at a point 3 cm from the wire?

Sindh Mock 3
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Flux and Flux Density
A) 1.67 x 10-4 T
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B) 3.67 x 10-4 T
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C) 5.67 x 10-4 T
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D) 7.67 x 10-4 T
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193 / 200

Which of the following is not a base unit in the SI system?

Sindh Mock 3
International System of Units
A) Ampere
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B) Second
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C) Meter per second
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D) Candela
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194 / 200

The speed of light is very nearly equal to;

Sindh Mock 3
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
A) 5x108m/sec
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B) 3x1016m/sec
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C) 4x108m/sec
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D) 3x108m/sec
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195 / 200

A body is hanging from a rigid support by an extensible string of length L. It is struck inelastically by an identical body of mass m with horizontal velocity v =√2gl , the tension in the string increases just after striking by:

Sindh Mock 3
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) mg
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B) 3mg
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C) 2mg
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D) None of these
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196 / 200

Coal and petrol are stores of chemical energy when are burnt, chemical energy is converted into heat energy i.e chemical energy = heat energy + ______.

Sindh Mock 3
Work, Power & Energy
A) Electrical energy
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B) losses
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C) gains
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D) wind energy
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197 / 200

The sinusoidal wave from can be varied by using which of the following parameters?

I. Frequency of the carrier wave

II. Amplitude of the carrier wave

IIl. Phase angle

Sindh Mock 3
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) I only
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B) I and II only
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C) I and III only
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D) III only
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E) I, II and III
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198 / 200

A material that does NOT become radioactive after absorbing neutrons is called.

Sindh Mock 3
Nuclear Physics
A) Shielding
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B) Reactor fuel
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C) Control material
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D) Both A and C
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199 / 200

A 50 watt bulb is operated by 120 volts. What is the current through the bulb?

Sindh Mock 3
Current Electricity
Electric Current
A) 0.416 A
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B) 1.5 A
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C) 2.5 A
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D) 3.5 A
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200 / 200

Transformer works on the principle of:

Sindh Mock 3
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Self induction
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B) Mutual magnetic induction
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C) Electrostatics
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D) Mutual charging
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