Physics Current Electricity MCQs Chapter 2 Class 12

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Physics Ch 13 Class 12 Current Electricity

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1 / 72

Three resistors of 7 ohm, 5 ohm and 8 ohm are connected in series. Current flow will be maximum through:..

2 / 72

A steady current of 5 A is drawn from an electric source at a voltage of 100 V. The power consumed (in Watts) is:

NUMS 2018
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

3 / 72

When charge flows through a wire, it produces:

4 / 72

If length of a wire is Increased two times and Its cross-sectional area is reduced to half, the resistance of the wire will be:

5 / 72

Two unequal resistances are connected parallel across a battery. Which of the following statements is true?

NUMS 2018
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

6 / 72

A row of 25 decorative lights, connected in series, is connected to a main transformer. When the supply is switched on, the lights do not work. The owner uses a voltmeter to test the circuit. When the voltmeter is connected across the third bulb in the row, a reading of zero is obtained. Which of the following cannot be the only fault in the circuit?

NTS 2017
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

7 / 72

A generator of e.m.f. 80 V has an internal resistance of 0.04 Ω. If its terminal voltage is 75 V, determine the current.

NTS 2013
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

8 / 72

If we increase the cross-section area of a conductor having a length L, the resistance R of that conductor will be:

NTS 2018
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

9 / 72


10 / 72

Which of the following convert the heat energy Into electrical energy

11 / 72

Value of resistivity of iron Is

12 / 72

If a 2-ampere current is drawn from the battery in 10 minutes, how much charge will flow through the circuit in this time?

NUMS 2015
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

13 / 72

mho is the unit of 7

14 / 72

The deviation of I-V graph from straight line is due to:

NUMS 2016
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

15 / 72

One of the following is an Ohmic device:

PMC 2020
Current Electricity
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16 / 72

A battery of 6 volts is connected to two resistors of 3 ohm and 2 ohm joined together in series. What will be the current through the circuit?

Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

17 / 72

The power of an electric bulb is 100W. It is connected to 110V power supply. The resistance of electric bulb will be?

NUMS 2020
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

18 / 72

The electrons in a conductor drift with a velocity of:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Current Electricity
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19 / 72

A 50 watt bulb is operated by 120 volts. What is the current through the bulb?

Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

20 / 72

If a voltage of 9V is applied between ends of a wire whose resistance is 0.2 ohm, what will be the resulting current?

Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

21 / 72

A galvanometer has a resistance of 20 ohms and a full-scale deflection when a current of 0.001 ampere flows in it. What is the value of the series resistance to convert it into a voltmeter of range 10 volts?

NTS 2014
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

22 / 72

A thermocouple is immersed in water at 373 K and the other in ice at 273K. The emf of the thermocouple Is 90 (μ)V for each 1 K difference in temperature between junctions, and the thermocouple resistance is 6 Ω. What current will flow in the galvanometer connected in series with an internal resistance of 30ohms?

NTS 2010
Heat and Thermodynamics
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

23 / 72

Two resistors R1 and R2 may be connected either in series or in parallel across a battery of zero internal resistance. It is required that the joule heating for parallel combination be five times that for series combination. If R1 = 100Ω, find possible values of R2.

NTS 2013
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

24 / 72

When a wire is compressed and it’s radius becomes 2R then it’s resistance will be:

PMC 2020
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

25 / 72

Resistivity of Hg is ohmmeter

26 / 72

A 100 watt bulb is operated by 240 volts, the current through the bulb will be:

NTS 2012
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

27 / 72

Conductivity equals:

28 / 72

Three resistors connected in series have Individual voltages labeled V1, V2, and V3, respectively. Which of the following expresses the value of the total voltage V, taken over the three resistors

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Unit of emf?

30 / 72

If length of the wire becomes two times to the original value and area becomes one half to its original value, then resistance of the wire becomes:

NUMS 2020
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

31 / 72

Which of the following work (s) on the principle of wheatstone Bridge?

NTS 2011
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

32 / 72

An emf of 120 volts of negligible internal resistance is connected across a resistance of 1000 ohm. The current flowing through the circuit will be:

NUMS 2015
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

33 / 72

Temperature co-efficient of resistance is:

34 / 72

An ammeter reads up to 1 A. Its internal resistance is 0.81 Ω. To increase the range to 10 A, the value of the required shunt is:

NTS 2012
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

35 / 72

n which of the following more heat energy is produced?

36 / 72

If a wire of resistance R is stretched into double of its length, then it’s resistance becomes _________.

