NUMS Mock Test 2

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NUMS Mock Test 2

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1 / 150

Category: Physics

For a simple harmonic motion the acceleration of the body is _______ to displacement and always directed towards ________.

NUMS Mock 2
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion

2 / 150

Category: Physics

The area under the extension-load graph Of an elastic material whose elastic limit has not been exceeded gives its:

NUMS Mock 2
Work, Power & Energy

3 / 150

Category: Physics

Identify the postulate(s) which help to formulate a mathematical model of gases.

I. A finite volume of gas consists of very large number of molecules

II. The size of the molecules is much smaller than the separation between molecules

III. Molecules do not exert force on each other except during a collision.

NUMS Mock 2
Heat and Thermodynamics

4 / 150

Category: Physics

If both inputs “A” and “B” are ON and the output is also ON. This type of gate is known as:

NUMS Mock 2

5 / 150

Category: Physics

The bicycle pump works on the basis of:

NUMS Mock 2
Heat and Thermodynamics

6 / 150

Category: Physics

Why picture on a TV screen become distorted when a magnet is brought near the screen?

NUMS Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

7 / 150

Category: Physics

The energy stored in the capacitor is written as:

NUMS Mock 2

8 / 150

Category: Physics

When the antinodes, in stationary waves, are passing through their equilibrium position, the energy is:

NUMS Mock 2
Wave Motion and Sound

9 / 150

Category: Physics

Lasers are used for producing an intense, ____ and coherent beam of visible light.

NUMS Mock 2
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments

10 / 150

Category: Physics

A body starts sliding on a rough horizontal surface with a speed of 10 m/s. If the coefficient of friction is 0.2, find the distance traveled by the body before coming to rest. (g = 10m/s)

NUMS Mock 2
Forces and Motion

11 / 150

Category: Physics

Minimum energy required to eject an electron from metal surface is called:

NUMS Mock 2
Dawn of Modern Physics

12 / 150

Category: Physics

The direction of the magnetic line of force depends upon:

NUMS Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

13 / 150

Category: Physics

If the temperature is increased from 200K to 800K, then what would be the change in pressure at constant volume?

NUMS Mock 2
Heat and Thermodynamics

14 / 150

Category: Physics

An object is moving along a circular path of radius 4m. What will be its angular displacement if it moves 14 m on this circular path?

NUMS Mock 2
Circular Motion and Momentum

15 / 150

Category: Physics

The magnetic force acting on a unit positive charge moving perpendicular to the magnetic field with a unit velocity is called:

NUMS Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

16 / 150

Category: Physics

In Doppler effect, if listener moves towards a stationary source then:

NUMS Mock 2
Wave Motion and Sound

17 / 150

Category: Physics

If the unit vectors i, j, k are perpendicular to each other therefore

i.i = j.j = k.k = ______.

I.j = j.k = k.i = ______.

NUMS Mock 2
Scalars and Vectors

18 / 150

Category: Physics

If the body is rotating with uniform angular velocity, then its torque is:

NUMS Mock 2
Circular Motion and Momentum

19 / 150

Category: Physics

If frequency of incident light is increased beyond threshold frequency, keeping light intensity constant, then:

NUMS Mock 2
Dawn of Modern Physics

20 / 150

Category: Physics

The moment of inertia of a solid sphere of mass ‘m’ having radius ‘r’ about a line passing through its center is:

NUMS Mock 2
Circular Motion and Momentum

21 / 150

Category: Physics

If a pendulum is oscillating with a frequency f then what is the frequency at which it’s K.E. changes?

NUMS Mock 2
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion

22 / 150

Category: Physics

The chemical properties of elements depend on ________.

NUMS Mock 2
Nuclear Physics

23 / 150

Category: Physics

All of the following are equivalent to watt except:

NUMS Mock 2
Work, Power & Energy

24 / 150

Category: Physics

An object is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 20 m/s. How much time it will take to reach the highest point?

NUMS Mock 2
Motion in Two Dimensions

25 / 150

Category: Physics

An emf of 120 volts of negligible internal resistance is connected across a resistance of 1000 ohm. The current flowing through the circuit will be:

NUMS Mock 2
Current Electricity

26 / 150

Category: Physics

_____ are such nuclei of an element that have the same mass number A, but have different charge number Z.

NUMS Mock 2
Atomic Spectra

27 / 150

Category: Physics

The velocity of an object increases from 0 to 10 m/s in 2 seconds. The distance covered by the object is _________.

