Mathematics MCQs Chapter 5

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Created on By Ali Durrani

Math Ch 5 Partial Fractions

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An open sentence formed by using sign of “ = ” is called a/an

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If an equation is true for all values of the variable, then it is called:

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A mixed form of fraction is :

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A quadratic factor which cannot written as a product of linear factors with real coefficients is

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Which is a reducible factor:

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When a rational fraction is separated into partial fractions, then result is always :

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A quadratic factor which cannot written as a product of linear factors with real coefficients is

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Which is a reducible factor:

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Conditional equation ?? + ? = ? holds when ? is equal to:

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When a rational fraction is separated into partial fractions, then result is always :

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A mixed form of fraction is :

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A fraction ?(?)/?(?), ?(?) ≠ ? is called proper fraction if :

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The quotient of two polynomials ?(?)/?(?), ?(?) ≠ ? is called :

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(? + ?)(? + ?) = ?^? + ?? + ?? is a/an:

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If an equation is true for all values of the variable, then it is called:

21 / 21

An open sentence formed by using sign of “ = ” is called a/an

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