MDCAT Mock Test 9

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MDCAT Mock Test 9

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1 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.57 Electron transport chain pumps protons across the membrane from __________ to ____________.

2 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.56 During cyclic photophosphorylation, electrons are diverted back to:

3 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.55 Immunogen is a foreign substance and stimulates the formation of:

4 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.54 First cardiac sound is associated with:

5 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.53  In case of snake bite, the most appropriate strategy to provide immunity would be:

6 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.52 The plasma pool of antibodies is synthesized from:

7 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.51 The heavy and light chains of an antibody molecule is held together by:

8 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.51 The heavy and light chains of an antibody molecule is held together by:

9 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.51 The heavy and light chains of an antibody molecule is held together by:

10 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.50  Which of the following hormones is essential for the production of sperms?

11 / 200

Category: Biology


Q.49   Gastric secretion is stimulated by:

12 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.48  Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

13 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.47  The chemical nature of oxytocin is:

14 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.46  Identify the property which is not related to cardiac muscle:

15 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.45 Muscle fatigue is characterized by all except:

16 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.45 Muscle fatigue is characterized by all except:

17 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.44  When calcium gates of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum are open, then calcium is released into:

18 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.43  Which of the following disappear during muscle contraction?

19 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.42 All of the following are paired facial bones except:

20 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.41  Corpus luteum is yellow glandular mass and is important source of:

21 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.40  Which statement is incorrect:

22 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.39   The fertilization of ovum takes place at:

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Category: Biology

Q.38  Testosterone is produce by which of the following?

24 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.37  Which of the following neuron has a single long dendron?

25 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.36   Parkinson’s disease is caused by cell death, which produces ____________.

26 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.33  Food in plants is transported in the form of:

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Category: Biology

Q.32  In the ascent of sap, water moves up in:

28 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.31  Due to short distance between lungs and heart, walls of right ventricle are:

29 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.30  Arterial blood contains ___________of CO2/100 ml of blood:

30 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.30  Arterial blood contains ___________of CO2/100 ml of blood:

31 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.29 Diaphragm is a sheet of:

32 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.28  The vocal cords are stretched across:

33 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.27   The stimulus for the production of more gastrin hormone from the gastric endocrine lining is:

34 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.26   The function/s of HCl during digestion is/are:

35 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.25  The substrate of the trypsin is:

36 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.24  Pepsinogen is produce by:

37 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.23   The vectors for disease spread belong to which of the following phylum?

38 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.22  Pick the one which releases anticoagulant in human intestine to prevent clotting:

39 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.21  All of the following are true for platyhelminthes except:

40 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.20  Of the following, which one is not the characteristic of kingdom animalia:

41 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.19   Of the following, which one is not included in protostomes:

42 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.18   Pick the incorrect pair:

43 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.17  Teichoic acids are the characters of:

44 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.16  Retroviruses have a special enzyme ‘reverse transcriptase’ which can convert ____________into ___________.

45 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.15 The inhibitory effect of which inhibitor can be more dangerous in Krebs cycle?

46 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.14   A man is suffering from fever. What will be the effect on his enzyme activity of the body?

47 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.13  Without enzymes, the biological reaction would proceed at:

48 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.12 The least stable RNA present in the cell is:

49 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.11 Which of the following statement regarding lecithin is correct?

50 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.10  Which of the following bond is more resistant to temperature when protein gets denatured?

51 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.9    The linkage formed when one molecule of glucose combines with one molecule of fructose is:

52 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.8   How many carbon atoms contribute to form glucopyranose?

53 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.7     Ribosomes are assembled in the nucleolus and then exported to cytoplasm via:

54 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.6  All of the following are the functions of endoplasmic reticulum except:

55 / 200

Category: Biology

How are new mitochondria formed by the pre-existing ones?

56 / 200

Category: Biology

Which of the following transport mechanism induces conformational change in protein?

57 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.3  Which statement about cell membrane is incorrect?

58 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.2 Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells generally have which of the following features in common?

59 / 200

Category: Biology

Which of the following single membranous organelle is absent in plant cells?


60 / 200

Category: Biology

Q.67 The animals which belong to division Radiata is/are?

