Mathematics Reasoning MCQs

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Mathematics Reasoning Questions

Mathematical reasoning is the process of using logical thinking and deduction to solve mathematical problems and arrive at valid conclusions. FSC Pre-Medical and pre-engineering

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Mathematics Reasoning MCQs

1 / 81

The following clock displays time accurately like any other 12-hour clock.

However, this clock has no numbers, and the clock has been rotated out of position. Based on the position of the hour and minute hands, the time is between

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 3:00 and 4:00
Show Explanation
B) 6:00 and 7:00
Show Explanation
C) 8:00 and 9:00
Show Explanation
D) 10:00 and 11:00
Show Explanation

2 / 81

Dua’s five favorite puzzle books, A, B, C, D, and E, are displayed between two book ends. She decides to arrange them in every possible way, but she can only move one book every minute.

Quantity X is the amount of time it takes her to arrange the books.

Quantity Y = the amount of time it would have taken her to arrange the books if there were a sixth puzzle book and A and F were to be next to each other.

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Quantity X is greater than Quantity Y.
Show Explanation
B) Quantity Y is greater than Quantity X.
Show Explanation
C) Quantities X and Y are equal
Show Explanation
D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Show Explanation

3 / 81

Wajid is measuring how many solutions from Batch X and Batch Y are acidic.

He measured a total of 100 solutions from both batches. 40% of the solutions from Batch X and 70% of the solutions from Batch Y were acidic, for a total of 48 acidic solutions.

Solving which of the following systems of equations yields the number of solutions in Batch X and Batch Y?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) X + Y = 100.
0.4X + 0.7Y = 48.

Show Explanation
B) X + Y = 48.
0.4X + 0.7Y = 100.

Show Explanation
C) X + Y = 200.
0.4X + 0.7Y = 48.

Show Explanation
D) X + Y = 100.
40X + 70Y = 48.

Show Explanation

4 / 81

If every 2 out of 3 readymade shirts need alterations in the collar, every 3 out of 4 need alterations in the sleeves, and every 4 out of 5 need it in the body, how many alterations will be required for 60 shirts?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 24.
Show Explanation
B) 123.
Show Explanation
C) 133.
Show Explanation
D) 143.
Show Explanation

5 / 81

Three classes in a school all took the same test.

Class 1 achieved a mean score of 61, Class 2 achieved a mean score of 63, and class 3 achieved a mean score of 70. The mean score of the students for all three classes combined was 65. Class 1 contains twice as many students as Class 2.

Which one of the following statements about the number of students in class 3 is true?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Class 3 contains fewer students than Class 2.
Show Explanation
B) Class 3 contains the same number of students as Class 2.
Show Explanation
C) Class 3 contains more students than Class 2, but fewer than Class 1.
Show Explanation
D) Class 3 contains the same number of students as Class 1.
Show Explanation

6 / 81

During a trip, Jonathan had driven a total of 75 miles by 6:20 PM and a total of 85 miles by 6:40PM. He drove at the same rate for the entire trip. At what time had he driven a total of 140 miles?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

7 / 81

There are three giants: X, Y and Z. The total height of X and Y is 27 feet. The total height of X and Z is 42 feet. If Z is 4 times taller than Y, how tall is X?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 5 feet
Show Explanation
B) 15 feet
Show Explanation
C) 20 feet
Show Explanation
D) 22 feet
Show Explanation

8 / 81

A solid cube of 6 x 6 x 6 is cut into 216 small cubes of 1 x 1 x 1. The big cube had been painted on all its faces. How many of the small cubes are painted on at least 2 sides?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 9
Show Explanation
B) 16
Show Explanation
C) 48
Show Explanation
D) 56
Show Explanation

9 / 81

Sana draws some congruent rectangles and one triangle. She then shades in grey those parts of the rectangles that lie outside the triangle.

How big is the resulting grey area?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 10 cm2
Show Explanation
B) 12 cm2
Show Explanation
C) 14 cm2
Show Explanation
D) 15 cm2
Show Explanation

10 / 81

The size of a wooden block is 5 x 10 x 20 cm3. How many whole such blocks will you need to construct a solid wooden cube of minimum size?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 6
Show Explanation
B) 8
Show Explanation
C) 12
Show Explanation
D) 16
Show Explanation

11 / 81

The table below shows the oil production (in thousands of barrels) for four states from 2010 to 2014.

