FSC Mathematics MCQs Chapter 1 Class 11

FSC Math MCQs. NUST entry test 2023 NET contains most of the Mathematics MCQs. FSC Part 1 Math book MCQs. HSSC Mathematics questions MCQs. Chapterwise mathematics MCQs for first year 11 class MCQs. first-year Math books.

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Chapter 1: Number Systems

1 / 27

The multiplicative identity of complex number is

2 / 27

√3 is __________

3 / 27

A recurring decimal represents_____

4 / 27

 A decimal which has a finite numbers of digits in its decimal part is called            decimal.

(b)     (c)                  (d)

5 / 27

Every recurring decimal is

6 / 27

The product of two conjugate complex numbers is

7 / 27

The additive identity in set of complex number is

8 / 27

?^?? equals:

9 / 27

A decimal which has a finite numbers of digits in its decimal part is called______ decimal.

10 / 27

? is

11 / 27

For all ?, ? ∈ ? , ? = ? ⟹ ? = ? is called….. property.

12 / 27

For any complex number ?, it is always true that |?| is equal to:

13 / 27

The multiplicative identity of complex number is

14 / 27

Multiplicative inverse of ′?′ is

15 / 27

If ? is any non-zero real number, then multiplicative inverse is

16 / 27

Golden rule of fraction is that for ? ≠ ?, ?/? =

17 / 27

The modulus of ? = ? + ?? is

18 / 27

(?, ?)(?, ?) =

19 / 27

The set {?, −?} possesses closure property ?. ?. ?

20 / 27

??/? is

21 / 27

For any complex number ?, it is always true that |?| is equal to:

22 / 27

For all ? ∈ ? , ? = ? is …. Property.

23 / 27

The multiplicative inverse of (?, −?) is:

24 / 27

(−?)^−??/? =

25 / 27

The additive identity in set of complex number is

26 / 27

. If ? < ? then

27 / 27

The numbers which can be written in the form of ?/? , ?, ? ∈ ? , ? ≠ ? are :

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