NUMS Mock 2
Motion in Two Dimensions

28 / 150

Category: Physics

An astronomical telescope has Magnifying power 5. If the focal length is 20 cm then what is the focal length of the objective?

NUMS Mock 2
Optics, Nature of Light and Optical Instruments

29 / 150

Category: Physics

Lenz’s law in electromagnetic induction is the direct consequence of the principle of conservation of:

NUMS Mock 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

30 / 150

Category: Physics

1 kilowatt hour =

NUMS Mock 2
Work, Power and Energy

31 / 150

Category: Physics

What is the quark composition of a Proton?

NUMS Mock 2
Nuclear Physics

32 / 150

Category: Physics

Radioactive elements emit:

NUMS Mock 2
Nuclear Physics

33 / 150

Category: Physics

Which of the following is the percentage of the original quantity of a radioactive material left after five half–lives approximately.

NUMS Mock 2
Nuclear Physics

34 / 150

Category: Physics

Why is the total mass of all individual protons and neutrons in a nucleus greater than the mass of the nucleus which they constitute?

NUMS Mock 2
Nuclear Physics

35 / 150

Category: Physics

Absolute zero is equivalent to:

NUMS Mock 2
Heat and Thermodynamics

36 / 150

Category: Physics

A force F = 0.12 N is applied on a spring and the spring elongates by 3 cm. The specific constant of the spring is?

NUMS Mock 2
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion

37 / 150

Category: Physics

Thirty joules of heat flow into a system. The system in turn does 50 Joules of work. The internal energy of the system has:

NUMS Mock 2
Heat and Thermodynamics

38 / 150

Category: Physics

The fractional change in resistance per kelvin is known as:

NUMS Mock 2
Current Electricity

39 / 150

Category: Physics

Third law of Newton is also called:

NUMS Mock 2
Forces and Motion

40 / 150

Category: Physics

Simple Harmonic Motion of a body is described by which statements mentioned below:

K : K.E is maximum when displacement x = 0

L : P.E is maximum when x = 0

M : P.E is maximum when x = ± x0

NUMS Mock 2
Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion

41 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The rate of a reaction in general can be increased by all the following factors except:

NUMS Mock 2
Reaction Kinetics

42 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which one of the following is not an isotope of hydrogen:

NUMS Mock 2
Atomic Structure

43 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The process of depositing a thin layer of expensive metals on ordinary or expensive metals is called:

NUMS Mock 2

44 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The products of decomposition of Mg(NO3)2are:

NUMS Mock 2
Periodicity in Elements

45 / 150

Category: Chemistry

All of the following react with KMnO4 except

NUMS Mock 2

46 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which enthalpy change is relevant in the following process

Na(s) -> Na (g) ΔH = +107

NUMS Mock 2

47 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Carboxylic acids can be reduced to corresponding alcohols. Which of the following reagent can be used for this purpose?

NUMS Mock 2
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives

48 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Enthalpy of a compound is equal to its

NUMS Mock 2

49 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Stronger the oxidizing agent, higher is the:

NUMS Mock 2

50 / 150

Category: Chemistry

All the collisions between the particles of gases are elastic in nature. What is meant by “Elastic Collisions”?

NUMS Mock 2
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids

51 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Water has maximum density at:

NUMS Mock 2
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids

52 / 150

Category: Chemistry

“The sum of all the exponents to which the molar concentration in terms in the rate equation are raised” defines:

NUMS Mock 2
Reaction Kinetics

53 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Solid NaCl is a bad conductor of electricity because:

NUMS Mock 2
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids

54 / 150

Category: Chemistry

A certain radioactive isotope has a half-life of 50 days. Fraction of the material left behind after 100 days will be:

NUMS Mock 2
Analytical Chemistry

55 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Ketones can be made by oxidation of:

NUMS Mock 2
Aldehydes and Ketones

56 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The potential difference of an electrochemical cell is measured by:

NUMS Mock 2

57 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) results in the formation of:

NUMS Mock 2
Chemical Bonding

58 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which statement is true about electron affinity?

