Computer Sciences MCQs Chapter 14 Class 12

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Created on By Ali Durrani

Computer Sciences Ch 14 Class 12

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1 / 20

8. To store data for future use it must be stored on

2 / 20

19. In text file, data is stored in:

3 / 20

3. On successfully closing a file , the fclose( ) returns:

4 / 20

Which of the following mode open only an existing file for both reading and writing?

5 / 20

10. A logical interface to a file is called

6 / 20

1. A file is stored in

7 / 20

9. A collection of related records is called

8 / 20

17. In text stream characters have correspondence

9 / 20

7.function is used to write a string to a file:

10 / 20

II. A stream is associated with a file using and operaton

11 / 20

16. In file handling sequence of characters refers to

12 / 20

13. function is used as formatted output file function:

13 / 20

2. Which of the following function is used to write a string to a file?

14 / 20

12. function is used to read a single character from a file at a time:

15 / 20

4. An array subscript should be a) int c) double

16 / 20

20. is true about a stream:

17 / 20

18. In binary stream bytes have correspondence

18 / 20

14. If programs get input data from data file and also send output into data file. It is called:

19 / 20

5. A data file a stored in:

20 / 20

15. There are types of streams

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