KMU MDCAT Past Paper 2016

KMU MDCAT Past Papers 2016

Paper Instructions

The Correct answer and explanation will be shown instantly once you select an option

This MDCAT paper consists of a total of 200 Questions

  • 20 English
  • 80 Biology
  • 60 Chemistry
  • 40 Physics

The time allotted for this paper was 210 minutes, however, You are free to leave at any point and resume or start over. Each question has only one correct answer.

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Created by Ali Durrani

KMU MDCAT 2016 Past Paper

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1 / 200

Auxin travels by diffusion towards:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Shoot
B) Flowers
C) Leaves
D) Base of plant

2 / 200

Which of the following is correct about speed of nerve impulse:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Thicker the nerve fiber-less resistance to flow of current-faster the nerve impulse.
B) Thicker the nerve fiber-more resistance to flow of current-slower the nerve impulse
C) Thinner the nerve fiber-less resistance to flow of current-slower the nerve impulse
D) None of the above

3 / 200

Sense of taste is called:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Gustation
B) Tactition
C) Nociception
D) Olfaction

4 / 200

The tissue culture method occur in the following sequence:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Sterilization -> media preparation -> inoculation -> callus development -> plantlets
B) Media preparation -> sterilization -> inoculation -> callus development -> plantlets
C) Media preparation -> inoculation -> sterilization -> callus development -> plantlets
D) Inoculation -> sterilization -> media preparation -> callus development -> plantlets

5 / 200

Which of the following statements is correct?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Antipyretic drugs lower the temperature set point
B) Antipyretic drugs rise the temperature set point
C) Antipyretic drugs do not effect on temperature set point
D) Antipyretic drugs first lower the temperature set point and then rise

6 / 200

Pigment combination of a carotenoid is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Blue, green, brown, or red
B) Orange, yellow, blue, or brown
C) Yellow, orange, red, or brown
D) Blue, red, orange, or brown

7 / 200

The study of fishes is called:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Ornithology
B) Ichthyology
C) Herpetology
D) Ethoogy

8 / 200

D.N.A of bacterium is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Haploid, single stranded, coiled
B) Diploid, double stranded, coiled
C) Haploid, double stranded, coiled
D) Diploid, single stranded, coiled

9 / 200

The females of one of the following classes possess a single overy, that is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Pisces
B) Amphibia
C) Reptilia
D) Aves

10 / 200

The outer tissue of cambium develops in to:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Xylem
B) Phloem
C) Cortex
D) Epidermis

11 / 200

Which of the following is non-steroidal hormone?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Cortisol
B) Testosterone

C) Insulin
D) Aldosterone

12 / 200

Stop codons are:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:


13 / 200

Reptiles flourished in __________ period.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Jurassic
B) Mesozoic
C) Metazolc
D) Both (a) & (b)

14 / 200

In a cricket match 500 spectators are counted one by one. How many significant figures will be there in the final result?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3

15 / 200

The guard cell of the stomata in Monocot is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Kidney shape
B) Oval
C) Rounded
D) Dumbbell shaped

16 / 200

The mutation that occurs in an egg or sperm cell, or those that occur just after fertilization, are called _______ mutation.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) New
B) De novo
C) Drift
D) Both (a) & (b)

17 / 200

Individuality of every persons is maintained by nucleotide genome sequence difference of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) .1%
B) 2%
C) 3%
D) 5%

18 / 200

In case of immunity, the first line of body defense is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Macrophages
B) Lymphocytes
C) Blood cells
D) Skin

19 / 200

All of the following are micronutrients accept

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Iron
B) Chlorine
C) Copper
D) Potassium

20 / 200

“Portuguese-man of war” is the:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Desert-snake
B) Coelenterate
C) A big-reptile
D) Black-forest monkey

21 / 200

The botanical name of deadly nightshade is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Atropa belladonna
B) Taxusbaccata
C) Narcissus spp
D) Both (a) & (b)

22 / 200

Transport of organic solutes from the source of assimilation to the source of sink is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Transportation
B) Transduction
C) Translocation
D) Transformation

23 / 200

Amphibians generally have three chambers in their hearts. What type of chambers they are?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) One ventricle, one atrium, one outflow tract
B) Two ventricles, one atrium
C) One ventricle, one atrium
D) One ventricle, one atrium, one sinus venous

24 / 200

Mature cells of cartilage are:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Chondrocytes
B) Osteocytes
C) Osteoblasts
D) Osteoclasts

25 / 200

The 1st symptom of Leaf curl disease of cotton infection appear within:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 1 – 2 weeks
B) 2 – 3 weeks
C) 3 – 4 weeks
D) 4 – 5 weeks

26 / 200

The roots given out from rhizome of fern are called:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Pneumatophore
B) Phizophores
C) Rhizoids
D) Adventitious roots