Based on the table, if an oil barrel was produced in 2012, which of the following is closest to the probability that the barrel was produced in Arkansas?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

12 / 81

A solid shape is made by joining three cubes together with the largest cube on the bottom and the smallest on the top. Where the faces of two cubes join, the corners of the smaller cube are at the midpoints of the sides of the larger cube.

The sides of the smallest cube have a length of 1 cm. What is the total surface area of the shape?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 30 cm2
Show Explanation
B) 33 cm2
Show Explanation
C) 36 cm2
Show Explanation
D) 39 cm2
Show Explanation

13 / 81

Victor wants to sell 3 watches, each at the same price. After negotiating with customers, however, he ends up selling one at a 30% discount, one at a 20% discount, and one at a 10% discount. If Victor sold the watches for a total of $240, how much money did he lose by giving the discounts?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

14 / 81

Of the following four scenarios, which one would result in exponential decay of the total amount of money kept in a safe?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

15 / 81

Aliza folds a square piece of paper twice and subsequently cuts it along the two lines as shown in the picture.

The resulting pieces of paper are then unfolded if possible.
Quantity X = the number of the pieces of paper which are squares.
Quantity Y = 5.

Compare Quantity X and Quantity Y

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Quantity X is greater than Quantity Y
Show Explanation
B) Quantity Y is greater than Quantity X
Show Explanation
C) Quantities X and Y are equal
Show Explanation
D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given
Show Explanation

16 / 81

A school has 378 girl students and 675 boy students. The school is divided into only boys or only girls sections. All sections in the school have the same number of students. Given this information, what is the total number of sections in the school?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 35.
Show Explanation
B) 38.
Show Explanation
C) 39
Show Explanation
D) 40
Show Explanation

17 / 81

Ahmed, Ali, Anam, Maryam and Ainee are siblings. They sit together for a picture. Ahmed wants to sit next to Anam.

In how many ways can they sit for the picture such that Ahmed is always next to Anam?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 16
Show Explanation
B) 28
Show Explanation
C) 36
Show Explanation
D) 48
Show Explanation

18 / 81

A grocery store has two recycling machines outside. The first recycling machine took in 240 plastic bottles and 180 metal cans. The second took in 30 percent more plastic bottles but 10 percent less metal cans. The second machine recycled what percent more items than the first (rounded to the nearest percent)?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

19 / 81

In a 100 m race, A can beat B by 25 m, and B can beat C by 4 m. In the same race, A can beat C by

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 21 m.
Show Explanation
B) 26 m.
Show Explanation
C) 28 m.
Show Explanation
D) 29 m.
Show Explanation

20 / 81

The baseball diamond is really a square. The distance between each of the bases is 90 feet as shown below. How far approximately does the catcher have to throw the ball to get from home plate to second base?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 90 feet
Show Explanation
B) 100 feet
Show Explanation
C) 127 feet
Show Explanation
D) 156 feet
Show Explanation

21 / 81

Ten years ago, X was half of Y’s age. If the ratio of their present ages is 3:4, what will be the total of their present ages?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 5
Show Explanation
B) 15
Show Explanation
C) 20
Show Explanation
D) 35
Show Explanation

22 / 81

In triangle XYZ, the angle Z is six times as large as angle X. The measure of angle Y is 52o greater than that of angle X. What is the measure of the angle Z?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 16o
Show Explanation
B) 32o
Show Explanation
C) 68o
Show Explanation
D) 96o
Show Explanation

23 / 81

Which of the following represents the solution set to the inequality 2x + 1 ≥ 9?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Option A
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B) Option B
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C) Option C
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D) Option D
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24 / 81

For a lemonade stand, the total cost c, in dollars, of selling n cups of lemonade is given by c = 100 + 1.5n, What is the best interpretation of the number 100 in this equation?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

25 / 81

In a survey of 100 students, 30 were studying Physics, 30 were studying Chemistry and 40 were studying Biology, but 6 were studying all the three subjects, while 11 studying Physics and Chemistry, 10 studying Chemistry and Biology and 12 studying Physics and Biology.

How many of them were non-science students?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 17
Show Explanation
B) 22
Show Explanation
C) 27
Show Explanation
D) 32
Show Explanation

26 / 81

An employee wishes to know the total number of female employees in the accounting department. Which two of the following statements together provide sufficient information to answer the question?

