NUST Mock Test 9

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NET Mock Test 9

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1 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Zeros are always considered significant when they are

2 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

1 femto

a) 10-15

b) 10-9

c) 10-6

d) None

3 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Unit of light year Is:

4 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Radian Is a:

5 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

1 Inch = —- cm

6 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

The SI unit of mass is?

7 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 11

If during crystallization more solute could not be dissolved in the solution, the solution is:

8 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

A solution having pH = 0 is

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Category: Physics Ch 11 Class 11

If speed of a fan in a room is Increased then the temperature of air in the room will

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Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

11 / 193

Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

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Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

13 / 193

Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

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Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

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Category: Math Ch 2 Class 12

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Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Which of the following is not a part of the human diet?

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Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Adipic acid and Hexamethylene dlamine combine to form?

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Category: Math Ch 10

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Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

d subshell has

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Category: Math Ch 6

An arrangement of numbers according to some definite rule is called:

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Category: Math Ch 6

22 / 193

Category: Math Ch 6

A sequence is also known as:

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Category: Math Ch 13

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Category: Math Ch 13

25 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Hybridization in BeCl2 Is a

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Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

In water molecules, oxygen atom is hybridized as

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Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Which statement about liquids is not correct?

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Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

If current passing through a solenoid is increased, which of the following must increase:

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Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

Which of the following is incorrect?

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Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

ECG records

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Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

When the ohmmeter measures the infinite resistance, its pointer lies at

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Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

The zone where moisture is removed and clay is broken down into Al203, Si02, Fe203 is

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Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

What is used in cement manufacture?

34 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 11

Value of heat capacity of water is

35 / 193

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

The vector whose magnitude is 1 is called

36 / 193

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

37 / 193

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

38 / 193

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

39 / 193

Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

If ? be the set of real numbers, then the Cartesian plane is defined as

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Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

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Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

If any two vectors of scalar triple product are equal, then its value is equal to

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Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

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Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

Cross product or vector product is defined

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Category: Math Ch 7 Class 12

45 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

A body of mass m moving with velocity v has a kinetic energy K. If its velocity is increased by 25%, what will be the work done in terms of K.E?


46 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Two bodies X of mass 4kg  and Y of mass 6 kg have same linear momentum. If the kinetic energy of Y is 48 J then kinetic energy of body X is:

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Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Which of the following field is dependent on the path?

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Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Which of the following is a conservative field?

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Category: English Spellings Correction

Choice Correct Spelling

50 / 193

Category: English Spellings Correction

Choice Correct Spelling

51 / 193

Category: English Spellings Correction

Choice Correct Spelling

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Category: English Spellings Correction

Choice Correct Spelling

53 / 193

Category: Math Ch 9

One rotation in anti-clock wise direction is equal to:

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Category: Math Ch 9

If the rotation of the angle is counter clock wise, then angle is:

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Category: Math Ch 9

The system of angular measurement in which the angle is measured in radian is called:

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Category: Math Ch 9

3 radian is:

57 / 193

Category: Math Ch 9

The angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc whose length is equal to the radius of
the circle is called:

58 / 193

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

The point where two boundary lines of a shaded region intersect is called _____ point.

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Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

The symbols used for inequality are

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Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

The feasible solution which maximizes or minimizes the objective function is called

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Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

The graph of a linear equation of the form ?? + ?? = ? is a line which divides the whole
plane into ______ disjoints parts.

62 / 193

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

The feasible solution which maximizes or minimizes the objective function is called

63 / 193

Category: Math Ch 5 Class 12

(0,0) is the solution of the inequality

64 / 193

Category: Intelligence Direction Sense

A man went 15 km to the west of Ids house:, then ttuntal loft and walked 20 km. Ile Well turned east and walked 25 km and finally turning loft covered 20 kin. ‘low far was he Iro► his house? a) 5 km h) 10 km c) 40 km (I) 80 km el II north Is northwest, west Is southwest then what Is south?b) N

65 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

Which of following pair has highest conductivity?

66 / 193

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

67 / 193

Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

The ratio of the distance of a point from the focus to distance from the directrix is denoted by

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Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

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Category: Math Ch 6 Class 12

Which one is related to circle

70 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 15 Class 12

potential difference in charge between two points in a circuit is known as?

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Category: Physics Ch 15 Class 12

Resistance opposes current, inductor opposes

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Category: Physics Ch 15 Class 12

Which of the following is not major application of electromagnetic induction

73 / 193

Category: Intelligence Coding — Decoding

If RTTHHX encodes for Purify, then code for Blanch will be:

74 / 193

Category: Intelligence Odd One Out

Which of the following is the odd one out?

