Biology Enzymes FSC MCQs


1. Biological molecules (proteins) which catalyze a biochemical reaction and remain unchanged after completion of reaction are called
A. Cofactor B. Coenzymes
C. Activator D. Enzymes
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2. Which statement about enzyme is incorrect:
A. Some of them consist solely of protein with no non protein part. B. They catalyze a chemical reaction without being utilized.
C. All enzymes are fibrous Proteins. D. They without their cofactor are called apoenzyme.
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In which of the following location enzymes controlling cellular respiration are present?
A. Nucleus B. Chlorophast
C. Milochondria D. Ribosome
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An activated enzyme consisting of polypeptide chain and a cofactor is called:
A. Apoenzyme B. Holoenzyme
C. Activated enzyme D. Both b and c
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Which one forms the raw material for coenzymes?
A. Vitamins B. Carbohydrates
C. Proteins D. Metals
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A cofactor made of inorganic ion which is detachable is called
A. Prosthetic group B. Coenzyme
C. Activator D. Cofactor
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Enzymes _________ the activation energy of a chemical reaction
A. Increases B. Decreases
C. Does not effect D. Increases or decreases depending upon individual enzyme
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A three dimensional dcavity bearing a specific charge by which the enzyme reacts with its substrate is called
A. Active site B. Binding site
C. Catalytic site D. Allosteric site
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Which step causes activation of catalytic site of an enzyme?
A. Change in pH of the surroundings. B. Formation of Enzyme Susstrate complex.
C. Change in the charge of the active site. D. Change in temperature
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Lock and Key model was proposed by
A. Emil Fischer B. Koshland
C. Robin Williams D. Rudolph Virchow
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