NUMS Mock Test 4

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NUMS Mock Test 4

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1 / 150

Category: Physics

If a dielectric material is placed between two plates of a capacitor, the net capacitance of the capacitor:

NUMS Mock 4

2 / 150

Category: Physics

The point at which an applied force produces linear motion but no rotatory motion is:

NUMS Mock 4
Forces and Motion

3 / 150

Category: Physics

Molecules of a gas at constant pressure for a fixed amount of gas have average kinetic energy X. Increasing temperature from 27˚C to 327˚C, the average K.E. of the molecules will become:

NUMS Mock 4
Heat and Thermodynamics

4 / 150

Category: Physics

Two point charges of +5 C and -12 C attract each other with a force of 1.48 N. charge of -5 C is added to each of these charges. Now the force will be:

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

5 / 150

Category: Physics

Which one of the following properties is not exhibited by the longitudinal waves?

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound

6 / 150

Category: Physics

The electron current is chiefly due to:

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound

7 / 150

Category: Physics

Two spheres of the same size, one of mass 5 kg and the other of mass 50 g are dropped simultaneously from a tower. When they are about to touch the ground, they have the same:

NUMS Mock 4

8 / 150

Category: Physics

A cathode ray oscilloscope is displaying an AC signal. If one wave is completed in 2 cm along X- axis and time-base setting is 10 ms/cm, then frequency of AC signal will be:

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound

9 / 150

Category: Physics

A wire of resistance R is bent in the form of a circle the resistance between two points on the circumference of the wire and at the end of the diameter of circle is

NUMS Mock 4
Current Electricity

10 / 150

Category: Physics

To remove the huge amount of heat energy in a nuclear reactor, _____ is/are used

NUMS Mock 4
Nuclear Physics

11 / 150

Category: Physics

When a potential difference is applied across the ends of a uniform wire of length l and radius r, a current I flows in the wire. If same potential difference is applied to the ends of another wire of the same material but of length 2l and radius 2r, the current in the wire is:

NUMS Mock 4
Current Electricity

12 / 150

Category: Physics

If a gas is heated at constant pressure, which of the following description(s) will apply?

I. The volume increased is proportional to the temperature

II. The kinetic energy of the molecules decrease

III. The kinetic energy of the molecules increases

NUMS Mock 4
Heat and Thermodynamics

13 / 150

Category: Physics

A body moving with velocity V can be stopped by a force F in direction of it. The same body moving with velocity 5 V can be stopped by a force 5F in distance equal to:

NUMS Mock 4
Forces and Motion

14 / 150

Category: Physics

Refrigerator is an example of:

NUMS Mock 4
Heat and Thermodynamics

15 / 150

Category: Physics

Red light is used in photographic dark room because of:

NUMS Mock 4
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments

16 / 150

Category: Physics

Which of the following statement shows that no work is done?

NUMS Mock 4
Work, Power and Energy

17 / 150

Category: Physics

A ship approaching a seaport at 10 km/h sends a sonic signal of frequency of 1000 Hz. What is the apparent frequency of the signal as received by a receiver on the seaport?

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound

18 / 150

Category: Physics

In a certain process, 400 J of heat energy is supplied to a system and at the same time 150 J of work is done by the system. The increase in internal energy of the system is _______.

NUMS Mock 4
Heat and Thermodynamics

19 / 150

Category: Physics

An element whose atomic number is same but mass number is different is called:

NUMS Mock 4
Nuclear Physics

20 / 150

Category: Physics

An aircraft of wingspan 50 m flies horizontally at an area where the vertical component of the Earth’s magnetic field is 2.0 x 10-5T.

In order to produce an emf of 1 volt between the aircraft’s wingtips, its speed should be:

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

21 / 150

Category: Physics

A special class of waves that does not need a material medium for their propagation are called

NUMS Mock 4
Physics of Solids
Wave Motion and Sound

22 / 150

Category: Physics

The speed of the sound in air is 332 m/s. The speed of sound at 22 degrees centigrade will be:

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound

23 / 150

Category: Physics

A guy is standing in a lift falling freely under gravity and releases a ball from hand. As seen by the ball, the boy:

NUMS Mock 4

24 / 150

Category: Physics

An automobile is moving forwards with uniform velocity due to the force exerted by its engine. If the force is doubled with the velocity remaining constant what happens to its total power?

