MDCAT Daily Test 3

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MDCAT Daily Test 3

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1 / 192

The Management of School M has decided to give free breakfast from next academic year to all the students in its primary section through its canteen even though they will not get any government grant.
Courses of Action:
I. The school will have to admit many poor students who will seek admission for the next academic year.
II. The canteen facilities and utensils have to be checked and new purchases to be made to equip it properly.
III. Funds will have to be raised to support the scheme for years to come.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Logical Reasoning
Course of Action
A) Only II and III follows
Show Explanation
B) Only III and I follow
Show Explanation
C) Only I and II follow
Show Explanation
D) Only I follows
Show Explanation

2 / 192

Complete the series A2, B4, C8, D16, E?

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Logical Reasoning
Letters and Symbols Series
A) 32
Show Explanation
B) 34
Show Explanation
C) 36
Show Explanation
D) 38
Show Explanation

3 / 192

Statements: – A > B, B ≥ C, C C (II) A = C

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) Only I is true
Show Explanation
B) Only II is true
Show Explanation
C) Either I or II true
Show Explanation
D) Neither I nor II is true
Show Explanation

4 / 192

Which of the following series lie in the visible region?

ETEA 2018
Atomic Spectra
Atomic Spectra
Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
A) Lyman
Show Explanation
B) Paschen
Show Explanation
C) Balmer
Show Explanation
D) Pfund
Show Explanation

5 / 192

The wavelength associated with electrons is equal to that of:

Atomic Spectra
FMDC 2018
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) Visible spectrum
Show Explanation
B) X rays
Show Explanation
C) Radio waves
Show Explanation
D) Infrared waves
Show Explanation

6 / 192

The wavelength of the spectral lines in the hydrogen atom’s emission and absorption spectra are predicted by

Atomic Spectra
AKU Question Bank
Atomic Spectra
A) Rutherford’s model
Show Explanation
B) Maxwell’s model
Show Explanation
C) Dalton’s mode
Show Explanation
D) Bohr’s model
Show Explanation

7 / 192

Choose the correct spelling of the word:

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Grammar and Punctuation
A) Something
Show Explanation
B) Somthing
Show Explanation
C) Sumthing
Show Explanation
D) Sumthin
Show Explanation

8 / 192

Emf = -N(ΔΦ/Δt) is according to

PMC Sample 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays and Lenz Law and Induced EMF
A) Ampere’s Law
Show Explanation
B) Faraday’s Law
Show Explanation
C) Lenz’s Law
Show Explanation
D) Both B and C
Show Explanation

9 / 192

Bright Lines in pattern show:

PMC Practice 5
Atomic Spectra
Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
A) Absorption
Show Explanation
B) Emission
Show Explanation
C) Release
Show Explanation
D) Free particle
Show Explanation

10 / 192

The work done in emitting the electron from an atom or from a molecule is

Atomic Spectra
AKU Question Bank
Atomic Spectra
A) ionization energy
Show Explanation
B) excitation energy
Show Explanation
C) excitation potential
Show Explanation
D) Ionization potential
Show Explanation

11 / 192

The units of planks constant are the same as that of :

ETEA 2017
Atomic Spectra
Atomic Spectra
Bohrs Model of the Hydrogen Atom
A) Angular Momentum
Show Explanation
B) Work
Show Explanation
C) Force
Show Explanation
D) Torque
Show Explanation

12 / 192

X-rays are used to measure?

PMC Practice 8
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) Fractures
Show Explanation
B) Temperature
Show Explanation
C) Blood pressure
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

13 / 192

Motional e.m.f induced in a coil is dependent on?

PMC Practice 1
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Induced EMF and Induced Current
A) Magnetic field
Show Explanation
B) Orientation
Show Explanation
C) Length
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

14 / 192

The light we see is:

PMC 2021 Tested
Atomic Spectra
Atomic Spectra
A) None of these
Show Explanation
B) Infrared
Show Explanation
C) Visible
Show Explanation
D) Ultraviolet
Show Explanation

15 / 192

Atomic spectra is a ______ spectra.

PMC Practice 18
Atomic Spectra
Atomic Spectra
A) Continuous
Show Explanation
B) Discrete
Show Explanation
C) Both options A and B
Show Explanation
D) None of these options are correct
Show Explanation

16 / 192

For a 100% efficient step down transformer

PMC Sample 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) voltage in primary and secondary are equal
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B) current in primary and secondary are equal
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C) input power is same as the output power
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D) output power is zero
Show Explanation

17 / 192

X-ray is the reverse process of:

PMC Practice 10
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) Pair production
Show Explanation
B) Compton effect
Show Explanation
C) Photoelectric effect
Show Explanation
D) A & B are correct
Show Explanation

18 / 192

LASER is an acronym for:

UHS 2012
Atomic Spectra
Atomic Spectra
A) Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
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B) Light annihilation by stimulated emission of radiation
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C) Light amplitude of stimulated emission of radiation
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D) Light amplification by stimulated emission of radio
Show Explanation

19 / 192

A circuit in which there is a current of 10 amperes is changed so that the current falls to zero in 0.5 seconds. If an average e.m.f. of 400 volts is induced, what is the self-inductance of the circuit?

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Mutual and Self Induction
A) 10 Henrys
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B) 20 Henrys
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C) 30 Henrys
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D) 40 Henrys
Show Explanation

20 / 192

In transmission from grid station, power losses are minimized by:

PMC 2020
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Decreasing current
Show Explanation
B) Decreasing resistance.
Show Explanation
C) Increasing resistance
Show Explanation
D) Increasing voltage
Show Explanation

21 / 192

On hydrogen atom spectrum, series of spectral lines which fall within visible region, is:

Atomic Spectra
FMDC 2018
Atomic Spectra
Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
A) Lymen series
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B) Balmer Series
Show Explanation
C) Paschen series
Show Explanation
D) Bracket series
Show Explanation

22 / 192

By changing the current through the same coil, an emf is induced in it, the process is known as:

Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Mutual and Self Induction
A) Rectification
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B) Mutual induction
Show Explanation
C) Self induction
Show Explanation
D) Simple induction
Show Explanation

23 / 192

Which rays need medium to travel?

