When you Should start Entry Test Preparations before FSC Board exams?

It’s recommended to start preparing for the MDCAT NUMS ECAT NUST AKU entry tests well in advance of the test date, ideally at least 6 months before the test. However, the specific time to start entry test preparation can depend on individual circumstances and preferences.

For students who are planning to take the entry tests after completing their FSC board exams, it’s recommended to start preparing for the entry tests during the summer break between their first and second year of FSC. This allows students to focus on their FSC board exams during the academic year without the added pressure of entry test preparation.

Starting entry test preparation early can also provide students with more time to cover the syllabus thoroughly, identify and work on weak areas, and practice sample questions and mock tests. This can improve their chances of performing well in the entry tests and securing admission to their desired universities.

However, it’s important to strike a balance between entry test preparation and academic studies. Students should ensure that they allocate sufficient time and attention to their FSC board exams as they are an important factor in university admissions. Additionally, students should also prioritize their mental and physical health and ensure that they do not overburden themselves with excessive study and preparation.

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