MDCAT Daily Test 1

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MDCAT Daily Test 1

1 / 189

Read the following and choose the correct answer.

X, Y and Z are three whole numbers less than 24 but greater than 11. X is the smallest prime number. Y is the largest number divisible by 3. Z is the smallest number divisible by 11

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
Logical Reasoning
A) X is 13, Y is 24, Z is 11
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B) X is 13, Y is 21, Z is 22
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C) X is 11, Y is 21, Z is 11
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D) X is 11, Y is 24, Z is 22
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2 / 189

Which one is not true about isotope

Forces and Motion
Academy Questions
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) Same number of neutrons
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B) Same mass number
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C) Same physical properties
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D) All of these
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3 / 189

The government has increased the taxes on all businesses in Pakistan.

Many small businesses will have to close their operation in Pakistan.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
Logical Reasoning
A) Statement I is the cause and Statement II is the effect.
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B) Statement II is the cause and Statement I is the effect.
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C) Both statements I and II are independent causes.
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D) Both the statement I and II are the effects of independent causes.
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4 / 189

Read the passage and the following statements below. then choose the option basing your answer only on the option provided.

The early Mediaeval period ( 642-1219 CE) witnessed the spread of Islam in regions which is now known as Pakistan. during this period Sufi missionaries played a pivotal rule in converting a majority of the regional Buddhist and population to islam.

I. Islam was spread in Pakistan region during early Mediaeval period.

II. Sufi missionaries converted alot of people to islam during this time.

III. It can be said that the Sufis were responsible for Pakistan ultimately by an Islamic country.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
Logical Reasoning
A) Only I is correct.
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B) Only I and II are correct.
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C) I, II and III all are correct.
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D) Only I and III are correct.
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5 / 189

Read the following statement, assuming everything in it to be true. Then consider which one of the given suggested courses of action logically follow and are pursuing.


My laptop’s battery is low and needs to be charged.

Course of action

I. Stop using the laptop to save power.

II. Get a new fully charged battery and replace it with an old one.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
Logical Reasoning
A) I
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Show Explanation
C) Both I and II
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D) Neither I NOR II
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6 / 189

A battery whose emf is 40 V has an internal resistance of 5 Ohms. If this battery is connected to a 15 Ohms resistor ‘R’, what will be the voltage drop across ‘R’:

NTS 2010
Current Electricity
Electrical Power and Power Dissipation in Resistors
A) 10 V
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B) 30 V
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C) 40 V
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D) 50 V
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7 / 189

Which of the following is not present in plant cells?

Cell Structure and Function
A) Flagella
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B) Cell wall
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C) Central vacuole
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D) Chloroplast
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8 / 189

The force between two charges Q and q, separated by a distance d is F. What will be the force between them when distance between them is d/2?

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 33
A) 4F
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B) 2F
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C) F
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D) F/2
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9 / 189

In photosynthesis, the dark reaction is called so because

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 21
Light Independent Mechanism of Photosynthesis
A) It occurs in darkness.
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B) It does not require light energy.
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C) It cannot occur during the daytime.
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D) It occurs more rapidly at night.
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10 / 189

Which statement describes the electric potential difference between two points in the electric field of charge Q?

NTS 2019
A) The difference of electric field between the points per unit charge.
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B) The ratio of the power dissipated between the points to the mass of charge
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C) The work done in moving a test charge between points divided by the magnitude of the test charge.
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D) The force required to move a unit positive charge between the points per unit charge.
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11 / 189

Nucleolus is visible in

Cell Structure and Function
A) Interphase
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B) Mitotic phase
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C) Metaphase
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D) Anaphase
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12 / 189

A car is travelling in a straight line along a highway at a constant speed of 80miles per hour for 10 seconds. Find its acceleration.

Forces and Motion
Forces and Motion
Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) 100 m/s2
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B) 200 m/s2
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C) 0m/s2
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D) 150m/s2
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13 / 189

The slope of distance – time graph will always be:

PMC 2020
Forces and Motion
Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) Negative
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B) Positive
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C) Zero
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D) Maximum
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14 / 189

The isomerism that arises due to the difference in carbon atoms on both sides of the functional group is called:

Forces and Motion
PMC 2021 Tested
Introduction to Hydrocarbons
A) Optical isomerism
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B) Stereoisomerism
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C) Metamerism
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D) Stereoisomerism
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15 / 189

H3O+ ions act as ____.

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 26
Chemical Equilibrium
Solubility Product and Precipitation Reactions
A) Base
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B) Catalyst
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C) Buffer
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D) Acid
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16 / 189

Different kinds of atoms of the same element are called isotope having different __________but same ___________ properties.

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 1
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) Physical, atomic
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B) Physical, chemical
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C) Chemical, physical
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D) Chemical, atomic
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17 / 189

The newton-second is the unit of:

PMC 2020
Forces and Motion
A) Work
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B) Power
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C) Impulse
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D) velocity
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18 / 189

The ability of an atom in a covalent bond to attract the bonding electrons is called:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2011
Chemical Bonding
Electron Affinity and Electronegativity
A) Ionization energy
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B) Ionic bond energy
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C) Electronegativity
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D) Electron affinity
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19 / 189

Storage form of lipids is:

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 6
Biological Molecules
A) Esterified cholesterol
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B) Glycerophospholipids
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C) Triglycerides
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D) Sphingolipids
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20 / 189

A sphere of charge +Q is fixed in a position. A smaller sphere of +q is placed near the larger sphere and released from the rest. The small sphere will move away from the large sphere with?

NTS 2014
A) Decreasing velocity and decreasing acceleration
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B) Decreasing velocity and increasing acceleration
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C) Decreasing velocity and constant acceleration
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D) Increasing velocity and decreasing acceleration
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21 / 189

Catenation is a process in which carbon shows the properties of:

NTS 2010
Introduction to Hydrocarbons
A) Making single bond
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B) Hybridization
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C) Making chains or rings of carbon atoms
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D) Isomerism
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22 / 189

Enthalpy is measured at _____:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2017 Reconduct
Standard States and Enthalpy Changes
A) 300 K and 2 atm
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B) 300 K and 1atm
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C) 298 K and 1 atm
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D) 295 K and 1 atm
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23 / 189

Two capacitors C1 = 3 uF and C2 = 6 uF are in series across a 90 volts D.C. supply. The total capacitance is given by:

NTS 2012
A) 9 uF
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B) 2 uF
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C) 10 uF
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D) 90 uF
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24 / 189

Thyroid gland requires high amount of:

NUMS 2016
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Phosphate
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B) Calcium
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C) Iodine
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D) Sodium
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25 / 189

Which one is not an energy releasing process?

