NUMS Mock Test 5

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NUMS Mock Test 5

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1 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 12

A lullaby is a song. No song is prose. Some proses are epics.
I. Some proses are songs.
II. Some epics are lullabies.
III. Some songs are lullabies.
Which of the following is most appropriate in the above case?
a) Only II
b) Only III
c) I, II, and III are inappropriate

2 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 12

Study of human population and things that affect them is

3 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 12

Water constitutes –% of body weight?

4 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 12

Mountains of Koh Hindukush come under

5 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 12

Productivity of an ecosystem is indicated by

6 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 12

Abiotic components include

7 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

Which statement is incorrect?

8 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 12

Archaebacteria can survive at

9 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 12

Taq polymerase is extracted from a bacterium

10 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 12

Recombinant DNA contains DNA from

11 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 12

Which of the following condition is hybrid A. TT B. Tt C. tt D. All of these

12 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

Meiosis occurs at the time of

13 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 12

In case of neurons, post mitotic cell escapes cell cycle and remain in _______ phase whthout proliferating further

14 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 12

In semi-conservative replication

15 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

Cells elongate by

16 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 12

Apical meristems are located at

17 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

In biennials and perennials, low temperature stimulus is not received by

18 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 12

Gametes in animals are produced by

19 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Nissl’s granules are present in which part of the neuron?

20 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 12

Gibberellins may be substituted for _____ light, therefore promote flowering in long day plants.

21 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

Epinasty is controlled by

22 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 12

Which of the following plays the major role in providing support to young herbaceous parts of the plant:

23 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

Terrestrial animals like kangaroo rat survive even without drinking water since

24 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 12

In osmosis water molecules move from area of _______ to _______ through semipermeable memberane

25 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 13 Class 11

When abdomen expands, the number of spiracles open is

26 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Midgut in cockroach is a short narrow tube called

27 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 12 Class 11

Stunted growth of roots is due to the deficiency of _____ in plants

28 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 11 Class 11

Of the following which one is not an energy releasing process?

29 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

Of the following which one is not the characteristic of triploblasts.

30 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 10 Class 11

The name animal is derived from the word.

31 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 9 Class 11

Ferns are included in

32 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 11

Fungi can tolerate pH from

33 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 8 Class 11

Oyster mushroom is an example of predator fungi which attack on

34 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 11

In which of the following pigments major energy reserves and cell wall are like plants?

35 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 7 Class 11

Which of the protozoa has a striking resemblance to collar cells in sponges?

36 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 6 Class 11

Some bacteria ranging occasionally a size of 500 ?m in length are

37 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

The name Bacteriophage was coined by:

38 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 5 Class 11

Solanum tuberosum is a scientific name of:

39 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 4 Class 11

Movement of the material across the cell membrane which does not requiring expenditure of metabolic energy is called

40 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

A substance which binds at the active site of the enzyme but does not result in the formation of the products is called:

41 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 3 Class 11

Enzymes _________ the activation energy of a chemical reaction

42 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 2 Class 11

A complex substance which on hydrolysis yields polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone subunits is called:

43 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

A series of hypothesis supported by the results of many tests is called

44 / 150

Category: Biology Ch 1 Class 11

The branch of biology which deals with the study of social behavior and communal life of human beings living in any environment is called :

45 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.58 Acording to the law of independent assortment, what is the possible number of combinations that chromosomes can assort to independently in the gamete?

46 / 150

Category: Biology

Q44 Study of fossils is called

47 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.25 For respiratory metabolism, bacterial cell membrane contains

48 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.9 A surfactant is essential for:

49 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.64 Which of the following conditions is not required to be true for a population in Hardy-Veinberg equilibrium?

50 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.50 How does each photoexcited electron pass from PS1 to PS2?

51 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.34 If the non-protien part is loosely attached to the protein part in the enzyme, it is known as

52 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.23 During inspiration, the diaphragm:

53 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.8 Which of the following structure provides greater pathogenicity to the bacteria?

