NUMS Mock Test New 3

The NUMS (National University of Medical Sciences) entry test is a standardized exam conducted in Pakistan for admission to medical and dental colleges affiliated with NUMS. This test is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of students seeking admission to undergraduate programs in medical and dental fields. PakLearningSpot PLS MCQs Bank website for FREE AKU Entry test preparations and AKU past papers

NUMS Entry Test

The NUMS entry test covers various subjects, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and English. It assesses a candidate’s understanding of scientific concepts, problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, and language proficiency.

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Created by Ali Durrani

NUMS Mock Test New 3

1 / 150

Which of the following gas, when ignited, burns with a blue flame and is not very soluble in water?

NUMS Mock 3
s and p Block Elements
Environmental Chemistry
A) O2
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B) CO2
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C) N2
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D) He
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2 / 150

Aromatic compounds burn with a sooty flame because:

NUMS Mock 3
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) They are resistant to react with oxygen
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B) They have a cyclic structure
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C) They have a high percentage of Carbon
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D) They have a high percentage of hydrogen
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3 / 150

Both ionic and covalent bonds are present in:

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
A) CH4
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B) SO2
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C) KCl
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Show Explanation

4 / 150

A certain radioactive isotope has a half-life of 50 days. Fraction of the material left behind after 100 days will be:

NUMS Mock 3
Analytical Chemistry
A) 125%
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B) 25%
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C) 50%
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D) 100%
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5 / 150

Ketones can be made by oxidation of:

NUMS Mock 3
Aldehydes and Ketones
A) Aldehydes
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B) Primary Alcohols
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C) Secondary Alcohols
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D) Tertiary Alcohols
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6 / 150

The influence of temperature on reaction rate is predicted by:

NUMS Mock 3
Reaction Kinetics
A) Free energy change
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B) Van Der Waals equation
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C) Arrhenius equation
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D) Kinetic equation
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7 / 150

If a molecule MX3 has zero dipole moment, the sigma bonding orbitals used by M are:

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
A) Pure p
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B) Sp hybrids
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C) Sp2hybrids
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D) Sp3hybrids
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8 / 150

Which of the following is locating agent?

NUMS Mock 3
Analytical Chemistry
A) H2S
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B) CS2
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C) Rubeanic acid
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D) Ninhydrin
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9 / 150

A crystal system having all sides (a, b and c) unequal and anglesα = β = γ= 90 is:

NUMS Mock 3
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) Cubic
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B) Rhombohedral
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C) Orthorhombic
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D) Hexagonal
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10 / 150

In this reaction NH4* + H2O -> H3O*, the conjugate base of H3O+ ion is:

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Equilibrium
A) NH4+
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B) H2O
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C) H*
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D) NH3
Show Explanation

11 / 150

Which of the following will not undergo aldol condensation?

NUMS Mock 3
Aldehydes and Ketones
A) Acetaldehyde
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B) Propanaldehyde
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C) Benzaldehyde
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D) Trideuteroacetaldehyde
Show Explanation

12 / 150

Impurities of lead in silver are removed by:

NUMS Mock 3
d and f Block Elements
A) Parke’s process
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B) Solvay process
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C) Cyanide process
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D) Amalgamation process
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13 / 150

The decreasing order of second ionization energy of K, Ca, Ba is:

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
A) K > Ca > Ba
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B) Ca > Ba > K
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C) Ba > K > Ca
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D) K > Ba > Ca
Show Explanation

14 / 150

The shape of CO2 molecule is similar to:

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
A) H2S
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B) SO2
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C) SnCl2
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D) BeF2
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15 / 150

The color of transition metal complexes is due to transition of electrons between:

NUMS Mock 3
d and f Block Elements
A) p to d orbitals
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B) d to d orbitals
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C) p to p orbitals
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D) d to p orbitals
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16 / 150

Which of the following solids is an example of a substance with a macromolecular structure?

NUMS Mock 3
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) Aluminium chloride
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B) Ice
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C) Magnesium oxide
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D) Silicon (IV) oxide
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17 / 150

What is the correct name for this structure?

NUMS Mock 3
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry
A) 3,3 4- trimethyl hexane
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B) 1,1,2- trimethyl ethane
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C) 2,2-dimethyl propane
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D) 2-ethyl,1-methylethane
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18 / 150

The products of decomposition of Mg(NO3)2are:

NUMS Mock 3
Periodicity in Elements
A) MgO and NO2
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B) Mg and NO2
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C) MgO, NO2and O2
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D) Mg(NO3)2
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19 / 150

Which of the following molecules has the largest number of shared pairs of electrons?

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
A) C2H4
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B) N2
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C) CO2
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D) NH3
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20 / 150

Which of the following substances exhibits hydrogen bonding?