PMC Practice 10
Atomic Spectra
A) X-rays
Show Explanation
B) Beta rays
Show Explanation
C) Gamma rays
Show Explanation
D) No radiation need medium to travel
Show Explanation

24 / 192

Choose the correct sentence.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
A) Does your tram leaw before eight o’clock?
Show Explanation
B) Does your train leave before eight clock?
Show Explanation
C) Does your train leave before eight o’clock?
Show Explanation
D) Do your train leave before eight o’clock?
Show Explanation

25 / 192

What is the number of spectral series in the hydrogen spectrum?

PMC 2021 Tested
Atomic Spectra
Atomic Spectra
Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
A) Four
Show Explanation
B) Three
Show Explanation
C) Five
Show Explanation
D) One
Show Explanation

26 / 192

What does CAT stand for in X-ray technology?

UHS 2013
Atomic Spectra
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) Capacitor Amplifier Transistor
Show Explanation
B) Computerized Axial Tomography
Show Explanation
C) Cathode Anode Technique
Show Explanation
D) Current Amplification Technology
Show Explanation

27 / 192

The ratio of wavelength of last line of Balmer series and last line of lymen series is

PMC Sample 2
Atomic Spectra
A) 2
Show Explanation
B) 1
Show Explanation
C) 4
Show Explanation
D) 0.05
Show Explanation

28 / 192

Transformer is a device which steps up or steps down the input:

PMC 2020
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Current
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B) Voltage
Show Explanation
C) Energy
Show Explanation
D) Power
Show Explanation

29 / 192

When a transformer is connected to 120-volt ac, it supplies 3000 V to a device. The current through the secondary winding then is o.06 A and the current through the primary is 2 A. The number of turns in the primary winding is 400. The number of turns in the secondary winding is:

Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) 16
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B) 30
Show Explanation
C) 1000
Show Explanation
D) 2000
Show Explanation
E) 10000
Show Explanation

30 / 192

The Lenz’s law refers to

PMC Sample 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Faradays and Lenz Law and Induced EMF
A) induced current
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B) induced potential
Show Explanation
C) motional emf
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D) all of these
Show Explanation

31 / 192

Did I say anything to make you angry?

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
A) Declarative
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B) Imperative
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C) lnterrogative
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D) Exclamatory
Show Explanation

32 / 192

The formula for the Paschen series for the Hydrogen spectrum is _______.

NTS 2019
Atomic Spectra
Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
A) 1/λ=Rh(1/22 – 1/n2 ) n=3,4,5
Show Explanation
B) 1/λ=Rh(1/42- 1/n2) n=2,3,4,5
Show Explanation
C) 1/λ=Rh(1/42- 1/n2 ) n=5,6,7
Show Explanation
D) 1/λ=Rh(1/32- 1/n2 ) n=4,5,6
Show Explanation

33 / 192

According to Bohr, the orbits in which electrons revolve around the nucleus are:

PMC Practice 4
Atomic Spectra
A) Oval
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B) Elliptical
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C) Cylindrical
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D) Circular
Show Explanation

34 / 192

Transformer works on the principle of:

Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Self induction
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B) Mutual magnetic induction
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C) Electrostatics
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D) Mutual charging
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35 / 192

If the ionization energy of a hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV, its ionization potential will be:

PMC Sample 1
Atomic Spectra
De-Broglie Waves and Hydrogen Atom
A) 13.6 V
Show Explanation
B) 136.0 V
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C) 3.4 V
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D) None of these options are correct
Show Explanation

36 / 192

Devices that consume electrical energy in the external circuit of generator are known as

PMC Sample 2
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A.C. and D.C. Generator
A) appliances
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B) machines
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C) motors
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D) load
Show Explanation

37 / 192

X rays are similar in nature to:

NUMS 2018
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) Cathode rays
Show Explanation
B) Canal rays
Show Explanation
C) Gamma rays
Show Explanation
D) Beta rays
Show Explanation

38 / 192

A flat coil of wire having 5 turns has an inductance, L. The inductance of a similar coil having 20 turns is:

NUMS 2017
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) 16L
Show Explanation
B) L/4
Show Explanation
C) uL
Show Explanation
D) L
Show Explanation

39 / 192

Extraterrestial waves are also called:

PMC 2021 Tested
Atomic Spectra
Atomic Spectra
A) Alpha rays
Show Explanation
B) Cosmic rays
Show Explanation
C) Gamma rays
Show Explanation
D) Beta rays
Show Explanation

40 / 192

Which colour of heat shows highest temperature?

PMC Practice 16
Atomic Spectra
Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
A) Red
Show Explanation
B) Blue
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C) Black
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D) Orange
Show Explanation

41 / 192

Which of the following are composed of proteins only which contain the information that codes for their own replication?

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Virus
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B) Virion
Show Explanation
C) Prions
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D) Capsule
Show Explanation

42 / 192

Analogous organs provide evidence for __________ evolution:

A) Convergent
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B) Parallel
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C) Divergent
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D) Adaptive
Show Explanation

43 / 192

Major coordinating centre for sensory and motor signaling is:

NUMS 2018
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Thalamus
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B) Cerebrum
Show Explanation
C) Hypothalamus
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D) Cerebellum
Show Explanation

44 / 192

Which one of the following is common to all neurons?

PMC 2020
Coordination and Control
Coordination in Animals
A) A cell body which contains a nucleus
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B) A thick myelin sheath
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C) Presence of node of Ranvier
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D) Presence of Schwann cells
Show Explanation

45 / 192

Coelom is a cavity lined by:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
Classification according to Coelem
A) Mesoderm
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B) Endoderm
Show Explanation
C) Epiderm
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D) Ectoderm
Show Explanation

46 / 192

Functions of the brainstem include all of the following EXCEPT:

NUMS 2018
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Integration of righting reflexes
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B) Autonomic control for respiration
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C) Equilibrium and posture regulation
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D) Initiation of voluntary movements
Show Explanation

47 / 192

Resting membrane potential of neurons is _______, while during active membrane potential the inner membrane surface becomes more _____ than the outside.