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Category: Intelligence Odd One Out

Choose the odd one out

76 / 193

Category: Intelligence Odd One Out

Pick the odd one out

77 / 193

Category: Intelligence Odd One Out

Pick the odd one out

78 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 17 Class 12

If stress is doubled, then volume becomes

79 / 193

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Hierarchical”

80 / 193

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest In meaning to “Knotty”

81 / 193

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

the word closest in meaning to “Mediatio”

82 / 193

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest In meaning to “Mon Amin

83 / 193

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Destitute”

84 / 193

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest In meaning to “Soggy”

85 / 193

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest In meaning to “Negligible”

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Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Axiom”

87 / 193

Category: English Reading Comprehension

Diana Prince of Wales, became famous when she decided to marry Prince Charles. She became the most photographed, Photographed person in the world. Everywhere she went, there were photographers taking pictures of her and people were very interested in her clothes, where she went on holiday and who she Was v They were also interested in the problems between her and her husband. When they iv remained very popular. In addition to her image as a ‘star’ c , Princess Diana used her influence toill and dedicated time to helping them and drawing public attention to their problems. She used to visit homeless people regularly and did a lot of work for the National AIDS Trust; she visited people suffering from AIDS. It is implied in the passage that before her marriage to Prince Charles, Diana was •

88 / 193

Category: English Reading Comprehension

When school opened in Texas this fall, some favorites were missing from the cafeteria menus. Soda; and ghouls op-when rand`, bars had been banned for grade schoolers, chips and cookies were mini•size. And that perennial favorite, the French fry, was given just one more year before it too will be banned. Howls of protest could be heard everywhere. Principals complained about being forced to act as “nutrition police.” Parents and kids traded schoolyard rumors about twinkles being confiscated from lunch boxes. Nearly everyone, addicted to the revenues that vending machines bring in, yelled that there wouldn’t be enough money for activities like band camp and choir trips. Angry e-mails poured in to the woman who had imposed the new rules-Texas agriculture commissioner Susan Combs. It is stated in the passage that both the students and the principals of the schools in Texas

89 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

Acetylene with Cl2 gives:

90 / 193

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

91 / 193

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

The straight line which passes through one vertex and though the mid-point of the opposite
side is called:

92 / 193

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

The slope-intercept form of the equation of the straight line is

93 / 193

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

94 / 193

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

The point where the altitudes of a triangle intersect is called_________ of the triangle.

95 / 193

Category: Math Ch 4 Class 12

If all the sides of four sided polygon are equal but the four angles are not equal to ??° each
then it is a

96 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12

Which of the following has allotropic forms:

97 / 193

Category: English Grammar

in a little-publicized deal, Pepsi, Cola has– the entire soft drink market In Afghanistan

98 / 193

Category: English Grammar

If our friends are not able to take us in their car, we must make airport- arrangements to go to the

99 / 193

Category: Chemistry

Which one of the following is used as an anesthetic?

100 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 13 Class 12

Siemen is the SI unit of:

101 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 13 Class 12

n which of the following more heat energy is produced?

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Category: Physics Ch 13 Class 12

Temperature co-efficient of resistance is:

103 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 2 Class 11

What is the angle made by the vector -i-5j with x-axis?

104 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 2 Class 11

If the dot product of vectors Is equal to product of their magnitudes, the angle between them

105 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 2 Class 11

Rain is vertically downwards with the velocity of 30m/s , a wind blows from north to south direction with 10m/s then at what angle should the umbrella of the person be held and in which

106 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 21 Class 12

The half-life of Iodine Is

107 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

Two half cells of a galvanic cell are connected with a salt bridge, the electrons flow from:

108 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Which one is the carbonyl protecting group?

109 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Which one of these is a soluble carbohydrate:

110 / 193

Category: Math Ch 7

16. Four persons wants to sit in a circular sofa, the total ways are:

111 / 193

Category: Math Ch 7

112 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

If the electric field is E = x/y then y is?

113 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

If the angle b/w electric field and vector area A is rr/3 then electric flux will be?

114 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

If two charged conductors are joined by wire, then which of following will happen?

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Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

Unit of electric field is:

116 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 16 Class 12

Reactance of an Inductor Is given by:

117 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 16 Class 12

P = Irms Vrms Is applicable for

118 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 16 Class 12

Impedance of a circuit Is calculated as:

119 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 9 Class 11

The branch of Physics in which we study the properties of light and its applications on optical instruments is called?

120 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

In elastic collision


121 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

A body Is dropped from a height 175m, how much time will it take to reach the ground?

122 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

Which of the following changes, when particle Is moving with uniform velocity?


123 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

Dimensions of linear Momentum are:

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Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

The expression dp/dt represents


125 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

Product of Force and Time Is


126 / 193

Category: Intelligence Number Reasoning

127 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

128 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

129 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

To determine the area under the curve by the use of integration , the idea was given by

130 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

131 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

132 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

133 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

134 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3 Class 12

135 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3

Which of the property does not hold matrix multiplication?

