Growth and Development 11 FSC Pre Medical MCQs

FSC Biology MCQs

Growth process is
A. Irreversible B. Reversible
C. Sometimes reversible sometimes irreversible D. Temporary
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Speed of growth is
A. Rapid throughout B. Slow throughout
C. First slow then rapid then slow again D. First rapid then slow
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Higher plants grow through
A. Growing points B. Whole plant body is capable of growing
C. Only roots grow D. None of these
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Apical meristems are located at
A. Tips of leaves B. Tips of flowers
C. Tips of roots and stems D. Tips of roots only
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Vegetative roots and shoots grow by
A. Determinate growth B. Primary growth only
C. Indeterminate growth D. None of these
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Cambium are examples of
A. Apical meristems B. Intercalary meristems
C. Lateral meristems D. None of these
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In multicellular plants cell division occur by
A. Binary fission B. Conjugation
C. Meiosis D. Mitosis
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Plasticity of cell wall increases during
A. Cell maturation B. Cell elongation
C. Cell differentiation D. Cell division
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Which one is incorrect
A. Red light favours elongation of cells B. Blue light retards cell enlargement
C. UV rays retards cell elongation D. UV rays retard cell division
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Growth of apical buds suppressing lower axillary buds is
A. Lateral dominance B. Compensatory dominance
C. Apical dominance D. Both a and b
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