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
A) H2S
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B) SiH4
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C) NH3
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Show Explanation

21 / 150

Precipitation occurs when the product of ionic concentrations is:

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Equilibrium
A) Greater than Ksp
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B) Less than Ksp
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C) Equal to Ksp
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D) Equal to unity
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22 / 150

Which of the following has the highest value of pKa?

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Equilibrium
Show Explanation
B) CI – CH2- CH2OH
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C) F3C – CH2- OH
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D) CH3- CH(CH3) – CH2OH
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23 / 150

Free Nitrogen and Oxygen are present in atmosphere but they do not react with each other under normal conditions because:

NUMS Mock 3
Environmental Chemistry
A) Nitrogen requires a catalyst
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B) Oxygen is very inactive
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C) Oxygen is found in less concentration
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D) Nitrogen is highly inactive gas
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24 / 150

Stronger the oxidizing agent, higher is the:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Emf of cell
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B) Oxidation potential
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C) Reduction potential
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D) Redox potential
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25 / 150

The presence of several fine lines in a line spectrum shows the presence of:

NUMS Mock 3
Atomic Structure
A) Shells
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B) Energy levels
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C) Sub shells
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D) All of these options are correct
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26 / 150

Nylon-6,6 is also called:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Poly styrene
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B) Polyester
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C) Polyamide
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D) Polyvinyl alcohol
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27 / 150

Identify the correct statement:

NUMS Mock 3
s and p Block Elements
A) Element sodium can be prepared and isolated by electrolyzing an aqueous solution of NaCl
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B) Elemental Na is a strong oxidizing agent
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C) Elemental Na is insoluble in NH3
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D) Elemental Na is easily oxidizing
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28 / 150

If any amino acids contain greater number of NH2, it is:

NUMS Mock 3
Alkyl Halides and Amines
A) Acidic
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B) Neutral
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C) Amphoteric
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D) Basic
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29 / 150

Salts of weak bases react with strong acids to give a/an

NUMS Mock 3
Acids, Bases and Salts
A) Basic solution
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B) Acidic solution
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C) Neutral solution
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D) None
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30 / 150

Which of these pollutants is produced by burning of coal and causes acid rain.

NUMS Mock 3
Environmental Chemistry
Show Explanation
B) CO2
Show Explanation
C) SO2
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Show Explanation

31 / 150

Which of these in an aqueous solution of equal concentration has the lowest pH?

NUMS Mock 3
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Chloroethanoic acid
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B) Ethanoic acid
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C) Ethylamine
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D) Phenol
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32 / 150

The following changes to the system at equilibrium have no effect on Kc except:

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Equilibrium
A) Increasing reactant concentrations
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B) Equal number of reactant and product gas molecules
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C) Increasing temperature
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D) Using a catalyst
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33 / 150

Which one of the following reagents is used to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones?

NUMS Mock 3
Aldehydes and Ketones
A) Alkaline Iodine
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B) Tollen’s Reagent
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C) Bromine
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D) 2, 4 DNPH
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34 / 150

Solid CO2 dry ice has a structure just like:

NUMS Mock 3
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
A) Diamond
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B) Sulphur
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C) Graphite
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D) None of the above
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35 / 150

For a single step reaction A ->B + 2C, the rate law is:

NUMS Mock 3
Reaction Kinetics
A) Rate = k
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B) Rate = k[A][B]
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C) Rate = k[A]
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D) Rate = k[B]
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36 / 150

The valency of an atom will be one if there is a sufficient gap between first and second ____.

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
A) Electron affinity
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B) Ionization energy
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C) Electronegativity
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D) None of these options are correct
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37 / 150

The substance which conducts electricity by the movement of ions:

NUMS Mock 3
Chemical Bonding
A) Graphite
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B) Copper
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C) Molten NaCl
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D) Mercury
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38 / 150

Which of the following is the most environmentally friendly source to derive energy?

NUMS Mock 3
Environmental Chemistry
A) Lead-acid accumulator
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B) H2- O2fuel cell
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C) Silver oxide battery
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D) Alkaline battery
Show Explanation

39 / 150

Phenylmethyl ketone can be converted into ethyl benzene in one step by using:

NUMS Mock 3
Aldehydes and Ketones
A) LiAlH4
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B) Zn(Hg)-HCl
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C) NaBH4
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Show Explanation

40 / 150

Alkenes undergo:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Electrophilic Addition
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B) Electrophilic substitution
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C) Nucleophilic substitution
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D) Nucleophilic addition
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41 / 150

Identify the correct usage of the adverb in the sentence:

She spoke ______ during the presentation.

NUMS Mock 3
A) Clear
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B) Clearly
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C) Clearlier
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D) Clearest
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42 / 150

Select the nearest correct meaning of the given word:


NUMS Mock 3
Key Vocabulary
A) Inculcate
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B) Incarnate
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C) Pull up
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D) Send for
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43 / 150

Demonstrate the correct use of subject-verb agreement:
He was ____ in the rain then.