I. There are more women than men.

II. If 4 women are hired, the number of women in the department will become greater than 20.

III. If 5 men resign, the office will have 22 employees.

IV. There are more than 26 employees at the department.

V. There are 7 more women than men.

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) I and IV.
Show Explanation
B) II and IV.
Show Explanation
C) III and V.
Show Explanation
D) I and III.
Show Explanation

27 / 81

A train travelling at an average speed of 80 miles per hour takes 8 hours to complete a given trip. How much time would it take the train to complete the same trip if it traveled at an average speed of 120 miles per hour?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

28 / 81

Romesa wants to arrange the alphabets in ‘AGA KHAN’ in as many ways as she possibly can. In how many ways can she do this?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 6
Show Explanation
B) 840
Show Explanation
C) 1090
Show Explanation
D) 5040
Show Explanation

29 / 81

To determine whether low lighting affects reading speed, a researcher randomly selected 30 subjects to participate in a study. Half of the subjects were randomly assigned to read an article under low lighting (400 lumens) while the other half read the same article under normal lighting (900 lumens). The resulting data showed that the subjects who read the article under low lighting took significantly longer than those who read the article under normal lighting. Based on the design and results of the study, which of the following is an appropriate conclusion?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

30 / 81

Three four-digit numbers are written onto three separate pieces of paper as shown. The sum of the three numbers is 10126. Three of the digits in the picture are hidden.

Which are the hidden digits?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 5, 6 and 7.
Show Explanation
B) 4, 5 and 7.
Show Explanation
C) 4, 6 and 7.
Show Explanation
D) 4, 5 and 6.
Show Explanation

31 / 81

Two bus tickets from city A to B and three tickets from city A to C cost Rs.77, but three tickets from city A to B and two tickets from city A to C cost Rs.73. What are the fares for cities B and C from A?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Rs.4, Rs.23
Show Explanation
B) Rs.13, Rs.17
Show Explanation
C) Rs.15, Rs.14
Show Explanation
D) Rs.17, Rs.13
Show Explanation

32 / 81

Over a period of time Awais finds that on long-distance flights he flies economy class on 80% of flights. On the rest of the flights he flies first class.

When he flies economy class, the probability that he gets a good night’s sleep is x. When he flies first class, the probability that he gets a good night’s sleep is 0.9.

The probability that Awais gets a good night’s sleep on a randomly chosen flight is 0.3.

What is the value of x?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 0.15.
Show Explanation
B) 0.30.
Show Explanation
C) 0.55.
Show Explanation
D) 0.75.
Show Explanation

33 / 81

A school has four sections A, B, C, D of Class IX students.

The results of half yearly and annual examinations are shown in the table given below.

How many students are there in Class IX in the school?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 189
Show Explanation
B) 335
Show Explanation
C) 336
Show Explanation
D) 430
Show Explanation

34 / 81

Eisha is making punch for a winter party in a punch bowl that can hold at most 9 quarts. She wants to get as much vitamin C in her punch as possible, so she is using only orange juice and grape juice. She has 6 quarts of orange juice, which has 2 grams of vitamin C per quart, and 7 quarts of grape juice, which has 1 gram of vitamin C per quart.
If there are 4 cups in a quart, what is the greatest possible amount of vitamin C, in grams, that Eisha can have in one cup of her punch?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 5/12
Show Explanation
B) 7/12
Show Explanation
C) 1/4
Show Explanation
D) 3/4
Show Explanation

35 / 81

The area of a rectangle is 420 inches and its diagonal is 29 inches. Find its sides.

Mathematics Reasoning
AKU Mathematics Reasoning

36 / 81

At a certain pizza restaurant, 8 ounces of cheese is enough for ⅔ of a pizza. Given that there are 16 ounces in a pound, how many pizzas can be produced with 12 pounds of cheese?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

37 / 81

What is the highest common factor of 360, 500 and 700, given as the product of powers of its prime factors?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 2 x 5.
Show Explanation
B) 22 x 52.
Show Explanation
C) 22 x 3 x 5 x 7.
Show Explanation
D) 22 x 5.
Show Explanation

38 / 81

A school has four sections A, B, C, D of Class IX students.

The results of half yearly and annual examinations are shown in the table given below.

If the number of students passing an examination be considered a criteria for comparison of difficulty level of two examinations, which of the following statements is true in this context?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Half yearly examinations were more difficult
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B) Annual examinations were more difficult
Show Explanation
C) Both the examinations had almost the same difficulty level
Show Explanation
D) The two examinations cannot be compared for difficulty level
Show Explanation

39 / 81

Twelve contestants are taking part in a series of challenges.

