MDCAT Mock Test 11

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MDCAT Mock Test 11

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1 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

Which one is not correct for a productive theory?

2 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

A series of hypothesis supported by the results of many tests is called

3 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

Biological sciences have a set methodology and it is based on

4 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Sperms of liverworts, mosses, ferns move towards archegonia, in response to uncleic acid released by the ovum. This is an example of:

5 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Among the followings which is the most longest supportive cell?

6 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Rapid movement of leaves of mimosa on touching is an example of :

7 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Which of the following structure in plant’s body is called excretophores?

8 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Terrestrial animals like kangaroo rat survive even without drinking water since

9 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Which of the following marine fishes are considered direct descendents of fresh water ancestors?

10 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

Pseudocoelem develops from

11 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

Of the following which one is non-cellular in most cases in animals?

12 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

All the animals of the grade radiata are

13 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

The name animal is derived from the word.

14 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

Analogous organs show

15 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

Important point/s of Lamarck’s theory

16 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

The process that has transformed life on earth from its earliest forms to vast diversity is

17 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 12

Diverse and stable community at the end of succession is

18 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 12

Study of a single population’s relationship to its environment is called

19 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Certain types of whales are also ______ feeder.

20 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Nodules on roots of leguminous plants have _____ bacteria

21 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Autotrophic organisms can exist in an exclusively ______ environment.

22 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Magnesium is present in which of the following?

23 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 12

Temperature of temperate deciduous forests is

24 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 12

Evolution of vascular bundles in plants and skeleton in animals is an adaptation for

25 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

Functional units of lungs are called

26 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

Gaseous exchange through the skin is known as ______ respiration.

27 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

_________ respiration is directly involved in the production of energy, necessary for all living activities.

28 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 12

Hot substance is escaped from inside the earth in the form of

29 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 12

Geothermal energy is

30 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 12

Endangered species are

31 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Which of the following carbohydrate is tasteless?

32 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Which of the statement is not true for compounds like glycoprotein and glycolipids?

33 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Which bond provides stability to complex carbohydrate molecules?

34 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

Reactions in which simple substances are combined to form complex substances are called:

35 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

Which one of the following forms the blk of exoskeleton of an arthropod?

36 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

Which of the following plays the major role in providing support to young herbaceous parts of the plant:

37 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

Gibberellins is an example of

38 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

Inhibitors which block the enzyme by forming weak bond are called

39 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

If more substrate to already occurring enzymatic reaction is added and there is no effect on the rate of the reaction what is the form given to this situation:

40 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

Lock and Key model was proposed by


41 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Na+ -K+ ATPase pump is important for:

42 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Which type of sensory structures carry deep pressure and vibration sensations?

43 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Which of the following is antagonist to Auxin in terms of promotion of stem growth?

44 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

60S and 40S subunit combine to form ______ particle

45 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

Autophagosomes are

46 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

Spherical or tubular membranes which separate the material present in endoplasmic reticulum from that of cytoplasmic material are called

47 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

Magnifying power of electron microscope as compared to eye is

48 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

Viviparous animals are those in which

49 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

Which one is not a day neutral plant?

50 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Viruses are ______ smaller than bacteria

51 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Other name for Kingdom monera is:

52 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Those organisms which can prepare their own food from simple inorganic material and can store energy are called

53 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Which of the following category is most general with its members lest resembling with each other than the other categries:

54 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

Which statement is correct?

55 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Who discovered the bacteria causing tuberculosis and also developed various techniques of media preparation and maintenance of pure culture?

56 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Some bacteria ranging occasionally a size of 500 ?m in length are

57 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Flagella originate from

58 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

Growth process is

59 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

Lateral meristems are present in

60 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

Growth of multicellular plants occur in

61 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

A special area of centromere with specific base arrangement and specific proteins where spindle fibers are attached is called

62 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

Meiosis occurs at the time of

63 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 11

Kingdom protista includes ______ phyla

64 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 11

The only group of algae having no flagellated motile cells at any stage is :

65 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

Antheridiophore and archegoniophore are found in

66 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

In Hornworts the band of meristematic tissue is found near

67 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

In question number 2 what will be frequency of dwarf plant in F2

68 / 200

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

Which of the following is monohybrid cross

69 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

How many moles of S02 contain 16 grams of oxygen?

70 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

Chemical properties of an atom depends upon number of

71 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

Metals usually produce hydrogen gas with acids. Which of the following produces hydrogen gas with NaOH?

72 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

7′ Period of the Periodic Table is:

73 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

Which of following pair has highest conductivity?

74 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

In Lead-Acid battery, product formed at anode during discharging is

75 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

Oxidation state of sulphur in H2SO4?