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 20
Introduction to Photosynthesis
A) Glycolysis
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B) Photosynthesis
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C) Respiration
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D) Krebs Cycle
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26 / 189

Which group of hormones is made up of amino acids and their derivatives?

Forces and Motion
UHS 2011
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Vasopressin and ADH
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B) Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
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C) Oestrogen and Testosterone
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D) Insulin and Glucagon
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27 / 189

Which of the following is universal donor?

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 22
Variation and Genetics
Blood Group System
A) A
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B) B
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Show Explanation
D) O
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28 / 189

Many elements have fractional atomic masses. This is because:

Forces and Motion
NUMS 2020
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Introduction to the Atom
A) Mass of atom is itself reactional
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B) Atomic masses are average masses of isobars
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C) Atomic masses are average masses of isotopes
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D) Atomic masses are average masses of isotopes proportional to their abundance
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29 / 189

Ice is less dense than water at:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2014
Chemical Bonding
Hydrogen Bonding
A) 0C
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B) 4C
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C) 2C
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D) -4C
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30 / 189

The part of chlorophyll molecule embedded in the core of thylakoid membrane is?

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 19
Photosynthetic pigments
A) Hydrophilic
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B) Hydrophobic
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C) Both of these
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D) None of these
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31 / 189

Two forces equal in magnitude but opposite In direction and not acting along the same line constitute a couple. The movement of this couple will be:

NTS 2018
Forces and Motion
Newton’s Laws of Motion
A) Dependent on the location of the origin
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B) Independent of the location of the origin
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C) Zero
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D) Scalar product
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32 / 189

In an amino acid in which the R-group is H, its name will be

Forces and Motion
UHS 2011
Biological Molecules
A) Alanine
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B) Glycine
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C) Leucine
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D) Valine
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33 / 189

A dihybrid test cross (two traits) was made between true-breeding EEWW flies and eeww flies. The resulting F1 generation was then crossed with eeww flies. 100 offspring in the F2 generation were examined and the E and W genes were determined to be not linked. Differentiate between the correct genotypes of the F2 offspring of the unlinked genes and the predicted genotypes if the genes were instead found to be linked.

Forces and Motion
AKU Question Bank
Genetics and Evolution – AKU
A) Not linked: parental genotypes EeWw and eeww; linked: 25% Eeww, 50% eeWw
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B) Not linked: 25% EeWw, 25% Eeww, 25% eeWw, and 25% eeww; linked: 50% EeWw and 50% eeww
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C) Linked genotypes (EeWw and eeww) and recombinant genotypes (Eeww and eeWw) in the F2 generation are nearly the same irrespective of their linkage
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D) Nor linked: 25% EeWw and eeww with 75% Eeww and eeWw; linked: mostly with parental genotypes, Eeww and eeWw
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34 / 189

Which of the following organelle have a continuous connection with a nuclear membrane?

Cell Structure and Function
A) Golgi Apparatus
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B) Lysosomes
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Show Explanation
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35 / 189

If there are 12 carbon atoms in a disaccharide, how many OH groups will it have?

Forces and Motion
AKU Question Bank
Introductory Biology – AKU
A) 11
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B) 8
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C) 10
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D) 12
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36 / 189

Time constant is defined as the time required by the capacitor ____.

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 33
A) To deposit 63% of the equilibrium charge
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B) To deposit 36% of the equilibrium charge
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C) To deposit 63 times of the equilibrium charge
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D) To deposit 36 times of the equilibrium charge
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37 / 189

The prolactin hormone, responsible for the activation of mammary glands to start producing milk, is a hormone of the:

NTS 2010
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Pituitary gland
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B) Pancreas
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C) Thyroid gland
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D) Thymus gland
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38 / 189

In acidic medium, amino acids carry positive charge and act as:

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 6
Biological Molecules
A) Acid
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B) Base
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C) Neutral
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D) None of these options are correct
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39 / 189

The sex of individuals of next generation always depends on one of the parents who is:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2011
Variation and Genetics
Sex Determination
A) Heterogametic
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B) Homogametic
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C) Isogametic
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D) Isomorphic
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40 / 189

Le Chatelier’s Principle is about?

Forces and Motion
Chemical Equilibrium
Factors Affecting Equilibria
A) Reaction Mixture.
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B) Reactants.
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C) Equilibrium Mixture.
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D) Products.
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41 / 189

When the two partially filled atomic orbitals overlap in such a way that the probability of finding electron is maximum around the line joining the two nuclei, the result is the formation of

Forces and Motion
UHS 2014
Chemical Bonding
VSEPR Theory
A) Sigma Bond
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B) Pi-Bond
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C) Hydrogen Bond
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D) Metallic Bond
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42 / 189

Avogadro’s constant is the number of:

Forces and Motion
PMC 2021 Tested
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
Important Assumptions of Stoichiometric Calculations
A) Electrons present in 2g of H
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B) Atoms in 24g of Mg
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C) Atoms in 1g of He
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D) Molecules in 35.5g of Chlorine
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43 / 189

What are the distinguishing features of fibrous proteins?

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 6
Biological Molecules
A) Non-crystalline
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B) Elastic
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C) Disorganized
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D) Both A and B
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44 / 189

The word ‘ritual’ means _________.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Original
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B) Religion
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C) Routine
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D) Custom
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45 / 189

Which of the following proteins is present in microtubules?

Cell Structure and Function
A) Tubulin
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B) Myosin
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C) Actin
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D) Tropomyosin
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46 / 189

What is the main difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Cell Structure and Function
A) Prokaryotes cannot undergo cell division
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B) Prokaryotes have no DNA
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C) Prokaryotes do not have internal membranes
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D) Prokaryotes have no cytosol
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47 / 189

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Cell Structure and Function
A) CO2 fixation occurs in stroma
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B) Inter-granum is photosynthetic
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C) Chloroplasts are self-replicating
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D) Chloroplasts have 70S ribosomes
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48 / 189

Fatty acid are the organic compounds containing hydrogen, oxygen and one of the following are

Forces and Motion
UHS 2011
Biological Molecules
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B) –NH2
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C) Acyl
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D) Sucrose
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49 / 189

Kilowatt-hour is a unit of?

Forces and Motion
NUMS 2020
Work, Power and Energy
Power and Energy
A) Electric Energy
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B) Power
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C) Momentum
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D) Torque
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50 / 189

The K.E. of a body of mass 2kg and momentum of 2Ns is:

Forces and Motion
PMC Sample 1
Work, Power and Energy
Work, Power & Energy
A) 1 J
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B) 2 J
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C) 3 J
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D) 4 J
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51 / 189

All of following are common molecules in membrane of all type of cells except:

Cell Structure and Function
A) Globular protein
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B) Cholesterol
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C) Traces of carbohydrates
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D) Phospholipid
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52 / 189

A whistler with a velocity of 33 m/s approaches a stationary observer with a frequency of 450 Hz. What is the apparent frequency heard by the observer?