27 / 200

Oligosaccharides are involved in the formation of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Secreted proteins
B) Blood clotting factors
C) Anti-bodies
D) All of the above

28 / 200

Eating of high carbohydrate food are signs and symptoms of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Obesity
B) Bulimia nervosa
C) Dyspepsia
D) Anorexia nervosa

29 / 200

The percentage of symbolic association by Ascomycota is more than:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 50%
B) 40%
C) 20%
D) 30%

30 / 200

The tissues present in anglosperms but absent in gymnosperms are:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Vessels
Show Explanation
B) Companion cell
Show Explanation
C) Sieve tube
Show Explanation
D) Both (a) and (b)
Show Explanation

31 / 200

Which one of the following discovered the vaccine for first time against the small pox in 1796.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Edward Jenner
B) Hoistem wings
C) F. H Herbor
D) JammesShwang

32 / 200

Delayed wound healing is caused by deficiency of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Zn
B) Fe
C) Co
D) Mn

33 / 200

Rootless, stem-less and leafless plants are:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Liverworts
B) Mosses
C) Psilopsida
D) Onion

34 / 200

Exophthalmia is a classic symptom of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Hyperglycemia
Show Explanation
B) Hypocalcemia
Show Explanation
C) Hypochondria
Show Explanation
D) Hypercalcemia
Show Explanation

35 / 200

Archaea live in both extreme and moderate environments those living in extreme condition are called:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Extremophile
B) Methanogeus

C) Extremophyte
D) Extremogeus

36 / 200

Kelps are:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Diatoms
B) Red-algae
C) Green-algae
D) Brown-algae

37 / 200

Photorespiration involved the following reaction which occurs in the sequence of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Glycolate –> Glycine, Glycine –> Serine + CO2, RuBP + O2 –> Glycolate
B) RuBP+ O2 –> Glycolate, Glycine –> Serine+ CO2, Glycolate –> Glycine
C) RuBP+ O2 –> Glycolate, Glycolate –> Glycine, Glycine –> Serine + CO2
D) Glycine –> Serine + CO2, RuBP+ O2 –> Glycolate, Glycolate –> Glycine

38 / 200

World-wide, mortality rate per annum due to AIDS is more than:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) One million
B) Two million
C) Three million
D) five-million

39 / 200

The most abundant lymphocytes are:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) C–cells
B) A & B cells
C) B & C cells
D) B & T cells

40 / 200

Percentage of CO2 carried by plasma proteins is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 5%
B) 6%
C) 7%
D) 8%

41 / 200

The number of cortical nephrons are:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 70–80%
B) 80–90%
C) 60–70%
D) 60–80%

42 / 200

A condition in which the artery is thickened and blocked by cholesterol is called.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Arteriosclerosis
B) Atherosclerosis
C) Thrombosis
D) Embolism

43 / 200

The ripened & fertilized ovule is called:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Fruit
B) Seed
C) Endosperm
D) Perisperm

44 / 200

Porifera is related to the sub Kingdom of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Protozoa
B) Parazoa
C) Metazoa
D) Aves

45 / 200

The hydrated cations of first transition series that imparts a blue color:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Cr+2, CO+2, Cu+2
B) Cu+2, Zn+2, Ti+4
C) Tt+3, Zn+2, Cu+2
D) Cr+3, Tt+4, Cu+2

46 / 200

A slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by the impairment of memory and eventually by disturbance in reasoning, planning, language and perception is one of the following?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Alzheimer‘s disease
B) Meningitis
C) Cerebrovascular accident
D) Malignant

47 / 200

Each kidney of human being is weighing about:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 140 grams
B) 160 grams
C) 130 grams
D) 150 grams

48 / 200

“C.S.F” is found in between.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Pia matter and dura mater
B) Pia mater and arachnoid mater
C) Pia mater and neural canal
D) Dura mater and arachnoid mater

49 / 200

Which one of the following comes into existence when bacterial plasmid naturally modified to produce it?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) pBR 322
B) Npq 303
C) oSR 210
D) kMG 319

50 / 200

Chiroptera are:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Flying mammals
B) Flesh eating mammals
C) Hoofed mammals
D) Aquatic mammals

51 / 200

Hormone inhibin is produced by

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Hypothalamus
B) Pituitary gland
C) Prostrate
D) Sertoli cells

52 / 200

Which of the following statement is correct?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) High concentration of ADH increases blood pressure
B) High concentration of ADH decreases blood pressure
C) High concentration of ADH does not affect blood pressure
D) High concentration of ADH bring blood pressure to normal

53 / 200

The florescent pigments in the eyes of fruit fly is an example of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Over dominance
B) Complete dominance
C) Incompliete
D) Co-dominance

54 / 200

That 1st field trial of genetically engineered plants occurred in France and USA in:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 1980
B) 1982
C) 1984
D) 1986

