Physics Alternating Current MCQs Chapter 5 Class 12

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Physics Ch 16 Class 12 Alternating Current

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1 / 73

Half wave voltage multipliers can provide what degree of voltage multiplication?

PMC Practice 4
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Wavelength of X-rays is of the order of?

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A diode works in _______ bias for rectification.

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Power factor. of RLC circuit at Resonance Is

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Which of the following remains unchanged in a transformer.

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In a step-down transformer, the current in the primary coil is ______ than that in the secondary coil.

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7 / 73

In electronic circuits, a PN junction diode is used to convert alternating current into direct current. This process is called:

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8 / 73

Mutual inductance has a practical role in performance of:

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The output voltage of a rectifier is:

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Reactance of an Inductor Is given by:

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An Inductor of 1H Is connected across a 220V, 50Hz supply. The peak value of current is approximately:

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Electromagnetic waves are produced due to flow of

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In case of half wave rectification the resistance of diode during negative half of A.C is:

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14 / 73

In a pure resistive circuit current and voltage are

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If the peak voltage is 9V, calculate the peak to peak voltage.

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16 / 73

In a step up transformer ________.

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Step up transformer have ________ turns in secondary coil.

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In a bridge type full-wave rectifier, if Vm is the peak voltage across the secondary coil of the transformer, the maximum voltage coming across each reverse biased diode is:

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The angle made by the coil of an AC generator at a time Interval 3T/4 is?

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X-rays have frequency greater than

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For an ideal step-up transformer Ps ——- Pp.

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A full wave rectifier is operating from 50 Hz mains. Fundamental frequency of ripple will be:

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23 / 73

Consider two capacitors with capacitance 2µF and 4µF. With which type of connection will the 4µF capacitor have a greater amount of stored energy than the 2µF capacitor?

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If a half wave rectifier is used to convert 50Hz AC into DC, then the number of pulses present in rectified voltage is:

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25 / 73

Power factor in an AC circuit Is?

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At resonance, the RLC circuit behaves like:

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PIV stands for :

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Resistance of RCL series circuit at resonance Is?

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The frequency of AC used in Pakistan is

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In a full-wave rectification, the number of diodes used are:

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Current that fluctuates periodically with time is ——

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What will be the Impedance for V = 10 sin(wt) and I = 20 sln(wt)

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The maximum efficiency of a half-wave rectifier is:

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A circuit that adds positive or negative D.C. voltage to an input sine wave is called:

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In a half wave rectifier, the diode conducts during:

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The number of diodes in bridge rectifier is

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37 / 73

The principle of a capacitor is based on which of the following facts?

NTS 2011
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Power of RCL circuit at resonance Is?

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An alternating voltage source is connected to a resistor R, and a capacitor C, then which of the following statements about phase angle between voltage V and current I is correct?

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The bridge rectifier is preferred to an ordinary two diode full-wave rectifier because?

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The rectifier is a device which converts?

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Which of the following are component of half wave rectifier?

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If the instantaneous current in a circuit is given by I = A sin (wt) ampere, the RMS value of the current is:

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44 / 73

The principle of an AC generator is.

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45 / 73

Alternating Current Generators use:

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Voltage after which in forward bias current start to rise with increase in voltage is called:

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Power factor of the pure capacitive circuit is?

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If an AC voltage of rms value of 10 volts is applied as input of a half-wave rectifier, then the voltage value of the DC output will be:

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The maximum instantaneous value measured from zero value is known as?

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50 / 73

Transformer is used in rectification to ___________ the supply voltage.

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The process of combining low frequency waves with high frequency is called:

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The direction of current through the load resistance of a full-wave rectification circuit:

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53 / 73

Identify the factor on which mutual inductance does not depend:

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54 / 73

The use of a capacitor filter in a rectifier circuit gives satisfactory performance only when the load:

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Which of the following color has the highest energy?

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RLC circuit can be excited by

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An alternation voltage V (in volts) is represented by the equation:
V = 300 sin (100πt)
What is the value of “f” for this voltage?

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that the supply for the potentiometer is taken?

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If a half-wave rectifier is used to convert 50 Hz AC into DC, then the number of pulses present in the rectifier voltage is:

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In RLC series circuit at resonance, the A.C voltage across Resistance R, Inductance L and capacitance C are 5V, 10V and 10 V respectively. The A.C voltage applied to the circuit will be:

NUMS 2015
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Simple oscillating circuit consists of?

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A half wave rectifier is operating from 50 Hz mains, fundamental frequency of ripple will be

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What is the instantaneous power dissipated through a resistor of resistance 10 ohm if it is connected to an AC source of frequency 15 Hz at 1/180 sec if peak value is 20 V?

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Impedance of a circuit Is calculated as:

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The ripple factor of a half-wave rectifier is:

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What is the range of typical band gap in conductors

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The AC generator is similar to:

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In a practical transformer mutual induction between primary and secondary coils takes place. In such transformer what can be deduced about the power.

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Voltage Is current In RC circuit.

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In which rectifier is the ripple factor less?

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Impedance in RLC series circuit Is given by

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P = Irms Vrms Is applicable for

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The frequency of applied AC is 2 kHz. Its time period will be:

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