54 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.61 Herbivores always occupy :

55 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.50  Which of the following hormones is essential for the production of sperms?

56 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.33  Food in plants is transported in the form of:

57 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.19   Of the following, which one is not included in protostomes:

58 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.7     Ribosomes are assembled in the nucleolus and then exported to cytoplasm via:

59 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.3  Which statement about cell membrane is incorrect?

60 / 150

Category: Biology

Q.27   The stimulus for the production of more gastrin hormone from the gastric endocrine lining is:

61 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The correct order of decreasing solubility of AgCI In A) Water B) 0.1 M NaCi C) 0.1 BaCl2 D) 0.1M NI-43

62 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Vinyl bromide can be prepared from:

63 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 16 Class 12

NO2 in atmosphere absorbs moisture to form?

64 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 15 Class 12

Ammonium nitrate contain nitrogen

65 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Which of following Is poison for catalyst:

66 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 14 Class 12

Three different polymers are polymerized to form

67 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

Which one of the following is neutral amino acid:

68 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 13 Class 12

For preparation of carboxylic acid, alkyl nitrite is required. Alkyl nitrite can be prepared by treating KCN with:

69 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

Ketone can be prepared by the oxidation of:

70 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 12 Class 12

Metaformaldehyde is a result of?

71 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

Boiling point of C2H5OH is high than phenol because:

72 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 11 Class 12

25 to 35 degree centigrade temperature is good for which of the following process?

73 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 12

Which of the following Alkyl Halide is most reactive?

74 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 12

C6H5 Is:

75 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

Molecular Formula of Propane is:

76 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 12

Which one of these is/are gasses?

77 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 7 Class 12

Which of the following has shortest C – C bond length?

78 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 12

Which of following transition complex will have most stable square planar structure?

79 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 12

ransition elements are colored because of:

80 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 12

Which of the following show halogens?

81 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12

Which one of the following elements has six valence electrons?

82 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 12

Formula of laughing gas is?

83 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 12

Which one is not the type of Boric Acid?

84 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

Which one of the following is a common mineral of calcium? a

85 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 12

Sodium Is prepared by

86 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 12

Element that is not found in Free State is?

87 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 10 Class 11

+3 and +5 oxidation states are often shown by:

88 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 9 Class 11

Which of the following Is the smallest unit?

89 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

A solution having pH = 0 is

90 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 8 Class 11

Equilibrium constant has no units if?

91 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Which of the following has the largest dipole moment?

92 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 6 Class 11

Geometry of SF6 is:

93 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 5 Class 11

d subshell has

94 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Hybridization in diamond is

95 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 4 Class 11

Vapor pressure depends on

96 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 3 Class 11

Real gases deviate significantly from ideal gas behavior at

97 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 2 Class 11

The rate of filtration can be considerably increased by using

98 / 150

Category: Chemistry Ch 1 Class 11

In mass spectrometry, ionization occurs in form.

99 / 150

Category: Physics

Center of gravity of a cup Iles

100 / 150

Category: Physics

Which is most sensitive to human eye?

101 / 150

Category: Physics

Q.169 If a wheel of radius r turns through an angle of 30°, then the distance through which any point on its rim moves is?

102 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 21 Class 12

Energy of fast moving neutron Is?

103 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 21 Class 12

) Which can damage eye?

104 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

Presence of Photon was confirmed by

105 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

Mass of a body with speed of light approaches to:

106 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 19 Class 12

The absolute standard of rest is:

107 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 17 Class 12

Aluminum Is a

108 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 16 Class 12

Power factor in an AC circuit Is?