61 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

Which one is not correct for a productive theory?

62 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

A series of hypothesis supported by the results of many tests is called

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Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

Biological sciences have a set methodology and it is based on

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Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

An unbroken series of species arranged in ancestors to descendent sequence with each later species having evolved from one that immediately preceded it is called:

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Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

It is possible to date the rocks by comparing the amount of specific radioactive isotopes they contain. Which of the statement is correct in this respect:

66 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

The concept that various organisms dominated this planet during various geological time period and thus placing organisms in a time squence came from the studies by

67 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

A large regional community primarily determined by climate is called :

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Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

Different species of plants and animals living in the same habitat is called :

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Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

Group of living organisms of the same species living in the same place at the same time is called

70 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.159 The angular frequency and the frequency of a SHM are related as:

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Category: Physics


Q.158 If a body of mass m is rotating in a circle of radius r with frequency of rotation “f” then centripetal force acting on it is

72 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.157 A wheel from 1 m diameter makes 60 rev/min. The linear speed of a point on its rim in m/s is

73 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.156 In equation 90° is angle between

74 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.155 A body is thrown vertically upward with velocity 50 m/s when its velocity become 10 m/s % of its K.E which changed into P.E is

75 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.154  K.E of a body become th than its initial value. What is the change in its velocity?

76 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.153 The area under power time graph and time axis is equal to

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Category: Physics

Q.152 Work done by a certain force is 100 J when and its value is 0 J when . At which of given angle work done is equal to average value of work at both these angles

78 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.150   A body travels 4 m due north and then turns east and travels 3 m due east. the displacement of the body is:

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Category: Physics

Q.149 If the range of projectile be R then its K.E is maximum after covering (from start) a horizontal distance equal to:

80 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.147  Force is measured according to which law of motion

81 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.146  The quantity of uranium is 400g. After 3rd half-life, how much uranium will be left?

82 / 200

Category: Physics

  • Q.145  A half-life of sodium-24 is __________ which is used to estimate the volume of blood in a patient:

83 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.143  A 5 watt LED bulb converts 80% of the power into light photos of wavelength 660 nm. What is the number of photons emitted from the bulb in one seco+G124nd?

84 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.142 A proton, accelerated through a p.d V has a certain de Broglie wavelength. In order to have the same de Broglie wavelength, an a – particle must be accelerated through a potential difference

85 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.141 If we change the magnetic flux linking a coil by rotating the coil in a constant magnetic field, the rate of change of this flux is:

86 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.140 A magnetic field exists around

87 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.139 The direction of magnetic lines of force is

88 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.138 The electric current in conductor is due to the flow of

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Category: Physics

Q.137 If the current through a resistance is halved, then the

90 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.136  The resistance of silicon decreases with

91 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.135 Initially, when the capacitor is uncharged, the potential difference between plates is

92 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.133 The third harmonic in an open organ pipe is known as

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Category: Physics

Q.132 The time taken by a particle to travel between a trough and a crest in a transverse wave is

94 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.131 A wheel from 1 m diameter makes 60 rev/min. The linear speed of a point on its rim in m/s is

95 / 200

Category: Physics


Q.128 Slope of force displacement is measured in unit

96 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.127 Work done will be zero if angle between Force and displacement is:

97 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.126   A projectile is thrown at 45°, its range is 90 m what is its initial velocity

98 / 200

Category: Physics

Q.125 A source of 10 volt is applied across a  wire, the current is  

99 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

if 5.1 and 3.014 added. the number of significant figures will be in final answer

100 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

1 rad is equal to how many degrees

101 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

1 femto

a) 10-15

b) 10-9

c) 10-6

d) None

102 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Which measure Is nearest to your height?

103 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Suppose A =4.1, and B= 3.26 and the result from calculator comes to be 1.00876543. What should be the correct number of significant figures In final answer If multiplication and division only?

104 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

if v is the velocity of an object, then the following equation is always:



105 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Which of the following quantity has the dimension MLT-1

106 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Pa m2 is the unit of

107 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Unit of pressure?

108 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

1 Inch = —- cm

109 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Number of Significant figures in 0.001634 Is:

110 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

If A = 2.79 and B = 8.1 , then A+B =?

