MDCAT Daily Test 2

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Created by Ali Durrani

MDCAT Daily Test 2

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1 / 201

Name the structure from which appendix is formed:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
Digestion and Absorption
A) Duodenum
Show Explanation
B) Caecum
Show Explanation
C) Kidney
Show Explanation
D) Rectum
Show Explanation

2 / 201

When the division of cells is in three planes, the arrangement is known as:

UHS 2010
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Diplococcus
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B) Sarcina
Show Explanation
C) Streptococcus
Show Explanation
D) Staphylococcus
Show Explanation

3 / 201

A condition with abnormal amount of fats is called:

PMC Practice 26
Some Common Diseases Related to Nutrition
A) Anoxeria
Show Explanation
B) Botulism
Show Explanation
C) Pilles
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D) Obesity
Show Explanation

4 / 201

Clavicle is present in:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
Support and Movement
Human Skeleton
A) Back bone
Show Explanation
B) Skull
Show Explanation
C) Pelvic girdle
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D) Pectoral girdle
Show Explanation

5 / 201

The repeated protein pattern of myofibrils is called

UHS 2014
Support and Movement
A) Sarcomere
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B) Zyomere
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C) Sarcolemma
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D) Cross bridges
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6 / 201

In passive immunity which of the following components are injected into body?

UHS 2013
A) Antigens
Show Explanation
B) Immunogens
Show Explanation
C) Serum
Show Explanation
D) Immunoglobulins
Show Explanation

7 / 201

Bicuspid valve is present between:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
A) Left atrium and left ventricle
Show Explanation
B) Right atrium and left ventricle
Show Explanation
C) Left atrium and right ventricle
Show Explanation
D) Right ventricle and right ventricle

Show Explanation

8 / 201

Among the following, identify the agranulocytes:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
A) Neutrophils
Show Explanation
B) Basophils
Show Explanation
C) Monocytes
Show Explanation
D) Both Neutrophils and Basophils

Show Explanation

9 / 201

The end or complete stop of the menstrual cycle is called?

PMC Practice 36
Reproduction in Females
A) Ovulation
Show Explanation
B) Menstruation
Show Explanation
C) Fertilization
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D) Menopause
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10 / 201

Which one of the following structures holds the bones together

UHS 2014
Support and Movement
A) Joints
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B) Cartilages
Show Explanation
C) Fibrous capsules
Show Explanation
D) Ligaments
Show Explanation

11 / 201

Which one of the following cartilages is the most abundant in the human body

UHS 2014
Support and Movement
A) Elastic cartilage
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B) Chondral cartilage
Show Explanation
C) Fibrous Cartilage
Show Explanation
D) Hyaline Cartilage
Show Explanation

12 / 201

__________ forms weak linkages with enzymes and their effect can be neutralized completely or partly by an increase in the concentration of the substrate.

UHS 2010
A) Only competitive Inhibitors
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B) Reversible inhibitors
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C) Irreversible inhibitors
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D) Both reversible and irreversible inhibitors
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13 / 201

Identify the cells which secretes HCl:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
Digestion and Absorption
A) Parietal cells
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B) Oxyntic cells

Show Explanation
C) Zymogen cells
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D) Both Parietal cells and Oxyntic cells
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14 / 201

How many ml of blood is pumped by each contraction of the heart?

NUMS 2016
A) 80 ml
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B) 90 ml
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C) 70 ml
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D) 60 ml
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15 / 201

Enzymes have what effect on the end-product?

UHS 2017 Reconduct
A) They alter the product
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B) The nature of the product is completely changed
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C) No effect
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D) The end product is not obtained
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16 / 201

If the reaction, P + Q → R + S, is described as being of zero-order with respect to P, it means that:

NTS 2012
Reaction Kinetics
Order of reaction and its determination
A) P is a catalyst in this reaction
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B) No P molecules possess sufficient energy to react
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C) The concentration of P does not change during the reaction
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D) The rate of reaction is independent of the concentration of P
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17 / 201

The causes of Cyanosis include:

NTS 2010
Out of Syllabus
A) Deficiency of vitamin C
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B) Varicella-zoster virus
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C) Degeneration of the cartilage of joints
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D) Ventricular septum defect
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18 / 201

In case of snake bite venom, passive immunity is produced by antitoxins, so the serum is called as:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
A) Antivenom serum
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B) Antiserum
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C) Passive immunity serum

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D) Anti snake serum
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19 / 201

The optimum pH of enzyme urease is

ETEA 2019
A) 7.8-8.7
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B) 7.0
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C) 4.5
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D) 8.0
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20 / 201

The average life span of red blood cell is about:

UHS 2013
A) 4 months
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B) 2 months
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C) 5 months
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D) 1 month
Show Explanation

21 / 201

Uterus opens into the vagina through:

UHS 2012
Reproduction in Females
A) Cervix
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B) Fallopian tube
Show Explanation
C) External genitalia
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D) Vulva
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22 / 201

Name of second vertebrae in the neck region is:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
Support and Movement
Human Skeleton
A) Atlas
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B) Axis
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C) Neck vertebra
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D) Floating rib
Show Explanation

23 / 201

The site where the most absorption of digested food takes place:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
Digestion and Absorption
A) Large intestine
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B) Small intestine
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C) kidney
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D) Duodenum
Show Explanation

24 / 201

Antibodies consists of ________ polypeptide chains

ETEA 2019
A) 2
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B) 4
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C) 6
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D) 8
Show Explanation

25 / 201

In a human vertebral column, the number of ______________ vertebrae is 7.

UHS 2014
Support and Movement
A) Cervical
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B) Thoracic
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C) Lumber
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D) Sacrum
Show Explanation

26 / 201

In which phase of the human female menstrual cycle, endometrium prepares for the implantation of embryo?

UHS 2015
Reproduction in Females
A) Proliferative phase
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B) Menstrual phase
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C) Secretory phase
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D) Ovulation phase
Show Explanation

27 / 201

The time when the sex organs start to become active is called?