76 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 12

Grignard reagent when added to dry ice gives:

77 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Phenol Acts as

78 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Methylated spirit Is % methanol and % ethanol:

79 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

phenol, and ethers are the derivatives of?

80 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

The aromatic compound having the functional group “OH” attached to It Is?

81 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

25 to 35 degree centigrade temperature is good for which of the following process?

82 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Melting point of methyl alcohol is?

83 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

Ketone can be prepared by the oxidation of:

84 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

IUPAC name of propionaldehyde is:

85 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Solubility of carboxylic acids in water decrease with

86 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

The same carboxylic acid is obtained either by hydrolysis of a nitrite X or by oxidation of alcohol Y. Which pair could be X and Y? X Y

87 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Vinegar is basically acid:

88 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Which of the following is used as coagulation for latex in rubber industry

89 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Which of the following is a monosaccharide ?

90 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Which of the following is not a disaccharide?

91 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

Which of the following is the most widely used fertilizer in Pakistan? 

92 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

Ammonium nitrate contain nitrogen

93 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

In Paper industry, sodium sulphite is buffered with

94 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 16 Class 12

Which one is correct about Incineration of Industrial waste?

95 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 16 Class 12

NO2 in atmosphere absorbs moisture to form?

96 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 11

Which of the following can ba employed instead of filter papers?

97 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 11

Water and mercury can be separated by:

98 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

Which one of the following is a common mineral of calcium? a

99 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

Which of the following is not true about caustic soda? a) It causes painful burns c) It is manufactured by Costner—Kellner process e) Both b and d

100 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

When gases expand, this causes:

101 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

2 gasses at SIP, with equal volume and equal pressure will have same a

102 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Which of the following is used to make container for nitric acid?

103 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Solubility of Borax decahydrate at 100C is

104 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Which element of group 4A shows inert pair effect?

105 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Loose electrons present in outer shell meansv

106 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Covalent bond is stronger than hydrogen bond by:

107 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12

Nitrogen has oxides:

108 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12

  • Which of the following does not occur in Free State?

109 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

Bracket series of 14-atom is in which of the following regions of electromagnetic spectrum?

110 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

Which quantum number decides energy of orbitals?

111 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

If an electron makes a transition from 4th orbit to inner orbits, then the wavelength for which the radius is maximum, lies in which of the following series?

112 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 12

Which of the following is the highest oxidizing agent?

113 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 12

Which of the following halogen does not form stable oxyacids?

114 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 12

The reduction of which of the following produces Hydrofluoric acid?

115 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Electronegativity is defined as the power of an atom in a molecule to

116 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Down the group atomic radii increases due to?

117 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

In period, moving from left to right

118 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Which of the following has greatest electronegativity?

119 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 12

Number of unpaired electrons in ferrous ion is:

120 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Burning of fuel is a

121 / 200

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 12

Which of the following is an organic compound?

122 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

SI unit of acceleration is

123 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Volume of sphere having radius 17 cm Is:

124 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 10 Class 11

The electrical signals change into light signals for transmission through optical fibre. A light pulse

125 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 10 Class 11

Final image produced by a compound microscope is

126 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 10 Class 11

In going form a denser to rarer medium a array of light is

127 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 11 Class 11

Efficiency of the Carnot’s cycle will be 100% if the temperature of cold reservoir is:

128 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

Capacitance increases by

129 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

0.37q charge Is stored on the capacitor, what will be the current?

130 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

The electric field of a point charge is in shape.

131 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

What is farad of electricity?

132 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

If voltage of a capacitor is 60 v then what will be the voltage if diamond is present as •dielectric

133 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

Two negative charges are present at a distance d. A third positive charge is placed somewhere between these charges. This positive charge will be in equilibrium.

134 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 13 Class 12

Siemen is the SI unit of:

135 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 13 Class 12

If a magnetic field around a current carrying wire is anticlockwise then the direction of current flow is a

136 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

A current carrying conductor is lying perpendicular to magnetic field and experiencing some force. If the conductor rotates by 60 degrees counter clock wise, the force on it will

137 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

Ammeter lies in

138 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

If length of solenoid gets doubled while keeping N (number of turns) constant, the resultant magnetic field will be?

139 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 15 Class 12

Which electrical quantity cannot be changed by a transformer?

140 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 15 Class 12

A coil is placed near a magnet. Emf will be induced in it when

141 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 16 Class 12

RLC circuit can be excited by

142 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 16 Class 12

In a pure resistive circuit current and voltage are

143 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 16 Class 12

An Inductor of 1H Is connected across a 220V, 50Hz supply. The peak value of current is approximately:

144 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 17 Class 12

Aluminum Is a

145 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 18 Class 12

AC is converted to D.C by:

146 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

Earth is a/an frame of reference

147 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

What would be Compton Wave shift if X-rays are scattered at an angle of 90 degree?