111 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

What are the Dimensions of P^2/m, where P is the momentum and m is the mass?

112 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Least count of micrometer screw gauge is

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Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Radian Is a:

114 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

If v = a + bt, the dimensions of a and b are

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Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Which one has least value?

116 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Parsec(pc) is the unit of ?

117 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Unit of light year Is:

118 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 10 Class 11

If d is the distance of distinct vision, the magnifying power of a magnifying glass of focal length f is

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Category: Physics Ch 10 Class 11

The power of a concave lens is

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Category: Physics Ch 11 Class 11

Which of the ,following act as a heat pump?

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Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

When two suspended objects are seem to attract each other electrically:

122 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 13 Class 12

If a magnetic field around a current carrying wire is anticlockwise then the direction of current flow is a

123 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

the value of permeability

124 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.140 Which of the following acid solution is used for the seasoning of food?

125 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.139 Redox Reaction are actually transfer of

126 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.138 Instantaneous rate of reaction is the rate at any

127 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.137 SN reactions have which of the following specie formed and consumed in the reaction?

128 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.136 SN reactions are favored by which of the following reactions?

129 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.135 If pressure and volume of a gas are Variable while temperature remains constant, this belongs to

130 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.134 Why phenol is more acidic than Alcohol?

131 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.133 Metals look shiny as light falls on metal surface collide with mobile electrons and make them these electron gives light when

132 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.132 Cyclic compounds consist of except?

133 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.131 BH3 has a geometry with H-B-H bond angles of 12

134 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.130 First member of alkynes is called as______________-

135 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.129 The biochemical process used in the synthesis of alcohol in the presence of yeast is called as____________________?.

136 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.128 Which of the following element is not usually present in all proteins?

137 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.127 Limiting reactant controls the amount of,

138 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.126 What is the coordination number of Pt in [PtCINO2)NH3)4]

139 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.125 Standard electrode Potential is denoted by

140 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.6 The Relative atomíc mass of copper is

141 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.5 The smallest part of the crystal lattice has all the properties of the entire Crystals, this is called

142 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.4 Melting and boiling point of transition elements are higher due to

143 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.3 The equilibrium Constant is always written as a ratio of

144 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.2 The difference in the E.N values of the bonded atoms b/w two atoms is an index to_of covalent bond

145 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.1 The carbonyl compound which is attached with at least one H atom at one side is called as ?

146 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.124 The organic acid with the highest pKa value is

147 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.123 Protein present in hides of animals is precipitated by

148 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.122 Glycoprotein is classified as

149 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.121 The lost in globular structure of enzyme is called ___________ of enzyme

150 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.120 Cyanohydrin are formed from carbonyl compounds by __________ reactions mechanism

151 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.119 Most reactive compound among the following is

152 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.118 Which of the following will not give iodoform test?

153 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.117 The rate of esterification of alcohols is more for

154 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.116 Phenol does not evolve CO2 from NaHCO3 like carboxylic acids because phenol is

155 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.115 Alcohols can be oxidized to aldehyde and ketone by warming with acidified potassium dichromate. Which among of the following alcohols resists to this change

156 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q114.The least acidic alcohol is

157 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.112 Which of the following alkyl halides undergoes SN1 reaction fastest?

158 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.111 Which one is primary alkyl halide?

159 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.110   When acetylene is passed through the ammonical solution of copper chloride, the precipitate formed is of ____________ colour

160 / 200

Category: Chemistry


Q.107  When 1- Butene reacts with cold dilute KMnO4 in basic media, the product formed will be

161 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.106  +G108  The Markownikof’s rule is applicable only on

162 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.105 Free radical substitution reactions are preferably followed by

163 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.104  Which of the following does not show chain isomers

164 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.103 In phenol, the hydroxyl group is attached to

165 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.102 The hetero atom present in furan is

166 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.100  I–I bond distance in case of gases iodine is

167 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.99 The ionic compound with the highest lattice energy is

168 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.98 The pair of liquids having the H-bonding as dominate force of attraction in the mixture but not individually

169 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.96 If increase in temperature and volume of an ideal gas is two times, then the initial pressure p charge to