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) +70 mV ; negative
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B) -70 mV ; negative
Show Explanation
C) +70 mV ; positive
Show Explanation
D) -70 mV ; positive
Show Explanation

48 / 192

Deficient production of hormones by adrenal glands results in:

NTS 2011
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Cushing’s syndrome
Show Explanation
B) Addison’s disease
Show Explanation
C) Diabetes Mellitus
Show Explanation
D) Goiter
Show Explanation

49 / 192

The oxygen-binding protein present in skeletal muscles is:

NUMS 2017
Gaseous Exchange
Transport of Gases
A) Globin
Show Explanation
B) Glycogen
Show Explanation
C) Myo Glycogen
Show Explanation
D) Myoglobin
Show Explanation

50 / 192

The organs which are similar in function but differ in structure are called:

PMC 2020
A) Analogous organs
Show Explanation
B) Homologous organs
Show Explanation
C) Convergent evolution
Show Explanation
D) Divergent evolution
Show Explanation

51 / 192

Breathing rate in humans at rest is:

PMC Practice 6
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) 10 to 15 times per minute
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B) 10 to 20 times per minute
Show Explanation
C) 80 to 120 times per minute
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D) 15 to20 times per minute
Show Explanation

52 / 192

This theory says that “mitochondria and chloroplasts are, in effect, ancient bacteria which now live inside the larger cells”:

PMC 2020
A) Darwin’s theory of evolution
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B) Lamarckism
Show Explanation
C) Neo – darwinism
Show Explanation
D) Endosymbiont theory
Show Explanation

53 / 192

Lamarck is best known for his theory of:

NUMS 2016
A) Inheritances
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B) Dominance
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C) Inheritance of acquired characteristics
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D) All of the above
Show Explanation

54 / 192

During inspiration, the diaphragm:

PMC Practice 3
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Contracts
Show Explanation
B) Relaxes
Show Explanation
C) Contracts and relaxes
Show Explanation
D) None of these options is correct
Show Explanation

55 / 192

The wings of birds and the forelegs of a horse are _____ structures.

NUMS 2016
A) Analogous
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B) Homologous
Show Explanation
C) Vestigial
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D) Evolutionary convergent
Show Explanation

56 / 192

First infectious disease against which effective method of prevention developed was a _______:

NUMS 2020
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Bacterial disease
Show Explanation
B) Viral disease
Show Explanation
C) Protozoan disease
Show Explanation
D) Viroid disease
Show Explanation

57 / 192

Vaccines for all of these have been developed EXCEPT:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Polio
Show Explanation
B) Mumps
Show Explanation
C) Measles
Show Explanation
D) Cancer
Show Explanation

58 / 192

Which of the following statements is correct about the respiratory pigments?

UHS 2018
Gaseous Exchange
Transport of Gases
A) Myoglobin and Haemoglobin has higher affinity for nitrogen
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B) Cyanide and Haemoglobin has a low affinity for oxygen
Show Explanation
C) Myoglobin has more affinity for oxygen as compared to haemoglobin
Show Explanation
D) Albumin, Globulin and Globin proteins are present in respiratory pigments
Show Explanation

59 / 192

The low levels of Surfactant produced by Alveolar epithelium causes:

UHS 2018
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory Disorders
A) Respiratory distress syndrome
Show Explanation
B) Emphysema
Show Explanation
C) Bronchitis
Show Explanation
D) Asthma
Show Explanation

60 / 192

What does the plueral membrane cover?

PMC Practice 7
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Heart
Show Explanation
B) Lungs
Show Explanation
C) Brain
Show Explanation
D) Kidney
Show Explanation

61 / 192

The autonomic nervous system controls all of the following activities except:

NTS 2014
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Digestion of food
Show Explanation
B) Heart beat
Show Explanation
C) Contraction of pupil of eye
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D) Thought
Show Explanation

62 / 192

How many meninges cover the human brain?

NTS 2014
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) 5
Show Explanation
B) 4
Show Explanation
C) 3
Show Explanation
D) 2
Show Explanation

63 / 192

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV)?

PMC 2020
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) It is a retrovirus
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B) It is surrounded by an envelope
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C) It does not cause AIDS
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D) It causes deficiency of the human immune system
Show Explanation

64 / 192

Which of the following correctly explains the structure of myoglobin:

NUMS 2015
Gaseous Exchange
Transport of Gases
A) 4 polypeptide chains + 4 heme portions
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B) 4 polypeptide chains + 1 heme portions
Show Explanation
C) 1 polypeptide chains + 4 heme portions
Show Explanation
D) 1 polypeptide chains + 1 heme portions
Show Explanation

65 / 192

The complete, mature and infection virus particle is known as:

PMC 2020
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Venome
Show Explanation
B) Genome
Show Explanation
C) Virion
Show Explanation
D) Capsid
Show Explanation

66 / 192

Egg-laying mammals are called:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
Reproduction in Animals
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Prototheria
Show Explanation
B) Protozoa
Show Explanation
C) Chordata
Show Explanation
D) Monotremes
Show Explanation
E) Both A and D
Show Explanation

67 / 192

The viruses are:

NTS 2011
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Cellular
Show Explanation
B) Prokaryotes
Show Explanation
C) Non-cellular
Show Explanation
D) Eukaryotes
Show Explanation

68 / 192

A _____ is a junction between two neurons or between a motor neuron and a muscle cell:

PMC 2020
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Impulse
Show Explanation
B) Synapse
Show Explanation
C) Axon
Show Explanation
D) Cleft
Show Explanation

69 / 192

Amphibians live on:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Water
Show Explanation
B) Water and land
Show Explanation
C) Land
Show Explanation
D) Air
Show Explanation

70 / 192

Which of the following concepts is attributed to Lamarck?