NUMS Mock 4
Work, Power and Energy

25 / 150

Category: Physics

E/m of an electron is given by the relationship.

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

26 / 150

Category: Physics

Is it possible to separate north pole only from bar magnet?

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

27 / 150

Category: Physics

A proton is about 1840 times heavier than an electron. When it is accelerated by a potential difference of 1kV, its kinetic energy will be:

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

28 / 150

Category: Physics

A current of 2A is passing through an inductor of 2mH. Energy stored by it is:

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

29 / 150

Category: Physics

A pipe open at both ends has a length of 5m. The second harmonic frequency is _____. Velocity of sound in air = 340 m/s.

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound

30 / 150

Category: Physics

The half-life of a radioactive element depends upon:

NUMS Mock 4
Nuclear Physics

31 / 150

Category: Physics

If a wave can be polarized, it means, it is:

NUMS Mock 4
Wave Motion and Sound

32 / 150

Category: Physics

Heavy nucleus of atoms go through fission so that they can:

NUMS Mock 4
Nuclear Physics

33 / 150

Category: Physics

The energy supplied by the cell to the charge carriers is derived from the conversion of:

NUMS Mock 4

34 / 150

Category: Physics

A car at rest starts moving with linear uniformly increasing velocity. After 20 seconds, it attains the maximum velocity of 80 m/s. What is the distance covered during this time interval?

NUMS Mock 4
Forces and Motion

35 / 150

Category: Physics

The current measuring part of the Avometer consists of a number of low resistors connected:

NUMS Mock 4
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

36 / 150

Category: Physics

When the output power equals to one-half of the input power, efficiency of the transformer becomes:

NUMS Mock 4
Work, Power and Energy

37 / 150

Category: Physics

The half life of C14 is about:

NUMS Mock 4
Nuclear Physics

38 / 150

Category: Chemistry

When a charged particle is projected perpendicular to a magnetic field:

NUMS Mock 4

39 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following is the percentage of the original quantity of a radioactive material left after five half-lives approximately.

NUMS Mock 4
Nuclear Physics

40 / 150

Category: Chemistry

An electron is suited midway between two parallel plates 0.5cm apart. One of the plates is maintained at a potential of 60 volts above the other. The force on the electron is (e=-1.6×10-19)

NUMS Mock 4

41 / 150

Category: Chemistry

In a reaction:
A+B 2C when equilibrium was attained, the concentration was
[A]=[B]=4 moles/dm3
[C]=6 moles/dm3
the equilibrium constant Kc of this reaction is:

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium

42 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following reaction takes place when acetone reacts with HCN?

NUMS Mock 4
Aldehydes and Ketones

43 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The following changes to the system at equilibrium have no effect on Kc except:

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium

44 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following substances exhibits hydrogen bonding?

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Bonding

45 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Sodium Benzoate on reacting with soda lime forms:

NUMS Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives

46 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The stability in the following structure is due to the:

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Bonding

47 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Precipitation occurs when the product of ionic concentrations is:

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium

48 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The mass of proton is ______ times heavier than ______.

NUMS Mock 4
Atomic Structure

49 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The average atomic mass of Boron is 10.8. It has two isotopes of masses 10 and 11 respectively. What is the percentage of isotope with the average mass of 10?

NUMS Mock 4

50 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Hydrolysis of acyl chloride results in the formation of:

NUMS Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives

51 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following solids is an example of a substance with a macromolecular structure?

NUMS Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids

52 / 150

Category: Chemistry

If a molecule MX3 has zero dipole moment, the sigma bonding orbitals used by M are:

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Bonding

53 / 150

Category: Chemistry

When fused PbBr2 is electrolyzed:

NUMS Mock 4

54 / 150

Category: Chemistry

H2 and O2 are diffusing under the same condition how much H2 gas will diffuse?