170 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.95 250cm3 of a hypothetical gas is cooled from 127°C to –73°C by maintaining the pressure constant. The new volume of the gas at low temperature is

171 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.94 Which of the following spherical subshell for valance electrons

172 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.93   Which element has electronic configuration of [Ar]4s1, 3d5

173 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.92 The correct statement about 2px and 2pz is

174 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q. 89 The number of formula units in 125g of hydrated copper sulphate (CuSO4.5H2O) are (Cu = 64, S = 32)

175 / 200

Category: Chemistry


Q.88  Most electronegative element among alkali metals

176 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.87 O2-2 + 2H2O → 2H2O2, In this reaction O2-2 act as

177 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Q.86 Al powder heated in steam produces Al2O3 and

178 / 200

Category: English

Q.181.Choose the Correct sentence

179 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest In meaning to “Mon Amin

180 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Passé”

181 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Meek”

182 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word most similar in meaning to “Abhor”

183 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Trepidation”

184 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word most opposite In meaning to “Fortunate”

185 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Pursue”

186 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Accord”

187 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Traitor : Disloyalty

188 / 200

Category: English Grammar

He was sent to the prison for his —

189 / 200

Category: English Grammar

Those who persist In the endeavor at long last triumph – the odds of life.

190 / 200

Category: English Grammar

  • Fate smiles — those who untiringly grapple with stark realities of life.

191 / 200

Category: English Reading Comprehension

Passage 13 – Our Toy Shop Hi, my name is Amy. I am twelve years old. We have a small toy shop in our neighborhood. My father says Fridays are the busiest day in our toy shop. So, after the school, my mom takes me there to help my dad. That’s another reason why I like Fridays. We allow kids to play with the toys when they are in the store. tily father says I am responsible for the toys and that I need to watch and make sure nothing breaks. Many kids from my school and neighborhood also come to the shop to look at our new toys. It is always noisy here. Because it’s full of babies and small children. Little girls tend to go for dolls, boys go for cars. Some just want to play with the toys, some actually want to buy them. It’s a bit tiring for me, but I like going to the shop and helping my father. Which of the following questions you cannot answer?

192 / 200

Category: English Reading Comprehension

Passage 10 Hi, my name’s Andriy. I love football, I am a great fan of AC Milan. I have also been interested in cars since I was a child. I’m crazy about driving and I also enjoy fixing cars. When I was ten, I had many toy cars. I would play with them, repair the ones my friends broke. I also used to help my dad fix his car. So, eventually I decided to become a mechanic and open up my own shop. My parents are happy with my choice, too. They think it’s important that I pursue a carrier that I like. I have a bright career now and I really enjoy it. I’m planning to get married soon. My girlfriend is also interested in cars. Who knows, maybe we can run the car shop together with our kids in the future. Andriy has been interested In cars since

193 / 200

Category: English Reading Comprehension

Passage 6 Last summer, we decided to spend our vacation at the beach because the weather was very hot in the mountains. The travel agent said that traveling by bus was the cheapest way, but we went by plane because it was faster. We wanted to have more time to spend at the beach. The weather was beautiful, and we had a great time.

We decided to go to the beach because

194 / 200

Category: English Spellings Correction

Choice Correct Spelling

195 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning

(4) PMT, OOS, NQR, MSQ.?

196 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning

( 3) ZYY, WUT, TQO, QMJ, ?

197 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning

Directions: In each of the following questions, various terms of an alphabet
sequence are given with one or more terms missing as shown by (?). Choose the missing
term (,)
(1) AZ, DA, THU, MỌ, ?

198 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning – Cause & effect


I Majority of the citizens in the locality belongs to higher income group.

II The sales in the local super market are comparatively much higher than in other localities.

199 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning – Cause & effect


I The employees of the biggest bank in the country have given an indefinite strike call starting from third of the next month.

II The employees of the Central Government have withdrawn their week long demonstrations.

200 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning – Critical thinking

Electricity would revolutionize agriculture according to a prediction of the not-so-distant future published in 1940. Electrodes would be inserted into the soil, and the current between them would kill bugs and weeds and make crop plants stronger. Which of the following, if true, most strongly indicates that the logic of the prediction above is flawed?

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