NUMS 2014
A) Struggle for existence
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B) Survival of the fittest
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C) Inheritance of acquired characters
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D) Cells come from pre-existing cells
Show Explanation

71 / 192

______ occurs because natural selection gives some alleles a better chance of survival than others:

PMC 2020
A) Fitness
Show Explanation
B) Evolution
Show Explanation
C) Crossing over
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D) Artificial Selection
Show Explanation

72 / 192

Organs which produce voice in birds is:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Larynx
Show Explanation
B) Pharynx
Show Explanation
C) Syrinx
Show Explanation
D) Both A and C
Show Explanation

73 / 192

Vocal cords, which help in voice production are two thin edged fibrous bands, present in:

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Glottis
Show Explanation
B) Bronchus
Show Explanation
C) Larynx
Show Explanation
D) Trachea
Show Explanation

74 / 192

The shape of the tobacco mosaic virus is:

NUMS 2016
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Spring shape
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B) Rod shape
Show Explanation
C) Comma shape
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D) Spherical shape
Show Explanation

75 / 192

When does a gas deviate the most from its ideal behavior ?

NTS 2010
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Non Ideal Behaviour Of Gases
A) At low pressure and high temperature
Show Explanation
B) At high pressure and high temperature
Show Explanation
C) At low pressure and low temperature
Show Explanation
D) At high pressure and low temperature
Show Explanation

76 / 192

Diaphragm is a sheet of:

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Smooth muscles
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B) Cardiac muscles
Show Explanation
C) Skeletal muscles
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

77 / 192

Which of the following theories or evolution can best explain the vestigial organs.

NUMS 2014
A) Darwinism
Show Explanation
B) Lamarckism
Show Explanation
C) Natural selection
Show Explanation
D) Special creation
Show Explanation

78 / 192

The _____ may be a cell, neuron ending or an organ that receives the stimulus.

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Coordination and Control
Peripheral Nervous System
A) Effector
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B) Receptor
Show Explanation
C) Adopter
Show Explanation
D) Stimuli
Show Explanation

79 / 192

Neurons CANNOT undergo division, because they do not have.

NUMS 2018
Coordination and Control
Coordination in Animals
A) Centrosome
Show Explanation
B) Nucleus
Show Explanation
C) Mitochondria
Show Explanation
D) Golgi apparatus
Show Explanation

80 / 192

Which of the following is not related to the enveloped virus?

PMC 2020
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) They survive for a short time
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B) Their envelope is not sensitive to sunlight
Show Explanation
C) They are tolerant to antibodies
Show Explanation
D) Envelope is derived from host
Show Explanation

81 / 192

A characteristics features of Echinoderm is:

NTS 2011
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Canal system
Show Explanation
B) Water vascular system
Show Explanation
C) Tracheal system
Show Explanation
D) Blood vascular system
Show Explanation

82 / 192

Which of the following will not undergo aldol condensation?

NUMS 2016
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Acetaldehyde
Show Explanation
B) Propanaldehyde
Show Explanation
C) Formaldehyde
Show Explanation
D) Trideuteroacetaldehyde
Show Explanation

83 / 192

Which of the following is radially symmetrical and possesses nematocysts?

Kingdom Animalia
A) Porifera
Show Explanation
B) Coelenterates
Show Explanation
C) Mollusca
Show Explanation
D) Amphibians
Show Explanation

84 / 192

Choose the correct combination:

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
A) Darwin – survival of the fittest
Show Explanation
B) Darwin – no extinction
Show Explanation
C) Lamarck – acquired transmission
Show Explanation
D) Both Darwin – survival of the fittest and Lamark – acquired transmission
Show Explanation

85 / 192

Which of the following is NOT a viral disease?

NTS 2018
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
Show Explanation
B) Malaria
Show Explanation
C) Influenza
Show Explanation
D) Chickenpox
Show Explanation

86 / 192

Which of the following diseases is sexually transmitted?

PMC 2020
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Tuberculosis
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
C) Dengue Fever
Show Explanation
D) Cholera
Show Explanation

87 / 192

The structural and functional unit of the lungs is:

PMC Practice 2
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Alveoli
Show Explanation
B) Trachea
Show Explanation
C) Bronchiole
Show Explanation
D) Bronchus
Show Explanation

88 / 192

A surfactant is essential for:

PMC Practice 4
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory Disorders
A) Efficient gas exchange
Show Explanation
B) Maintaining structural integrity of alveoli
Show Explanation
C) Both Options A and B are correct
Show Explanation
D) None of these options is correct
Show Explanation

89 / 192

Darwin suggested that populations of individual species become better adapted to their local environments through:

A) Artificial selection
Show Explanation
B) Adaptation
Show Explanation
C) Variation
Show Explanation
D) Natural selection
Show Explanation

90 / 192

Viruses resemble living things because they:

NTS 2017
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Circulate
Show Explanation
B) Move
Show Explanation
C) Reproduce
Show Explanation
D) Are crystalline
Show Explanation

91 / 192

What part of the brain integrates sensory information such as pain and temperature?

NUMS 2018
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Forebrain
Show Explanation
B) Midbrain
Show Explanation
C) Hindbrain
Show Explanation
D) Spinal cord
Show Explanation

92 / 192

Evolutionary relationships amongst species are reflected in their:

NUMS 2016
A) DNA and proteins
Show Explanation
B) RNA and proteins
Show Explanation
C) DNA and genes
Show Explanation
D) DNA and RNA
Show Explanation

93 / 192

Which of the following is derived from Latin word VENUME which means poisonous?

NUMS 2018
Bio-diversity | Variety of Life
A) Bacteria
Show Explanation
B) Fungi
Show Explanation
C) Virus
Show Explanation
D) Malaria
Show Explanation

94 / 192

Most carbon dioxide is transported in the form of?

PMC Practice 4
Gaseous Exchange
Transport of Gases
A) Carboxyhemoglobin
Show Explanation
B) Plasma proteins
Show Explanation
C) Bicarbonate ions
Show Explanation
D) In dissolved form
Show Explanation

95 / 192

Out of the 13 types of finches collected by Darwin from Galapagos:

A) All were unique to individual islands
Show Explanation
B) Some were distributed on two or more islands
Show Explanation
C) Some were unique to individual islands
Show Explanation
D) Majority were unique to individual islands
Show Explanation

96 / 192

Which brain portion is responsible for controlling body coordination?