NUMS Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids

55 / 150

Category: Chemistry

An ester is prepared by the reaction of:

NUMS Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives

56 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The relation between first and second ionization potentials of a given atom is:

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Bonding

57 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Strongest acid among the following is:

NUMS Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives

58 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The test used to distinguish among primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols is:

NUMS Mock 4
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

59 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The reduction of nitrile produced a compound of formula C3H7NH2. Which one of the following compounds would be produced if the same nitrile was hydrolyzed by heating with dilute hydrochloric acid?

NUMS Mock 4
Alkyl Halides and Amines

60 / 150

Category: Chemistry

which of the following can not be used to convert butanoic acid to butanoyl chloride?

NUMS Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives

61 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which one of the following enthalpy changes is always exothermic?

NUMS Mock 4

62 / 150

Category: Chemistry

In alkanes, each carbon has hybridization

NUMS Mock 4
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry

63 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Why is water added after the reduction process of aldehyde and ketone with LiAlH4?

NUMS Mock 4
Aldehydes and Ketones

64 / 150

Category: Chemistry

IUPAC name of C6H5-CH2-CH2-NH2 is:

NUMS Mock 4
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry

65 / 150

Category: Chemistry

A system at equilibrium can be disturbed by:

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Equilibrium

66 / 150

Category: Chemistry

If we balanced the following reaction , what is the net ionic charge on the right side of the equation?

__H+ +___ MnO4- + ____ Fe2+ →___ Mn2+ + ___ Fe3+ + ___ H2O

NUMS Mock 4

67 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Who discovered positive rays (also called protons) and when?

NUMS Mock 4
Atomic Structure

68 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following molecules has the largest number of shared pairs of electrons?

NUMS Mock 4
Chemical Bonding

69 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Solid CO2 dry ice has a structure just like:

NUMS Mock 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids

70 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The reaction: Cl2 + H2O→ HCl + HOCl is an example of:

NUMS Mock 4

71 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Transfer of heat from hot surroundings to a cold refrigerator is an example of:

NUMS Mock 4

72 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following gas, when ignited, burns with a blue flame and is not very soluble in water?

NUMS Mock 4
s and p Block Elements
Environmental Chemistry

73 / 150

Category: Chemistry

For a sub shell I = 2 and m = -2, -1, 0 , +1, +2, it implies that it has ____ space orientation.

NUMS Mock 4
Atomic Structure

74 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Phenylmethyl ketone can be converted into ethyl benzene in one step by using:

NUMS Mock 4
Aldehydes and Ketones

75 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following compounds possesses a single covalent bond between carbon and hydrogen?

NUMS Mock 4

76 / 150

Category: Chemistry

If concentration time graph of a reactant indicates a constant half life, then the order reaction with respect to that reactant is:

NUMS Mock 4
Reaction Kinetics

77 / 150

Category: Biology

The spectrum of He is expected to be similar to that of:

NUMS Mock 4
Atomic Structure

78 / 150

Category: Biology

If concentration time graph of a reactant indicates a constant half life, then the order reaction with respect to that reactant is:

NUMS Mock 4
Reaction Kinetics

79 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of these in an aqueous solution of equal concentration has the lowest pH?

NUMS Mock 4
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives

80 / 150

Category: Biology

Phenylmethyl ketone can be converted into ethyl benzene in one step by using:

NUMS Mock 4
Aldehydes and Ketones

81 / 150

Category: Biology

A/An ______ is an organism that makes ATP by aerobic respiration if oxygen is present, but is capable of switching to fermentation if oxygen is absent.

NUMS Mock 4

82 / 150

Category: Biology

An Rh negative woman is married to an Rh positive man whose father was also Rh negative. What are the chances that their child will be affected?

NUMS Mock 4
Variation and Genetics

83 / 150

Category: Biology

To overcome infertility, which technique is used?

NUMS Mock 4

84 / 150

Category: Biology

A man who has type AB blood cannot father a child with type ___ blood, because he would pass on either the ___ or the B allele to all of his offspring.