NUMS Mock 2
Periodicity in Elements
Chemical Bonding

59 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The value of surface tension of isopropyl alcohol is?

NUMS Mock 2
Chemical Bonding

60 / 150

Category: Chemistry

What is the measure of activation energy in an endothermic reaction?

NUMS Mock 2

61 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following statements is true?

NUMS Mock 2
s and p Block Elements

62 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Impurities of lead in silver are removed by:

NUMS Mock 2
d and f Block Elements

63 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The shape of CO2 molecule is similar to:

NUMS Mock 2
Chemical Bonding

64 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which is the correct electronic configuration of Chromium (24Cr)?

NUMS Mock 2
d and f Block Elements

65 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The following sketch shows the variation in a physical property of third period elements against their atomic numbers:

What physical property is plotted in this sketch?

NUMS Mock 2
Periodicity in Elements

66 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The radiations from a naturally occurring radioactive substance, as seen after deflection by a magnetic field in one direction, are:

NUMS Mock 2
Analytical Chemistry

67 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Catalytic hydrogenation of alkenes exhibits:

NUMS Mock 2

68 / 150

Category: Chemistry

By treating CO2 with Grignard’s reagent, the following compound is obtained;

NUMS Mock 2
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives

69 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Alkenes undergo:

NUMS Mock 2

70 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following compounds is solid at room temperature?

NUMS Mock 2
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

71 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Down the group acid-base behaviour of metallic oxides of group 2 elements changes to:

NUMS Mock 2
s and p Block Elements

72 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following has the highest electrical conductivity?

NUMS Mock 2
Solution and Colloids

73 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Which one of the following molecules has sp3 hybridization?

NUMS Mock 2
Chemical Bonding

74 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The isomers due to the unequal distribution of carbon atoms on either side of the functional group belonging to the same homologous series are called:

NUMS Mock 2
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry

75 / 150

Category: Chemistry

The amount (in liters) of Oxygen at STP that is required for the combustion of 4gm of ethylene is :

NUMS Mock 2

76 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Transition Elements usually show:

NUMS Mock 2
d and f Block Elements

77 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Copper is a typical transition metal. Its atomic number is 29. In which oxidation state does it have a partially filled orbital in d-subshell?

NUMS Mock 2
d and f Block Elements

78 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Copper is a typical transition metal. Its atomic number is 29. In which oxidation state does it have a partially filled orbital in d-subshell?

NUMS Mock 2
d and f Block Elements

79 / 150

Category: Chemistry

Transition Elements usually show:

NUMS Mock 2
d and f Block Elements

80 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following will not undergo aldol condensation?

NUMS Mock 2
Aldehydes and Ketones

81 / 150

Category: Biology

Why cannot viruses replicate on their own?

NUMS Mock 2
Variety of Life

82 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following photosystems is involved in cyclic photophosphorylation?

NUMS Mock 2

83 / 150

Category: Biology

It is a method for rapid production of a very large number of copies of a particular fragment of DNA:

NUMS Mock 2

84 / 150

Category: Biology

Choose the term from the following which is NOT a part of gene therapy?

NUMS Mock 2

85 / 150

Category: Biology

Below the point at which the cotyledons are attached, the embryo axis is called _______.

NUMS Mock 2
Kingdom Plantae

86 / 150

Category: Biology

The finger like infoldings, which are formed by inner membrane of mitochondria, are called:

NUMS Mock 2
Cell Structure and Function

87 / 150

Category: Biology

What type of atom is the carbon atom?

NUMS Mock 2
Biological Molecules

88 / 150

Category: Biology

In the human cell, ______ is responsible for producing hydrogen peroxide.

NUMS Mock 2
Cell Structure and Function

89 / 150

Category: Biology

The light dependent reaction of photosynthesis occurs in:

NUMS Mock 2

90 / 150

Category: Biology

The region of the chromosome or, more specifically, the length of the DNA molecule, which has a particular function is called _______.

NUMS Mock 2
Chromosomes and DNA

91 / 150

Category: Biology

The sympathetic nervous system causes which of the following?

NUMS Mock 2
Coordination and Control

92 / 150

Category: Biology

The causes of Cyanosis include:

NUMS Mock 2

93 / 150

Category: Biology

The hormone which controls the uptake of Sodium ions in kidney and its maintenance in blood plasma is:

NUMS Mock 2
Coordination and Control

94 / 150

Category: Biology

What is the effect of enzyme DNA ligase?