Today’s challenge was an obstacle course, which they completed against the clock. The contestant who completed the course in the shortest time was awarded 5 points, the contestant with the second-best time was awarded 2 points, and contestants whose times were within 90 seconds of the second-best time were awarded 1 point each. The order in which the contestants competed and their times (min : sec) are shown below.

How many of the contestants scored points in today’s challenge?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 3
Show Explanation
B) 5
Show Explanation
C) 7
Show Explanation
D) 9
Show Explanation

40 / 81

Anam distributes some apples equally into six baskets. Safa distributes the same amount of apples equally into five baskets. Safa realizes that each of her baskets contains two more apples than Anam‘s basket.

How many apples did Anam distribute?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 60
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B) 65
Show Explanation
C) 75
Show Explanation
D) 90
Show Explanation

41 / 81

Akbar starts walking towards south. After walking 15 m, he turns towards north. After walking 20 m, he turns towards east and walks 10 m. He then turns towards south and walks 5 m.

How far is he from his original position?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) He is back at his original position
Show Explanation
B) 5 m
Show Explanation
C) 10 m
Show Explanation
D) 20 m
Show Explanation

42 / 81

On Friday, Janice read x pages every 30 minutes for 4 hours, and Kim read y pages every 15 minutes for 5 hours. Which of the following represents the total number of pages read by Janice and Kim on Friday?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

43 / 81

An employee at a general store wants to know the number of people standing in the queue at the counter. Which two of the following statements together provide sufficient information to answer the question?
I. If four more people join the queue, the number of people in the queue will be more than 15.
II. More than 10 people are standing in the queue.
III. There are more men than women in the queue.
IV. If three people give up and leave the queue, the number remaining will be less than 10.
V. Less than 20 people are standing in the queue

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) I and IV
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B) II and IV
Show Explanation
C) III and V
Show Explanation
D) I and III
Show Explanation

44 / 81

The lengths of the three sides of a triangle are different prime numbers. If two of the sides have lengths 3 and 11, which of the following could be the length of the third side?



III. 17

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

45 / 81

The length and breadth of the room are 8 m and 6 m respectively. A cat runs along all four walls and finally along a diagonal order to catch a rat. How much total distance is covered by the cat?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 14 m
Show Explanation
B) 28 m
Show Explanation
C) 38 m
Show Explanation
D) 56 m
Show Explanation

46 / 81

Richard has seven times as many pineapples as Fred. Nathan has three times as many pineapples as Fred. Richard has 32 more pineappleles than Nathan. How many pineapples does Fred have?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

47 / 81

The sum of the digits of a three-digit number is 17. The sum of the first and third digits is one more than three times the second digit. If the digits are reversed, the new number is 297 greater than the original number. What is the original number?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 359
Show Explanation
B) 548
Show Explanation
C) 763
Show Explanation
D) 845
Show Explanation

48 / 81

Call center A handles 20% fewer calls than Call center B. Call center B handles 20% fewer calls than Call center C. If Call center A handles 1,200 calls, how many calls does Call center C handle?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

49 / 81

A cube with side length 6 is shown in the figure below.

If point Q lies on square ABCD and is equidistant from points A, B, C, and D, what is the volume of pyramid EFGHQ? (Vpyramid = LWH/3)

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 18
Show Explanation
B) 36
Show Explanation
C) 72
Show Explanation
D) 144
Show Explanation

50 / 81

Two oranges, three bananas and four pineapples cost Rs.15. Three oranges, two bananas and one pineapple cost Rs.10. What is the cost of three oranges, three bananas and three pineapples?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Rs.15.
Show Explanation
B) Rs.20.
Show Explanation
C) Rs.25.
Show Explanation
D) Rs.30.
Show Explanation

51 / 81

The distance from the top of the sleeping cat on the floor to the top of the cat sitting on the table is 150 cm. The distance from the top the cat sitting on the floor to the top on the cat sleeping on the table is 110 cm. What is the height of the table?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 120 cm
Show Explanation
B) 130 cm
Show Explanation
C) 140 cm
Show Explanation
D) 145 cm
Show Explanation

52 / 81

This year, Roger beat Rafael in 25% of their tennis matches. If Rafael won 18 matches, how many matches did Roger win?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

53 / 81

The sum of four consecutive integers is 2. What is the smallest of these integers?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) -3
Show Explanation
B) -2
Show Explanation
C) -1
Show Explanation
D) 0
Show Explanation