PMC Practice 36
Reproduction in Animals
A) The fertile period
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B) Adulthood
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C) Pregnancy
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D) Puberty
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28 / 201

Arteriosclerosis is:

NUMS 2016
A) A metabolic disorder
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B) A degenerative disorder
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C) An infectious disorder
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D) A nutritional deficiency disorder
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29 / 201

Right atrium is separated from right ventricle by:

UHS 2013
A) Tricuspid Valve
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B) Bicuspid valve
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C) Semilunar valve
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D) Septum
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30 / 201

The entire cell wall of bacteria is often regarded as a single huge molecule or molecular complex called:

UHS 2010
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Capsule
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B) Secondary wall
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C) Slime capsule
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D) Sacculus
Show Explanation

31 / 201

Discharge of ovum or secondary oocyte from ovary or from Graffian follicle is called :

UHS 2012
Reproduction in Females
A) Fertilization
Show Explanation
B) Pollination
Show Explanation
C) Follicle formation
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D) Ovulation
Show Explanation

32 / 201

Bacterial ‘death rate’ is equal to ‘birth rate; in:

UHS 2010
Kingdom Prokaryote
Growth and Reproduction in Bacteria
A) Lag phase
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B) Log phase
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C) Death phase
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D) Stationary phase
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33 / 201

Antibodies are actually:

NUMS 2016
A) Lipoproteins
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B) Glycoproteins
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C) Fibrous proteins
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D) Glycolipids
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34 / 201

The pair of salivary glands located behind the jaws is called:

PMC Practice 29
Digestion and Absorption
A) Sublingual gland
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B) Submaxillary glands
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C) Parotid glands
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D) Adrenal glands
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35 / 201

Where can we find H zone in the figure of fine structure of skeletal muscle’s myofibril?

UHS 2013
Support and Movement
Ultrastructure & Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
A) In the mid of A band
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B) In I band
Show Explanation
C) Besides the Z line
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D) Along the I band
Show Explanation

36 / 201

The propulsive movement of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is:

NTS 2010
Digestion and Absorption
A) Peristalsis
Show Explanation
B) Epiglottis
Show Explanation
C) Antiperistalsis
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D) Anus
Show Explanation

37 / 201

The inhibitors that bind tightly and permanently to enzymes and destroy their globular structure and catalytic activity are:

UHS 2012
A) Reversible inhibitors
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B) Irreversible inhibitors
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C) Competitive inhibitors
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D) Non-competitive inhibitors
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38 / 201

_____ is activated to_____ by Enterokinase/enteropeptidase enzyme secreted by the lining of duodenum:

UHS 2013
Digestion and Absorption
A) Pepsinogen, Pepsin
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B) Pepsinogen, Trypsin
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C) Trypsinogen, Trypsin
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D) Chymotrypsinogen, Chymotrypsin
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39 / 201

Optimum pH value for the working of pancreatic lipase is:

UHS 2013
A) 4.50
Show Explanation
B) 7.60
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C) 2.00
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D) 9.00
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40 / 201

What is the length of duodenum in cm?

PMC Practice 25
Digestion and Absorption
A) 15-20
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B) 20-25
Show Explanation
C) 21-25
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D) 25-30
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41 / 201

The lymphatic vessels of the body empty the lymph into blood stream at the:

UHS 2013
A) Abdominal vein
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B) Subclavian vein
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C) Juglar vein
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D) Bile duct
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42 / 201

The egg-laying birds are called:

NUMS 2016
Reproduction in Animals
A) Oviparous
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B) Viviparous
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C) Monotremes
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D) All of these
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43 / 201

The cause behind vomiting is:

PMC Practice 21
Digestion and Absorption
Some Common Diseases Related to Nutrition
A) Peristalsis
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B) Anti peristalsis
Show Explanation
C) Swallowing
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D) Hunger pangs
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44 / 201

A muscle condition resulting from the accumulation of lactic acid and ionic imbalance is:

UHS 2011
Support and Movement
Disorders of Skeleton
A) Tetany
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B) Muscle Fatigue
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C) Cramp
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D) Tetanus
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45 / 201

What is the location of interstitial cells in testes?

UHS 2013
Reproduction in Males
A) Inside the seminiferous tubules
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B) Between the seminiferous tubules
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C) Among the germinal epithelial cells
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D) Around the testes
Show Explanation

46 / 201

Which of the following bacteria is equal to the size of the hyphen?

PMC 2021 Tested
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) Mycoplasma genitalum
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B) Staphylococcus aureus
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C) Streptococcus pneumoniae
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D) Eulopiscium fishelsoni
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47 / 201

The type of inhibition in which the inhibitor has no structural similarity to substrate and combines with the enzyme at other than the active site is called:

UHS 2012
A) Irreversible inhibition
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B) Competitive inhibition
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C) Non-competitive and reversible inhibition
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D) Reversible inhibition
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48 / 201

Mesosomes are infoldings of the cell membrane and are involved in

UHS 2012
Kingdom Prokaryote
Size and Structure of Bacteria
A) DNA replication
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B) RNA synthesis
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C) Protein synthesis
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D) Metabolism
Show Explanation

49 / 201

The specific substances (metabolite) that fits on the enzyme surface and is converted to products is called

UHS 2015
Chemistry of Life
A) Co-factor
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B) Prosthetic group
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C) Isoenzyme
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D) Substrate
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50 / 201

When more energy is required in muscle contraction then that energy can also be produced by _______________ as a secondary source.

UHS 2014
Support and Movement
A) Glucose
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B) Phosphocreatine
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C) Fructose
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D) Lactic acid
Show Explanation

51 / 201

Saliva is basically composed of water, mucus, amylase and:

UHS 2013
Digestion and Absorption
A) Sodium bicarbonate
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B) Sodium chloride
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C) Sodium hydroxide
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D) Hydrocarbons
Show Explanation

52 / 201

A vein differs from an artery in having:

ETEA 2018
A) Strong muscular walls
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B) Narrow lumen
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C) Valves control direction of blood flow opposite to heart
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D) Valves control direction of blood flow towards heart
Show Explanation

53 / 201

First vertebra of cervical region of vertebral column is known as:

UHS 2013
Support and Movement
Human Skeleton
A) Atlas
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B) Sacral
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C) Thoracic
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D) Axis
Show Explanation

54 / 201

In the oral cavity, the main function of sodium bicarbonate is:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
Digestion and Absorption
A) To act as antiseptic
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B) To stabilize the pH of food
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C) To act as lubricant
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D) To make a slimy food

Show Explanation

55 / 201

Which of the following is not the part of first line of defense?

ETEA 2018
A) Sebum
Show Explanation
B) Perspiration
Show Explanation
C) Interferon
Show Explanation
D) Epidermis
Show Explanation

56 / 201

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

A) Offspring produced by the asexual reproduction are called clone.
Show Explanation
B) Microscopic, motile, asexual reproductive structures are called zoospores.
Show Explanation
C) In potato, banana and ginger, the plantlets arise from the internodes present in the modified stem.
Show Explanation
D) Water hyacinth, growing in the standing water, drains oxygen from water that leads to the death of fishes
Show Explanation

57 / 201

In E.C.G QRS complex represent:

ETEA 2018
A) Atrial systole
Show Explanation
B) Arial diastole
Show Explanation
C) Ventricle systole
Show Explanation
D) Ventricle diastole
Show Explanation

58 / 201

Competitive inhibitors and real substrate often have similar?