Forces and Motion
PMC 2021 Tested
Wave Motion and Sound
Periodic Waves
A) 500 Hz
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B) 400 Hz
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C) 430 Hz
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D) 300 Hz
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53 / 189

All chromosomes other than sex chromosomes are called:

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 23
Variation and Genetics
Sex Determination
A) Autosomes
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B) Allosomes
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C) Microsomes
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D) None of them
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54 / 189

The rate at which work is being done is called:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2018
Work, Power and Energy
Work Done by Constant Force and Variable Forces
A) Power
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B) Energy
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C) Density
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D) Force
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55 / 189

Rate of photosynthesis does not depend upon:

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 20
Factors affecting photosynthesis
A) Quality of light
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B) Intensity of light
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C) Duration of light
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D) Temperature
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56 / 189

Alkenes have which type of hybridization?

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 36
A) sp2
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B) sp3
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C) sp2d
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D) sp
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57 / 189

If at equilibrium state temperature is increased, it will favour

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 27
Chemical Equilibrium
State of Chemical Equilibrium
A) Exothermic Reactions
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B) Endothermic Reactions
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C) Reversible gaseous reactions
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D) Irreversible reactions
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58 / 189

IUPAC Nomenclature of:

CH3 – CH = CH – CH2 – CH = CH2 is:

NTS 2011
Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons
A) 2 – pentene
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B) 1 , 4 – hexadiene
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C) 3 – methyl butane
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D) 1, 3, 5 – heptatriene
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59 / 189

Which of the following are energy giving?

Forces and Motion
PMC 2021 Tested
Biological Molecules
A) Fats and proteins
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B) Minerals and vitamins
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C) All of these
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D) Water and carbohydrates
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60 / 189

For a certain organ pipe, three successive resonance frequencies are observed at 425, 595, and 765 Hz. The speed of the sound in air is 340 m/s. The pipe is:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2017 Reconduct
Wave Motion and Sound
Resonance of Air Column and Organ Pipes
A) Closed pipe of length 1 m
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B) Closed pipe of length 2 m
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C) Open pipe of length 1 m
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D) Open pipe of length 2 m
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61 / 189

If enzymes stop their functions, then biochemicaI reactions would:

Forces and Motion
AKU Question Bank
Introductory Biology – AKU
A) Stop
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B) Be slowed down
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C) Not affected
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D) Carried out at faster rate
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62 / 189

The length and radius of an electric resistance of a certain wire are doubled simultaneously, then the:

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 16
Current Electricity
Wire Wound Variable Resistors
A) Resistance will be doubled and specific resistance will be halved
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B) Resistance will be halved and specific resistance will be unchanged
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C) Resistance will be halved and specific resistance will be doubled
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D) Both will remain unchanged
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63 / 189

Which of the following compounds possesses only a single covalent bond between carbon and hydrogen?

NUMS 2016
Alkanes and Paraffins
A) CH4
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B) C2H2
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C) C2H4
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D) All of the above
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64 / 189

What is the specific name given to the biological membrane that surrounds the vacuoles?

Cell Structure and Function
A) Plasma membrane
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B) Endomembrane
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C) Plasmalemma
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D) Tonoplast
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65 / 189

Which one of the following force is non-conservative:

PMC 2020
Forces and Motion
Forces and Motion
A) Frictional force
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B) Gravitational force
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C) Electric force
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D) Elastic spring force
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66 / 189

A potential difference of 10V is applied across a conductor whose resistance is 2.5 Ohms. What is the value of current flowing through it?

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 17
Current Electricity
Electric Current
A) 4 A
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B) 2 A
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C) 6 A
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D) 10 A
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67 / 189

Energy consumed by 60 watt bulb in 2 minutes is equal to:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2018
Work, Power and Energy
Power and Energy
A) 7.2 kilo joules
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B) 720 joules
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C) 120 joules
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D) 72000 joules
Show Explanation

68 / 189

Assume that you have two balls of Identical volume, one weighing 2 Newtons and the other 10 Newtons. Both are falling freely after being released from the same point simultaneously. Which of the following will then be true:

I. The 10 N ball falling freely from rest will be accelerated at a greater rate than the 2 N ball

II. At the end of the 4s of freefall, the 10 N ball will have 5 times the momentum of the 2 N ball

III. At the end of the 4s of free fall, the 10 N ball will have the same kinetic energy as the 2 N ball

IV. The 10 N ball possesses greater inertia than the 2 N ball

NTS 2010
Forces and Motion
Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) I, Il and Ill only
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B) I and II only
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C) II and IV only
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D) IV only
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69 / 189

The covalent bond between monosaccharides of sucrose is called:

Forces and Motion
PMC 2021 Tested
Biological Molecules
A) Glycosidic bond
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B) Peptide bond
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C) Hydrogen bond
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D) Ionic bond
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70 / 189

Which of the following light is least absorbed by plants?

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 19
Photosynthetic pigments
A) Orange blue
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B) Red
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C) Blue
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D) Green
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71 / 189

A mass of 20 kg is lifted from the floor to a height of 2m in 4.9 sec. Calculate the power in Watts.

Forces and Motion
NUMS 2019 Reconduct
Work, Power and Energy
Power and Energy
A) 60 W
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B) 80 W
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C) 100 W
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D) 120 W
Show Explanation

72 / 189

Krebs cycle occurs in______ of mitochondria

Cell Structure and Function
A) Matrix
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B) F1 Particles
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C) Stroma
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D) Cristae
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73 / 189

A body starts sliding on a rough horizontal surface with a speed of 10 m/s. If the coefficient of friction is 0.2, find the distance traveled by the body before coming to rest. (g = 10m/s)

NTS 2010
Forces and Motion
Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
A) 15 m
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B) 25 m
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C) 35 m
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D) 40 m
Show Explanation

74 / 189

Reactions in which simple substances are combined to form complex substances are called:

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 6
Biological Molecules
Introduction to Biological Molecules
A) Metabolic reactions
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B) Catabolic reactions
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C) Anabolic reactions
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D) None of these
Show Explanation

75 / 189

“The magnitude of electrostatic force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitude of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.” This is known as:

Forces and Motion
A) Gauss’s Law
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B) Ohm’s law
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C) Faraday’s law
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D) Newton’s Law
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E) Coulomb’s Law
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76 / 189

Baldness is most frequent in which of the following?

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 20
Variation and Genetics
Sex Linkage
A) Men
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B) Women
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C) Both A and B
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D) Children
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77 / 189

An automobile is moving forwards with uniform velocity due to the force exerted by its engine. If the force is doubled with the velocity remaining constant what happens to its total power?

