Physics Electromagnetism MCQs Chapter 3 Class 12

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Created on By Ali Durrani

Physics Ch 14 Class 12 ELECTROMAGNETISM

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1 / 74

A proton is about 1840 times heavier than an electron. When it is accelerated by a potential difference of 1kV, its kinetic energy will be:

NUMS 2016
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
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2 / 74

A magnetic needle is placed in a uniform magnetic field and is aligned with the field. The needle is now rotated by an angle of 60 degrees and work done is W. The torque on the magnetic needle at this position is

NUMS 2014
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3 / 74

The current measuring part of the Avometer consists of a number of low resistors connected …

NUMS 2016
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4 / 74

ECG records

5 / 74

the value of permeability

6 / 74

If a stationary bar magnet is placed near a coil so that maximum lines of force passes through the coil, the galvanometer shows:

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7 / 74

An electron is moving along the axis of a solenoid carrying a current. Which of the following is a correct statement about the electromagnetic force acting on the electron?

NUMS 2015
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8 / 74

There is a current of 25 A in a long straight wire. What is the flux density at a point 3 cm from the wire?

Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
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9 / 74

A bar magnet has a magnetic moment 200 Am2. The magnet is suspended in a magnetic field of 0.30 NA-1m-1. The torque required to rotate the magnet from its equilibrium position at an angle of 30˚ will be:

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10 / 74

Which of the following is incorrect?

11 / 74

The direction of the magnetic line of force depends upon:

NUMS 2016
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12 / 74

The combination of ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter into a compact single meter with one common galvanometer is called:

Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
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13 / 74

Two parallel straight conductors, in which current is flowing in the same direction, attract each other. The cause of it is:

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14 / 74

A current carrying conductor is lying perpendicular to magnetic field and experiencing some force. If the conductor rotates by 60 degrees counter clock wise, the force on it will

15 / 74

A 3-cm length of wire is moved at right angles across a uniform magnetic field with a speed of 2.0 m/s . If the flux density is 5.0 teslas, what is the magnitude of the induced e.m.f?

Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
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16 / 74

A 20.0 cm wire carrying a current of 10.0 A is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.30 T. If the wire makes an angle of 40° with the direction of the magnetic field, find the magnitude of the force acting on the wire? ( sin 40° = 0.642)

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17 / 74

In a certain circuit, a transistor has a collector current of 10mA and a base current of 40μA. What is the current gain of the transistor?

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
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18 / 74

Weber x ampere per meter is equal to:

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19 / 74

Unit of magnetic flux density is

20 / 74

An A.C emf of E = 100 sin (100 π t) volt is concerned with a choke of negligible resistance. In order to produce current of amplitude 1 A, the inductance of the choke should be:

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21 / 74

When a transformer is connected to 120-volt ac, it supplies 3000 V to a device. The current through the secondary winding then is o.06 A and the current through the primary is 2 A. The number of turns in the primary winding is 400. The number of turns in the secondary winding is:

Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
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22 / 74

If the current in the wire is directed into the page, and the wire is held perpendicular to the page, then the direction of magnetic circles will be:

23 / 74

Four particles independently move at the same speed in a direction perpendicular to the same magnetic field. Which particle is deflected the most?

NTS 2017
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24 / 74

Transformer is a device which steps up or steps down the input:

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25 / 74

A conductor carrying a current ‘I’ has length ‘L’. When it is placed in a magnetic field, ‘B’ at 90 degrees , it experiences a force:

Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
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26 / 74

If length of solenoid gets doubled while keeping N (number of turns) constant, the resultant magnetic field will be?

27 / 74

Identify the instrument/s which is/are used for the measurement of resistance:

I. Wheatstone Bridge

II. Meter Bridge

III. Post office Box

IV. Ohmmeter

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
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28 / 74

A force which is experienced in a magnetic field depends on:

NTS 2011
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29 / 74

In a coil, when current changes from 10 A to 4 A in 1 s. An induced emf of 1.2 V is induced across the coil. The self – inductance of the coil is:

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
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30 / 74

What is the flux density at a point 3 cm from the long straight wire, when there is a current of 25 A in a wire: (u0= 4? x10-7)

NTS 2010
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31 / 74

A 3-cm length of wire is moved at right angles across a uniform magnetic field with a speed of 2.0 m/s . If the flux density is 5.0 teslas, what is the magnitude of the induced e.m.f?