NUMS Mock 3
Fill in the blank
A) Enjoys
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B) Enjoying
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C) Enjoy
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D) Will enjoy
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44 / 150

Identify the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

_____ going to the movies tonight?

NUMS Mock 3
A) Who’s
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B) Whose
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C) Whom
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D) Who
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45 / 150

The new teacher showed no _____ about hitting the students.

NUMS Mock 3
Fill in the blank
A) Quakes
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B) Qualms
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C) Quarrel
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D) Quotation
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46 / 150

Last Saturday my father _____ (take) my friends and me to the circus.

NUMS Mock 3
A) Take
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B) Took
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C) Will take
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D) Has taken
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47 / 150

They sometimes feel a _____ for the mountains and the sea.

NUMS Mock 3
Fill in the blank
A) Yearning
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B) Yapping
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C) Yelling
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D) Yielding
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48 / 150

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized one:


NUMS Mock 3
Key Vocabulary
A) Selfish
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B) Thoughtful
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C) Heedless
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D) Opinion
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49 / 150

Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?

NUMS Mock 3
Grammar and Punctuation
A) Is this your jacket?
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B) Whose jacket is this?
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C) Is this jacket yours?
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D) Who’s jacket is this?
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50 / 150

In the following question, four alternative sentences are given. Choose the CORRECT one.

NUMS Mock 3
Grammar and Punctuation
A) There is no clearly defined plot nor is there an attempt to establish a strong “hero figure”
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B) There is neither clearly defined plot not is there an attempt to establish a strong “hero figure”
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C) There is not clearly defined plot nor is there any attempt to establish a strong “hero figure”
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D) There not either clearly defined plot not is there an attempt to establish a strong “hero figure”
Show Explanation

51 / 150

You will find more information in the ___________.

NUMS Mock 3
Fill in the blank
A) Attached to file
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B) Attached file
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C) Attachment file
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D) File what is attached
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52 / 150

_________ people know the town better than old Jake here.

NUMS Mock 3
Fill in the blank
A) Only few
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B) The few
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C) Only the few
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D) Few
Show Explanation

53 / 150

Complete the sentence using the grammatically correct word or phrase.

Committee _______ issued a report.

NUMS Mock 3
Grammar and Punctuation
A) Has
Show Explanation
B) Will have
Show Explanation
C) Will
Show Explanation
D) Have
Show Explanation

54 / 150

_______ is involved in lipid synthesis/metabolism.

NUMS Mock 3
Cell Structure and Function
A) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
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B) Rough endoplasmic reticulum
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C) Mitochondria
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D) Vacuoles
Show Explanation

55 / 150

In the following question, four alternative sentences are given. Choose the CORRECT one.

NUMS Mock 3
Grammar and Punctuation
A) A common cause of failure is a mistaking ambition for the boy on the part of the parents.
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B) A common cause of failure is a mistaken ambition for the boy on the part of parents.
Show Explanation
C) A common cause of failure is a mistake ambition for the boy on the part of the parents.
Show Explanation
D) A common causes of failure is a mistake ambition for the boy on the part of the parents.
Show Explanation

56 / 150

Identify the correct form of the adjective to complete the sentence:

The weather today is ______ than yesterday.

NUMS Mock 3
A) Hot
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B) Hotter
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C) Hotest
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D) Hotted
Show Explanation

57 / 150

Change in entropy does not depend on:

NUMS Mock 3
Heat and Thermodynamics
A) Amount of heat added to the system
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B) Amount of heat rejected from the system
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C) The temperature of the substance
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D) Amount of the substance
Show Explanation

58 / 150

When the frequency of the applied force becomes equal to one of natural frequencies of body then the body oscillates with maximum displacement this phenomenon is called:

NUMS Mock 3
Wave Motion and Sound
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Heating
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B) Resonance
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C) Reverbnation
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D) Damping
Show Explanation

59 / 150

The beat frequency is given by:

NUMS Mock 3
Wave Motion and Sound
A) |fa – fb|
Show Explanation
B) |fa ÷ fb|
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C) |fa x fb|
Show Explanation
D) |fa + fb|
Show Explanation

60 / 150

In motion of satellites, necessary centripetal force is provided by:

NUMS Mock 3
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) Gravitational Force
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B) Coulomb’s Force
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C) Magnetic Force
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D) Nuclear Force
Show Explanation

61 / 150

Find the longest wavelength in the Paschen series, given R = 1.097 x 107m-1.

NUMS Mock 3
Atomic Spectra
A) 11097 A
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B) 18750 A
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C) 17884 A
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D) 19001 A
Show Explanation

62 / 150

If a wire having current 10A has a 3T magnetic field, what will be the magnetic field at a point from the wire at double the distance?