NUMS Mock 4
Variation and Genetics

85 / 150

Category: Biology

Haploid and monoploid numbers of chromosomes of hexaploid wheat are:

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA

86 / 150

Category: Biology

The bacteria can cope in unfavorable condition by producing:

NUMS Mock 4
Kingdom Prokaryote

87 / 150

Category: Biology

Which bond is present between the nucleotides of DNA:

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA

88 / 150

Category: Biology

Four events in the transmission of nerve impulses across synapses are:

I. depolarisation of the presynaptic membrane

II. propagation of postsynaptic action potential

III. reabsorption of the transmitter substance

IV. release of transmitter substance into the synaptic cleft

In which sequence do these events occur?


NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control
D) IV, III, I and II

89 / 150

Category: Biology

_______ is involved in lipid synthesis/metabolism.

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function

90 / 150

Category: Biology

What are the functions of the inter, motor and sensory neurons in a reflex response?

NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control

91 / 150

Category: Biology

The region where the impulse moves from one neuron to another is called ______.

NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control

92 / 150

Category: Biology

What is the role of cholesterol in the cell membrane?

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function

93 / 150

Category: Biology

The type of plastids found in roots of plants are _____.

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function

94 / 150

Category: Biology

In chemiosmosis, the proton (H+) moves from _______.

NUMS Mock 4

95 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following statements are true for mitochondria and chloroplasts?

A. ATP synthesis is seen in both
B. Outer membrane has more surface area in both
C. Circular naked DNA, RNA, and 70 ribosomes are seen in both
D. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in both

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function

96 / 150

Category: Biology

The function of respiratory passage, Cilia is to keep the airways clear of:

NUMS Mock 4
Gaseous Exchange

97 / 150

Category: Biology

Hepatic and Pancreatic secretions are also stimulated by a hormone called:

NUMS Mock 4
Coordination and Control

98 / 150

Category: Biology

The end product of glycolysis in anaerobic respiration is:

NUMS Mock 4

99 / 150

Category: Biology

The movement of plants in response to touch stimulus is called:

NUMS Mock 4
Support and Movement

100 / 150

Category: Biology

Given figures shows:

NUMS Mock 4
Gaseous Exchange

101 / 150

Category: Biology

Proteins and lipids are converted into glycolipids and glycoproteins by adding carbohydrates by?

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function

102 / 150

Category: Biology

Enzymes work by lowering the ______ of the reactions they catalyse:

NUMS Mock 4

103 / 150

Category: Biology

In which of the following growth phases, the number of bacteria increases the most rapidly?

NUMS Mock 4
Kingdom Protista

104 / 150

Category: Biology

Which one of the following is most likely to occur in a boy during puberty?

NUMS Mock 4

105 / 150

Category: Biology

Arrange the following according to the level of protein structures:

a) lysozyme, b) haemoglobin, c) insulin, d) hairs.

NUMS Mock 4
Biological Molecules

106 / 150

Category: Biology

Most enzymes have an optimum temperature of around:

NUMS Mock 4

107 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following part of the cell is described as a fluid mosaic?

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function

108 / 150

Category: Biology

Lock and Key Model for enzyme action propose by Emil Fischer suggests that:

NUMS Mock 4

109 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following enzymes is used to join DNA fragments?

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA

110 / 150

Category: Biology

Two species can avoid competition and better use the environment’s resources by occupying different ____.

NUMS Mock 4

111 / 150

Category: Biology

The enzyme found in saliva responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates is:

NUMS Mock 4

112 / 150

Category: Biology

At what point are two populations descending from the same ancestral stock considered separate species?

NUMS Mock 4

113 / 150

Category: Biology

Now-a-days every newborn gets regular shots of vaccine for polio. It contains _________ for polio to make a child immune against this disease.

NUMS Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life

114 / 150

Category: Biology

Steroids consist of _____ 6 membered carbon rings and one 5 membered carbon ring.

NUMS Mock 4
Biological Molecules

115 / 150

Category: Biology

Golgi complex is responsible for the formation of secretory granules in _____ cell.

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function

116 / 150

Category: Biology

Chest cavity is bounded by ribs and muscles on the sides, while the floor of chest cavity is called:

NUMS Mock 4
Gaseous Exchange

117 / 150

Category: Biology

The idea that opposed the idea of abiogenesis was proposed by?

NUMS Mock 4
Cell Structure and Function

118 / 150

Category: Biology

Which type of protein structure contains the three dimensional structure?