NUMS 2020
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Medulla
Show Explanation
B) Amygdala
Show Explanation
C) Cerebellum
Show Explanation
D) Pons
Show Explanation

97 / 192

A muscular passage that is common to both food and air is known as:

PMC Practice 6
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Bronchi
Show Explanation
B) Bronchioles
Show Explanation
C) Larynx
Show Explanation
D) Pharynx
Show Explanation

98 / 192

The trachea is also termed as the:

PMC Practice 5
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Voice box
Show Explanation
B) Epiglottis
Show Explanation
C) Bronchi
Show Explanation
D) Windpipe
Show Explanation

99 / 192

Breathing is considered as a:

PMC Practice 1
Gaseous Exchange
Introduction to Gaseous Exchange
A) Chemical process
Show Explanation
B) Biochemical process
Show Explanation
C) Mechanical process
Show Explanation
D) Both A and B
Show Explanation

100 / 192

An amphibian’s heart has ______ chambers:

NUMS 2016
Kingdom Animalia
Phylums – porifera to chordata
A) Two
Show Explanation
B) Three
Show Explanation
C) Four
Show Explanation
D) Five
Show Explanation

101 / 192

Which one of the following is a genetic disorder in which abnormally thick mucus is produced in the lungs and other parts of the body?

NUMS 2020
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory Disorders
A) Lung cancer
Show Explanation
B) Chronic bronchitis
Show Explanation
C) Cystic fibrosis
Show Explanation
D) Emphysema
Show Explanation

102 / 192

Which of the following is the respiratory surface in human beings?

PMC Practice 3
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Lungs
Show Explanation
B) Alveoli
Show Explanation
C) Windpipe
Show Explanation
D) Alveolar duct
Show Explanation

103 / 192

The spinal nerves are functionally:

NUMS 2016
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Sensory nerves
Show Explanation
B) Motor nerves
Show Explanation
C) Mixed nerves
Show Explanation
D) Unknown
Show Explanation

104 / 192

Neurons are cells adapted for the rapid transmission of electrical impulses. To do this, they have long thin processes called:

PMC 2020
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Axons
Show Explanation
B) Dendrites
Show Explanation
C) Myelin sheath
Show Explanation
D) Schwann cell
Show Explanation

105 / 192

The respiratory pigment, which has much higher affinity to combine with oxygen is:

NUMS 2016
Gaseous Exchange
Transport of Gases
A) Myoglobin
Show Explanation
B) Globin
Show Explanation
C) Haemoglobin
Show Explanation
D) Hemocyanin
Show Explanation

106 / 192

Which of the following is not the function of the cerebrum?

NUMS 2016
Coordination and Control
Central Nervous System
A) Voluntary digestion
Show Explanation
B) Thinking
Show Explanation
C) Intelligence
Show Explanation
D) Skeletal muscles
Show Explanation

107 / 192


NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Is released by sympathetic fibers
Show Explanation
B) Is released by parasympathetic fibers
Show Explanation
C) Decrease the heart rate
Show Explanation
D) Decrease blood pressure
Show Explanation

108 / 192

Glottis is lined by?

PMC Practice 7
Gaseous Exchange
Respiratory System of Man
A) Plasma membrane
Show Explanation
B) Epithelial membrane
Show Explanation
C) Meninges
Show Explanation
D) Mucous membrane
Show Explanation

109 / 192

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

It will _____ me a lot of money.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Fill in the blank
A) Costs
Show Explanation
B) Cost
Show Explanation
C) Costed
Show Explanation
D) Is costing
Show Explanation

110 / 192

Choose the correct sentence.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
A) He always loved sweets, chocolates, biscuits and cakes.
Show Explanation
B) He always loved, sweets chocolates, biscuits and cairns.
Show Explanation
C) He always loved sweets, chocolates, biscuits and,cakes.
Show Explanation
D) He always loved sweets, chocolates biscuits and cakes.
Show Explanation

111 / 192

Thank you. You’ve been very thorough this time.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
A) Ideal
Show Explanation
B) Cruel
Show Explanation
C) Kind
Show Explanation
D) Glad
Show Explanation

112 / 192

Choose the correct sentence:

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) However, it didn’t take long for others to jump on board.
Show Explanation
B) However it didn’t take long for others to jump on board.
Show Explanation
C) However, it didn’t take long for others to jump on board?
Show Explanation
D) However. It didn’t take long for others to jump on board.
Show Explanation

113 / 192

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

Dan __________ a lot of friends.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Fill in the blank
A) Have
Show Explanation
B) Has
Show Explanation
C) Is having
Show Explanation
D) Having
Show Explanation

114 / 192

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

We shall _________ there for a week.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Fill in the blank
A) Be going
Show Explanation
B) Has been gone
Show Explanation
C) Has going
Show Explanation
D) Been going
Show Explanation

115 / 192

In a specific area of a country an acute famine have appeared COURSE OF ACTION:
I. Major facilities of water and food should be provided straight away in that area.

II. Financial support should be given to bothered individuals to the from the Government.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Logical Reasoning
Course of Action
A) Both of them follows
Show Explanation
B) None of them follow
Show Explanation
C) Only I follows
Show Explanation
D) Only II follows
Show Explanation

116 / 192

Either my mother or my father ______ coming to the meeting.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
A) Is
Show Explanation
B) Are
Show Explanation
C) Are being
Show Explanation
D) Has
Show Explanation

117 / 192

From the following which word does not belong to the others:

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking
A) Index
Show Explanation
B) Book
Show Explanation
C) Glossary
Show Explanation
D) Chapter
Show Explanation

118 / 192

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

Annie and her brothers __________ at school.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Fill in the blank
A) Is
Show Explanation
B) Are
Show Explanation
C) Are being
Show Explanation
D) Have
Show Explanation

119 / 192

I borrowed __ pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
A) A
Show Explanation
B) An
Show Explanation
C) The
Show Explanation
D) No Article
Show Explanation