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

37 / 72

Terminal voltage Vi of the battery is greater than emf of the battery when:

NUMS 2020
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

38 / 72

The fractional change in resistance per kelvin is known as:

NUMS 2016
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

39 / 72

Three resistors R1, R2 and R3 are connected in series. If R1 > R2 > R3, the equivalent resistance will be:

40 / 72

A battery whose emf is 40 V has an internal resistance of 5 Ohms. If this battery is connected to a 15 Ohms resistor ‘R’, what will be the voltage drop across ‘R’:

NTS 2010
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

41 / 72

The potential difference between the terminals of a battery in an open circuit is 2.2 V. When it is connected across a resistance of 5.0 Ω, the potential falls to 1.8 V. What is the internal resistance of the battery?

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

42 / 72

Drift velocity is of the order:

43 / 72

A and B are bulbs connected in series with 40-volt battery and a bulb C is connected with 40-volt battery Glow of bulbs will be:

44 / 72

When a conductor of a cross-sectional area 5×10-6 m2 carries a current of 6 A, the drift velocity of the conduction electrons is 1.2-4 x 10-1 ms1-. What is the number density (number per unit volume) of the conduction electrons?

NTS 2010
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

45 / 72

How much energy is dissipated as heat in 20 s by a 100 Ω resistor that carries a current of 0.5 A?

NTS 2014
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

46 / 72

Resistivity of Silver is ohmmeter

47 / 72

A battery has an e.m.f. of 4 V and internal resistance ‘r’. When this battery is connected to an internal resistance of 2 ohms, a current of 1 amp flows in the circuit. How much current will flow if the terminals of the battery are connected directly:-

NTS 2010
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

48 / 72

Which device is used to measure the potential difference between two points of a conductor in the laboratory?

NUMS 2020
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

49 / 72

One kilowatt-hour is commonly termed as one commercial unit of electric energy which is equal to:

PMC 2020
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

50 / 72

A wire of resistance R is bent in the form of a circle the resistance between two points on the circumference of the wire and at the end of the diameter of circle is

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

51 / 72

The unit of resistivity is:

NUMS 2020
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

52 / 72

If in a circuit, 2 Ampere current is drawn from the battery in 10 minutes. How much charge will flow through the circuit in this time?

NTS 2018
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

53 / 72

An electric bulb is rated at 220 V, 100 W. What is its resistance?

NUMS 2016
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

54 / 72

The instrument(s) which work on the principle of Wheatstone bridge is/are:

NTS 2012
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

55 / 72

A battery has an e.m.f of 6.0 volts and an internal resistance of 0.4 ohm. It is connected to a 2.6 ohm resistor through a SPST (single pole, single throw switch):

When the switch is closed, the potential difference between the terminal Is, in volts is:

NTS 2010
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

56 / 72

If voltage is 100V current is 10A and R Is 5ohm then internal resistance?

57 / 72

If two or more resistors are joined to each other side by side, this combination is called:

NUMS 2018
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

58 / 72

What is the constant of proportionality in ohms law:

59 / 72

The domestic electricity supply has a frequency of:

PMC 2020
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

60 / 72

0.75 A current flows through an iron wire when a battery of 1.5 volts is connected across its ends. The length of the wire 5.0 m and its cross-sectional area is 2.5 x 10-7 m2. What is the resistivity of iron?

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

61 / 72

A current of 4.4 amperes is following in a write. How many electrons pass a given point in the wire in one second, if the charge on an electron is 1.6×10-19

NTS 2011
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

62 / 72

An electric cell of e.m.f E, is connected across a copper wire of diameter d and length L. The drift velocity of electrons in the wire is v0. If the length of the wire is changed to 2L, the new drift velocity of electrons in the copper wire will be:

NUMS 2014
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

63 / 72

A uniform wire of resistance 3 ohm is folded in such a way that it forms an equilateral triangle, then what is it’s resistance across the ends of any two vertices?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

64 / 72

If a magnetic field around a current carrying wire is anticlockwise then the direction of current flow is a

65 / 72

A battery has an e.m.f of 6.0 volts and an internal resistance of 0.4 ohms. It is connected to a 2.6 ohms resistor through a SPST (single pole, single throw switch).

When the switch is open, the potential difference between the terminal of the battery is:

NTS 2010
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

66 / 72

If you wish to decrease the resistance of a circuit, you will add the resistors in ________.

NTS 2014
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

67 / 72

The change in resistance of metallic conductor at temperature below 0 degrees is:

PMC 2020
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

68 / 72

If three resistances RI, RI and R3 are connected In Parallel to the circuit such that RI> RI > RI. Which of the following will be true for the Equivalent Resistance R’?

69 / 72

Siemen is the SI unit of:

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A bulb having a resistance of 150 Ω is connected to a 225 volt source, the current in the bulb will be:

NTS 2012
Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

71 / 72

The resistivity in SI units is measured in:

Current Electricity
Elimination Tool:

72 / 72

The power dissipated in a resistor is 12.8 watts when 4A current Is passed. Hw much power will be dissipated If 6A current Is passed through the same resistor?

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