NUMS Mock 4
Biological Molecules

119 / 150

Category: Biology

The uterus of the female reproductive system opens into the _____.

NUMS Mock 4

120 / 150

Category: Biology

Which substance might include this molecule?

NUMS Mock 4
Biological Molecules

121 / 150

Category: Biology

Mutations can occur in:

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA

122 / 150

Category: Biology

In genetics, the term locus refers to the ______ of the gene on the chromosome.

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA

123 / 150

Category: Biology

The system responsible for fighting the pathogens is:

NUMS Mock 4

124 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following basic structural level of proteins is indicated by an association of two alpha and two beta chains in the haemoglobin molecule?

NUMS Mock 4
Biological Molecules

125 / 150

Category: Biology

The thickest chamber of the human heart is:

NUMS Mock 4

126 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following RNA sequences would be transcribed from the DNA sequence ATGGCTAGGAC?

NUMS Mock 4
Chromosomes and DNA

127 / 150

Category: Biology

Consider the following statements about biological communities.

I. Their members share a common gene pool

II. The community remains stable even though some physical aspect of the environment may undergo a change

III. It consists of all the populations living in a particular area.

IV. A community interacts with a non-living environment and both function together to form an ecosystem

Which two of the above statements are true?

NUMS Mock 4

128 / 150

Category: Biology

What is the size of Parvovirus?

NUMS Mock 4
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life

129 / 150

Category: Biology

The cells which play a very important role in developing immunity are:

NUMS Mock 4

130 / 150

Category: Biology

How many fatty acid molecules are normally present in a fat or oil molecule?

NUMS Mock 4
Biological Molecules

131 / 150

Category: Biology

The inhibitor which closely resembles the substrate in its molecular structure and inhibits the enzyme activity by binding to the active site of the enzyme is called:

NUMS Mock 4

132 / 150

Category: Biology

Which organ(s) in the male reproductive system produce gametes?

NUMS Mock 4

133 / 150

Category: Biology

Icosahedral viruses have how many faces?

NUMS Mock 4
Variety of Life

134 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following animals can survive without drinking water?

NUMS Mock 4

135 / 150

Category: Biology

The rate of photosynthesis and respiration may equal one another at what time?

NUMS Mock 4

136 / 150

Category: English

When the dentist came in, my tooth was stopped aching out of fear that I might lose my tooth.

NUMS Mock 4

137 / 150

Category: English

Demonstrate the correct use of articles and prepositions:

Gold is _______ precious metal.

NUMS Mock 4
Grammar and Punctuation

138 / 150

Category: English

The word opposite in the meaning to presume is:

NUMS Mock 4
Key Vocabulary

139 / 150

Category: English

John ____ to be a doctor.

NUMS Mock 4

140 / 150

Category: English

Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure.

She thanked me for what I ____

NUMS Mock 4

141 / 150

Category: English

Which part of the sentence is grammatically incorrect. A ship laden with merchandise got drowned in the Pacific Ocean.

NUMS Mock 4

142 / 150

Category: English

Select the word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the underlined words.

Due to his continuous mischievous activities, he has become a rogue person.

NUMS Mock 4
Key Vocabulary

143 / 150

Category: English

Demonstrate the correct use of articles and prepositions:

___________ man is mortal.

NUMS Mock 4
Fill in the blank

144 / 150

Category: English

Complete the sentence using the grammatically correct word or phrase.

Committee _______ issued a report.

NUMS Mock 4
Grammar and Punctuation

145 / 150

Category: English

Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?

NUMS Mock 4
Grammar and Punctuation

146 / 150

Category: English

The parents were stunned when they saw that children had created complete _____ in the bedroom.

NUMS Mock 4
Fill in the blank

147 / 150

Category: English

By the next month, we shall ____ (have) the project.

NUMS Mock 4

148 / 150

Category: English

The word opposite in the meaning to path is:

NUMS Mock 4
Key Vocabulary

149 / 150

Category: English

The new teacher showed no _____ about hitting the students.

NUMS Mock 4
Fill in the blank

150 / 150

Category: English

Choose the correct sentence.

NUMS Mock 4

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The average score is 53%



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