54 / 81

At a movie theater, an adult ticket costs $10 and a bag of popcorn costs $6. If a group of adults bought tickets to a movie and 4 bags of popcorn, what expression could be used to determine how much in total the group spent, in dollars?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

55 / 81

Ahmed is 4 years older than Salal, who is 3 times as old as Saalaar.
If the sum of their ages is 25 years, how old is Salal?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 3 years
Show Explanation
B) 9 years
Show Explanation
C) 12 years
Show Explanation
D) 18 years
Show Explanation

56 / 81

There are five friends – Hamza, Kashif, Malik, Bilal and Rohan. Hamza is shorter than Kashif but taller than Rohan. Malik is the tallest. Bilal is a little shorter than Kashif and a little taller than Hamza. If they stand in the order of increasing heights, who will be the second?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Bilal
Show Explanation
B) Hamza
Show Explanation
C) Rohan
Show Explanation
D) Kashif
Show Explanation

57 / 81

If 4 men in 5 days eat 7 pounds of bread. How many pounds of bread will be sufficient for 16 men in 15 days?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 36
Show Explanation
B) 45
Show Explanation
C) 84
Show Explanation
D) 144
Show Explanation

58 / 81

Of the three numbers, second is twice the first and is also thrice the third. If the average of the three numbers is 44, what is the largest number?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 24
Show Explanation
B) 48
Show Explanation
C) 72
Show Explanation
D) 96
Show Explanation

59 / 81

A bag contains 6 blue marbles and 4 red marbles. Two marbles are selected at random, one after the other (the first marble is not replaced in the bag after it is taken out). What is the probability of drawing one red marble and one blue marble irrespective of the order?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 3/5
Show Explanation
B) 2/15
Show Explanation
C) 8/15
Show Explanation
D) 4/15
Show Explanation

60 / 81

The non-zero numbers P and Q are such that P + Q = 3(P – Q).
Quantity X = the value of PQ/(P2 + Q2).
Quantity Y = 2/5

Compare Quantity X and Quanity Y

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Quantity X is greater than Quantity Y
Show Explanation
B) Quantity Y is greater than Quantity X
Show Explanation
C) Quantities X and Y are equal
Show Explanation
D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given
Show Explanation

61 / 81

Some of the digits in the following correct addition have been replaced by the letters ?, ?, ? and ?, as shown. How much is ? + ? + ? + ??

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 14
Show Explanation
B) 15
Show Explanation
C) 16
Show Explanation
D) 17
Show Explanation

62 / 81

The object of the sport of archball is to kick the ball towards a circular target that has a hole in its center.

Two types of goal can be scored:
• A touch goal, worth 2 points, is scored when the ball makes contact with the target.
• A through goal, worth 5 points, is scored if the ball passes through the central hole.

Inter-school Archball Cup has been won this year by School X, beating School Y 23 – 14 in the final.

Which one of the following additional pieces of information is sufficient, by itself, for the total number of goals scored during the match to be deduced?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) School X scored more goals than School Y
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B) School X scored more touch goals than School Y
Show Explanation
C) More touch goals than through goals were scored during the match
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D) School Y scored more through goals than School X
Show Explanation

63 / 81

Quratulain plays basketball. Of her first 20 throws, 55% are successful. After five more throws, her success rate increases to 56%. How many of her last five throws were successful?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 1
Show Explanation
B) 2
Show Explanation
C) 3
Show Explanation
D) 4
Show Explanation

64 / 81

The average number of students per classroom, y, at Central High School can be estimated using the equation y = 0.8636x + 27.227, where x represents the number of years since 2004 and x ≤ 10. Which of the following statements is the best interpretation of the number 0.8636 in the context of this problem?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

65 / 81

A small pipe takes 24 minutes longer to fill a tank than it takes a large pipe. The two pipes together can fill the tank in 9 minutes. How long does it take the small pipe alone to fill the tank?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 12 minutes
Show Explanation
B) 18 minutes
Show Explanation
C) 24 minutes
Show Explanation
D) 36 minutes
Show Explanation

66 / 81

A bus leaves the station, travelling at a constant speed of 45 miles per hour. A second bus leaves the same station, heading in the same direction, 1 hour later travelling at a constant speed of 50 miles per hour.
Quantity X = 8 hours.
Quantity Y = the number of hours after the first bus left that the busses will pass each other.