NUMS Mock 3
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Reduces by factor 2
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B) Becomes double
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C) Reduces by factor 4
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D) Becomes triple
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63 / 150

What force should be applied on a 10 kg body so that it moves down in a vacuum with an acceleration of 3 m/s2 ? (Take g=9.8 m/s2)

NUMS Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) 42 N
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B) 46 N
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C) 68 N
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D) 53 N
Show Explanation

64 / 150

An emf of 120 volts of negligible internal resistance is connected across a resistance of 1000 ohm. The current flowing through the circuit will be:

NUMS Mock 3
Current Electricity
A) 120 A
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B) 120 x 103A
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C) 120 x 10-3A
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D) None
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65 / 150

Electric field strength at a point between oppositely charged plates is ‘E’. If the distance between plates is reduced to half, what will be the new value of electric intensity?

NUMS Mock 3
A) 4E
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B) E/2
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C) E/4
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D) 2E
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66 / 150

For a stiff spring, the value of spring constant is:

NUMS Mock 3
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Higher
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B) Lower
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C) Intermediate
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D) Zero
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67 / 150

A bullet of mass 20g leaves the gun with a velocity of 200 m/s. If the mass of gun is 2kg then the speed of recoil of the gun is:

NUMS Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) 2000 m/s
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B) 2 m/s
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C) 20 m/s
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D) 200 m/s
Show Explanation

68 / 150

For one mole of gas, the relation for specific heat capacity at constant pressure ‘Cp’ and at constant volume ‘Cv’ is ________.

NUMS Mock 3
Heat and Thermodynamics
A) Cp + Cv = R
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B) Cp – R = Cv
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C) Cv – R = Cp
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D) Cp + R = Cv
Show Explanation

69 / 150

A body of mass of 2kg absorbed 10 J of radioactive radiations. The absorbed dose of radiation in rad is:

NUMS Mock 3
Nuclear Physics
A) 5
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B) 5 x 10-2
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C) 500
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D) 20
Show Explanation

70 / 150

An automobile is moving forwards with uniform velocity due to the force exerted by its engine. If the force is doubled with the velocity remaining constant what happens to its total power?

NUMS Mock 3
Work, Power and Energy
A) It is squared
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B) It is halved
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C) It is doubled
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D) It does not change
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71 / 150

The fractional change in resistance per kelvin is known as:

NUMS Mock 3
Current Electricity
A) None
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B) Temperature coefficient of resistance
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C) Thermal coefficient
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D) Volumetric æfficient of expansion
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72 / 150

A disc, a hoop, and a sphere of the same mass and radius are rolled down from a frictionless, inclined plane. Which has a greater speed on reaching the ground?

NUMS Mock 3
Circular Motion and Momentum
A) Disc
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B) Loop
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C) Sphere
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D) All have the same speed
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73 / 150

Lasers are used for producing an intense, ____ and coherent beam of visible light.

NUMS Mock 3
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments
A) Monochromatic
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B) Bichromatic
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C) Multichromatic
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D) Non Chromatic
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74 / 150

The direction of the magnetic line of force depends upon:

NUMS Mock 3
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Nature of the material of the conducting wire
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B) Area of the conducting wire
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C) Amount of the current
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D) Direction of the current
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75 / 150

Refrigerator is an example of:

NUMS Mock 3
Heat and Thermodynamics
A) First law of thermodynamics
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B) Second law of thermodynamics
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C) Newton law of motion
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D) Entropy
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76 / 150

Minimum energy required to eject an electron from metal surface is called:

NUMS Mock 3
Dawn of Modern Physics
A) Stopping potential
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B) Electromotive force
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C) Work function
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D) Threshold frequency
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77 / 150

Two bodies ‘x’ and ‘Y’ are attached to the ends of a string which passes over a pulley so that the two bodies hang vertically. If the mass of the body ‘x’ is 5 kg and that of body ‘Y’ is 4.8 kg. Find the acceleration?(g = 9.8 m/s^2)

NUMS Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) 0.2 m/s2
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B) 1.7 m/s2
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C) 3.7 m/s2
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D) 4.9 m/s2
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78 / 150

The total energy of a block, executing simple harmonic motion is:

NUMS Mock 3
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Independent of ‘x’
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B) Proportional to ‘x’
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C) Proportional to ‘x2’
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D) Proportional to ‘x-2’
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79 / 150

Lenz’s law in electromagnetic induction is the direct consequence of the principle of conservation of:

NUMS Mock 3
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Energy
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B) Charge
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C) Momentum
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D) Mass
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80 / 150

When the antinodes, in stationary waves, are passing through their equilibrium position, the energy is:

NUMS Mock 3
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Potential only
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B) Kinetic only
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C) A combination of both forms of energy
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D) There is no energy in stationary waves
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81 / 150

An electron enters in a magnetic field at an angle less than 90 degrees with magnetic field. Which of the following path is followed by an electron?