PMC Practice 10
A) structure
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B) chemical properties
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C) physical properties
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D) none of these
Show Explanation

59 / 201

The induction of immunity by artificially introducing antigens refers to:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
A) Passive immunity
Show Explanation
B) Active immunity
Show Explanation
C) Artificial active immunity
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D) Passive active immunity
Show Explanation

60 / 201

Breakdown of endometrium during menstruation is due to:

UHS 2011
Reproduction in Females
A) Increase in Level of LH
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B) Decrease in Level of Progesterone
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C) Increase in Level of Progesterone
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D) Increase in Level of Oestrogen
Show Explanation

61 / 201

Which part of the antibody recognizes the antigen during immune response?

UHS 2013
A) Heavy part
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B) Variable part
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C) Light part
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D) Constant part
Show Explanation

62 / 201

In passive immunity which of the following components are injected into body?

UHS 2013
A) Antigens
Show Explanation
B) Immunogens
Show Explanation
C) Serum
Show Explanation
D) Immunoglobulins
Show Explanation

63 / 201

Enzymes that are functioning within the cell are called:

NUMS 2016
Chemistry of Life
A) Endoenzymes
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B) Exoenzymes
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C) Holoenzymes
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D) Both A & C
Show Explanation

64 / 201

Male and female sea urchins release their sperm and eggs Into the water where fertilization takes place. How can their reproduction be described?

NTS 2013
Reproduction in Animals
A) Asexual reproduction which results in genetically dissimilar offspring
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B) Asexual reproductlon whlch results In genetically identical offspring
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C) Sexual reproduction which results in genetically dissimilar offspring
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D) Sexual reproduction which results in genetically identical offspring
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65 / 201

Which of the following are absorbed in the large intestine?

UHS 2013
Digestion and Absorption
A) Water and Salts
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B) Water and Peptones
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C) Salts and glycerol
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D) Amino acids and Sugars
Show Explanation

66 / 201

All of the following are examples of substances found in bacteria or archaea EXCEPT:

Kingdom Prokaryote
Kingdoms – AKU
A) peptidoglycans
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B) flagellin
Show Explanation
C) bacteriorhodopsin
Show Explanation
D) chitin
Show Explanation

67 / 201

A single cardiac cycle lasts about:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
A) 0.008 sec

Show Explanation
B) 0.8 sec
Show Explanation
C) 8 sec

Show Explanation
D) 0.088 sec
Show Explanation

68 / 201

Which of the following factors affect enzyme activity?

NTS 2011
A) Temperature
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B) pH
Show Explanation
C) Concentration of substrate
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D) Radiation
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E) All of these
Show Explanation

69 / 201

Demonstrate correct use of subject-verb agreement:
The peon will not ___ the bell yet.

PMC Practice 25
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Has rings
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B) Had rung
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C) Have rung
Show Explanation
D) Rings
Show Explanation

70 / 201

Each problem consists of three statements. Based on the first two statements, the third statement may be true, false, or uncertain.

Tanya is older than Eric.

Cliff is older than Tanya.

Eric is older than Cliff.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is:

Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) True
Show Explanation
B) False
Show Explanation
C) Uncertain
Show Explanation

71 / 201

I _____ a deer at the zoo.

PMC 2021 Tested
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Was seen
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B) See
Show Explanation
C) Was seeing
Show Explanation
D) Saw
Show Explanation

72 / 201

Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure:
I ____ a strange noise.

PMC Practice 13
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Hear
Show Explanation
B) Am hearing
Show Explanation
C) Have been hearing
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D) Hears
Show Explanation

73 / 201

Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure:
Maryam _____ (see) the smoke of the fire rising all around.

PMC Practice 25
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) See
Show Explanation
B) Saw
Show Explanation
C) Will see
Show Explanation
D) Seen
Show Explanation

74 / 201

Complete the following sentence: Oh! It will be ____ cold there in the mountains.

PMC 2021 Tested
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Freezing
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B) Stuffy
Show Explanation
C) Boiling
Show Explanation
D) Confusing
Show Explanation

75 / 201

Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure:
Fetch me a glass of water.

PMC Practice 25
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Declarative
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B) Imperative
Show Explanation
C) Interrogative
Show Explanation
D) Exclamatory
Show Explanation

76 / 201

When I was a child, I ______ play cricket with my friends.

PMC 2021 Tested
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Use
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B) None of these
Show Explanation
C) Used
Show Explanation
D) Used to
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77 / 201

Complete the sentence: The baby ___ for milk now.

PMC Practice 26
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) cry
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B) cried
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C) cries
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D) Is crying
Show Explanation

78 / 201

Complete the following sentence: ___ I am so lonely here.

PMC 2021 Tested
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Oh!
Show Explanation
B) Ah!
Show Explanation
C) None of these
Show Explanation
D) Alas!
Show Explanation

79 / 201

Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure:
The strong earthquake _______ (shake) the city causing lots of damage.

PMC Practice 13
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Shake
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B) Shook
Show Explanation
C) Shaking
Show Explanation
D) Will shake
Show Explanation

80 / 201

Which of the following sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense:

PMC 2021 Tested
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Her friends had been thinking of calling the doctor when she walked in
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B) It had rained heavily for several hours and the streets were very wet
Show Explanation
C) Had Sam and John been cheating on the exams before the school put monitors in the classroom?
Show Explanation
D) Did you wait long before the bus arrived?
Show Explanation

81 / 201

Demonstrate correct use of articles and prepositions Demonstrate correct use of subject-verb agreement Demonstrate correct use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation to clarify meaning:
I advised her ________ drink it.

PMC Practice 25
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Don’t
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B) Not to
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C) To not
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D) To don’t
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82 / 201

Demonstrate correct use of articles and prepositions:
Here is ______ photograph you were searching for.

PMC Practice 25
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) A
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B) An
Show Explanation
C) The
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D) No article
Show Explanation

83 / 201

Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure:
The young widow always _____ white clothes.

PMC Practice 13
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Wear
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B) Wears
Show Explanation
C) Was wearing
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D) Would wear
Show Explanation

84 / 201

When I go swimming, I have to keep my eyes closed underwater.

PMC Practice 13
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Complex
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B) Simple
Show Explanation
C) Compound
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D) None of these options are correct
Show Explanation

85 / 201

“He was badly injured in a car accident.” This sentence is:

PMC 2021 Tested
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) Simple
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B) Complex
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C) Compound complex
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D) Compound
Show Explanation

86 / 201

Complete the sentence: It was so quiet you ______ (can) hear a pin drop.

PMC Practice 26
Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) can
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B) could
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C) shall
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D) will
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87 / 201

Directions: Read the following information and give answer.