Compare Quantity X and Quanity Y

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Quantity X is greater than Quantity Y
Show Explanation
B) Quantity Y is greater than Quantity X
Show Explanation
C) Quantities X and Y are equal
Show Explanation
D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given
Show Explanation

67 / 81

Carpet tiles are more expensive to fit around the edge of a room than when they are not touching the edge. The prices per tile (for the tile as well as its fitting) are:
Rs.800 for a tile immediately adjacent to a wall;
Rs.500 for a tile that is not immediately adjacent to a wall.
In the following plan drawings of four rooms, each tile is shown by a square.

Which of these rooms is the cheapest to tile?

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Room W
Show Explanation
B) Room X
Show Explanation
C) Room Y
Show Explanation
D) Room Z
Show Explanation

68 / 81

A lift can carry either 12 adults or 20 children.

Quantity X = the maximum number of children that could travel in the lift with 9 adults.

Quantity Y = 5.

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Quantity X is greater than Quantity Y.
Show Explanation
B) Quantity Y is greater than Quantity X.
Show Explanation
C) Quantities X and Y are equal.
Show Explanation
D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Show Explanation

69 / 81

A faulty register records only $5 for every $8 deposit. If the register shows a total balance of $40, what is the actual balance?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

70 / 81

A radioactive element loses 15 percent of its mass and 20 percent of its velocity. By what percent has its kinetic energy decreased?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

71 / 81

There are 50 dogs signed up to compete in a dog show. There are 36 more small dogs than large dogs signed up to compete. How many small dogs are signed up to compete?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 7
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B) 15
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C) 43
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D) 49
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72 / 81

The diagram shows a shape made from ten squares of side length 1 cm joined edge to edge.

What is the length of its perimeter?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 14 cm
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B) 18 cm
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C) 30 cm
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D) 32 cm
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73 / 81

Hashim is three times as old as his son, Junaid. After ten years, the sum of their ages will be 76 years. The present ages of Hashim and Junaid are

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 36 and 12 respectively.
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B) 42 and 14 respectively.
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C) 48 and 16 respectively.
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D) 54 and 18 respectively.
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74 / 81

A sports equipment manufacturer produced 3,600 footballs and 2,200 basketballs during the fall. In the winter season, it produced 3,060 footballs and a certain number of basketballs. If the manufacturer decreased the production of basketballs by the same percentage as it did for footballs, how many basketballs did it produce in the winter?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

75 / 81

How many four-sided shapes does this diagram have?

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 11-15.
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B) 16-20.
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C) 21-25.
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D) 26-30.
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76 / 81

How many triangles do you see in the following image?

AKU Practice Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 9
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B) 11
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C) 13
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D) 15
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77 / 81

The difference between two whole numbers is 66 and one number is four times the other number. If 10 is added to both the numbers, the ratio of the smaller number to the larger number will be

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) 7:19.
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B) 14:39.
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C) 15:32.
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D) 16:49.
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78 / 81

A certain pizza restaurant cuts slices out at every 4 inches along the edge of a pizza. What is the maximum number of full pizza slices that can be cut out from a circular pizza with a radius of 10 inches?

AKU Mock 1
Mathematics Reasoning

79 / 81

On Children’s Day, sweets were to be equally distributed among 175 children in a school. However, 35 children were absent and therefore, each child got 4 sweets extra.

Quantity X = the total number of sweets that were available for distribution.

Quantity Y = 2680.

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Quantity X is greater than Quantity Y.
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B) Quantity Y is greater than Quantity X.
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C) Quantities X and Y are equal.
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D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
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80 / 81

A drama club collected Rs.5445 from the sale of tickets. An adult ticket and a student ticket cost Rs.30 and Rs.15 respectively. They sold 63 more student tickets than adult tickets.

Quantity X = the number of student tickets.

Quantity Y = 163.

AKU Practice Mock 2
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Quantity X is greater than Quantity Y.
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B) Quantity X is greater than Quantity Y.
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C) Quantities X and Y are equal.
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D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
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81 / 81

Five friends bake ginger bread and subsequently meet up for a tasting session. Each one gives one of his ginger breads to each other person. Then each person eats all of the ginger bread they were given. After that the number of ginger breads halves.
Quantity X = the number of ginger breads the five friends had to begin with.
Quantity Y = 60

Compare Quantity X and Quanity Y

AKU Practice Mock 3
Mathematics Reasoning
A) Quantity X is greater than Quantity Y
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B) Quantity Y is greater than Quantity X
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C) Quantities X and Y are equal
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D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given
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