Forces and Motion
UHS 2019
Work, Power and Energy
Power and Energy
A) It is squared
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B) It is halved
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C) It is doubled
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D) It does not change
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78 / 189

In what form is the energy stored in a charged capacitor?

PMC 2020
Forces and Motion
A) gravitational
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B) electrical potential
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C) magnetic field
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D) potential
Show Explanation

79 / 189

EMF becomes equal to terminal potential difference when

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 16
Current Electricity
Electomotive Force and Potential Difference
A) circuit is closed
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B) current is max
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C) circuit is open
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D) all of these
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80 / 189

Choose the correct spelling.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Renessance
Show Explanation
B) Renaisance
Show Explanation
C) Renaisance
Show Explanation
D) Renaissance
Show Explanation

81 / 189

Which option precisely describes the function of nucleoli?

Cell Structure and Function
A) Formation and breakdown of nuclear envelope.
Show Explanation
B) Formation of centromere
Show Explanation
C) Formation of ribosomes
Show Explanation
D) Organization of spindle during nuclear division
Show Explanation

82 / 189

Addison’s disease is caused due to destruction of

Forces and Motion
UHS 2011
Coordination and Control
Disorders of the Nervous System
A) Adrenal Cortex
Show Explanation
B) Pituitary Adrenal Axis
Show Explanation
C) Adrenal Medulla
Show Explanation
D) Hypothalamus
Show Explanation

83 / 189

DNA molecule is double stranded, in which two chains of DNA are twisted around each other by:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2011
Chemical Bonding
Hydrogen Bonding
A) Hydrogen bonds
Show Explanation
B) Vander Waal’s force
Show Explanation
C) Covalent bonds
Show Explanation
D) Dative bonds
Show Explanation

84 / 189

If a dielectric material is placed between two plates of a capacitor, the net capacitance of the capacitor:

NTS 2018
A) Decreases
Show Explanation
B) Increases
Show Explanation
C) Remains constant
Show Explanation
D) Zero
Show Explanation

85 / 189

This is an example of glycoprotein:

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 6
Biological Molecules
Conugated Molecules
A) Starch
Show Explanation
B) Haemoglobin
Show Explanation
C) Lecithin
Show Explanation
D) Mucin
Show Explanation

86 / 189

Which is the unit of energy

Forces and Motion
PMC Sample 3
Work, Power and Energy
Power and Energy
A) joule
Show Explanation
B) erg
Show Explanation
C) kWh
Show Explanation
D) all of these
Show Explanation

87 / 189

The water splitting step of photosynthesis is called?

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 20
Light Dependent Mechanism of Photosynthesis
A) Hydrolysis
Show Explanation
B) Chemolysis
Show Explanation
C) Photolysis
Show Explanation
D) Photosynthesis
Show Explanation

88 / 189

At equilibrium if the concentration of product is increased reaction will proceed to?

Forces and Motion
Chemical Equilibrium
Factors Affecting Equilibria
A) Forward Direction
Show Explanation
B) Backward Direction
Show Explanation
C) Remain Undisturbed
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

89 / 189

Ohm multiplied by farad is equivalent to:

PMC 2020
Forces and Motion
A) Time
Show Explanation
B) Charge
Show Explanation
C) Distance
Show Explanation
D) Capacitor
Show Explanation

90 / 189

Read the passage below to answer the question:

Hemophilia is a disorder in which blood fails to clot. Saad, a male hemophiliac, marries Sara, a normal woman and together they have four children, two boys (Ahmed and Ali) and two girls (Alia and Ayesha). None of the children display the symptoms of Hemophilia. Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha, and Ali all marry normal individuals and have children. None of Ahmeds or Ali’s children, male or female, display symptoms of hemophilia, but the sons of Alia and Ayesha display symptoms of hemophilia while the daughters of Alia and Ayesha do not.

Which of the following individuals are heterozygous for hemophilia:

NTS 2010
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Saad, Ahmed, and Ali
Show Explanation
B) Ahmed, Ali, Alia, and Ayesha
Show Explanation
C) Saad and Sara
Show Explanation
D) Alia and Ayesha
Show Explanation

91 / 189

The IUPAC name of the following compound is:

NUMS 2016
Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons
A) 1-Ethyl-2, 4-dimethlycyclohexane
Show Explanation
B) 2-Ethyl-1,4-dimethylcyclohexene
Show Explanation
C) 2-Ethyl-1, 1-dimethylcyclohexane
Show Explanation
D) 4-Ethyl-1, 2-dimethylcyclohexane
Show Explanation

92 / 189

Which of the following describes the fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane structure?

Cell Structure and Function
A) Phospholipid monolayer with embedded proteins
Show Explanation
B) Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins
Show Explanation
C) Triglyceride bilayer with embedded proteins
Show Explanation
D) Triglyceride monolayer with embedded proteins
Show Explanation

93 / 189

Which of the following is an unsaturated fatty acid?

Forces and Motion
PMC 2021 Tested
Biological Molecules
A) Oleic acid
Show Explanation
B) Both of these
Show Explanation
C) Palmitic acid
Show Explanation
D) None of these
Show Explanation

94 / 189

In the first reaction of catabolism, ______ free the ________.

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 5
Biological Molecules
A) Fatty acids, polysaccharides
Show Explanation
B) Protein, amino acids
Show Explanation
C) Lipids, glucose
Show Explanation
D) None of these options is correct
Show Explanation

95 / 189

In plasma membrane, carbohydrates combine with the lipids and proteins to form glycolipids and glycoproteins and are oriented:

Cell Structure and Function
A) Towards inside
Show Explanation
Towards outside

Show Explanation
C) Towards inside and outside
Show Explanation
D) Randomly distributed
Show Explanation

96 / 189

Which of the following cell type is more appropriate to study mitochondrial :

Cell Structure and Function
Show Explanation
B) Muscle cell
Show Explanation
C) Mesophyll cell
Show Explanation
D) E.coli
Show Explanation

97 / 189

The point at which there is no net exchange of gases between leaves and atmosphere is known as?

Forces and Motion
PMC Practice 20
Introduction to Photosynthesis
A) Neutral point
Show Explanation
B) Compensation point
Show Explanation
C) Parallel point
Show Explanation
D) Competitive point
Show Explanation

98 / 189

The main process that occurs in the dark reaction in photosynthesis is:

NTS 2010
Light Independent Mechanism of Photosynthesis
A) That water is split.
Show Explanation
B) Light energy is converted into chemical energy.
Show Explanation
C) That glucose is oxidized.
Show Explanation
D) That carbon-dioxide is fixed.
Show Explanation

99 / 189

The values of electric intensity will ____ due to the presence of dielectric medium:

PMC 2020
A) Increase
Show Explanation
B) Increase exponentially
Show Explanation
C) Decrease
Show Explanation
D) Remain same
Show Explanation

100 / 189

If a car collides with a housefly, what will be the magnitude of the force experienced by the housefly?