55 / 200

The swallowing process is regulated by:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Throat
B) Pharynx
C) Medulla oblongata
D) Stomach

56 / 200

Release of calcium from bone in to blood is controlled by

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Parathormone
B) Calcitonin
C) Thyroxine
D) Both (a) & (b)

57 / 200

Independent gametophyte and sporophyte are found in:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Liverworts
B) Tracheophytes
C) Ectocarpus
D) Mosses

58 / 200

The main axis culminates in a flower and produces three or more daughter axis each of which continues the branching in similar manner is know as:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Unipwarous cyme
B) biparous cyme
C) Multiparous cyme
D) Cymosecapitulum

59 / 200

Outer wall of guard cell is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Thick & elastic
B) Thick & non elastic
C) Thin & elastic
D) Thin & non elastic

60 / 200

Of the following the dioeclous plant be

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) sun-flower
B) Wheat
C) Mulberry
D) Maize

61 / 200

Basidiocarps are developed by:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Primary mycelium
B) Secondary mycelium
C) Tertiary mycelium
D) Quaternary mycelium

62 / 200

The Sulphur Bacteria which obtain energy by oxidizing H2S instead of water is called:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Alpha proteobacteria
B) Beta proteobacteria
C) Gamma proteobacteria
D) Gamma proteobacteria

63 / 200

Which of the following is spontaneous reaction?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

64 / 200

Choose the one which is not the assumption of collision theory of reaction rate:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) For chemical reaction to occur molecule/ particles must colloids
B) For reacting molecules/ Particles must possess a certain minimum amount of energy, the activation of energy
C) Every collision is not productive
D) For hydrogen molecule formation from atoms require specific orientation

65 / 200

Primary amines on treatment with alkyl halide yield;

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Secondary amine
B) Tertiary amine
C) Quaternary ammonium salt
D) Mixture of (a), (b) & (c)

66 / 200

How many sodium ions (Na+) will be pumped out, when IO-postassium ions (K+) are transported inward of resting member potential.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 5
B) 10
C) 15
D) 20

67 / 200

A dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a flask containing time stone a gas is produced which is dissolved in time water in a test tube a white precipitate is formed the precipitate is of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) CaSO4
B) CaCO3
C) CaCl2
D) MgCO3

68 / 200

Choose reaction that does not require ZnCl3 catalyst:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) CH3CH2OH + HCl –> CH3CH2Cl + H2O
B) CH3CH2OH + HBr –> CH3CH2Br + H2O
C) CH3CH2OH + Hl –> CH3CH2l + H2O
D) Both (b) & (c)

69 / 200

Which statement is correct for three way catalytic converter:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Reduces emission of unburnt HC‘s
B) Reduces pollutants
C) Oxidize pollutant like CO
D) All of the above

70 / 200

If one Faraday was to be 30,230 coulombs instead of 96,500 coulombs then charge on an electron is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 1.5 x 10–19C
B) 1 x 10–19C
C) 0.5 x 10–19C
D) 6.02 x 10–19C

71 / 200

Select the correct reaction of the following

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) SnO + 4NaOH –> Sn (OH)4 + 2Na2O
B) SnO + 4NaOH –> Na4Sn (OH)4
C) SnO + 2NaOH –> Na2Sn (OH)4
D) None of the above

72 / 200

In the CH3CH2C = CH + H2O ->?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:


73 / 200

Pka values of some acids are given below:
Choose the weaker acid?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) HClO4 (–10)
B) HBr (–9)
C) H2SO4 (–3)
D) HCl (–7)

74 / 200

Carbon monoxide can be converted by hydrogenolysis to alkanes by the process known as:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Contact process
B) Fischer-tropsch (FT) process
C) Fermentation process
D) Haber-Bosch process

75 / 200

Which of the following electronic configuration is / are
(i) 23Na 1S22S22P63S1
(ii)29Cu [Ar] 4S13d10
(iii)24Cr [Ar] 4S23d4

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) I only
B) I and III only
C) I and II only
D) II and III only

76 / 200

What is the concentration moles/liter of nitric acid solution having PH of 4?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 4
B) -4
C) 10-4
D) 10-10

77 / 200

Which is not correct about the manufacture of ammonia by Haber – Process? The break opening of the nitrogen triple bond (N = N) to form N2H2 in first step of the reaction is taken as:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Very difficult step
B) Highly unstable product
C) Highly endothermic
D) None of the above

78 / 200

The compound Aldehyde hydrazone is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Option A
B) Option B
C) Option C
D) Option D

79 / 200

How many oxygen atoms are present in 278g of Hydrated Ferrous Sulphate?