NUMS Mock 3
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Straight
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B) Circular
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C) Curve
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D) Helical
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82 / 150

Third law of Newton is also called:

NUMS Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) Law of Inertia
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B) Equilibrium
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C) Law of action and reaction
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D) None
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83 / 150

In simple harmonic motion, acceleration will be maximum, when object is at:

NUMS Mock 3
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Maximum displacement from the mean position
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B) Center position
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C) Half of the maximum displacement from mean position
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D) Mean position
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84 / 150

Why picture on a TV screen become distorted when a magnet is brought near the screen?

NUMS Mock 3
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Beam of electrons will be negative due to magnetic field
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B) Beam of electrons will be zero due to magnetic field
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C) Beam of electrons will be reflected due to magnetic field
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D) Beam of electrons will be deflected due to magnetic field
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85 / 150

In the case of linear deformation, the ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain is called:

NUMS Mock 3
Physics of Solids
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
A) Energy stored in a stretched wire
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B) Young’s double slit phenomenon
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C) Bulk Modulus
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D) Young’s Modulus
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86 / 150

Two long, parallel conductors which are free to move are arranged 1.0 cm apart. A steady current of 20 A flows in each of the conductors in the same direction. The conductors:

NUMS Mock 3
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Remains stationary
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B) Move towards each other
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C) Move away from each other
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D) Move at right angles to each other
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87 / 150

If Cv= 5/2 R , Cpwill be:

NUMS Mock 3
Heat and Thermodynamics
A) 2 / 5 R
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B) 2 / 7 R
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C) 5 / 2 R
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D) 7 / 2 R
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88 / 150

The different magnitudes of same physical quantities are measured by comparing them to:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Available scale
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B) Standard size
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C) Each other
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D) Other physical quantities
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89 / 150

An object is moving along a circular path of radius 4m. What will be its angular displacement if it moves 14 m on this circular path?

NUMS Mock 3
Circular Motion & Momentum
A) 5.0 radians
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B) 3.5 radians
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C) 4.5 radians
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D) 5.5 radians
Show Explanation

90 / 150

In rotational motion, angular momentum plays a role which is analogous to that played by _____ in linear motion.

NUMS Mock 3
Circular Motion and Momentum
A) Linear velocity
Show Explanation
B) Linear momentum
Show Explanation
C) Linear acceleration
Show Explanation
D) Inertia
Show Explanation

91 / 150

The current measuring part of the Avometer consists of a number of low resistors connected …

NUMS Mock 3
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) At an angle of 180 degrees with the galvanometer
Show Explanation
B) Parallel with galvanometer
Show Explanation
C) At an angle of 45 degrees With the galvanometer
Show Explanation
D) Perpendicular with the galvanometer
Show Explanation

92 / 150

All of the following are equivalent to watt except:

NUMS Mock 3
Work, Power & Energy
A) (Amperes)2ohm
Show Explanation
B) Joules/ sec
Show Explanation
C) Amperes x volts
Show Explanation
D) Amperes/volt
Show Explanation

93 / 150

If each particle of fluid is passing through the same point, what would be the flow?

NUMS Mock 3
Fluid Dynamics
A) Linear
Show Explanation
B) Streamline
Show Explanation
C) Tubular
Show Explanation
D) Both A and B
Show Explanation

94 / 150

If the temperature is increased from 200K to 800K, then what would be the change in pressure at constant volume?

NUMS Mock 3
Heat and Thermodynamics
A) Increases by factor 4
Show Explanation
B) Decreases by factor 4
Show Explanation
C) Increases by factor 2
Show Explanation
D) Decreases by factor 2
Show Explanation

95 / 150

The point at which an applied force produces linear motion but no rotatory Motion is:

NUMS Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) Mid-point
Show Explanation
B) Center of gravity
Show Explanation
C) Optical center
Show Explanation
D) Pole
Show Explanation

96 / 150

A body starts sliding on a rough horizontal surface with a speed of 10 m/s. If the coefficient of friction is 0.2, find the distance traveled by the body before coming to rest. (g = 10m/s)

NUMS Mock 3
Forces and Motion
A) 15 m
Show Explanation
B) 25 m
Show Explanation
C) 35 m
Show Explanation
D) 40 m
Show Explanation

97 / 150

As an excretory organ, liver:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Detoxifies many chemical poisons
Show Explanation
B) Produces ammonia for excretion by the kidneys
Show Explanation
C) Produces urea and uric acids from the nitrogen of amino acids
Show Explanation
D) All of the above
Show Explanation

98 / 150

In cross-section each Centriole consist of nine (each in triplets) of:

NUMS Mock 3
Cell Structure and Function
A) Microfilaments
Show Explanation
B) Microvilli
Show Explanation
C) Microtubules
Show Explanation
D) Intermediate filaments
Show Explanation

99 / 150

Conversion of ammonium into nitrates is:

NUMS Mock 3
Man and His Environment
A) Nitrification
Show Explanation
B) Nitrogen Fixation
Show Explanation
C) Ammonification
Show Explanation
D) Denitrification
Show Explanation

100 / 150

Movement of the Hip joint is which type of synovial joints?