NTS 2018
Forces and Motion
Newton’s Laws of Motion
A) Much greater than the force experienced by the car
Show Explanation
B) Much lesser than than the force experienced by the car
Show Explanation
C) Same as the force experienced by the car
Show Explanation
D) 10 times less than the force experienced by the car
Show Explanation

101 / 189

dentify the error in the sentence and choose the correct answer.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Tennis gives you plenty of exercise, it develops quickness of eyes and calls your brain, your thinking power into action.
Show Explanation
B) Tennis gives you plenti off exercise, it develops quickness of eyes and limb your brain, your thinking power into action.
Show Explanation
C) Tennis gives you plenti off exercise, it develops quickness of eyes and limb upon your brane, your thinking power over action.
Show Explanation
D) Tennis gives you plenty of exercise; it develops quickness of eyes and calls your brain, your thinking power into action.
Show Explanation

102 / 189

I don’t think I ____ be able to go.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Can
Show Explanation
B) Should
Show Explanation
C) Shall
Show Explanation
D) Must
Show Explanation

103 / 189

Choose the correct option.

Negotiations between the two sides have ………….

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Broken off
Show Explanation
B) Broken down
Show Explanation
C) Broken up
Show Explanation
D) Broken in
Show Explanation

104 / 189

Identify the errors and choose the correct option.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Time, tide wait for no men.
Show Explanation
B) Time and tide wait for no man.
Show Explanation
C) The time and the tide weight for no man.
Show Explanation
D) Time tide wait over know man
Show Explanation

105 / 189

Choose the correct sentence.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Your voice was recognised by me at once.
Show Explanation
B) All her boats has been lost in the storm.
Show Explanation
C) A committee of five were appointed.
Show Explanation
D) The crowd were very big.
Show Explanation

106 / 189

Choose the correct spelling.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Defficiency
Show Explanation
B) Dafficiency
Show Explanation
C) Deficiency
Show Explanation
D) defeciency
Show Explanation

107 / 189

He began to ___ the heap of corns very carefully.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Assess
Show Explanation
B) Inspect
Show Explanation
C) Analyze
Show Explanation
D) Evaluate
Show Explanation

108 / 189

The word CREDENTIALS mean

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Trust
Show Explanation
B) Qualification
Show Explanation
C) Credits
Show Explanation
D) Belief
Show Explanation

109 / 189

Ethics _____ important for a peaceful and loving society.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Have
Show Explanation
B) Has
Show Explanation
C) Are
Show Explanation
D) Is
Show Explanation

110 / 189

Choose the correct spelling.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Expident
Show Explanation
B) Expedent
Show Explanation
C) Expedient
Show Explanation
D) Expediant
Show Explanation

111 / 189

Finally, the accused was found guilty ___ his crime.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) From
Show Explanation
B) Of
Show Explanation
C) For
Show Explanation
D) To
Show Explanation

112 / 189

How cold the night is!

Which type of sentence it is?

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Interrogative
Show Explanation
B) Declarative
Show Explanation
C) Exclamatory
Show Explanation
D) Imperative
Show Explanation

113 / 189

All hammers are tools. Some tools are useless things. All useless things are trash. Which of the following is NECESSARILY TRUE given only the information above?


I. Some hammers are trash.

II. Some tools are trash.

III. All useless things are tools.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
Logical Reasoning
A) I and III
Show Explanation
B) I and II
Show Explanation
C) II and III
Show Explanation
Show Explanation

114 / 189

Hundreds of years old palace could not withstand the ____ of heavy rain.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Aftermath
Show Explanation
B) Havoc
Show Explanation
C) Annoyance
Show Explanation
D) Massacre
Show Explanation

115 / 189

It ____ good players who bring good names to a country.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Was
Show Explanation
B) Were
Show Explanation
C) Is
Show Explanation
D) Are
Show Explanation

116 / 189

Engineers _____ working on a new project for the last three days.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) Are
Show Explanation
B) Has been
Show Explanation
C) Have been
Show Explanation
D) Ought to be
Show Explanation

117 / 189

Identify the error and choose the correct option.

Forces and Motion
Federal MDCAT 2022
A) The wind blew, the rain fell, and the lightning flashed.
Show Explanation
B) The wind bleu the rain fell, and the lightning flashed
Show Explanation
C) The wind blew the rain fell, and the lightning flashed
Show Explanation
D) The wind blew, the rain fell; and the lightning flashed.
Show Explanation

118 / 189

A Turning fork A produces 4 beats / second with another turning fork B of frequency 280 Hz. When fork A is loaded with a little wax, the beat frequency change to 2. The frequency of fork Abefore loading is:

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2017
Wave Motion and Sound
A) 292 Hz
Show Explanation
B) 284 Hz
Show Explanation
C) 290 Hz
Show Explanation
D) 288 Hz
Show Explanation

119 / 189

Which one is monoisotopic element?

Forces and Motion
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) Chlorine
Show Explanation
B) Hydrogen
Show Explanation
C) Flourine
Show Explanation
D) Cadmium
Show Explanation

120 / 189

The sound waves of frequency more than 20 khz are termed as:

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2017
Wave Motion and Sound
Fundamental and Overtone Vibration
A) Supersonic
Show Explanation
B) Audible
Show Explanation
C) Infrasonic
Show Explanation
D) Ultrasonic
Show Explanation

121 / 189

Water waves are:

Forces and Motion
2022 PMC Test 1
Wave Motion and Sound
Progessive Waves
A) Longitudinal waves
Show Explanation
B) Complex waves
Show Explanation
C) Transverse waves
Show Explanation
D) Both longitudinal and transverse wave
Show Explanation

122 / 189

Which of the following does not yield glucose on complete hydrolysis?

Forces and Motion
AKU Question Bank
Introductory Biology – AKU
A) Starch
Show Explanation
B) Glycogen
Show Explanation
C) Cellulose
Show Explanation
D) Chitin
Show Explanation

123 / 189

The energy supplied by the cell to the charge carriers is derived from the conversion of:

NUMS 2016
A) Heat energy into chemical energy
Show Explanation
B) Chemical energy Into electrical energy
Show Explanation
C) Solar energy into electrical energy
Show Explanation
D) Mechanical energy into electrical energy
Show Explanation

124 / 189

When the source is at the centre of the circle and the observer is moving on the circumference of circle, the sound heard by observer

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2016
Wave Motion and Sound
Doppler Effect
A) Same
Show Explanation
B) Different
Show Explanation
C) Increasing
Show Explanation
D) Decreasing
Show Explanation

125 / 189

Pitch is ___ proportional to frequency.