(FeSO4.7Hz 0 = 278 any)

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 6.023 x 1023
B) 6.525 x 1024
C) 2.408 x 1023
D) 6.023 x 1022

80 / 200

Graphite is one of the allotropic form of Carbon it is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Isotropic
B) Anisotropic
C) Bond conductor of electricity
D) Both (b) & (c)

81 / 200

Choose reaction that is not correct?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Option A
B) Option B
C) Option C
D) Option D

82 / 200

Ethanal reacts with CH3CH2Mg Br the product formed is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Option A
B) Option B
C) Option C
D) Option D

83 / 200

What are the values of principal quantum number and azimuthal quantum number for the last electron in Chlorine atom?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 1.6
B) 1.3
C) 3.1
D) 6.1

84 / 200

2XeF6 + SiO2 –> 2XeOF4 + SiF4 Consider the above chemical reaction. If 122.6 g of XeF6 reacts with 60 g of SiO2 to form the products. Select the limiting reagent and amount of SiF4 formed: (XeF6 245.3 amu, SiO2 = 60 amu, SiF4 = 104 amu)

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) XeF6, 26 g
B) SlO2, 26 g
C) XeF6, 52 g
D) SlO2, 52 g

85 / 200

How much phosphorus is required by an adult man per day?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 500 mg
B) 400 mg
C) 800 mg
D) 1800 mg

86 / 200

Which of the following are components of homeostatic mechanism;

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Receptor, Regulators, Effectors
B) Receptors, Integrator, Effectors
C) Sensors, Brain, Effectors
D) All of the above

87 / 200

Kp = Kc (RT)△n in the equation if △n < 0 then: ETEA 2016 Chemistry Elimination Tool: A) Kp = Ke B) KpKe D) Kp< 0

88 / 200

The ground state energy of H-atom is 13.6 eV. The energy needed to lonize H-atom from its second excited state is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 1.51 eV
B) 3.4 eV
C) 13.6 eV
D) 12.1 eV

89 / 200

Which is not true about Grignard reagent?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) They are highly reactive compounds
B) They are very stable compounds and can be isolated easily
C) They have synthetic importance
D) They are represented by general formula RMgX.

90 / 200

Select the correct order of the acids strength?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:


91 / 200

Select the reaction when the supply of air is very limited.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) CH4 + 202->CO2 + 2H2O + heat
B) 2CH4 + 3O2-> 2CO2 + 4H2O + heat
C) CH3 – CH3 + 7O2-> CO2 + 6H2O + heat
D) 2CH4 + 2O2-> 2C + 4H2O + heat

92 / 200

Chemical shift in NMR spectroscopy is expressed as delta (δ) or tan (t) scale. Choose the correct relationship between δ and t:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) δ = 10 – t
B) δ = 10 + t
C) t = δ – 10
D) t = 10 – δ

93 / 200

Read the statement carefully and choose the correct option.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 2.47 V
B) 0.087 V
C) – 0.87 V
D) 5.81 V

94 / 200

The correct order of the reactivity of hydrocarbon given below is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) C2H4> C2H2> C6H6
B) C6H6> C2H4> C2H2
C) C2H4> C2H4> C6H6
D) C2H2> C6H6> C2H4

95 / 200

A neutron with K.E equal to 0.04ev is called?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Slow neutron
B) Thermal neutron
C) Fast neutron
D) Both (a) and (b)

96 / 200

Read the statement carefully and choose the correct option.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

97 / 200

The main components of lipstick are:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Mixture of non-volatile oil and solid wax
B) Mixture of volatile oil and wax

C) Fats and wax
D) Fates, oil and wax

98 / 200

The spin states of a nucleus of an atom in absence of applied magnetic field have:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Different energies
B) Equal energies
C) Zero energies
D) High energies

99 / 200

Radiation damages living organism is primarily due to:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Excitation phenomena
B) Ionization
C) Photo electric effect
D) Heating
E) All of them

100 / 200

At absolute zero the molecules of hydrogen gas will have:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Only translational motion
B) Only vibrational motion
C) Only rotational motion
D) All the motion are ceased

101 / 200

Choose the true statement regarding the reaction given below

2Na(g) + Cl2(g)–> 2NaCl(s)

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Chloride is oxidized and sodium is reduced
B) Chlorine acts as an oxidizing agent and sodium as reducing agent
C) Chlorine acts as a reducing agent and
D) None of the above

102 / 200

Chromium compounds in which oxidation state of chromium is 2 + behaves as a:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Strong oxidizing agent
B) Strong reducing agent
C) Very weak oxidizing agent
D) Very weak reducing agent

103 / 200

Which of the following solution will have

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 1 molar solution of urea
B) 1 molar solution of glucose

C) 1 molar solution of sodium chloride
D) 1 molar solution of magnesium chloride

104 / 200

What is the formula of Dichloro-Bis-ethylenediamine cobalt (II)?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) [CO (en)2 Cl2]
B) [CO (en)2 Cl2]2–