NUMS Mock 2
Chromosomes and DNA

95 / 150

Category: Biology

Red-green color-blindness is an X-linked recessive disorder. Jacob’s paternal grandfather and father are both color-blind, but his mother has two normal alleles. What is the probability that Jacob is red-green color-blind?

NUMS Mock 2
Variation and Genetics

96 / 150

Category: Biology

The number and sequence of amino acids along a polypeptide chain is called _______ structure of a protein.

NUMS Mock 2
Biological Molecules

97 / 150

Category: Biology

The scientific name of thorn Apple is?

NUMS Mock 2
Kingdom Plantae

98 / 150

Category: Biology

Which processes are essential in making nitrogen from dead plant material available to growing plants?

nitrogen fixation
NUMS Mock 2
Man and His Enviornment

99 / 150

Category: Biology

All of the followings are the effects of red light on plant, EXCEPT:

NUMS Mock 2
Growth and Development

100 / 150

Category: Biology

As pH of blood decreases, H+ ions increases, which combine the proteins part of hemoglobin, to decrease its ability to bind with:

NUMS Mock 2
Gaseous Exchange

101 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following is not an infection of the lungs/respiratory tract?

NUMS Mock 2
Gaseous Exchange

102 / 150

Category: Biology

In semi-conservative replication, which of the following is true regarding the separation of two strands?

NUMS Mock 2
Chromosomes and DNA

103 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following blood transfusions can be made safely?

NUMS Mock 2
Variation and Genetics

104 / 150

Category: Biology

This theory says that “mitochondria and chloroplasts are, in effect, ancient bacteria which now live inside the larger cells”:

NUMS Mock 2

105 / 150

Category: Biology

The position of an organism in a food chain of an ecosystem called:

NUMS Mock 2
Man and His Environment

106 / 150

Category: Biology

Four plants are present in different environmental conditions. Plant A is present in a warm climate with continuous rainfall, plant B is present in a cool forest, plant C is present in a warm climate with little breeze, while plant D is present in a warm climate with high wind speed. Which one of the above plants will have the highest rate of transpiration?

NUMS Mock 2
Gaseous Exchange

107 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following is correct in case of active membrane potential?

NUMS Mock 2

108 / 150

Category: Biology

The branch of science dealing with the fossil record is called:

NUMS Mock 2
Biology and its Major Fields of Specialization

109 / 150

Category: Biology

5 different amino acids, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, below from the following sequence in the path of a polypeptide chain:


Messenger RNA codon, which correspond to the amino acids, are:
amino acid 1 UGU

amino acid 2 GAU

amino acid 3 CAC

amino acid 4 UAG

amino acid 5 AAG

Which one of the following DNA bases sequences could provide the code for the given section of the polypeptide?

NUMS Mock 2
Biological Molecules

110 / 150

Category: Biology

Process ensuring the survival of species over long periods of time, even though individual members of the species die.

NUMS Mock 2
Man and His Environment

111 / 150

Category: Biology

An example of competitive inhibition of an enzyme is the inhibition of;

NUMS Mock 2

112 / 150

Category: Biology

It is the smallest eukaryote:

NUMS Mock 2
Kingdom Protista

113 / 150

Category: Biology

Phenylketonuria is

NUMS Mock 2
Chromosomes and DNA

114 / 150

Category: Biology

According to the theory of natural selection, organisms produce:

NUMS Mock 2

115 / 150

Category: Biology

There existed two varieties of female freshwater Mollusks in which some were streamlined and some had a high bulge. Over the generations, male freshwater Mollusks learned that high bulge favors more production of offspring. So they started preferring to mate with females having high bulge as compared to streamlined. Will this affect Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium in the population?

NUMS Mock 2

116 / 150

Category: Biology

Which trait is not sex-linked recessive:

NUMS Mock 2
Variation and Genetics

117 / 150

Category: Biology

Select a method which causes the oxidation of chemical constituent of a bacterial cell:

NUMS Mock 2
Kingdom Prokaryote

118 / 150

Category: Biology

The structure of a fibrous protein comprises of polypeptide chains in the form of:

NUMS Mock 2
Biological Molecules

119 / 150

Category: Biology

As an essential element in living organisms, _______ ion is playing an important role in insulin secretion, the release of neurotransmitters, muscle contraction, and heartbeat regulation.