NUMS Mock 3
Support and Movement
A) Gliding joint
Show Explanation
B) Ball and socket joint
Show Explanation
C) Pivot joints
Show Explanation
D) Hinge joint
Show Explanation

101 / 150

The table shows the characteristics of the blood in one blood vessel in the body.

Which blood vessel contains blood with these characteristics?

NUMS Mock 3
A) Aorta
Show Explanation
B) Pulmonary Artery
Show Explanation
C) Pulmonary Vein
Show Explanation
D) Vena cava
Show Explanation

102 / 150

DNA synthesis takes place in _____ phase of the cell cycle.

NUMS Mock 3
Cell Cycle
A) G0
Show Explanation
B) G1
Show Explanation
C) G2
Show Explanation
D) S
Show Explanation

103 / 150

The diagram represents two liquids, separated by a membrane through which osmosis can occur.

What movement of molecules will occur?

NUMS Mock 3
A) Molecules of dissolved substance move from left to right.
Show Explanation
B) Molecules of dissolved substance move from right to left.
Show Explanation
C) Overall, water molecules move from left to right.
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D) Overall, water molecules move from right to left.
Show Explanation

104 / 150

Identify the incorrect statement about Charles Darwin’s theory:

NUMS Mock 3
A) The individual of species have variations among them.
Show Explanation
B) There is always a tendency of over reproduction in a species.
Show Explanation
C) Vast gradual changes result in the origin of a new species.
Show Explanation
D) Favorable variations survive and unfavorable will be exterminated.
Show Explanation
E) Intra-specific competition occurs between different species and interspecific competition occurs among the individuals in a species.
Show Explanation

105 / 150

All of the followings are the effects of red light on plant, EXCEPT:

NUMS Mock 3
Growth and Development
A) Causes epicotyl (plumule) hook to unbend
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B) Induces increase in leaf area
Show Explanation
C) Elongation of internodes is promoted
Show Explanation
D) Stimulate flowering in long day plants
Show Explanation

106 / 150

Which type of protein structure contains the three dimensional structure?

NUMS Mock 3
Biological Molecules
A) Primary
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B) Secondary
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C) Tertiary
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D) Quaternary
Show Explanation

107 / 150

The causes of Cyanosis include:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Deficiency of vitamin C
Show Explanation
B) Varicella-zoster virus
Show Explanation
C) Degeneration of the cartilage of joints
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D) Ventricular septum defect
Show Explanation

108 / 150

Chest cavity is bounded by ribs and muscles on the sides, while the floor of chest cavity is called:

NUMS Mock 3
Gaseous Exchange
A) Pleura
Show Explanation
B) Alveoli
Show Explanation
C) Chest cage
Show Explanation
D) Diaphragm
Show Explanation

109 / 150

Nitrogen-cycle is facilitated by ______.

NUMS Mock 3
A) Algae
Show Explanation
B) Fungi
Show Explanation
C) Bacteria
Show Explanation
D) Virus
Show Explanation

110 / 150

What type of atom is the carbon atom?

NUMS Mock 3
Biological Molecules
A) Divalent
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B) Monovalent
Show Explanation
C) Trivalent
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D) Tetravalent
Show Explanation

111 / 150

Unpaired facial bones are:

NUMS Mock 3
Support and Movement
A) Maxilla, Zygomatic
Show Explanation
B) Palatine, Inferior concha
Show Explanation
C) Nasal, Lacrimal
Show Explanation
D) Mandible, Vomer
Show Explanation

112 / 150

Many scientists believe that one of the following is evolutionary origin(s) of animals, plants and fungi?

NUMS Mock 3
A) Protists
Show Explanation
B) Algae
Show Explanation
C) Bacteria
Show Explanation
D) Protozoans
Show Explanation

113 / 150

Choose the term from the following which is NOT a part of gene therapy?

NUMS Mock 3
A) Bone marrow transplant
Show Explanation
B) Retrovirus
Show Explanation
C) DNA Fingerprinting
Show Explanation
D) Somatic cells
Show Explanation

114 / 150

An Rh negative woman is married to an Rh positive man whose father was also Rh negative. What are the chances that their child will be affected?

NUMS Mock 3
Variation and Genetics
A) 25%
Show Explanation
B) 50%
Show Explanation
C) 75%
Show Explanation
D) 100%
Show Explanation

115 / 150

Eukaryotic, multicellular, and consumers belong to ______ kingdom.