120 / 192

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

I am in London this Summer, I ___________ English.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Fill in the blank
A) Learn
Show Explanation
B) Learns
Show Explanation
C) Am learning
Show Explanation
D) Learning
Show Explanation

121 / 192

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

The gardner will have _________ the flowers.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Fill in the blank
A) Plucked
Show Explanation
B) Pluck
Show Explanation
C) Plucks
Show Explanation
D) None of these options are correct
Show Explanation

122 / 192

Select the nearest correct meaning of the given word:


Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Key Vocabulary
A) Confused
Show Explanation
B) Impressed
Show Explanation
C) Stunned
Show Explanation
D) Intrigued
Show Explanation

123 / 192

I. The dialogue between Jinnah and Gandhi failed.
II. Indian National Congress and Muslim League tried to join hands, so they will be united.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Logical Reasoning
Cause and Effect
A) Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
Show Explanation
B) Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
Show Explanation
C) Both statements I and II are independent causes
Show Explanation
D) Both statements I and II are the effects of independent cause.
Show Explanation

124 / 192

Select the option which fits appropriately in the blank:

My father often ______ here.

Atomic Spectra
PMC Practice 1
Fill in the blank
A) Come
Show Explanation
B) Came
Show Explanation
C) Comes
Show Explanation
D) Coming
Show Explanation

125 / 192

London dispersion forces are the only forces present among?

PMC Practice 10
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Liquids and Water
A) Atoms of helium in gaseous state at high temperature
Show Explanation
B) Molecules of water
Show Explanation
C) Molecules of solid iodine
Show Explanation
D) Molecules of HCl gas
Show Explanation

126 / 192

Which one of the following has the weakest intermolecular forces?

PMC 2021 Tested
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
States of Matter
A) Plasma
Show Explanation
B) Liquids
Show Explanation
C) Solids
Show Explanation
D) Gases
Show Explanation

127 / 192

– ROR is the nucleophile of

NTS 2011
Aldehydes and Ketones
Physical Properties of Aldehydes And Ketones
A) Alcohols
Show Explanation
B) Esters
Show Explanation
C) Cyanides
Show Explanation
D) Ethers
Show Explanation

128 / 192

Which of the following reactions is NOT shown by ketones?

NTS 2018
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Reaction with HCN
Show Explanation
B) Reaction with Fehling solution
Show Explanation
C) Reaction with NaHSO3
Show Explanation
D) Reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazine
Show Explanation

129 / 192

Ketone reacts with Grignard reagent to form ______ in acidic media?

Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Tertiary alcohol
Show Explanation
B) Isopropyl alcohol
Show Explanation
C) Primary alcohol
Show Explanation
D) Carboxylic acid
Show Explanation

130 / 192

The test used to distinguish among primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols is:

NUMS 2017
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) 2,4 – DNPH test
Show Explanation
B) Tollens test
Show Explanation
C) Lucas Test
Show Explanation
D) Fehling solution test
Show Explanation

131 / 192

Which enzyme causes the hydrolysis of fats?

PMC Practice 10
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) Urease
Show Explanation
B) Lipase
Show Explanation
C) Maltase
Show Explanation
D) Protease
Show Explanation

132 / 192

London forces are present in

PMC Sample 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Liquids and Water
A) ammonia
Show Explanation
B) water
Show Explanation
C) kerosene oil
Show Explanation
D) HCl
Show Explanation

133 / 192

A graph between volume and temperature gives a straight line which cuts the temperature axis at:

NUMS 2020
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) 0 C
Show Explanation
B) 273 C
Show Explanation
C) 546 C
Show Explanation
D) -273 C
Show Explanation

134 / 192

Atoms in solids are

PMC Sample 3
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Types of Solids
A) Loosely Packed
Show Explanation
B) In random motion
Show Explanation
C) Excited
Show Explanation
D) Closely packed
Show Explanation

135 / 192

Which of the following is/are allotrope(s) of Sulphur?

PMC 2021 Tested
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Crystalline Solids
A) Monoclinic S and Rhombic S
Show Explanation
B) Rhombic S
Show Explanation
C) Triclinic S
Show Explanation
D) Monoclinic S
Show Explanation

136 / 192

The unit for Van der Waals constant ‘b’ is?

PMC Practice 10
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Real and Ideal Gas Equation
A) mol dm-3
Show Explanation
B) dm3
Show Explanation
C) m3 mol-1
Show Explanation
D) m3 mol
Show Explanation

137 / 192

At which temperature does water have maximum density?

PMC Practice 7
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Liquids and Water
A) 2°C
Show Explanation
B) 4°C
Show Explanation
C) 0°C
Show Explanation
D) <0°C Show Explanation

138 / 192

Molecular solid may be_____?

PMC 2021 Tested
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Types of Solids
A) Neutral crystals
Show Explanation
B) Polar crystals
Show Explanation
C) Polar and non-polar crystals
Show Explanation
D) Non-polar crystals
Show Explanation

139 / 192

Carbonyl group undergoes:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Electrophilic addition reaction
Show Explanation
B) Nucleophilic addition reaction
Show Explanation
C) Electrophilic substitution reaction
Show Explanation
D) Nucleophilic substitution reaction
Show Explanation

140 / 192

The value of S.T.P for 1 mole of any ideal gas is:

NUMS 2020
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Real and Ideal Gas Equation
A) 273.16 K and 1 atm
Show Explanation
B) 0 C & 1 mm Hg
Show Explanation
C) 273.16 C & 1 atm
Show Explanation
D) 0 K & 1 atm
Show Explanation

141 / 192

Enzymes speed up the reaction up to:

PMC Practice 3
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) 1020
Show Explanation
B) 2010
Show Explanation
C) 1030
Show Explanation
D) 1510
Show Explanation

142 / 192

A conductor of length L is moved across a magnetic field. Due to this activity, a potential difference appears across the ends of the conductor. This type of potential difference is termed as:

NTS 2018
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Motion of a Charged Particle in an Electric and Magnetic Field
A) Self Induction
Show Explanation
B) Mutual Induction
Show Explanation
C) Motional EMF
Show Explanation
D) Electrostatic potential
Show Explanation

143 / 192

A liquid crystalline state exists between two temperatures i.e melting temperature and ____ temperature.