In a cricket season, Pakistan -defeated Australia twice, West Indies defeated Pakistan twice, Australia defeated West Indies twice, Pakistan defeated New Zealand twice, and West Indies defeated New Zealand twice.
Which country has lost the greatest number of times?

Academy Questions
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) Pakistan
Show Explanation
B) Australia
Show Explanation
C) New Zealand
Show Explanation
D) West Indies
Show Explanation

88 / 201

Directions: Read the following information and give answer.

A rat runs 20′ towards East and turns to right, runs 10′ and turns to right runs 9′ and again turns to left, runs 5′ and then turns to left, runs 12′ and finally turns to left and runs 6′ Now, which direction is the rat facing?

Academy Questions
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) East
Show Explanation
B) West
Show Explanation
C) North
Show Explanation
D) South
Show Explanation

89 / 201

Each problem consists of three statements. Based on the first two statements, the third statement may be true, false, or uncertain.

During the past year, Josh saw more movies than Stephen.

Stephen saw fewer movies than Darren.

Darren saw more movies than Josh.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is:

Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) True
Show Explanation
B) False
Show Explanation
C) Uncertain
Show Explanation

90 / 201

Directions: Read the following information and give answer.

In a March Past, seven persons are standing in a row. Q is standing left to R but right to P. O is standing right to N and left to P. Similarly, S is standing right to R and left to T. Find out who is standing in the middle.

Academy Questions
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) P
Show Explanation
B) Q
Show Explanation
C) R
Show Explanation
D) S
Show Explanation

91 / 201

Directions: Read the following information and give answer.

Ghulam Rasool is shorter than Ali but taller than Kamran.
Naeem is shorter than Kamran.
Jameel is taller than Naeem.
Ali is taller than Jameel.
Who among them is the tallest?

Academy Questions
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) Ali
Show Explanation
B) Naeem
Show Explanation
C) Kamran
Show Explanation
D) Jameel
Show Explanation

92 / 201

Directions: Read the following information and give answer.

A, B. C, D and E are five friends. B is elder to E, but not as tall as C. C is younger to A. and is taller to D and E. A is taller to D, but younger than E. D is elder to A but is shortest in the group.
Which of the following pairs of students is elder to D?

Academy Questions
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

93 / 201

Directions: Read the following information and give answer.
A, B, C, D and E are five friends. A isishorter than B but taller than E. C is the tallest. D is shorter than B and taller than A. Who has two persons taller and two persons shorter than him/her?

Academy Questions
Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) A
Show Explanation
B) B
Show Explanation
C) C
Show Explanation
D) D
Show Explanation

94 / 201

Each problem consists of three statements. Based on the first two statements, the third statement may be true, false, or uncertain.

Class A has a higher enrollment than Class B.

Class C has a lower enrollment than Class B.

Class A has a lower enrollment than Class C.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

Logical Reasoning
Logical Deduction
A) True
Show Explanation
B) False
Show Explanation
C) Uncertain
Show Explanation

95 / 201

Carboxylic acid reduction to alcohol can be achieved by using?

PMC Practice 19
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) H2/Ni
Show Explanation
B) Pd/C
Show Explanation
C) NaBH4
Show Explanation
D) LiAlH4
Show Explanation

96 / 201

Which of the following derivative of carboxylic acid is used as flavoring agent ?

PMC Practice 20
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Acid halides
Show Explanation
B) Acid carbonyls
Show Explanation
C) Esters
Show Explanation
D) Acid amides
Show Explanation

97 / 201

Strongest acid among the following is:

NUMS 2014
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

98 / 201

Which one of the following ions exhibits d-d transition and paramagnetism as well?

NTS 2014
d and f Block Elements
A) MnO4-
Show Explanation
B) CrO42-
Show Explanation
C) MnO42-
Show Explanation
D) Cr2O72-
Show Explanation

99 / 201

Which alkyl halide has the lowest reactivity for a particular alkyl group?

NTS 2018
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
Show Explanation
B) R-F
Show Explanation
C) R-Br
Show Explanation
D) R-I
Show Explanation

100 / 201

Zwitter ion is formed when proton goes from:

NTS 2018
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) Amino to the carboxyl group
Show Explanation
B) Carboxyl to an amino group
Show Explanation
C) Carboxyl group only
Show Explanation
D) Amino group only
Show Explanation

101 / 201

Half life period of the first order reaction depends upon:

NUMS 2015
Reaction Kinetics
Rate and velocity of chemical reaction
A) Initial concentration
Show Explanation
B) Temperature
Show Explanation
C) Catalyst
Show Explanation
D) All of above
Show Explanation

102 / 201

Aqueous KOH causes SN-reaction in alkylhalide. On which of the following alkylhalides KOHaq would like to attack easily.

ETEA 2018
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) CH3 − CH2 − Cl
Show Explanation
B) CH3 − CH2 − Br
Show Explanation
C) CH3 − CH2 − F
Show Explanation
D) CH3 − CH2 − I
Show Explanation

103 / 201

Solubility of carboxylic acids ______?

PMC Sample 1
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Decreases with increase of volume
Show Explanation
B) Decreases with increase in molecular mass
Show Explanation
C) Increases with increase in molecular mass
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

104 / 201

If a wire having current 10A has a 3T magnetic field, what will be the magnetic field at a point from the wire at double the distance?

NUMS 2016
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Field Due to Current in a Long Straight Wire
A) Reduces by factor 2
Show Explanation
B) Becomes double
Show Explanation
C) Reduces by factor 4
Show Explanation
D) Becomes triple
Show Explanation

105 / 201

Benzyl acetate gives us which flavour?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Raspberry
Show Explanation
B) Pineapple
Show Explanation
C) Jasmine
Show Explanation
D) Apricot
Show Explanation

106 / 201

The average bond energy of C-Br is

UHS 2016
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) 228 kJmol-1
Show Explanation
B) 200 kJmol-1
Show Explanation
C) 250 kJmol-1
Show Explanation
D) 290 kJmol-1
Show Explanation

107 / 201

Ethyl iodide and n-propyl iodide are allowed to undergo the Wurtz reaction. The alkane which will not be obtained in this reaction is:

NUMS 2016
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) Butane
Show Explanation
B) Propane
Show Explanation
C) Pentane
Show Explanation
D) Hexane
Show Explanation

108 / 201

The rate of a gaseous reaction Is given by K [A] [B]. If the volume of the vessel containing these gases is reduced to 1/4th of the initial volume, the rate of reaction relative to the original rate would be:

NUMS 2016
Reaction Kinetics
Rate and velocity of chemical reaction
A) 16/1
Show Explanation
B) 1/16
Show Explanation
C) 4/1
Show Explanation
D) 1/8
Show Explanation

109 / 201

By treating CO2 with Grignard’s reagent, the following compound is obtained;