136 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3

13. For a square matrix ? = [???]if all ??? = ?, ? ≠ ? and at least ??? ≠ ?, ? = ? then A is called:

137 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3

Any matrix A is called singular if:

138 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3

The horizontal lines of numbers in a matrix are called:

139 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3

The main diagonal elements of a skew hermitian matrix must be:

140 / 193

Category: Math Ch 3

54. Transpose of a row matrix is:

141 / 193

Category: Physics

In modern day electrical arrangements, which of the following is connected in series with the others?

142 / 193

Category: Physics

Forces In nature always occur in

143 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 12

How many Dewar Structure of Benzene are present?

144 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

The Vander Waal’s constant ‘If of a gas Is four times the:

145 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 12

Higher Transition elements are:

146 / 193

Category: Math Ch 14

147 / 193

Category: Math Ch 14

148 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

Earth is a/an frame of reference

149 / 193

Category: Math

The symbol which is used to denote negation of a proposition is

150 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

1 degree Is equal to radians

151 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

If the actual weight of a person standing in an elevator is 75N, and the apparent weight in the accelerated elevator is 105N, find the acceleration and direction of elevator motion. (Use g 10 m/s2)

152 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

Moment of inertia in angular motion plays the same role as

153 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

A body moving with an angular velocity of 1 rev/sec has a frequency of:

154 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 12

The halogens are known as:

155 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 12

is used in electric light bulbs, in fluorescent tubes, in radio tubes and Geiger counters

156 / 193

Category: Intelligence Sequences and Series

Find the missing number in the pattern given below: If 4 x 6 = 1624 3 x 4 =912 then 5 x 6 = ?

157 / 193

Category: Intelligence Sequences and Series

Find the next two numbers in the following sequence: 1, 6, 16, 31, 51 …

158 / 193

Category: Intelligence Sequences and Series

Find the next number In the following sequence: is, 25, 30, 50, 60, 100 …

159 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Which element among the following forms a protective oxide coating on exposure to air?

160 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 6 Class 11

If the radii of two droplets are in the ratio 2:3, what will be the ratio of their Terminal velocities?

161 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 20 Class 12

If an electron jumps from 68′ orbit to 7 orbit, the increase in radius will be:

162 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 20 Class 12

The ionization energy of hydrogen is:

163 / 193

Category: Math Ch 5

A mixed form of fraction is :

164 / 193

Category: Math Ch 5

A fraction ?(?)/?(?), ?(?) ≠ ? is called proper fraction if :

165 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

IUPAC name of wood spirit is

166 / 193

Category: Math Ch 4

The complex cube roots of unity are………………. each other.

167 / 193

Category: Math Ch 4

The complex fourth roots of unity are ……. of each other.

168 / 193

Category: Math Ch 4

Product of cube roots of -1 is:

169 / 193

Category: Math Ch 4

5. The equation in which variable occurs in exponent , called:

170 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

Group 1A and 11A are known as: ) s block elements d) P block elements

171 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 10 Class 11

If placed in contact, the focal length of the combination of two convex lenses of equal focal lengths f,
will be

172 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 10 Class 11

A lens which converges a beam of parallel rays to a point is called

173 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

For colligative properties, the solution should be:

174 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

12% W/W alcohol In water solution contains water:

175 / 193

Category: Math Ch 8

176 / 193

Category: Math Ch 8

177 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 7 Class 11

A pendulum is placed at Lahore, Murree, and K2. At which location will the frequency of Pendulum be maximum?

178 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 7 Class 11

If T is to be reduced to T/3 then length of pendulum should be: a) L/9 b) In c) l./3 d) L/4

179 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 7 Class 11

Which of the following changes must when a wave changes its medium?

180 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 7 Class 11

If the value of g is made g/16, what will be the effect on time period of pendulum?

181 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 7 Class 11

If length of a pendulum is 4 times g,.its time period will be:

182 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 18 Class 12

The width of depletion region Increases due to:

183 / 193

Category: Math Ch 12

A triangle which is not right is called:

184 / 193

Category: Math Ch 12

When we look an object below the horizontal ray, the angle formed is called angle of:

185 / 193

Category: Math Ch 12

186 / 193

Category: Math Ch 12

The circle passing through the thee vertices of a triangle is called:

187 / 193

Category: Math Ch 12

When we look an object above the horizontal ray, the angle formed is called angle of:

188 / 193

Category: English Analogies

) Range : Mountain

189 / 193

Category: English Analogies

Fox : Cunning a)

190 / 193

Category: English Analogies

Paper Ream a)

191 / 193

Category: English Analogies

Spring : Summer

192 / 193

Category: Physics Ch 8 Class 11

In which of the following medium will the speed of sound be maximum?

193 / 193

Category: Chemistry Ch 16 Class 12

Which of the following is a water cleaning halogen?

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