PMC Sample 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Liquid Crystals
A) boiling
Show Explanation
B) freezing
Show Explanation
C) clearing
Show Explanation
D) all of these
Show Explanation

144 / 192

Which of the following shows H-bonding?

PMC Sample 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Show Explanation
B) CH₃-O-CH₃
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

145 / 192

A diabetic person’s exhaled breath contains propanone. A student tries to test the diabetes by asking the person to bubble the reagent with his exhaled breath. Which of the following reagents would give a positive result?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Aqueous Bromine
Show Explanation
B) Fehling’s reagent
Show Explanation
C) Tollen’s reagent
Show Explanation
D) Alkaline aqueous iodine
Show Explanation

146 / 192

The necessary condition for Boyle’s law to hold is that the process must be ______.

NTS 2019
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) Isobaric
Show Explanation
B) Adiabatic
Show Explanation
C) Isochoric
Show Explanation
D) Isothermal
Show Explanation

147 / 192

What is the temperature at which the volume of gas is said to be zero?

States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Non Ideal Behaviour Of Gases
A) 0 C
Show Explanation
B) 4 C
Show Explanation
C) -273.16 C
Show Explanation
D) -173.16 C
Show Explanation

148 / 192

Hybridization of carbon in -CHO group is:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Aldehydes and Ketones
Identification and Uses of Carbonyl Compounds
A) sp
Show Explanation
B) sp2
Show Explanation
C) sp3
Show Explanation
D) dsp
Show Explanation

149 / 192

Non-protein part of conjugated protein is called _____.

PMC Practice 10
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) Coenzyme
Show Explanation
B) Co-factor
Show Explanation
C) Prosthetic group
Show Explanation
D) None
Show Explanation

150 / 192

Which of the following elements is not usually present in all proteins?

PMC Practice 3
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) Carbon
Show Explanation
B) Hydrogen
Show Explanation
C) Nitrogen
Show Explanation
D) Sulphur
Show Explanation

151 / 192

The activator of the phosphatase enzyme is _________.

PMC Practice 3
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) Mn2+
Show Explanation
B) Mg2+
Show Explanation
C) Zn2+
Show Explanation
D) None of these options are correct
Show Explanation

152 / 192

What is the freezing point of water?

PMC 2021 Tested
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Liquids and Water
A) -2 °C
Show Explanation
B) -4 °C
Show Explanation
C) None of these
Show Explanation
D) 0 °C
Show Explanation

153 / 192

According to the general gas equation, density of an ideal gas depends upon:

PMC 2020
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) Pressure
Show Explanation
B) Temperature
Show Explanation
C) Molar Mass
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

154 / 192

The biochemical process used in the synthesis of alcohol in the presence of yeast is called ___________.

PMC Practice 3
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) Respiration
Show Explanation
B) Photosynthesis
Show Explanation
C) Fermentation
Show Explanation
D) Aerobic respiration
Show Explanation

155 / 192

Carbon dioxide is an example of?

PMC Practice 4
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Types of Solids
A) Ionic Solid
Show Explanation
B) Metallic Solid
Show Explanation
C) Molecular Solid
Show Explanation
D) Covalent Solid
Show Explanation

156 / 192

Proteoses enzyme & peptones belong to which type of protein?

PMC Practice 11
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) Simple protein
Show Explanation
B) Derived proteins
Show Explanation
C) Conjugated proteins
Show Explanation
D) All of these
Show Explanation

157 / 192

Why is phenol more acidic than Alcohol?

PMC Practice 3
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) Due to the presence of resonance in phenol
Show Explanation
B) Due to the absence of resonance in alcohol
Show Explanation
C) Both Options A and B are correct
Show Explanation
D) Because in phenol, hydrogen is attached to oxygen,
Show Explanation

158 / 192

The expression PV = nRT represents the:

NUMS 2020
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) Dalton’s Law
Show Explanation
B) Avogadro’s Law
Show Explanation
C) General gas equation
Show Explanation
D) Van der Waals equation
Show Explanation

159 / 192

Enzymes that bring about exchange of functional group is called __?

PMC Practice 12
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) Oxidoreductase
Show Explanation
B) Hydrolases
Show Explanation
C) Ligases
Show Explanation
D) Transferases
Show Explanation

160 / 192

The general formula for an aldehyde is:

NTS 2010
Aldehydes and Ketones
Introduction to Aldehydes and Ketones
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) R-X
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

161 / 192

The internal energy of an ideal gas depends upon its:

States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Non Ideal Behaviour Of Gases
A) Molecular size
Show Explanation
B) Pressure only.
Show Explanation
C) Volume only
Show Explanation
D) Temperature only
Show Explanation

162 / 192

The relationship between P and 1/V is:

PMC 2021 Tested
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) Both are independent of each other
Show Explanation
B) Indirect
Show Explanation
C) Direct
Show Explanation
D) Dynamic
Show Explanation

163 / 192

Dehydration of ethanol at 100 oC in the presence of concentrated H2SO4 gives:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) Ethene
Show Explanation
B) Ethane
Show Explanation
C) Ethyne
Show Explanation
D) Ether
Show Explanation

164 / 192

Hemoglobin is an example of which protein?

PMC Practice 10
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) Transport proteins
Show Explanation
B) Structural proteins
Show Explanation
C) Genetic proteins
Show Explanation
D) Regulatory proteins
Show Explanation

165 / 192

The alcohols which are resistant to oxidation reactions are:

PMC Practice 3
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) Primary alcohols
Show Explanation
B) Secondary alcohol
Show Explanation
C) Tertiary alcohol
Show Explanation
D) All of above options are correct
Show Explanation

166 / 192

How are carboxylic acids formed from alcohol?

PMC Practice 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) Hydrolysis
Show Explanation
B) Reduction
Show Explanation
C) Oxidation
Show Explanation
D) Protonation
Show Explanation

167 / 192

Primary Alcohol is produced by reactions of Grignard’s reagent with _________ followed by hydrolysis in an acidic medium.