C) [CO (ebn)2 Cl2]1–

D) [CO (en)2 Cl2]1+

105 / 200

What will be the shape of a molecule which contains two sigma bond pairs and one lone pair?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Linear
B) V shape
C) Tetragonal
D) Triangular

106 / 200

The water formed in the combustion analysis is usually absorbed by:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Mg (NO3)2
B) Mg (ClO4)2
C) Mg (OH)2
D) Mg (ClO2)2

107 / 200

The total energy of a hydrogen atom in its ground state is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Zero
B) Negative
C) Positive
D) None of the above

108 / 200

The path traced by beta particles in air is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Straight
B) Erratic
C) Circular
D) Elliptical

109 / 200

Which is the correct IUPAC name of the compound given below?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Acetophenon
B) Phenylethanone
C) Phenyl ethanal
D) Phenylacetate

110 / 200

Lithium reacts with air to form:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Li2O
B) Li2N
C) Li2O2 + Li2CO3
D) Both (a) & (b)

111 / 200

The electronic transition that is involved in the visible region is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

112 / 200

XYZ are the elements in the same short period of the periodic table the oxide of X is amphoteric the Exide of Y is basic and the Exide of Z is acidic what is the order of increasing atomic number for these elements?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:


113 / 200

Shown below are portion of orbital diagrams representing the ground state electronic configuration of certain elements. Which of them obeys the Pauli‘s exclusion principle and Hund‘s rules?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Option A
B) Option B
C) Option C
D) Both option B and C are correct

114 / 200

When small amount of ammonia is added to CUSO4 solution in water, blue PPt of [Cu(H2O)4(OH)2] is formed. The blue PPt dissolves on addition of excess of ammonia. The product formed is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) [Cu(H2O)2 (NH3)2 (OH)2]
B) [Cu(NH3)4 (OH)2]

C) [Cu (NH3)4 (H2O)2]2+
D) [Cu (NH3)3 (H2O3]2+

115 / 200

The osmotic pressure of dilute solution is given below by relationship:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

116 / 200

In which of the following reaction hydrogen acts as oxidizing agent.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) H2 + Cl2 –> 2HCl
B) C2H4 + H2 –> C2H6
C) 2Na + H2 –> 2NaH
D) N2 + 3H2 –> 2NH3

117 / 200

Ethoxy ethane when treated with conc: H2SO4, it produces:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Carbocation
B) Oxonium ion
C) Carbanion
D) Oxalate ion

118 / 200

A water sample contains 3.8 x 103g of mercury per kilo gram of the sample. What is the concentration of mercury in parts per million?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 3.8 ppm
B) 38 ppm
C) 0.38 ppm
D) 380 ppm

119 / 200

Choose the correct statement:

DDT an insecticide is considered as:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Very unstable molecule having half-life 1⁄2 to 1 year
B) Unstable molecule having half-life 2 to 5 years
C) Stable molecule having half-life 5 to 8 years
D) Very stable molecule having half-life 10 to 15 years

120 / 200

Select meta directing group of the following?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) –OH
B) – NR2
C) –CN
D) –OR

121 / 200

I insist ______ the withdrawal of your statement.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) for
B) on
C) at
D) in

122 / 200

Choose the correct sentence.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) He can speak Japanese because he was born in Canada.
B) He can speak Japanese until he was born in Canada.
C) He can speak Japanese even though he was born in Canada
D) He can speak Japanese so he was born in Canada.

123 / 200

The principal has forbidden smoking on the campus.

Select the correct passive voice:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Smoking has been forbidden on the campus by the principal.
B) Smoking had been forbidden on the campus by the principal.
C) Smoking was being forbidden on the campus by the principal.
D) It is forbidden by the principal to smoke on campus.

124 / 200

Your friend proved more sympathetic than I, expected he ________ do.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) will
B) shall
C) would
D) should

125 / 200

Choose the word opposite in meaning to the capitalized word “TANGIBLE”:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Embodied
B) Conceptual
C) Phenomenal
D) Verifiable

126 / 200

If you like sport, this is a great place. There‘s a lot to choose __________.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Among
B) From
C) At
D) For

127 / 200

_________ my mind, what we need in this company is a better marketing plan.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) For
B) In
C) To
D) At

128 / 200

Anwar said, “Naveed must go tomorrow”. Select the correct indirect speech:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Anwar declared that Naveed must have gone the following day

B) Anwar exclaimed that Naveed would have to go the following day.
C) Anwar said that Naveed would have to go the following day.
D) Anwar said that Naveed shall go the following day.

129 / 200

Choose the word opposite in meaning to the capitalized word “ANARCHIC”:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Riotous
B) Turbulent

C) Disordered
D) Organized

130 / 200

Choose the correct sentence.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Each contained a different specie of insect.
B) Each contained a different species of insect.
C) Each contained a different specie of insects.
D) Each contained a different specei of insect.