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Aromatic compounds
Show Explanation
B) Alcohols
Show Explanation
C) Carboxylic acid
Show Explanation
D) Ethers
Show Explanation

110 / 201

The order of reactivity of alkyl halides towards nucleophile is:

UHS 2013
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) RI > RBr > RF > RCl
Show Explanation
B) RI > RBr > RCl > RF
Show Explanation
C) RF > RCl > RBr > RI
Show Explanation
D) RF > RBr > RCl > RI
Show Explanation

111 / 201

Identify the product X in the following reaction:
CH3COOH + PCl5 → X + POCl3 + HCl

UHS 2017 Reconduct
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

112 / 201

If products of a reaction act as a catalyst, such process is called:

NTS 2014
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) Positive catalyst
Show Explanation
B) Negative catalyst
Show Explanation
C) Auto catalyst
Show Explanation
D) Both A and B
Show Explanation

113 / 201

Acetic anhydride is a product of acetic acid, as a result of the following reaction:

NUMS 2020
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Dehydration
Show Explanation
B) Reduction
Show Explanation
C) Oxidation
Show Explanation
D) Esterification
Show Explanation

114 / 201

Which of the following carboxylic acids will be the most acidic?

NUMS 2016
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

115 / 201

CH3CH2 NH2+ C2H5 -C-C2 H5→ Product:

ETEA 2017
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Introduction to Alkyl Halides and Amines
A) Schiff’s salt
Show Explanation
B) Diazonium salt
Show Explanation
C) Amide
Show Explanation
D) Imine
Show Explanation

116 / 201

For a single step reaction A ->B + 2C, the rate law is:

NUMS 2017
Reaction Kinetics
Rate and velocity of chemical reaction
A) Rate = k
Show Explanation
B) Rate = k[A][B]
Show Explanation
C) Rate = k[A]
Show Explanation
D) Rate = k[B]
Show Explanation

117 / 201

What is the boiling point of “acetic acid”?

PMC Practice 18
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) 120°C
Show Explanation
B) 118°C
Show Explanation
C) 110°C
Show Explanation
D) 87°C
Show Explanation

118 / 201

The reduction of nitrile produced a compound of formula C3H7NH2. Which one of the following compounds would be produced if the same nitrile was hydrolyzed by heating with dilute hydrochloric acid?

NUMS 2016
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

119 / 201

In a Beta elimination reaction, the nucleophile attacks a\an:

NUMS 2015
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) Alpha hydrogen
Show Explanation
B) Beta hydrogen
Show Explanation
C) Hydrogen
Show Explanation
D) Alpha carbon
Show Explanation

120 / 201

HCOOH is the structure of:

NUMS 2018
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Acetic acid
Show Explanation
B) Formic acid
Show Explanation
C) Valeric acid
Show Explanation
D) Caproic acid
Show Explanation

121 / 201

In a reversible reaction, catalyst lowers the activation energy of the:

NUMS 2020
Reaction Kinetics
Chemical Equilibrium
Reversible and Irreversible Reactions
A) Forward reaction
Show Explanation
B) Reverse reaction
Show Explanation
C) Forward as well as reverse reaction
Show Explanation
D) Forward reaction but increases that of the reverse reaction
Show Explanation

122 / 201

All amino acids contain the functional group:

NTS 2017
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Introduction to Alkyl Halides and Amines
A) NH2
Show Explanation
B) CO2
Show Explanation
C) S2-
Show Explanation
D) Both A and B
Show Explanation

123 / 201

If energy of the activated complex is close to energy of reactants, it means that the reaction is:

NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Reaction Kinetics
Activation energy and activated complex
A) Fast
Show Explanation
B) Moderate
Show Explanation
C) Slow
Show Explanation
D) Very slow
Show Explanation

124 / 201

The mechanism followed by the reaction below is:

CH3CH2Br → H2C=CH2 + HBr (Conditions: alcoholic KOH)

UHS 2016
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) E2
Show Explanation
B) E1
Show Explanation
C) SN1
Show Explanation
D) SN2
Show Explanation

125 / 201

Which of the following is not a nucleophile?

NTS 2010
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) HO-
Show Explanation
B) NH3
Show Explanation
C) BF3
Show Explanation
D) CN-
Show Explanation

126 / 201

Why does H+ ion always get associated with other atoms or molecules?

s and p Block Elements
A) Ionization enthalpy of Hydrogen resembles that of alkali metals.
Show Explanation
B) Its reactivity is similar to halogens.
Show Explanation
C) It resembles both alkali metals and halogens.
Show Explanation
D) Loss of an electron from hydrogen atom results in a nucleus of very small size as compared to other atoms or ions. Due to high charge density, it cannot exist free.
Show Explanation

127 / 201

The formula of esters is

PMC Sample 2
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
Show Explanation
B) R – COR
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) R – COH
Show Explanation

128 / 201

An ester is prepared by:

NUMS 2014
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Two alcohols
Show Explanation
B) Carboxylic acid and alcohol
Show Explanation
C) Ketone and alcoho
Show Explanation
D) Aldehyde and alcohol
Show Explanation

129 / 201

Which one of the following is not a nucleophile?

UHS 2016
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) NH2ˉ
Show Explanation
B) H2O
Show Explanation
C) BF3
Show Explanation
D) CH3ˉ
Show Explanation

130 / 201

What is the name of the carboxylic acid given below?

ETEA 2017
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Propanedioic acid
Show Explanation
B) Pentane dioic acid
Show Explanation
C) Pentane dicarboxylic acid
Show Explanation
D) Propane dicarboxylic acid
Show Explanation

131 / 201

RMgX is an organometallic compound, generally known as:

NTS 2012
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Grignard Reagent
A) Grignard’s Reagent
Show Explanation
B) Baeyer’s Reagent
Show Explanation
C) Ether
Show Explanation
D) Ester
Show Explanation

132 / 201

Ease of esterification of the following alcohols CH3CH2OH(I),(CH3​)2CHOH(II) and (CH3)3COH(III) with HCOOH is:

NUMS 2017
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) I < II < III Show Explanation B) III < II II < I Show Explanation D) I = II = III Show Explanation

133 / 201

Which of the following is an intermediate compound in SN1:

UHS 2017 Reconduct
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
A) Ethoxide ion
Show Explanation
B) Alkyl halide
Show Explanation
C) Alkene
Show Explanation
D) Carbocation
Show Explanation

134 / 201

The unit of rate of reaction is:

NTS 2011
Reaction Kinetics
Rate and velocity of chemical reaction
A) Mole (dm3) sec
Show Explanation
B) Mole (dm3) sec-1
Show Explanation
C) Mole(dm-3) sec -1
Show Explanation
D) Mole(dm3)sec-2
Show Explanation

135 / 201

Which of the following cannot be prepared directly from acetic acid?