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32 / 74

A circuit in which there is a current of 5 amp is changed so that the current falls to zero in 0.1 s. If an average e.m.f of 200 volts is induced, what is the self inductance of the circuit?

Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
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33 / 74

Ammeter Is a galvanometer with:

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The brightness spot on the screen in the CRO is controlled by:

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A circuit in which there is a current of 10 amperes is changed so that the current falls to zero in 0.5 seconds. If an average e.m.f. of 400 volts is induced, what is the self-inductance of the circuit?

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36 / 74

What is the dimension of magnetic field

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A particle of charge -0.04C is projected with speed 2 x 104 m/s into a uniform magnetic field ‘B’ of strength 0.5 T. If the particle’s velocity as it enters the field is perpendicular to ‘B’, what is the magnitude of the magnetic force on this particle:

NTS 2010
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38 / 74

Magnetic force on a moving charge depends upon:

Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
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39 / 74

A conductor of length L is moved across a magnetic field. Due to this activity, a potential difference appears across the ends of the conductor. This type of potential difference is termed as:

NTS 2018
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40 / 74

The SI unit of magnetic flux is Weber which is equivalent to:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
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41 / 74

If a certain region’s magnetic field is directed vertically up and a proton enters this field from the left side, it will go _________.

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
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42 / 74

What are dimensions of Magnetic Flux

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If current passing through a solenoid is increased, which of the following must increase:

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A torold is?  l• A circular ring shape of a coil. II- A solenoid bent In shape of a circle. a) I only b) II only

45 / 74

When a charged particle is projected perpendicular to a magnetic field:

NUMS 2016
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46 / 74

If the direction of current in two parallel wires is In opposite direction, then the wires will:

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If two inductors each of Inductance L are Introduced in a circuit in parallel, the equivalent Inductance will be:

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Ammeter lies in

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If electron passes through axis of solenoid the movement will be:

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F = I L B, What Is relation between I and L

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Magnetic flux is maximum when angle between magnetic field and vector area is:

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When the ohmmeter measures the infinite resistance, its pointer lies at

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Unit of Magnetic Flux is

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If a wire having current 10A has a 3T magnetic field, what will be the magnetic field at a point from the wire at double the distance?

NUMS 2016
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55 / 74

Due to the magnetic force, a positively charged particle executes uniform circular motion within a uniform magnetic field ‘B’. If the charge is ‘q’ and radius of its path is r, which of the expressions gives the magnitude of the particle’s linear momentum:

NTS 2010
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56 / 74

Two point charges of +5 C and -12 C attract each other with a force of 1.48 N. charge of -5 C is added to each of these charges. Now the force will be:

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57 / 74

If the length of a current carrying solenoid is doubled keeping the number of turns same and the current is increased to 9 times, the value of magnetic field compared to the original magnetic field B will be:

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By changing the current through the same coil, an emf is induced in it, the process is known as:

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59 / 74

If a constant current is flowing through a coil, then the flux through that coil will become constant. In such types of arrangements, the electromotive force (emf) induced in the coil will be:

NTS 2018
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60 / 74

An electron enters in a magnetic field at an angle less than 90 degrees with magnetic field. Which of the following path is followed by an electron?

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61 / 74

A circuit in which there is a current of 5 amp is changed so that the current falls to zero in 0.1s. If an average e.m.f of 200 volts is induced, what is the self-inductance of the circuit?

NTS 2014
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62 / 74

Transformer works on the principle of:

Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
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63 / 74

In transmission from grid station, power losses are minimized by:

PMC 2020
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64 / 74

1 testa is equal to?

65 / 74

In a circuit, there is a current of 5 amp which is changed such that the current falls to zero in 0.1 sec. If an average e.m.f. of 200 volts is induced, the self-inductance of the circuit will be:

NTS 2012
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66 / 74

A coil of 600 turns is threaded by a flux of 8×10-5 webers if this flux is reduced to 3×10-5 webers in 0.015 seconds. The average induced e.m.f. is:

NTS 2011
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67 / 74

Magnetic effect of electric current was first discovered by

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What is the device which is used to measure magnetic field

69 / 74

EEG is related to:

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_______ is a device which makes use of mutual induction for stepping up or down an alternating e.m.f.

NTS 2012
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71 / 74

What is true regarding magnetic force and magnetic intensity?

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72 / 74

In CRO, electrons are emitted from:

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How fast an H+ ion should move in magnetic field 2.5×10-3 T such that magnetic force equal its weight?

NUMS 2016
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74 / 74

Moving charge produce field

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