131 / 200

The candidate ________ when asked why he had left his last job; he did not want to admit that he had been dismissed.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Demurred
B) Confided
C) Dissembled
D) Rejoiced

132 / 200

The revolution in art has not lost its steam; it __________ on as fiercely as ever.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Trudges
B) Meanders
C) Ambles
D) Rages

133 / 200

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized word “PRODIGIOUS”

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Enormous
B) Sacred
C) Seismic
D) Tiny

134 / 200

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized word “OBLITERATE”:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Offend
B) Haul
C) Rent
D) Destroy

135 / 200

“I am disappointed that you feel you have to lie to me, Jason,” said his father.

Select the correct indirect speech:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) His father said to Jason that he is sorry to feel disappointed that he has to lie to me.
B) Jason‘s father said to him that he was sorry that he felt he had to lie to me.
C) Jason‘s father said that he was disappointed to know that he felt he had to lie to him.
D) Jason‘s father was disappointed and sorry that he had to lie to him and that he felt it.

136 / 200

Choose the correct sentence

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Turn left by the crossroads when you reach it
B) Turn left by the crossroads until you reach it.
C) Turn left with the crossroads when you reach it.
D) Turn left at the crossroads when you reach it.

137 / 200

“Frown on somebody” means to:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Fall flat upon a stranger
B) Stay alive working hard
C) Unable to be successful
D) Disapprove of somebody

138 / 200

As you have not prepared your work, ……

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) You may not fail in the examination
B) You could prepare harder next time
C) You would do better in the examination
D) You are not likely to do well this time

139 / 200

Together the old man and the young boy washed the dishes.

Select the correct passive voice:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) The old man and the young boy were washing the dishes together.
B) The old man and the young boy together washed the dishes.
C) The old man and the young boy together washed the dishes.
D) Together the old man and the young boy washed thTogether, the old man and the young boy wash the

140 / 200

Communication technology has brought a tremendous revolution in modern societies. Select the correct passive voice:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) A tremendous revolution has been brought in communication technology in modern societies.
B) In modern societies a tremendous revolutions has been brought in communication technology.
C) A tremendous revolution has brought in communication technology in modern societies
D) Communication technology has tremendous revolution brought in modern societies

141 / 200

The total energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Inversely proportional to the square of the amplitude
B) Directly proportional to the amplitude
C) Zero
D) Directly proportional to the square of the amplitude

142 / 200

In Compton scattering from stationary electrons the largest change in wavelength occurs when the photon is scattered through:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 00
B) 450
C) 900
D) 1800

143 / 200

The infrared spectra commonly referred to as IR spectra is usually expressed as:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Wave length
B) Wave number
C) Frequency
D) All of the above

144 / 200

A 30-cm long string, with one end clamped and the other free to move transversely, is vibrating in its second harmonic. The wavelength of the constituent traveling waves is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 10 cm
B) 30 cm
C) 40 cm
D) 120 cm

145 / 200

The number of loops in the standing waves is directly dependent on:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Wavelength
B) Frequency
C) Velocity
D) Speed

146 / 200

A particle, held by a string whose other end is attached to a fixed point C, moves in a circle on a horizontal frictionless surface. If the string is cut, the angular momentum of the particle about the point: C.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Increases
B) Decreases
C) Does not change
D) Changes direction but not magnitude

147 / 200

In pure inductance, the average power dissipated is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 1
B) Greater than 1

C) Less than 1
D) Zero

148 / 200

Two tuning forks of frequencies 256Hz and 260Hz are sounded together the time interval between two consecutive maximum sound heard by a listener is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 0.5 Sec
B) 2 Sec
C) 1 Sec
D) 0.25 Sec

149 / 200

If the potential difference across a resistor is doubled:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Only the current is doubled
B) Only the current is halved
C) Only the resistance is doubled
D) Only the resistance is halved

150 / 200

Signal from a remote control to the device operated by it, travels with the speed of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Sound
B) Supersonic
C) Ultrasonic
D) Light

151 / 200

In Einstein‘s universe what is the fourth dimension:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Distance
B) Speed
C) Time
D) Energy

152 / 200

The functional group region in infra-red spectrum lies between:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 500 – 1300cm–1
B) 600 – 1500cm–1
C) 1500 – 4000cm–1
D) 2500 – 3500cm–1

153 / 200

As a loop of wire with a resistance of 10Ωmoves in a constant non-uniform magnetic field, it loses kinetic energy at a uniform rate of 4.0 ms/s. The induced current in the loop is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 0
B) 2 mA
C) 2.8 mA
D) 20 mA

154 / 200

The changing electric flux in a certain region of space produces:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) An electric field
B) Magnetic field
C) both S// and A//
D) None of the above