PMC Practice 17
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Ethyl acetate
Show Explanation
B) Acetamide
Show Explanation
C) Acetyl Halide
Show Explanation
D) Acetic anhydride
Show Explanation

136 / 201

An example of a covalent hydride is :

s and p Block Elements
A) NaH
Show Explanation
B) CaH2
Show Explanation
C) SrH2
Show Explanation
D) AsH3
Show Explanation

137 / 201

Which of the following misnamed?

ETEA 2013
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Aniline
Show Explanation
B) Methyl naphthalene
Show Explanation
C) Carboxyl benzene
Show Explanation
D) Benzene sulphonic acid
Show Explanation

138 / 201

Reagents like K2Cr207and H2S04 lead to ___?

PMC Practice 20
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) Reduction
Show Explanation
B) Hydrolysis
Show Explanation
C) Dehydration
Show Explanation
D) Oxidation
Show Explanation

139 / 201

R-X on reaction with alcohols form:

PMC 2020
Alkyl Halides and Amines
Reactivity and Reactions of Alkyl Halides
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

140 / 201

The chemical reaction in which reactions require high amount of activation energy are generally:

NTS 2014
Reaction Kinetics
Rate and velocity of chemical reaction
A) Slow
Show Explanation
B) First fast then slow
Show Explanation
C) First slow then fast
Show Explanation
D) Spontaneous
Show Explanation

141 / 201

What happens if we react a carboxylic acid with an acyl chloride?

NUMS 2019 Cancelled
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) It forms an acid anhydride
Show Explanation
B) It forms an acyl halide
Show Explanation
C) It does not react due to resonance
Show Explanation
D) It does not react due to bad leaving group
Show Explanation

142 / 201

Which of the following has the maximum number of unpaired d electrons?

d and f Block Elements
A) Mg 2+
Show Explanation
B) Ti 3+
Show Explanation
C) V 3+
Show Explanation
D) Fe 2+
Show Explanation

143 / 201

A catalyst:

Reaction Kinetics
A) Increases the rate of forward reaction
Show Explanation
B) Increases the rate of both forward and reverse reaction
Show Explanation
C) Changes equilibrium position
Show Explanation
D) Increases the rate of reverse reaction
Show Explanation

144 / 201

Which of the following reagents will reduce butanoic acid to butanol?

NUMS 2016
Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives
A) LiAlH4
Show Explanation
B) LiAlH4.H2O
Show Explanation
C) Mg(BH4)2
Show Explanation
D) All of the above
Show Explanation

145 / 201

Which is the strongest base?

Acids, Bases and Salts
Show Explanation
B) Mg(OH)2
Show Explanation
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

146 / 201

Conversion of heat energy completely into work violates:

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
Second Law of Thermodynamics
A) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
Show Explanation
B) First law of thermodynamics
Show Explanation
C) Second law of thermodynamics
Show Explanation
D) Both, the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
Show Explanation

147 / 201

The efficiency of a heat engine working between the freezing point and the boiling point of water is near to:

ETEA 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
Heat Engine
A) 50%
Show Explanation
B) 25%
Show Explanation
C) 12.5%
Show Explanation
D) 6.25%
Show Explanation

148 / 201

A nucleus consists of 11 protons and 12 neutrons. The conventional symbol of nucleus is:

NTS 2011
Nuclear Physics
Composition of Atomic Nuclei
A) 11Na12
Show Explanation
B) 11Ca23
Show Explanation
C) 11Na23
Show Explanation
D) 11Ca12
Show Explanation

149 / 201

If an object is undergoing an orbital motion around another object it is called

PMC Sample 2
Circular Motion and Momentum
Circular Motion & Momentum
Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) Revolution
Show Explanation
B) Rotation
Show Explanation
C) Both of them
Show Explanation
D) None of them
Show Explanation

150 / 201

Helium-neon lasers are used for the:

UHS 2013
Atomic Spectra
A) Precise measurement of range finding
Show Explanation
B) Optical fiber communication systems
Show Explanation
C) Surveying for construction of tunnels
Show Explanation
D) Welding detached bone of body
Show Explanation

151 / 201

During each cycle, a heat engine with an efficiency of 25% takes in 800J of energy. How much waste heat energy is expelled in each cycle?

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
Heat Engine
A) 100J
Show Explanation
B) 200J
Show Explanation
C) 400J
Show Explanation
D) 600J
Show Explanation

152 / 201

Laser light is monochromatic which means:

UHS 2012
Atomic Spectra
A) It consists of one ray of light
Show Explanation
B) It consists of one wavelength
Show Explanation
C) It consists of carbon monoxide gas
Show Explanation
D) It consists of photons having 1 eV energy
Show Explanation

153 / 201

A jeep travelling at a constant speed of 108 km/hr rounds a curve of radius 100 m. Find its acceleration.

Circular Motion and Momentum
Centripetal Force
A) 3 m/s2
Show Explanation
B) 6 m/s2
Show Explanation
C) 7 m/s2
Show Explanation
D) 8 m/s2
Show Explanation
E) 9m/s2
Show Explanation

154 / 201

According to the first law of thermodynamics, ΔU = Q + W, where ΔU Is the increase in internal energy of the system, Q is the heat transferred to the system and W is the external work done on the system.
Which of the following is NOT a correct expression?

NTS 2010
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) At constant temperature: Q = -W
Show Explanation
B) When no work is done: ΔU = -W
Show Explanation
C) Work done on the system: ΔU = Q – P Δ V
Show Explanation
D) When work is done by the system: ΔU = Q – W
Show Explanation

155 / 201

Which of the following series lie in the visible region?

ETEA 2018
Atomic Spectra
Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
A) Lyman
Show Explanation
B) Paschen
Show Explanation
C) Balmer
Show Explanation
D) Pfund
Show Explanation

156 / 201

A circuit in which there is a current of 5 amp is changed so that the current falls to zero in 0.1s. If an average e.m.f of 200 volts is induced, what is the self-inductance of the circuit?

NTS 2014
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Mutual and Self Induction
A) 4 henrys
Show Explanation
B) 8 henrys
Show Explanation
C) 12 henrys
Show Explanation
D) 16 henrys
Show Explanation

157 / 201

Which of the following is the pair of isobars?

NUMS 2016
Nuclear Physics
Composition of Atomic Nuclei
A) 1H1 and 2H1
Show Explanation
B) 12C6 and 13H6
Show Explanation
C) 2H1 and 3H1
Show Explanation
D) 30H15 and 30Si14
Show Explanation

158 / 201

LASER is an acronym for:

UHS 2012
Atomic Spectra
A) Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
Show Explanation
B) Light annihilation by stimulated emission of radiation
Show Explanation
C) Light amplitude of stimulated emission of radiation
Show Explanation
D) Light amplification by stimulated emission of radio
Show Explanation

159 / 201

The half-life of a radioactive element depends upon:

NUMS 2016
Nuclear Physics
A) Amount of element present
Show Explanation
B) Pressure
Show Explanation
C) Temperature
Show Explanation
D) None of the above options are correct
Show Explanation

160 / 201

Which one of the following is not a state function?