109 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 15 Class 12

When carrying electricity on long distances. Step up transformer are used to:

110 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 15 Class 12

A.C generator can be converted into D.0 generator by

111 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 14 Class 12

If the length of a current carrying solenoid is doubled keeping the number of turns same and the current is increased to 9 times, the value of magnetic field compared to the original magnetic field B will be:

112 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 13 Class 12

Resistivity of Hg is ohmmeter

113 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 13 Class 12

What is the constant of proportionality in ohms law:

114 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

What will be the change in potential energy if an electron moves 4.5m in the direction of an electric field of strength 325 N/C?

115 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

A charge is situated in the center of cube. The electric flux through one of the faces of the cube is.

116 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 12 Class 12

The unit of the product of RC in the charging of a capacitor Is:

117 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 11 Class 11

When earthquake occurs. What happens to the entropy of Earth?

118 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 10 Class 11

If placed in contact, the focal length of the combination of two convex lenses of equal focal lengths f,
will be

119 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 10 Class 11

Dispersional effect may produced error in light signals. This type of error is minimum in.

120 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 10 Class 11

Unit of power of a lens is

121 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 9 Class 11

Which of the following can be the objective of Polarization:

122 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 8 Class 11

The frequency of a wave as the source approaches the observer with speed v

123 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 7 Class 11

What is the kinetic energy at the extreme position during SHM?

124 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 7 Class 11

if a hole is dug to the center of earth and a ball is dropped in it, the ball will:

125 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 6 Class 11

terminal velocity of a water droplet is dependent on:

126 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 5 Class 11

What will be the velocity of a body revolving In a circle of radius 2m with an angular velocity of 1 rev/sec?

127 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Escape velocity of Jupiter is:

128 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 4 Class 11

Mechanical energy of an object is the sum of its Potential Energy and ?

129 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

A particle with Initial velocity 40 m/s moving with a constant acceleration 10 m/s  Is distance covered In 5 second will be

130 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

Newton’s first law Is applicable on:

I) Body In motion II) Body In rest


131 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 3 Class 11

When a car moves with constant velocity force on it is

132 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 2 Class 11

Two vectors of magnitude 10m and 20m have an angle 30° between them. The component of shorter vector parallel to the longer vector will be:

133 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

1 rad is equal to how many degrees

134 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Radian Is a:

135 / 150

Category: Physics Ch 1 Class 11

Dimension of power?

136 / 150

Category: English Grammar

Many — decisions were taken at the meeting.

137 / 150

Category: English Grammar

— works of reference are valuable as Encyclopedia, Britannica.

138 / 150

Category: English Grammar

He passed the examination in the first class because he —

139 / 150

Category: English Reading Comprehension

Passage 12 Every summer Nichole goes to the countryside for a month. She stays a(her uncle’s farm and helps him. She works very hard, but she likes it because she loves to spend time with her cousin Macy. Every morning she wakes up at six o’clock, first she collects the eggs and feeds the chickens, then she has breakfast at 6:30 and after breakfast, she helps her aunt with the house chores for an hour. She can’t wait to spend time with her cousin Macy. They always have a great time together. They climb trees, pick fruits and flowers. They love being outdoors. They come back home before dark and get ready for dinner. After dinner, they go out and feed the animals. Before they go to bed, they watch TV for a little bit or read books. They are always very tired at the end of the day and usually fall asleep watching TV or reading. Where does Nichole go in summer?

140 / 150

Category: English Analogies

Sound : Muffled

141 / 150

Category: English Analogies

Spring : Summer

142 / 150

Category: English Analogies

Paper Ream a)

143 / 150

Category: English Spellings Correction

Choice Correct Spelling

144 / 150

Category: English Spellings Correction

Choice Correct Spelling

145 / 150

Category: English Spellings Correction

Choice Correct Spelling

146 / 150

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word most opposite in meaning to “Incomparable”

147 / 150

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose the word closest in meaning to “Effrontery”

148 / 150

Category: English – Synonyms and Antonyms

the word closest in meaning to “Mediatio”

149 / 150

Category: English

Q.192 I have

150 / 150

Category: English

Q.200 The sun ______________(shine) brightly.

Your score is

The average score is 39%





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