155 / 200

A hydrogen atom that has lost its electron is moving east in a region where the magnetic moving east in a region where the magnetic fields directed from south to north. It will be deflected:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Up
B) Down
C) North
D) South

156 / 200

An object of mass 1 g is whirled in a horizontal circle of radius 0.5m at a constant speed of 2m/s. The work done on the object during one revolution is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 0
B) 1 J
C) 2 J
D) 4 J

157 / 200

Two projectiles are in flight at the same time. The acceleration of one relative to the other:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Is always 9.8 m/s2
B) Can be as large as 19.8 m/s2
C) Can be horizontal
D) Is zero

158 / 200

Which is strong electrolyte?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Ca(OH)2
B) SiCI4
C) KCl
D) SrCl2

159 / 200

A.C and D.C have the same:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Affect in charging battery
B) Affect in charging capacitor
C) Heating effect through a resistance
D) Affect passing through an inductance

160 / 200

Angle that a body traverses at the centre of a circle in two turns is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

161 / 200

The time period of a simple pendulum is 2 seconds. If its length is increased by 4 times, then its period becomes:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 16 s
B) 12 s
C) 8 s
D) 4 s

162 / 200

Read the statement carefully and choose the correct option.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) m-2/s-2
B) N/m2
C) Kg/m2
D) m3/Kg

163 / 200

Newton’s third law can be derived from:

ETEA 2016
Forces and Motion
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Elimination Tool:

A) Newton’s first law
B) Newton’s second law
C) Both Options A and B are correct
D) They are unrelated

164 / 200

X-rays are widely used as a diagnostic tool in medicine because of its:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Particle property
B) Cost of X-ray unit is low
C) High penetrating power
D) It is not electromagnetic waves

165 / 200

The rotational inertia of a disk about its axis is 0.70 Kg. m2. When a 2.0-kg weight is added to itsrim, 0.40m from the axis, the rotational inertia becomes:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 0.38 Kg – m2

B) 0.54 kg – m2
C) 0.86 kg – m2

D) 1.0 kg – m2

166 / 200

If each vector have unit magnitude than ⃗A. ⃗A is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) South
B) One
C) North
D) West

167 / 200

Which characteristic of sound enables us to distinguish two musical notes coming from different sources but having the same frequency and loudness?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Timbre
B) Quality
C) Both Options A and B are correct
D) None of these options are correct

168 / 200

A total charge of 100C flows through a 12W bulb in a time of 50 second. What is the potential difference across the bulb during this time?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 0.12V
B) 2.0V
C) 6.0V
D) 24V

169 / 200

A mass accelerates uniformly when the resultant force acting on it is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Zero
B) Constant but not zero
C) Increases uniformly with respect to time
D) Both (a) & (c)

170 / 200

A charged capacitor stores 10 C at 40 V. Its stored energy is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 400 J
B) 4 J
C) 0.2 J
D) 200 J

171 / 200

A vector of magnitude 20 is added to a vector of magnitude 25. The magnitude of this sum might be:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Zero
B) 3
C) 12
D) 47

172 / 200

If 50 KV is the applied potential in ax X-ray tube then the minimum wavelength of X-rays produced is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 0.2 nm
B) 2 nm
C) 0.02 nm
D) 2A

173 / 200

The unit ―henry‖ is equivalent to:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Volt-second/ampere
B) Volt/second
C) Ohm
D) Ampere volt/ second

174 / 200

The temperature coefficient of resistance of a semiconductor is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Positive
B) Negative
C) Imaginary
D) Zero

175 / 200

In Young‘s double slit experiment both the separation between the slits and the distance between the slits and the screen are halved; then the fringe width is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Halved
B) Unchanged
C) Doubled
D) Zeros

176 / 200

The value of work done by the spring force may be:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Positive
B) Negative
C) Zero
D) All of the above options are correct

177 / 200

Intrinsic semi-conductor can be converted into extrinsic semi-conductor by adding:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Trivalent impurity
B) Pentavalent impurity
C) Pentavalent or trivalent impurities
D) None of the above

178 / 200

Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the smallest wavelength?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) X-rays
B) Gamma rays
C) Microwaves
D) Ultraviolet rays

179 / 200

A weight suspended from an ideal spring oscillates up and down with a period T. If the amplitude of the oscillation is doubled, the period will be:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) T
B) 1
C) 2T
D) T

180 / 200

Nuclear fusion in the sun is increasing in supply of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Hydrogen
B) Helium
C) Nucleons
D) Positrons

181 / 200

In a purely resistive circuit the current:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Leads the voltage by one-half of a cycle
B) Leads the voltage by one-fourth of a cycle
C) Leads the voltage by one-half of a cycle
D) Is in phase with the voltage

182 / 200

A child, riding on a large merry-go-round, travels a distance of 3000m in a circle of diameter 40m. the total angle through which she revolves is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) SO rad
B) 75 rad
C) 150 rad
D) 314 rad

