Mathematics Practice Tests 2

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Math Practice Test 2

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1 / 100

2 / 100

A mixed form of fraction is :

3 / 100

4 / 100

5 / 100

All trigonometric functions are ……………….. functions.

6 / 100

When we look an object above the horizontal ray, the angle formed is called angle of:

7 / 100

If any two vectors of scalar triple product are equal, then its value is equal to

8 / 100

9 / 100

10 / 100

11 / 100

The additive identity in set of complex number is

12 / 100

13 / 100

The method of induction was given by Francesco who lived from:

14 / 100

∫???+?? =

15 / 100

If ? be the set of real numbers, then the Cartesian plane is defined as

16 / 100

17 / 100

18 / 100

19 / 100

A card is drawn from a deck of 52 playing cards. The probability of card that it is an ace card is:

20 / 100

21 / 100

√3 is __________

22 / 100

23 / 100

Non occurrence of an event E is denoted by:

24 / 100

4. If a matrix A has ? rows and ? columns , then order of A is :

25 / 100

26 / 100

The inverse of a function exists only if it is

27 / 100

If the rotation of the angle is counter clock wise, then angle is:

28 / 100

A rectangular array of numbers enclosed by a square brackets is called:

29 / 100

A line bisecting 2nd and 4th quadrants has inclination:

30 / 100

31 / 100

. Altitudes of a triangle are:

32 / 100

The sum of all four fourth roots of unity is:

33 / 100

34 / 100

16. Four persons wants to sit in a circular sofa, the total ways are:

35 / 100

If the line segment obtained by joining any two points of a region lies entirely within the
region , then the region is called

36 / 100

The term “Function” was recognized by______ to describe the dependence of one quantity
to another.

37 / 100

38 / 100

39 / 100

40 / 100

41 / 100

The product of all four fourth roots of unity is:

42 / 100

In the normal form, ????? + ????? = ? the value of ? is

43 / 100

44 / 100

The angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc whose length is equal to the radius of
the circle is called:

45 / 100

 A decimal which has a finite numbers of digits in its decimal part is called            decimal.

(b)     (c)                  (d)

46 / 100

47 / 100

48 / 100

49 / 100

50 / 100

The straight line which passes through one vertex and though the mid-point of the opposite
side is called:

51 / 100

If the system of linear equations have no solution at all, then it is called a/an

52 / 100

53 / 100

A quadratic factor which cannot written as a product of linear factors with real coefficients is

54 / 100

Inverse of a line is :

55 / 100

56 / 100

57 / 100

7. Which can be reduced to Pythagoras theorem,

58 / 100

The horizontal lines of numbers in a matrix are called:

59 / 100

A set is a collection of objects which are

60 / 100

61 / 100

Every recurring decimal is

62 / 100

63 / 100

4. As sequence whose range is ? ?. ?., set of real numbers is called:

64 / 100

An equation containing at least one trigonometric function is called:

65 / 100

Two rays with a common starting point form:

66 / 100

67 / 100

68 / 100

The chord containing the centre of the circle is

69 / 100

The main diagonal elements of a skew hermitian matrix must be:

70 / 100

If a graph express a function , then a vertical line must cut the graph at

71 / 100

72 / 100

73 / 100

74 / 100

The horizontal lines of numbers in a matrix are called:

75 / 100

76 / 100

77 / 100

78 / 100

Parallelogram law of vector addition to describe the combined action of two forces, was used

79 / 100

80 / 100

The symbols used for inequality are

81 / 100

82 / 100

83 / 100

The equation in which variable occurs in exponent , called:

84 / 100

Which of the following is not a binary operation :

85 / 100

86 / 100

A linear inequality contains at least _________ variables.

87 / 100

A triangle which is not right is called:

88 / 100

Every function is:

89 / 100

For any matrix A , it is always true that

90 / 100

. Circle is the special case of :

91 / 100

For any parabola in the standard form , if the directrix is ? = ? , then its equation is

92 / 100

93 / 100

94 / 100

Corner point is also called

95 / 100

96 / 100

97 / 100

Product of cube roots of -1 is:

98 / 100

99 / 100

If an event always occurs , then it is called:

100 / 100

Your score is

The average score is 52%



One response to “Mathematics Practice Tests 2”

  1. Why there only question marks in the place where no.s should be. Completely undoable and useless because of that.

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