Forces and Motion
2022 PMC Test 1
Wave Motion and Sound
Periodic Waves
A) Directly
Show Explanation
B) Inversely
Show Explanation
C) Exponentially
Show Explanation
D) No effect
Show Explanation

126 / 189

Students were heating CaCO3 in an open container to produce CO2 gas,

CaCO3(s) ⟶ CaO(s) + CO2(g)

If we increase pressure on this system the:

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2018
Chemical Equilibrium
Factors Affecting Equilibria
A) Equilibrium will shift towards right
Show Explanation
B) Equilibrium will shift towards left
Show Explanation
C) Equilibrium will not be disturbed
Show Explanation
D) System does not obey equilibrium rules
Show Explanation

127 / 189

Astronomers calculate the speed of distant stars moving away from us using:

Forces and Motion
FMDC 2018
Wave Motion and Sound
Doppler Effect
A) Beats
Show Explanation
B) Interference
Show Explanation
C) Superposition principle
Show Explanation
D) Doppler effect
Show Explanation

128 / 189

Which of the following is the major souce of variation in the origin of new species?

Forces and Motion
2022 PMC Test 3
Variation and Genetics
A) Migration
Show Explanation
B) Mutation
Show Explanation
C) Selection
Show Explanation
D) Genetic drift
Show Explanation

129 / 189

How many pi bonds are there in ethene?

Forces and Motion
PMC 2021 Tested
A) 0
Show Explanation
B) 1
Show Explanation
C) 3
Show Explanation
D) 2
Show Explanation

130 / 189

What is true about the electric field and electric force?

NUMS 2016
A) Electric field lines are towards negative and electron flow in same direction
Show Explanation
B) Electric field lines are towards positive and electron flow in opposite direction
Show Explanation
C) Electric field lines are towards the negative and electrons flow in the opposite direction.
Show Explanation
D) Electric field lines are positive and electrons flow in the same direction.
Show Explanation

131 / 189

The traits that show autosomal inheritance have:

Forces and Motion
2022 PMC Test 2
Variation and Genetics
A) Equal probabilities exist in both male and female individuals.
Show Explanation
B) Different probabilities in male and female individuals
Show Explanation
C) More probabilities in male than female individuals
Show Explanation
D) More probabilities in female than male individuals
Show Explanation

132 / 189

Isotopes are?

Forces and Motion
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) Chemically similar
Show Explanation
B) Physically dissimilar
Show Explanation
C) Chemically dissimilar
Show Explanation
D) Both Options A and B are correct
Show Explanation

133 / 189

The process that can both be endothermic and exothermic out of the following is:

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2018
Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
A) Dissolution
Show Explanation
B) Crystallization
Show Explanation
C) Bond breaking
Show Explanation
D) Condensation
Show Explanation

134 / 189

Stationary waves are result of ___________ traveling in opposite direction waves.

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2016
Wave Motion and Sound
Stationary Waves
A) Identical
Show Explanation
B) Different
Show Explanation
C) Any of Option A or B
Show Explanation
D) Stationary waves cannot be formed
Show Explanation

135 / 189

The light exhibits the phenomena of constructive interference under the situation when it is __________ and __________.

Forces and Motion
FMDC 2018
Wave Motion and Sound
Interference of Waves
A) Monochromatic and in Phase
Show Explanation
B) Monochromatic and out of Phase
Show Explanation
C) In phase and non-monochromatic
Show Explanation
D) Out of phase and non-monochromatic
Show Explanation

136 / 189

The lines of force on charged particles are always:

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2016
Wave Motion and Sound
A) Linear
Show Explanation
B) Curved
Show Explanation
C) Circular
Show Explanation
D) All of these options are possible
Show Explanation

137 / 189

When a car travelling with constant velocity passes a stationary observer, the observer hears a change in the frequency of sound emitted by the car. Which statement is correct ?

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2017
Wave Motion and Sound
Progessive Waves
A) The change in frequency is greater as a car moves away than as it approaches.
Show Explanation
B) The greater the speed of the car, the greater the change in observed frequency.
Show Explanation
C) The observed frequency is lower as the car moves toward the observer and higher as the car moves away from the observer
Show Explanation
D) The volume of the sound heard by the observer does not change as the car approaches.
Show Explanation

138 / 189

Velocity of sound in air is 332m/s. Velocity of sound in vacuum would be:

Forces and Motion
FMDC 2018
Wave Motion and Sound
Progessive Waves
A) More than 332m/s
Show Explanation
B) Less than 332m/s.
Show Explanation
C) 332m/s
Show Explanation
D) Zero
Show Explanation

139 / 189

Polyploidy is more common in:

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2018
Variation and Genetics
Polygenic Inheritance And Epistasis
A) Plants
Show Explanation
B) Animals
Show Explanation
C) Bacteria
Show Explanation
D) Virus
Show Explanation

140 / 189

Doppler effect refers to:

Forces and Motion
2022 PMC Test 1
Wave Motion and Sound
Doppler Effect
A) The change in wave frequency
Show Explanation
B) The change in acceleration
Show Explanation
C) The change in momentum
Show Explanation
D) None of these options are correct
Show Explanation

141 / 189

Mark out the correct option

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2019
Wave Motion and Sound
Stationary Waves
A) The energy of any small part of a string remains constant in a travelling wave
Show Explanation
B) The energy of any small part of a string remains constant in standing wave
Show Explanation
C) The energies of all small parts of equal length are equal in a travelling wave
Show Explanation
D) The energies of all small parts of equal length are equal in a travelling wave
Show Explanation

142 / 189

If temperature increases, the velocity of sound:

Forces and Motion
PMC 2021 Tested
Wave Motion and Sound
Periodic Waves
A) Increases
Show Explanation
B) Decreases
Show Explanation
C) Remains same
Show Explanation
D) Increases then decreases
Show Explanation

143 / 189

Students were decomposing ????3 placed in a China dish by heating using burner in the laboratory. The “system” in this experiment is:

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2018
System, Surrounding and State Function
A) China dish
Show Explanation
B) Burner
Show Explanation
C) Laboratory
Show Explanation
D) ????3
Show Explanation

144 / 189

XX-XY type of sex determination pattern is present in which of the following organisms?