NUMS Mock 3
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Monera
Show Explanation
B) Protista
Show Explanation
C) Fungi
Show Explanation
D) Animalia
Show Explanation

116 / 150

This theory says that “mitochondria and chloroplasts are, in effect, ancient bacteria which now live inside the larger cells”:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Darwin’s theory of evolution
Show Explanation
B) Lamarckism
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C) Neo – darwinism
Show Explanation
D) Endosymbiont theory
Show Explanation

117 / 150

Consider the following statements regarding blood pressure:

1. It is the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of any vessel.

2. It decreases in the arteries as the distance from the heart increases.

3. It is lower in the capillaries than in the arteries.

4. It is usually lower in women than in men.

Choose the correct statements.

NUMS Mock 3
A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
Show Explanation
B) 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
Show Explanation
C) 1 and 4 are correct.
Show Explanation
D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
Show Explanation

118 / 150

According to the theory of natural selection, organisms produce:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Offspring according to the resources available
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B) Offspring to create resources
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C) To create resources
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D) More offspring than supported
Show Explanation

119 / 150

In semi-conservative replication, which of the following is true regarding the separation of two strands?

NUMS Mock 3
Chromosomes and DNA
A) Primary structure is conserved, and secondary structure is disturbed
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B) Secondary structure is conserved, and the primary structure is disrupted
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C) both the primary and secondary structures are conserved
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D) Both the primary and secondary structures are disrupted
Show Explanation

120 / 150

In a marine environment, the ion secreted by the kidney is:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Na+
Show Explanation
B) K+
Show Explanation
C) Mg2+
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D) Cl-
Show Explanation

121 / 150

The inhibitor which closely resembles the substrate in its molecular structure and inhibits the enzyme activity by binding to the active site of the enzyme is called:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Feedback inhibitor
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B) Non-competitive inhibitor
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C) Allosteric modulator
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D) Competitive inhibitor
Show Explanation

122 / 150

Below the point at which the cotyledons are attached, the embryo axis is called _______.

NUMS Mock 3
Kingdom Plantae
A) Radicle
Show Explanation
B) Epicotyl
Show Explanation
C) Hypocotyl
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D) Coleoptile
Show Explanation

123 / 150

Now-a-days every newborn gets regular shots of vaccine for polio. It contains _________ for polio to make a child immune against this disease.

NUMS Mock 3
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Antibiotics
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B) Antibodies
Show Explanation
C) Antigens
Show Explanation
D) Antisera
Show Explanation

124 / 150

Amylase is not produced by the following type(s) of salivary gland:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Parotid
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B) Submandibular
Show Explanation
C) Sublingual
Show Explanation
D) None of the given options are correct
Show Explanation

125 / 150

Lymph nodes are not present:

NUMS Mock 3
Coordination and Control
A) Neck region
Show Explanation
B) Axilla
Show Explanation
C) Groin
Show Explanation
D) Spleen
Show Explanation

126 / 150

What is the size of Parvovirus?

NUMS Mock 3
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) 200nm
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B) 20nm
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C) 30nm
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D) 100nm
Show Explanation

127 / 150

How many ml of blood is pumped by each contraction of the heart?

NUMS Mock 3
A) 80 ml
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B) 90 ml
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C) 70 ml
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D) 60 ml
Show Explanation

128 / 150

While working in a laboratory, before studying a sample under the microscope, it was immersed in a dye solution to obtain ______.

NUMS Mock 3
Biology and its Major Fields of Specialization
A) Magnification
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B) Image
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C) Match
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D) Contrast
Show Explanation

129 / 150

In which of the following growth phases, the number of bacteria increases the most rapidly?

NUMS Mock 3
Kingdom Protista
A) Lag phase
Show Explanation
B) Log phase
Show Explanation
C) Stationary phase
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D) Death / Decline phase
Show Explanation

130 / 150

The egg of a chick is laid at which of the following stages?

NUMS Mock 3
Growth and Development
A) Gastrula
Show Explanation
B) Blastula
Show Explanation
C) Cleavage
Show Explanation
D) Morula
Show Explanation

131 / 150

Which of the following blood transfusions can be made safely?

NUMS Mock 3
Variation and Genetics
A) Group A to group B
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B) Group B to group AB
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C) Group AB to group O
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D) Group A to group O
Show Explanation

132 / 150

The dark reactions of photosynthesis are characterized by:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Synthesis of ATP, O2 and NADH
Show Explanation
B) Utilization of ATP, CO2 and NADPH
Show Explanation
C) Electron transfer from NADPH to RuBP
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D) Carbon dioxide transfer from RuBP to glucose
Show Explanation

133 / 150

Which of the following, which is the incorrectly paired one?

NUMS Mock 3
Biology and its Major Fields of Specialization
A) Robert Hooke … cell wall
Show Explanation
B) Schlelden and schwann … cell theory
Show Explanation
C) Robert Brown… nucleus
Show Explanation
D) Watson and Crick … DNA model
Show Explanation
E) Virchow… mosaic model of plasma membrane
Show Explanation

134 / 150

Chemical nature of primers used in the PCR process is _______.

