Mathematics MCQs Chapter 9

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Created on By Ali Durrani

Math Ch 9 Fundamentals of Trigonometry

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1 / 32

One right angle is equal to

2 / 32

Straight line angle is equal to

3 / 32

One rotation in anti-clock wise direction is equal to:

4 / 32

5 / 32

Two rays with a common starting point form:

6 / 32

The common starting point of two rays is called:

7 / 32

If the rotation of the angle is counter clock wise, then angle is:

8 / 32

Sexagesimal system is also called

9 / 32

1° is equal to

10 / 32

0°, 90°, 180°, 270° and 360° are called

11 / 32

An angle is in standard position , if its vertex is

12 / 32

Angles with same initial and terminal sides are called:

13 / 32

3 radian is:

14 / 32

1 radian is equal to:

15 / 32

Relation between the length of arc of a circle and the circular measure of it central angle is:

16 / 32

The system of angular measurement in which the angle is measured in radian is called:

17 / 32

The angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc whose length is equal to the radius of
the circle is called:

18 / 32

19 / 32

20 / 32

21 / 32

The system of angular measurement in which the angle is measured in radian is called:

22 / 32

The angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc whose length is equal to the radius of
the circle is called:

23 / 32

24 / 32

??°??′ equal to

25 / 32

Sexagesimal system is also called

26 / 32

One right angle is equal to

27 / 32

Straight line angle is equal to

28 / 32

One rotation in anti-clock wise direction is equal to:

29 / 32

30 / 32

If the rotation of the angle is counter clock wise, then angle is:

31 / 32

The common starting point of two rays is called:

32 / 32

Two rays with a common starting point form:

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