Kingdom Plantae Biology Chapter MCQs

FSC Biology MCQs

Bryophtes are called amphiabians of plant world because
A. Bryophytes like amphibian ancestors are one of the most primitive organisms in this world. B. Bryophytes like amphibian live in damp shady places and close to water body.
C. Amphibians have close relation with bryophytes in their habitat. D. All of these
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Horsetails are included in class
A. Sphenopeida B. Lycopsida
C. Psilopsida D. Pteropsida
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Which of the following statement about alternation of generation in bryophytes is incorrect?
A. It involves alternation of morphologically different generations B. Their gametophyte is independent while sporophyte depends upon gametophyte for nutrition.
C. Both the gametophyte and sporophytes are haploid generations thus can produce haploids gametes to continue the diploid number on fertilization D. Spore formation occurs through meiosis
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Antherozoids the male gamete in bryophytes are attracted towards Archegonium i.e. female sex organ by
A. Phototactic phenomenon B. Chemotactic phenomenon
C. Geotropic phenomenon D. Chemotropic movement
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Ferns are included in
A. Psilopsida B. Lycopsida
C. Sphenopsida D. Pteropsida
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Of the following which one is most advanced ?
A. Anthoceropsida B. Bryopsida
C. Hepaticopsida D. None of these
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The first cell of the sporophyte generation is
A. Oospore B. Spore mother cell
C. Spore D. Gamete
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Which of the following group of tracheophyta has expanded or scale like leaves which are alwaysed arranges in whorls?
A. Psilopsida B. Lycopsida
C. Sphenopsida D. Prteropsida
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Sporangia of which of the following tracheopytes develop singly on the upper side of sporophylls which may or may not be arranged to form strobili.
A. Psilopsida B. Lycopsida
C. Sphenopsida D. Prteropsida
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In term of spore production Selaginella is characterized by
A. Homosporous B. Hetrosporous
C. Both depending upon the conditions D. None of these
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