NUMS Mock 3
Show Explanation
B) Protein
Show Explanation
C) Carbohydrate
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

135 / 150

Which valve action results from an increase in pressure in the ventricles of the heart?

NUMS Mock 3
A) The closing of all the heart valves
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B) The closing of semilunar valves
Show Explanation
C) The opening of the bicuspid valve
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D) The opening of the semilunar valves
Show Explanation

136 / 150

The numbers of capsomeres found in adenovirus capsid is?

NUMS Mock 3
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) 162
Show Explanation
B) 200
Show Explanation
C) 252
Show Explanation
D) 155
Show Explanation

137 / 150

Phenylketonuria is

NUMS Mock 3
Chromosomes and DNA
A) Sex linked dominant trait
Show Explanation
B) Sex linked recessive trait
Show Explanation
C) Autosomal dominant trait
Show Explanation
D) Autosomal recessive trait
Show Explanation

138 / 150

Cardiac output is increased by all of the following EXCEPT:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Hypoxia
Show Explanation
B) Exercise
Show Explanation
C) Sleep
Show Explanation
D) Pregnancy
Show Explanation

139 / 150

DNA fingerprinting is basically done for:

NUMS Mock 3
A) DNA cloning
Show Explanation
B) DNA analysis
Show Explanation
C) DNA sequencing
Show Explanation
D) DNA splicing
Show Explanation

140 / 150

5 different amino acids, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, below from the following sequence in the path of a polypeptide chain:


Messenger RNA codon, which correspond to the amino acids, are:
amino acid 1 UGU

amino acid 2 GAU

amino acid 3 CAC

amino acid 4 UAG

amino acid 5 AAG

Which one of the following DNA bases sequences could provide the code for the given section of the polypeptide?

NUMS Mock 3
Biological Molecules
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

141 / 150

Booklungs serve the function of respiration in:

NUMS Mock 3
Gaseous Exchange
A) Scorpion
Show Explanation
B) Earthworm
Show Explanation
C) Frog
Show Explanation
D) Cockroaches
Show Explanation

142 / 150

What is the effect of enzyme DNA ligase?

NUMS Mock 3
Chromosomes and DNA
A) DNA is broken up at specific sites
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B) DNA fragments are joined together
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C) DNA replication occurs
Show Explanation
D) DNA transcription occurs
Show Explanation

143 / 150

The best function of coelom is described as ____.

NUMS Mock 3
Kingdom Animalia
A) To increase the size of the animals
Show Explanation
B) To help in the functioning of reproductive system
Show Explanation
C) To provide space for the development of organs and systems
Show Explanation
D) All of these options are correct
Show Explanation

144 / 150

Red-green color-blindness is an X-linked recessive disorder. Jacob’s paternal grandfather and father are both color-blind, but his mother has two normal alleles. What is the probability that Jacob is red-green color-blind?

NUMS Mock 3
Variation and Genetics
A) 0%
Show Explanation
B) 25%
Show Explanation
C) 50%
Show Explanation
D) 75%
Show Explanation

145 / 150

It is a method for rapid production of a very large number of copies of a particular fragment of DNA:

NUMS Mock 3
A) Gel electrophoresis
Show Explanation
B) Polymerase chain reaction
Show Explanation
C) DNA extraction
Show Explanation
D) Recombination
Show Explanation

146 / 150

Icosahedral viruses have how many faces?

NUMS Mock 3
Variety of Life
A) 20
Show Explanation
B) 30
Show Explanation
C) 10
Show Explanation
D) 40
Show Explanation

147 / 150

In a pyramid of energy, which level represents the greatest amount of energy?

NUMS Mock 3
Man and His Enviornment
A) Producers
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B) First-order consumers
Show Explanation
C) Second-order consumers
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D) Third-order consumers
Show Explanation

148 / 150

A group of biologically active molecules formed from amino acids which interact with the surface of the lipid bilayer of cell membranes are called:

NUMS Mock 3
Biological Molecules
A) Integral Proteins
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B) Peripheral proteins
Show Explanation
C) Cell wall
Show Explanation
D) Plasmodesmata
Show Explanation

149 / 150

An example of competitive inhibition of an enzyme is the inhibition of;

NUMS Mock 3
A) Succinic dehydrogenase by malonic acid
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B) Cytochrome oxidase by cyanide
Show Explanation
C) Hexokinase by glucose
Show Explanation
D) Carbonic anhydrase by carbon dioxide
Show Explanation

150 / 150

NAD is an example of:

NUMS Mock 3
Biological Molecules
A) Mononucleotide
Show Explanation
B) Dinucleotide
Show Explanation
C) Trinucleotide
Show Explanation
D) Tetranucleotide
Show Explanation

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