Computer Sciences MCQs Chapter 4 Class 12

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Created on By Ali Durrani

Computer Sciences Ch 4 Class 12

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1 / 20

4. In 3NF, a non-key attribute must not depend on a(n)

2 / 20

11. A functional dependency between two or more non-key attributes in a relation is called

3 / 20

7. problems occurs when two different names are used for the same information?

4 / 20

13. Integrity is concerned with the (

5 / 20

8. problems occurs when same name is used for two different attributes:

6 / 20

17. If a relation is in INF and the key consists of a single attributes then the relation is called.

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12. Data integrity is another form of data

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15. In which of the following normal forms, any repeating group from the table is removed?

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2. How many types of data integrity are there?

10 / 20

3. The constraint states that in a relation no primary key value can have a null value.

11 / 20

1. In 3NF, which form of dependency is removed? (

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10. The process of converting complex data structure into simple and stable data structure is called: a –

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20. A process of analyzing the dependencies of attributes with in entities is called

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9. problems occurs when same information is stored in two different ways:

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18. If the value of a non-key attribute can be obtained simply by knowing the values of another non-key attribute, the relation is not in: (

16 / 20

14. A foreign key constraint is also called

17 / 20

5. Different attributes in two different tables having same name are referred to as (

18 / 20

6. Referential integrity is applied on

19 / 20

16. A relation is in second normal form if and only if:

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19. A process in which it is being ensured that attributes are stored from where they belong

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