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2017
Variation and Genetics
Sex Determination
A) Humans
Show Explanation
B) Butterflies
Show Explanation
C) Grasshopper
Show Explanation
D) Drosophila
Show Explanation
E) Both A and D
Show Explanation

145 / 189

Pick out the odd one:

Forces and Motion
AKU Question Bank
Introductory Biology – AKU
A) Cellulose
Show Explanation
B) Galactose
Show Explanation
C) Agar
Show Explanation
D) Pectin
Show Explanation

146 / 189

2SO2 (g)+ O2 (g),⇌ 2SO3 (g), in the above reaction Kp and Kc are related as

Forces and Motion
Academy Questions
Chemical Equilibrium
A) Kp=Kcx(RT)
Show Explanation
B) Kp=Kcx(RT)2
Show Explanation
C) Kp=Kcx(RT)-1
Show Explanation
D) Kp=Kcx(RT)-2
Show Explanation

147 / 189

Read the passage below to answer the question:

Haemophilia is a disorder in which blood fails to clot. Saad, a male haemophiliac, marries Sara, a normal woman and together they have four children, two boys (Ahmed and Ali) and two girls (Alia and Ayesha). None of the children displays the symptoms of Haemophilia.

Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha, and Ali all marry normal individuals and have children. None of Ahmed’s or Ali’s children, male or female, display symptoms of haemophilia, but the sons of Alia and Ayesha display symptoms of haemophilia while the daughters of Alia and Ayesha do not.

Which of the following best explains the reason that Ahmed, Ali, Ayesha and Alia do not display symptoms of haemophilia, even though their father, Saad, is a haemophiliac?

NTS 2010
Variation and Genetics
Inherited Diseases
A) Haemophilia is an X-linked disorder, and Saad can only pass on his Y chromosome.
Show Explanation
B) Haemophilia is an X-linked disorder, and even though Alia and Ayesha receive a hemophiliac X-chromosome from Saad, Sara gave them a normal X-chromosome.
Show Explanation
C) Haemophilia is a Y-linked disorder, and therefore cannot be displayed in females.
Show Explanation
D) Haemophilia is a Y-linked disorder ,and Ahmed and Ali must have received an X Chromosome from Saad.
Show Explanation

148 / 189

The amount of energy required to beak one mole of a particular type of bond is equal to its:

Forces and Motion
2022 PMC Test 3
Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
A) Activation energy
Show Explanation
B) Ionization energy
Show Explanation
C) Bond Energy
Show Explanation
D) Potential energy
Show Explanation

149 / 189

During the formation of aqueous solution of any electrolyte:

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2018
Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
A) Heat is evolved
Show Explanation
B) Heat is absorbed
Show Explanation
C) Heat may evolved or absorbed
Show Explanation
D) Electrolyte do not dissolve in water
Show Explanation

150 / 189

The first hormone to be discovered was:

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2018
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Secretin
Show Explanation
B) Testosterone
Show Explanation
C) Insulin
Show Explanation
D) Thyroxin
Show Explanation

151 / 189

The distance between two consecutive antinodes is equal to:

Forces and Motion
FMDC 2018
Wave Motion and Sound
Stationary Waves
A) λ/8
Show Explanation
B) λ/6
Show Explanation
C) λ/4
Show Explanation
D) λ/2
Show Explanation

152 / 189

Third law of Newton is also called:

NUMS 2016
Forces and Motion
Newton’s Laws of Motion
A) Law of Inertia
Show Explanation
B) Equilibrium
Show Explanation
C) Law of action and reaction
Show Explanation
D) None
Show Explanation

153 / 189

Which one is the molar volume of a gas at STP?

Forces and Motion
Academy Questions
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) 24dm3
Show Explanation
B) 22414c1m3
Show Explanation
C) 22.4dm3
Show Explanation
D) 0.22414dm3
Show Explanation

154 / 189

For the reaction,

CO(g) + (1/2)O2(g) ⟶ CO2(g)

Forces and Motion
ETEA 2018
Chemical Equilibrium
Equilibrium Constant
A) Kp > Kc
Show Explanation
B) Kp < Kc Show Explanation C) Kp = Kc Show Explanation D) Kp ≥ Kc Show Explanation

155 / 189

Homozygous dominants are represented with a :

Forces and Motion
2022 PMC Test 3
Chromosomes and DNA
Types & Composition of Chromosomes
Variation and Genetics
Mendelian Inheritance
A) Lower case letter
Show Explanation
B) Roman numeral
Show Explanation
C) Capital letter
Show Explanation
D) Numerical value
Show Explanation

156 / 189

The equivalent weight of iron in Fe2O3 would be:

Forces and Motion
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
A) 18.6
Show Explanation
B) 28
Show Explanation
C) 56
Show Explanation
D) 112
Show Explanation

157 / 189

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the Newton’s third law of motion?

NUMS 2016
Forces and Motion
Newton’s Laws of Motion
A) To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction
Show Explanation
B) Action and reaction act on the same body
Show Explanation
C) There is no cause-effect relation action and reaction
Show Explanation
D) Action and reaction forces are simultaneous forces
Show Explanation

158 / 189

The phenotype of heterozygote is distinct from those of the two homozygotes, not an intermediate expression, this is termed as:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2017 Reconduct
Variation and Genetics
Exceptions To Mendelian Inheritance
A) Dominance
Show Explanation
B) Complete dominance
Show Explanation
C) Incomplete dominance
Show Explanation
D) Codominance
Show Explanation

159 / 189

In ‘H-F’ bond electronegativity difference is ‘1.9’. What is the type of this bond?

Forces and Motion
UHS 2012
Chemical Bonding
Electron Affinity and Electronegativity
Covalent Bond
A) Polar covalent bond
Show Explanation
B) Non-polar covalent bond
Show Explanation
C) Pi (π) bond
Show Explanation
D) Co-ordinate covalent bond
Show Explanation

160 / 189

According to valence shell electron pair repulsion theory, the repulsive forces between the electron pair of central atom of molecule are in the order:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2013
Chemical Bonding
VSEPR Theory
A) Lone Pair – Lone Pair > Lone Pair – Bond Pair > Bond Pair – Bond Pair
Show Explanation
B) Lone Pair – Bond Pair > Lone Pair – Lone Pair > Bond Pair – Bond Pair
Show Explanation
C) Bond Pair – Bond Pair > Lone Pair – Lone Pair > Lone Pair – Bond Pair
Show Explanation
D) Lone Pair – Bond Pair > Bond Pair – Bond Pair > Lone Pair – Lone Pair
Show Explanation

161 / 189

H2 and Cl2 do not react in the dark, but in the presence of light a vigorous reaction is initiated due to the formation of:

NUMS 2016
Introduction to Hydrocarbons
A) Hydrogen free radical
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B) Chlorine free radical
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C) Hydrogen chloride molecule
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D) Both hydrogen and chlorine free radicals
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162 / 189

A chemical reaction is catalyzed by a catalyst X. Hence, X

Forces and Motion
Academy Questions
Chemical Equilibrium
A) increases activation energy of the reaction
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B) does not affect equilibrium constant of the reaction
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C) decreases rate constant of’ the reaction
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D) reduces enthalpy of the reaction
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163 / 189