148 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

Mass of a body with speed of light approaches to:

149 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

Heisenberg uncertainty principle states:

150 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

The absolute standard of rest is:

151 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 2 Class 11

If the velocity v being a vector quantity is multiplied to scaler quantity mass, the result will be:

152 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 20 Class 12

If an electron jumps from 68′ orbit to 7 orbit, the increase in radius will be:

153 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 20 Class 12

In hydrogen spectrum, Lyman and Balmer series belong to which region?

154 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 20 Class 12

If an electron undergoes transition from 4th to 2nd orbit, then the color of radiations produced will be:

155 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 21 Class 12

What’s relation between penetrating power and Ionization power

156 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 21 Class 12

Penetration power of gamma rays as compared to alpha rays is

157 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 21 Class 12

Which of the following Is not true about radioactivity?

158 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 21 Class 12

Which of the following consist of two quarks? a

159 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

Path followed by a projectile is known as?


160 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

The expression dp/dt represents


161 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

A body with constant speed can still be accelerating. This statement Is:

162 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

Dimensions of linear Momentum are:

163 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

When a body is falling under the action of gravity the direction of acceleration is:

164 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

When a car moves with constant velocity force on it is

165 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

In elastic collision


166 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Escape velocity of Neptune is:

167 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Escape velocity of moon is


168 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Two bodies X of mass 4kg  and Y of mass 6 kg have same linear momentum. If the kinetic energy of Y is 48 J then kinetic energy of body X is:

169 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

The escape velocity of a body from the earth is Ve If the radius of the earth contracts to 1/4th its value, keeping the mass of the earth constant, the escape velocity will be

170 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Which one of them is not conservative force?

171 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

A particle is moving in a circle with radius r and velocity v if radius is doubled keeping the velocity constant, the value of tangential acceleration will be:

172 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

Apparent weight of a body In an elevator accelerating downwards is given by

173 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

On doubling the mass, the linear momentum and angular momentum of the body will be:

174 / 200

Category: Physics Ch 6 Class 11

terminal velocity of a water droplet is dependent on:

175 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word most opposite in meaning to “Incomparable”

176 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Cardinal”

177 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Hierarchical”

178 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Effrontery”

179 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Beholden”

180 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Fulminate”

181 / 200

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Juxtaposition”

182 / 200

Category: English

Q.181.Choose the Correct sentence

183 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Wrestler : Arena

184 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Sound : Muffled

185 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Implicate : Incriminate

186 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Spring : Summer

187 / 200

Category: English Analogies

Defunct : Lifc

188 / 200

Category: English Grammar

The answer was written — blue ink.

189 / 200

Category: English Grammar

Owing to the power cut in the area, factories are being forced to –men

190 / 200

Category: English Reading Comprehension

passage 1 Opera Opera refers to a dramatic art form, originating in Europe, in which the emotional content is conveyed to the audience as much through music, both vocal and instrumental, as it is. through the lyrics. By contras% in musical theater an actor’s dramatic performance is primary, and the music plays a lesser role. The drama in opera is presented using the primary elements of theater such as scenery, costumes, and acting. However, the words of the opera, or libretto, are sung rather than spoken. The singers are accompanied by a musical ensemble ranging from a small instrumental ensemble to a full symphonic orchestra.

It is stated in the reading that

191 / 200

Category: English Spellings Correction

Choice Correct Spelling

192 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning – Cause & effect


I The government has recently fixed the fees for professional courses offered by the unaided institutions which are much lower than the fees charged last year.

II The parents of the aspiring students launched a severe agitation last year protesting against the high fees charged by the unaided institutions.

193 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning – Cause & effect


I The police authority has recently caught a group of house breakers.

II The citizens group in the locality have started night vigil in the area.

194 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning – Course of action

Statement: The Secretary lamented that the electronic media was losing its credibility and that it should try to regain it by establishing better communications with the listeners and the viewers. He also emphasised the need for training to improve the functioning.

Courses of Action:

I Efforts should be made to get organised feed back on the programme.

II The critical areas in which the staff requires training should be identified.

195 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning – Logical deduction


All fruits are vegetables. All pens are vegetables. All vegetables are rains.


I All fruits are rains.

II All pens are rains.

III Some rains are vegetables.

196 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning – Logical deduction

Statements: Some doctors are fools. Some fools are rich. Conclusions: Some doctors are rich Some rich are doctors.

197 / 200

Category: Logical Reasoning – Logical problems

A fruit basket contains more apples than lemons.

There are more lemons in the basket than there are oranges.

The basket contains more apples than oranges.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

198 / 200

Category: Chemistry

The indicator is a colored compound?

199 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Water in solution acts as?

200 / 200

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following atoms would be diamagnetic?


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