ETEA 2019
Heat and Thermodynamics
Work and Heat
A) Work
Show Explanation
B) Enthalpy
Show Explanation
C) Internal energy
Show Explanation
D) Pressure
Show Explanation

161 / 201

Radiation can cause:

NTS 2011
Nuclear Physics
Biological Effects and Uses of Radiation
A) leukemia
Show Explanation
B) radiation sickness
Show Explanation
C) skin cancer
Show Explanation
D) gene mutations
Show Explanation
E) all of the above
Show Explanation

162 / 201

A nucleus consists of 19 protons and 20 neutrons. The conventional symbol of this nucleus is

NTS 2013
Nuclear Physics
A) 11 Na 12
Show Explanation
B) 19 K 19
Show Explanation
C) 19 K 39
Show Explanation
D) 19 K 20
Show Explanation

163 / 201

What is angular velocity?

PMC Sample 1
Circular Motion and Momentum
Circular Motion & Momentum
Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) Change in angular rotation / change in time
Show Explanation
B) Change in displacement / change in time
Show Explanation
C) Change in speed / change in time
Show Explanation
D) Change in acceleration / change in time
Show Explanation

164 / 201

Example(s) of spin motion is/are:

NTS 2011
Circular Motion and Momentum
Rotational Kinetic Energy
A) The daily rotation of the earth about its own axis
Show Explanation
B) Jumping of a paratrooper from an helicopter
Show Explanation
C) Flow of a viscous liquid
Show Explanation
D) Rotation of flywheel about its axle
Show Explanation
E) Both the daily rotation of the earth and flywheel about its own axis
Show Explanation

165 / 201

A body is hanging from a rigid support by an extensible string of length L. It is struck inelastically by an identical body of mass m with horizontal velocity v =√2gl , the tension in the string increases just after striking by:

NTS 2019
Circular Motion and Momentum
Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
A) mg
Show Explanation
B) 3mg
Show Explanation
C) 2mg
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

166 / 201

If angular velocity increases the ______ also increases

PMC Sample 2
Circular Motion and Momentum
Circular Motion & Momentum
Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) time period
Show Explanation
B) frequency
Show Explanation
C) vibration
Show Explanation
D) none of these
Show Explanation

167 / 201

A 1000 kg vehicle is turning around a corner at 10 m/s as it travels along an arc of a circle. If the radius of the circular path is 10 m, how large a force must be exerted by the pavement on the tires to hold the vehicle in the circular path?

NTS 2015 DUHS and JSMU
Circular Motion and Momentum
Centripetal Force
A) 1.0 x 10⁴ N
Show Explanation
B) 3.0 x 10⁴ N
Show Explanation
C) 5.0 x 10⁴ N
Show Explanation
D) 7.0 x 10⁴ N
Show Explanation

168 / 201

What is the flux density at a point 3 cm from the long straight wire, when there is a current of 25 A in a wire: (u0= 4? x10-7)

NTS 2010
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Flux and Flux Density
A) 0.23×10-1 T
Show Explanation
B) 1.67x 10-4 T
Show Explanation
C) 2.99×10-6 T
Show Explanation
D) 3.63×10-8 T
Show Explanation

169 / 201

_______ is a device which makes use of mutual induction for stepping up or down an alternating e.m.f.

NTS 2012
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
A) Sonometer
Show Explanation
B) Transformer
Show Explanation
C) Ammeter
Show Explanation
D) Voltmeter
Show Explanation

170 / 201

A body is moving in a circle at constant speed. Which statement is true?

PMC Sample 1
Circular Motion and Momentum
Circular Motion & Momentum
Centripetal Force
A) The resultant force acts towards the centre of the circle
Show Explanation
B) There is no resultant force
Show Explanation
C) The resultant force acts away from the centre of the circle
Show Explanation
D) None of these options are correct
Show Explanation

171 / 201

If electron passes through axis of solenoid the movement will be:

NUMS 2016
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Motion of a Charged Particle in an Electric and Magnetic Field
A) Towards the outward
Show Explanation
B) Towards the inward
Show Explanation
C) Parallel to its motion
Show Explanation
D) No force acts on it
Show Explanation

172 / 201

If Cv = 2.5 R, Cp = ?

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) 0.4 R
Show Explanation
B) 2R/7
Show Explanation
C) 2.5 R
Show Explanation
D) 3.5 R
Show Explanation

173 / 201

When a charged particle is projected perpendicularly in a magnetic field its trajectory is:

NUMS 2016
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Motion of a Charged Particle in an Electric and Magnetic Field
A) Hyperbola
Show Explanation
B) Helix
Show Explanation
C) Parabola
Show Explanation
D) Circular
Show Explanation

174 / 201

The potential difference between target and cathode of an X-rays tube is 20 kV and current is 20 mA. What is the λmin of the emitted X-ray?

UHS 2015
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) 6.19 x 10-4 m
Show Explanation
B) 6.19 x 10-14 m
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C) 6.19 x 10-11 m
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D) 6.19 x 10-19 m
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175 / 201

The kinetic energy of electrons by applying potential difference V1 across the x-ray tube is (KE)1, while V2 potential difference produces kinetic energy equal to (KE)2.

What, will be the value of (KE)1:(KE)2 if the ratio of potential difference V1:V2 = 2:3?

UHS 2013
Atomic Spectra
De-Broglie Waves and Hydrogen Atom
A) 3:2
Show Explanation
B) 4:9
Show Explanation
C) 9:4
Show Explanation
D) 2:3
Show Explanation

176 / 201

The half-life of 14C is approximately 5,730 years, while the half-life of 12C is essentially infinite. If the ratio of 14Cto 12C in a certain sample is 25% less than the normal ratio in nature, how old is the sample?

NTS 2013
Nuclear Physics
A) Less than 5,730 years
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B) Approximately 5,730 years
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C) Significantly greater than 5,730 years, but less than 11,460 years
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D) Approximately 11,460 years
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177 / 201

What is true regarding magnetic force and magnetic intensity?

NUMS 2016
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Motion of a Charged Particle in an Electric and Magnetic Field
A) If an electron’s movement is parallel to the magnetic field. it will rotate
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B) If electron’s movement is parallel to magnetic field, it Will rotate anticlockwise
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C) If an electron enters perpendicular to the field force it would be parallel to the plane
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D) If an electron enters perpendicular to the field force will be maximum
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178 / 201

The national anthem ____ after the performance.