The disease which is caused by the deficiency of thyroxine:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2017 Reconduct
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Grave’s disease
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B) Goiter
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C) Cretinism
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D) Dwarfism
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164 / 189

Ethylene glycols are used as

Forces and Motion
UHS 2014
A) Anesthetic

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B) Knocking agent
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C) Freezing agent
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D) Anti-freezing agent
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165 / 189

Reactants have high energy than products in

Forces and Motion
UHS 2013
Spontaneous and Non-Spontaneous Reactions
A) Exothermic reactions
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B) Endothermic reactions
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C) Photochemical reactions
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D) Non-spontaneous reactions
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166 / 189

From among the following, which hormone is the interstitial cell stimulating hormone:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2017 Reconduct
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
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D) Prolactin
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167 / 189

The lattice energy of an ionic crystal is the enthalpy of:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2012
Heat Capacity and Calorimetry
A) Combustion
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B) Dissociation
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C) Dissolution
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D) Formation
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168 / 189

During the contact process of H2SO4 synthesis, the following reaction occurs:

2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g) ΔH = -96 kJmol-1

Which step is used to increase the yield of SO3?

Forces and Motion
UHS 2016
Chemical Equilibrium
Factors Affecting Equilibria
A) Temperature is raised to very high degree
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B) SO3 formed is removed very quickly
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C) Both temperature and pressure are kept very low
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D) An excess of air is used to drive the equilibrium to the right side
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169 / 189

The angle between unhybridized p-orbital and three sp2 hybrid orbitals of each carbon atom in ethene is

Forces and Motion
UHS 2012
Chemical Bonding
VSEPR Theory
A) 120°
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B) 90°
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C) 109.5°

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D) 180°
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170 / 189

When two slightly different frequency waves superimpose ______ is formed.

Forces and Motion
UHS 2015
Wave Motion and Sound
Superposition Of Waves
A) Stationary waves
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B) Sounds waves
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C) Beats
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D) Light waves
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171 / 189

In the case when the electrons lose all their kinetic energy (K.E.) in the first collision, the X-ray photon emitted has the following set of frequency and wavelength?

Forces and Motion
UHS 2015
Wave Motion and Sound
Reflection of Waves and Phase Change
A) fmax , λmin
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B) fmax , λmax
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C) fmin , λmax
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D) fmin , λmin
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172 / 189

In crystal lattice of ice, each O-atom of water molecule is attached to

Forces and Motion
UHS 2013
Chemical Bonding
Covalent Bond
A) Four H-atoms
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B) Three H-atoms
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C) One H-atom
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D) Two H-atoms
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173 / 189

In the following, which one is a free radical?

Forces and Motion
UHS 2012
Introduction to Hydrocarbons
A) Cl-
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B) Cl+
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C) Cl2
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D) Cl0
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174 / 189

Cu is present in

Forces and Motion
Academy Questions
Light Dependent Mechanism of Photosynthesis
A) Plasmalemma
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B) Plastoquinone
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C) Ferredoxin
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D) Plastocyanin
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175 / 189

‘∆H’ will be given a negative sign in

Forces and Motion
UHS 2012
Laws of Thermodynamics
A) Exothermic reactions

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B) Decomposition reactions
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C) Dissociation reaction
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D) Endothermic reactions
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176 / 189

Which one of the following is a steroid hormone

Forces and Motion
UHS 2014
Coordination and Control
A) Glucagon
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B) Thyroxine
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C) Epinephrine
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D) Oestrogen
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177 / 189

The gonadotropic hormones of anterior lobe of pituitary include

Forces and Motion
UHS 2014
Coordination and Control
A) Prolactin, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Somatotropin Hormone
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B) Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Prolactin
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C) Adrenocorticotropic Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone
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D) Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
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178 / 189

In standard enthalpy of atomization, heat of the surrounding:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2011
Enthalpies of Reactions and its Types
A) Remains unchanged
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B) Increases
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C) Increases than decreases
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D) Decreases
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179 / 189

Which of the following is the function of glucagon hormone?

Forces and Motion
UHS 2013
Coordination and Control
Endocrine System and its Hormones
A) Glucose to lipids
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B) Glucose to protein
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C) Glucose to glycogen
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D) Glycogen to glucose
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180 / 189

A mass has constant acceleration, what is true about the force applied on it?

NUMS 2016
Forces and Motion
Newton’s Laws of Motion
A) Constantly increasing
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B) Constant but not zero
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C) Is directly proportional to square of displacement
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D) Is directly proportional to velocity
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181 / 189

Number of electrons in the outermost shell of chloride ion (Cl-) is:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2013
Chemical Bonding
Energetics of Bond Formation
A) 17
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B) 3
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C) 1
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D) 8
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182 / 189

All coenzymes are derived from

Forces and Motion
UHS 2014
Biological Molecules
A) Proteins
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B) Carbohydrates
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C) Metal ions
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D) Vitamins
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183 / 189

In men, sex-determination depends upon the nature of

Forces and Motion
UHS 2012
Variation and Genetics
Sex Linkage
A) Heterogametic male
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B) Homogametic female
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C) Heterogametic female
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D) Homogametic male
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184 / 189

The equilibrium constant of a reaction is 300. If the volume of the reaction flask is tripled, the equilibrium constant is:

Forces and Motion
Academy Questions
Chemical Equilibrium
A) 900
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B) 300
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C) 600
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D) 100
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185 / 189

Over-activity of cortical hormone of adrenal gland causes

Forces and Motion
UHS 2014
Coordination and Control
A) Addison’s disease
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B) Parkinson’s disease
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C) Cushing’s disease
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D) Down’s syndrome
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186 / 189

The catalyst used in the Haber’s process is:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2013
Chemical Equilibrium
Haber’s Process
A) Magnesium oxide
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B) Aluminium oxide
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C) Silicon oxide
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D) Iron crystals with metal oxide promoters
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187 / 189

Mg + 1/2 O2(g) → MgO(g) H=-692 kJmol-1 at STP.

Enthalpy of the above reaction will be called:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2016
Enthalpies of Reactions and its Types
A) ΔH°at
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B) ΔH°s
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C) ΔH°sol
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D) ΔH°f
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188 / 189

In comparison with oxygen gas, a strong triple bond is present between two nitrogen atoms in a molecule and therefore nitrogen gas is:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2011
Chemical Bonding
Covalent Bond
A) Highly reactive gas
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B) Completely inert like noble gases
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C) Very less reactive gas
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D) Moderately reactive gas
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189 / 189

Name the structures which produce response:

Forces and Motion
UHS 2017 Reconduct
Coordination and Control
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
A) Inhibitors
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B) Receptors
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C) Neurons
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D) Effectors

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