NUMS Mock 2
Coordination and Control

120 / 150

Category: Biology

Which vertebrae together are called pelvic vertebrae?

NUMS Mock 2
Support and Movement

121 / 150

Category: Biology

When were bacteriophages discovered by Twort?

NUMS Mock 2
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Variety of Life

122 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following occurs in the body in response to the secretion of Glucagon?

NUMS Mock 2

123 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following basic structural level of proteins is indicated by an association of two alpha and two beta chains in the haemoglobin molecule?

NUMS Mock 2
Biological Molecules

124 / 150

Category: Biology

Optimum pH for action of pepsin and salivary amylase is

NUMS Mock 2

125 / 150

Category: Biology

The system involved in preparing our body in condition of stress and emergency:

NUMS Mock 2
Coordination and Control

126 / 150

Category: Biology

In cross-section each Centriole consist of nine (each in triplets) of:

NUMS Mock 2
Cell Structure and Function

127 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following processes does NOT need Pyruvic Acid as a substrate?

NUMS Mock 2

128 / 150

Category: Biology

Cardiac output is increased by all of the following EXCEPT:

NUMS Mock 2

129 / 150

Category: Biology

Which of the following, which is the incorrectly paired one?

NUMS Mock 2
Biology and its Major Fields of Specialization

130 / 150

Category: Biology

Germ layers are formed in which stage of development?

NUMS Mock 2
Growth and Development

131 / 150

Category: Biology

Erythroblastosis foetalis occurs when:

NUMS Mock 2
Variation and Genetics

132 / 150

Category: Biology

In which of the following phases of bacterial growth, is the death rate more rapid than the multiplication rate?

NUMS Mock 2
Kingdom Prokaryote

133 / 150

Category: Biology

What part of the brain integrates sensory information such as pain and temperature?

NUMS Mock 2
Coordination and Control

134 / 150

Category: Biology

Bones of the skull are joined by:

NUMS Mock 2
Support and Movement

135 / 150

Category: Biology

They serve as a scaffold for formation of higher order chromatin structure:

NUMS Mock 2
Cell Structure and Function

136 / 150

Category: English

Choose the nearest meaning to the following word:


NUMS Mock 2
Key Vocabulary

137 / 150

Category: English

Select the nearest correct meaning of the given word:


NUMS Mock 2
Key Vocabulary

138 / 150

Category: English

In the following question, four alternative sentences are given. Choose the CORRECT one.

NUMS Mock 2
Grammar and Punctuation

139 / 150

Category: English

Select the nearest correct meaning of the given word:


NUMS Mock 2
Key Vocabulary

140 / 150

Category: English

Antonym of Adapt will be:

NUMS Mock 2
Key Vocabulary

141 / 150

Category: English

Select the best word to complete the sentence.

The ant marched quickly back to ____ home.

NUMS Mock 2
Fill in the blank

142 / 150

Category: English

In the following question, four alternative sentences are given. Choose the CORRECT one.

NUMS Mock 2
Grammar and Punctuation

143 / 150

Category: English

They sometimes feel a _____ for the mountains and the sea.

NUMS Mock 2
Fill in the blank

144 / 150

Category: English

Last Saturday my father _____ (take) my friends and me to the circus.

NUMS Mock 2

145 / 150

Category: English

A successful businessman is _______ of the risks.

NUMS Mock 2
Fill in the blank

146 / 150

Category: English

What type of sentence is this?

Our car broke down, so we came last.

NUMS Mock 2
Tenses and Sentence Structure

147 / 150

Category: English

Choose the correct answer:

NUMS Mock 2
Grammar and Punctuation

148 / 150

Category: English

Choose the correct sentence:

NUMS Mock 2
Tenses and Sentence Structure

149 / 150

Category: English

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.

He composed a great many pieces _____ music in his life time.

NUMS Mock 2

150 / 150

Category: English

Demonstrate the correct use of subject-verb agreement:
He was ____ in the rain then.

NUMS Mock 2
Fill in the blank
Elimination Tool:

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The average score is 55%



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