Tenses and Sentence Structure
A) is sung
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B) was sung
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C) would sing
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D) had sing
Show Explanation

179 / 201

Law of conservation of momentum states that:

I. there is no external force applied to a system, then the total momentum of that system remains constant

II. if there is an external force applied to a system, then the total momentum of that system remains constant

III. if there is no external force applied to a system, then the total momentum of that system keeps changing

NTS 2011
Circular Motion and Momentum
Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
A) I only
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B) I and II only
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C) I and III only
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D) III only
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180 / 201

The ratio of angular speed of moon around the Earth to its angular speed about its own axis is:

NUMS 2015
Circular Motion and Momentum
Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) 2:1
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B) 1:6
Show Explanation
C) 1:30
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D) 1:1
Show Explanation

181 / 201

What does CAT stand for in X-ray technology?

UHS 2013
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) Capacitor Amplifier Transistor
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B) Computerized Axial Tomography
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C) Cathode Anode Technique
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D) Current Amplification Technology
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182 / 201

If an electron in the ‘K’ shell is removed and an electron from ‘L’ shell jumps to occupy the hole in the ‘K’ shell, it emits a photon of energy:

UHS 2012
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) hfKα = EL – EK
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B) hc = EL – EK
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C) h/λKα = EL – EK
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D) hfKα = EK – EL
Show Explanation

183 / 201

A body having translatory motion possesses _____ and _____. In the same way a body having rotatory motion possesses _______ and _______.

Circular Motion and Momentum
Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) Angular momentum… Angular velocity…. Linear momentum….Linear velocity
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B) Linear velocity…Linear momentum…. Angular velocity…. Angular momentum
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C) Linear momentum…. Angular momentum…… Linear velocity…. Angular velocity
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D) Angular velocity…. Angular momentum….. Linear momentum….. Linear velocity
Show Explanation

184 / 201

The physical quantity which produces angular acceleration in the body is

NUMS 2014
Circular Motion and Momentum
Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) Force
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B) Moment of inertia
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C) Impulse
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D) Torque
Show Explanation

185 / 201

The values of Cp and Cv are the same for:

2022 PMC Test 2
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) He
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B) Ar
Show Explanation
C) Aluminium
Show Explanation
D) Neon
Show Explanation

186 / 201

When brakes of a car are applied, angular velocity of a flywheel reduces from 900 cycle / min to 720 cycle / min in 6 sec. Angular retardation is:

NUMS 2015
Circular Motion and Momentum
Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) ? rad/s2
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B) 9 ? rad/s2
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C) 8 ? rad/s2
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D) ⅔ ?rad / s2
Show Explanation

187 / 201

The direction of the magnetic line of force depends upon:

NUMS 2016
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Field Due to Current in a Long Straight Wire
A) Nature of the material of the conducting wire
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B) Area of the conducting wire
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C) Amount of the current
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D) Direction of the current
Show Explanation

188 / 201

The centripetal acceleration is maximum when radius r is:

PMC Sample 1
Circular Motion and Momentum
Circular Motion & Momentum
Centripetal Force
A) Increasing
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B) Decreasing
Show Explanation
C) Constant
Show Explanation
D) None of these options are correct
Show Explanation

189 / 201

The current measuring part of the Ammeter consists of a number of low resistors connected ………….

NUMS 2016
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Torque on a Current Carrying Coil
A) At an angle of 180 degrees with the galvanometer
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B) Parallel with galvanometer
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C) At an angle of 45 degrees With the galvanometer
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D) Perpendicular with the galvanometer
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190 / 201

Molar heat capacity at constant pressure is given by:

2022 PMC Test 1
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) dQ/dV
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B) dQ/dT
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C) dU/dT
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D) dU/dV
Show Explanation

191 / 201

Which of the following is an instrument for monitoring radiations:

NUMS 2016
Nuclear Physics
Biological Effects and Uses of Radiation
A) GM tube
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B) Radar
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C) Wilson cloud chamber
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D) Both A and C
Show Explanation

192 / 201

1 radian = _____ degrees.

NTS 2012
Circular Motion and Momentum
Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) 360
Show Explanation
B) 180
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C) 100
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D) 57.3
Show Explanation

193 / 201

A body is moving in a circle at constant speed. Which statement is true?

PMC Sample 1
Circular Motion and Momentum
Circular Motion & Momentum
Centripetal Force
A) The resultant force acts towards the centre of the circle
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B) There is no resultant force
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C) The resultant force acts away from the centre of the circle
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D) None of these options are correct
Show Explanation

194 / 201

For a heat engine ‘A’ the ratio of Q2 to Q1 is 2/3 while for that of heat engine ‘B’, the ratio of Q2 to Q1 is 1/3. What is the value ηA: ηB?

UHS 2013
Heat and Thermodynamics
Heat Engine
A) 1:3
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B) 1:2
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C) 2:3
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D) 2:1
Show Explanation

195 / 201

The rapid escape of air from a burst tyre is an example of:

FMDC 2018
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) Isothermal
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B) Adiabatic
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C) Isobaric
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D) Isochoric
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196 / 201

X-rays from a given X-ray tube operating under specified conditions have a minimum wavelength. The value of this minimum wavelength could be reduced by:

UHS 2013
Atomic Spectra
Inner Shell Transitions And Characteristic X-rays
A) Cooling the target
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B) Reducing the temperature of the filament
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C) Increasing the potential difference between the cathode and the target
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D) Reducing the pressure in the tube
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197 / 201

Due to the magnetic force, a positively charged particle executes uniform circular motion within a uniform magnetic field ‘B’. If the charge is ‘q’ and radius of its path is r, which of the expressions gives the magnitude of the particle’s linear momentum:

NTS 2010
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Motion of a Charged Particle in an Electric and Magnetic Field
A) qBr
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B) qB/r
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C) q/(Br)
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D) B
Show Explanation

198 / 201

If the body is rotating with uniform angular velocity, then its torque is:

NUMS 2016
Circular Motion and Momentum
Angular Momentum and Torque
A) Zero
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B) 90
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C) 1
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D) -1
Show Explanation

199 / 201

For adiabatic process, the first law of thermodynamics is:

NUMS 2016
Heat and Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
A) w =∆u = Q
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B) Q = -w
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C) Q = w
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D) w = -∆u
Show Explanation

200 / 201

One complete circle is equal to:

NUMS 2020
Circular Motion and Momentum
Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) 2π radian
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B) 3 radian
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C) 5 radian
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D) 9 radian
Show Explanation

201 / 201

Fusion and fission reactions are associated with:

NTS 2012
Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Reactions
A) Water or hydal energy
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B) Geothermal energy
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C) Fossil fuel energy
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D) Nuclear energy
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