183 / 200

Becquerel is the unit of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Decay constant
B) Half life
C) Mean life
D) Activity

184 / 200

Which of the following is closest to a yard:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 0.01 m
B) 0.1 m
C) 1 m
D) 100 m

185 / 200

When the source is at the centre of the circle and the observer is moving on the circumference of circle, the sound heard by observer

ETEA 2016
Wave Motion and Sound
Doppler Effect
Elimination Tool:

A) Same
B) Different
C) Increasing
D) Decreasing

186 / 200

A laser beam can be sharply focused because it is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Highly coherent
B) Plane polarized
C) Intense
D) Highly directional

187 / 200

To obtain greater dispersion by a diffraction grating:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) The slit width should be increased
B) The slit width should be decreased
C) The slit separation should be increased
D) The slit separation should be decreased

188 / 200

A heat engine:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Converts heat input to an equivalent amount of work
B) Converts work to an equivalent amount of heat
C) Takes heat in, doeswork, and loses energy as heat
D) Uses positive work done on the system to transfer heat from a low temperature reservoir to a high temperature reservoir

189 / 200

Water flows from a 6.0cm diameter pipe into 8.0cm diameter pipe. The speed in the 6.0cm pipe is 5.0m/s. the speed in the 8cm pipe is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 2.8m/s
B) 3.7m/s
C) 6.6m/s
D) 8.8m/s

190 / 200

The colour of thin films is a result of:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Dispersion
B) Absorption of light
C) Scattering of light
D) None of the above

191 / 200

An electron has charge-e- and mass m. A proton has charge e and mass 1840m. A “Proton volt” is equal to:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

192 / 200

A moving charged particle is surrounded by?

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 1 fields
B) 3 fields
C) 2 fields
D) 4 fields

193 / 200

A wheel starts from rest and has an angular acceleration of 4.0 rad/s2. When it has made 10 rev its angular velocity is:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 16 rad/s
B) 22 rad/s
C) 32 rad/s
D) 250 rad/s

194 / 200

In water pipes _______ is used to detect leakages.

ETEA 2016
Nuclear Physics
Biological Effects and Uses of Radiation
Elimination Tool:

A) Radiation
B) Light
C) Current
D) None of these options are correct

195 / 200

Two objects, P and Q have the same momentum. Q has more kinetic energy than P if it:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Weighs more than P
B) Is moving faster than P
C) Weighs the same as P
D) Is moving slower than P

196 / 200

The number of ejected photoelectrons increases with increase.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) In intensity of flight
B) In wavelength of light
C) In frequency of light
D) Never

197 / 200

You stand on a spring scale on the floor of an elevator. Of the following, the scale shows the highest reading when the elevator:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) Moves upward with increasing speed
B) Moves upward with decreasing speed
C) Remains stationary
D) Moves downward with increasing speed

198 / 200

Stationary waves are result of ___________ traveling in opposite direction waves.

ETEA 2016
Wave Motion and Sound
Stationary Waves
Elimination Tool:

A) Identical
B) Different
C) Any of Option A or B
D) Stationary waves cannot be formed

199 / 200

In stationary waves:

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) There is not transfer of energy
B) Energy is constant at all points
C) Phase is the same for all points
D) both (a) & (b)

200 / 200

Read the statement carefully and choose the correct option.

ETEA 2016
Elimination Tool:

A) 80Hz
B) 800Hz
C) 8000Hz
D) 50Hz

Your score is

The average score is 43%


Overall, the best MDCAT book for you will depend on your individual learning style and the specific topics you need to focus on. It’s a good idea to use multiple resources, such as books, practice tests, and online resources, to prepare for the MDCAT exam.

The Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT) is an essential exam for students in Pakistan who wish to pursue a career in medicine. MDCAT past papers are the best source for MDCAT entry test preparations. You can get all the Solved and download the MDCAT past papers from the PLS MCQs Bank website. MDCAT past papers are provided with MCQ answers. PakLearningSpot is a well-known educational institute in Pakistan that offers MDCAT preparation books. The PLS MDCAT books cover all the important topics for the MDCAT test, including past papers, practice MCQs, and mock tests.

Prepare for MDCAT Exam

Khyber Medical University KMU ETEA Peshawar Conducts MDCAT exams for KPK FSC Pre Medical students. KMU All the Government Sector / Public Medical and Dental colleges offering MBBS and BDS degrees in KPK are affiliated with KMU Peshawar. Bacha Khan Medical College Mardan Bannu Medical College Gajju Khan Medical College Swabi Gomal Medical College Khyber Girls Medical College Peshawar Khyber Medical College Peshawar KMU Institute of Medical Sciences Kohat Nowshera Medical College Saidu Medical College Swat are under KMU.

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