NTS 2011
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) Carbon dioxide
Show Explanation
B) Formaldehyde
Show Explanation
C) Acetaldehyde
Show Explanation
D) Ketone
Show Explanation

168 / 192

Which of the following alcohol does not get oxidized when it reacts with K₂Cr₂O₇/H₂SO₄?

PMC Sample 2
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

169 / 192

Amorphous solids turns into glass like state from rubber like state, this is called

PMC Sample 1
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Types of Solids
A) transition
Show Explanation
B) crack transition
Show Explanation
C) glass transition
Show Explanation
D) all of these
Show Explanation

170 / 192

HF has a higher boiling point than HCl because of:

PMC 2021 Tested
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Boiling Point and Vapor Pressure
A) Dipole-dipole interactions
Show Explanation
B) Ion-dipole interactions
Show Explanation
C) Hydrogen bonding
Show Explanation
D) London-dispersion forces
Show Explanation

171 / 192

Phenol is a(n) ________ liquid?

PMC Sample 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) Dense
Show Explanation
B) Hard
Show Explanation
C) Deliquescent
Show Explanation
D) Intermittent
Show Explanation

172 / 192

Which of the following exerts the lowest vapour pressure?

PMC 2021 Tested
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Boiling Point and Vapor Pressure
A) Chloroform
Show Explanation
B) Methanol
Show Explanation
C) Water
Show Explanation
D) Ethanol
Show Explanation

173 / 192

Electrons are emitted in the production of X-rays by:

NUMS 2016
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) Conduction
Show Explanation
B) Convection
Show Explanation
C) Thermionic emission
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

174 / 192

The value of R (the gas constant) is

NTS 2019
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Gas Laws and General Gas Equation
A) 0.0821dm3 atm k mol-1.
Show Explanation
B) 803143 Nmk-Imole
Show Explanation
C) 0.0821 dm3 atm k-I mol-1
Show Explanation
D) 8.3143 dm3 atm-k-I mol
Show Explanation

175 / 192

Which of the following does not give iodoform test?

NUMS 2014
Aldehydes and Ketones
Reactivity and Reactions of Carbonyl Group
A) Ethanol
Show Explanation
B) Ethanal
Show Explanation
C) Acetophenone
Show Explanation
D) Benzophenone
Show Explanation

176 / 192

Which of the following solids is isotropic?

PMC Practice 6
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Isomorphism and Polymorphism
A) Ionic solids
Show Explanation
B) Molecular solids
Show Explanation
C) Amorphous solids
Show Explanation
D) Metallic solids
Show Explanation

177 / 192

Which of the following has the lowest density?

PMC 2021 Tested
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
States of Matter
A) None of these
Show Explanation
B) Solids
Show Explanation
C) Gases
Show Explanation
D) Liquids
Show Explanation

178 / 192

Phenol reacts with calcium carbonate and evolve ________?

PMC Practice 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) H2 gas
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B) CO2 gas
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C) O2
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D) None of these
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179 / 192

Amino acids in proteins are held together by __ ?

PMC Practice 11
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) Peptide bond
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B) Phosphodiester linkage
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C) H-bonding
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D) Ether linkage
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180 / 192

lsoenzymes comes from _________.

PMC Practice 15
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) Same sources
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B) Different organisms
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C) Same organisms
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D) None of these options are correct
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181 / 192

NaCl and diamond are found in which of the following crystalline forms?

PMC 2021 Tested
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Crystalline Solids
A) NaCl is cubic and diamond is rhombic
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B) NaCl is rhombic and diamond is cubic
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C) Both are cubic
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D) Both are rhombic
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182 / 192

In the Lucas test, tertiary alcohols form an oily layer of alkyl halide _________.

PMC Practice 2
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) On heating
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B) Immediately
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C) After 5-10 minutes
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D) After 20 minutes
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183 / 192

Which one of the following has the highest density?

PMC 2021 Tested
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
States of Matter
A) Liquids
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B) Solids
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C) Plasma
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D) Gases
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184 / 192

Disruption of the protein structure by heating, changes in pH, and by chemicals is called __________.

PMC Practice 15
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) Coagulation
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B) Dehydration
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C) Denaturation
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D) None of these options are correct
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185 / 192

Which type of movement is shown by the atoms of the solid?

PMC Practice 6
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Types of Solids
A) Translational motion
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B) Vibrational motion
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C) Rotational motion
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D) Linear motion
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186 / 192

Select one which is alcohol.

UHS 2018
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) CH3- CH2- Br
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B) CH3- O – CH3
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D) CH3- CH2- OH
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187 / 192

All the collisions between the particles of gases are elastic in nature. What is meant by “Elastic Collisions”?

UHS 2019
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Kinetic Molecular Theory Of Gases
A) No change in the total kinetic energy
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B) The velocity of the molecules changes
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C) No change in potential energy during the collisions
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D) No change in mass during the collisions
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188 / 192

High molecular mass organic compounds that upon hydrolysis, yield amino acids are called __________.

PMC Practice 15
Synthetic Polymers and Biopolymers
A) Carbohydrates
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B) Lipids
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C) Proteins
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189 / 192

_______ is a device which makes use of mutual induction for stepping up or down an alternating e.m.f.

NTS 2012
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Sonometer
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B) Transformer
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C) Ammeter
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D) Voltmeter
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190 / 192

The alcohols in which the carbon which is attach to the OH group is further attach with two carbon atoms is called as?

PMC Sample 2
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) Primary alcohols
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B) Secondary alcohols
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C) Tertiary alcohols
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D) None of these
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191 / 192

Which of the following is not a derivative of benzene?

PMC Practice 1
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
A) Pyrrole
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B) Furan
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C) Thiophene
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D) All
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192 / 192

NaCl and CsF have same geometry because they have the same __ ?

PMC Practice 11
States of Matter – Gases, Liquids and Solids
Properties of Crystalline Solids
A) Ionization energy
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B) Ionic radius ratio
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C) Electron affinity
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D) Bond length
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